Partners by Chance

By MigaspinCasterwill

4.1K 115 16

After the defeating Miraculous Queen, Marinette Dupain-Cheng finds herself hopeless. Master Fu's memory was e... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Aftermath
Chapter 2 - Sharing feelings
Chapter 3 - Threats
Chapter 4 - The Justiceer
Chapter 5 - Do you ever plan your future?
Chapter 6 - Vain and False
Chapter 7 - The Two are now One
Chapter 8 - Silencer and Riposter
Chapter 10 - The Master and the Apprentice
Chapter 11 - Little Kitty on the Roof
Chapter 12 - We're just friends
Chapter 13 - The ladybug and the moth
Chapter 14 - How did we get here?
Chapter 15 - Sunny Sunday Morning
Chapter 16 - Trapped, like a fox
Chapter 17 - Dinner at Agreste's? Sure
Chapter 18 - No more secrets, at last
Chapter 19 - The plan
Chapter 20 - Flashback
Chapter 21 - The Library
Chapter 22 - Do you like irony?
Chapter 23 - Wanna play 'Cat n Moth'?
Chapter 24 - The Aftermath (Again)
Chapter 25 - Chrysalis
Final Note
Announcement! Lovers by Choice is out!

Chapter 9 - Tikki, spots off

139 3 0
By MigaspinCasterwill


That wasn't good. That wasn't good at all.

The Pont des Arts was cracked in the middle and Chat was nowhere to be seen.

"CHAT NOIR!" she screamed, without any answer.

She picked up her yo-yo, opened in it half and waited for a small tube to come out. She put the I've in her mouth and jumped to the river. Once she was under water, she heard two splashes. Rena and Carapace should have followed her.

She swam to the bottom of the river where she saw several rocks and, under one, a black arm could be seen. It was Chat.

The Miraculous should have saved him. Even if he was unconscious, he wouldn't chooke and die, but that didn't mean she could waste her time getting him out of there, also because she didn't want to was time. Soon, Chat would return to normal.

Unfortunately, Riposter and Silencer didn't have the same luck. They weren't traped under stone, and they were swiming back to surface.

Ladybug made a gesture, telling Rena Rouge and Carapace to handle them while Marinette would free Chat.

She used her yo-yo to pull the rock and free Chat, that was completely knocked down.

After pulling him back to surface, Ladybug took cover so she could tend to Chat.

"Chat. Chat! CHAT!" she said.

Chat Noir groaned.

"Hey! How are you?" she said in a soft voice, the same voice she uses to talk when she is not Ladybug.

"Mhm... Ma-Marinette?" he said without opening is eyes.

The will to swear came again... How did he find out?

Then Chat opened his eyes and saw not Marinette, but Ladybug.

"L-Ladybug? I... I could swear I heard Marinette..." he said.

"No time right now, Chat Noir. We have a pair of villains to defeat." she told him.

"Oh, yes." he said "So... Did you get help?

"Yeah." she replied "Rena and Carapace are entertaining our guests while you recover the energy from your Miraculous."

By her face, he had totally forgot the fact he had just a few seconds to hide. He ran to behind a tree, while Marinette moved her head away and watched the battle.

Rena and Carapace were entertaining Riposter and Silencer very well indeed. They even haven't used their powers yet, but they were clearly with the upper hand. They knew each other's moves, they could talk with each other's eyes, read each other's voices... They were the perfect duo.

"Ready." said Chat "Are you coming?"

Marinette didn't know what made her say the next thing, but she did like it.

"Well, if you're going I want to go too." said her as she winked to Chat.

Obviously, she was falling for Chat, and not for Luka. But Chat had this other girl he liked... It was so confusing...

"Before we to, don't you want to try your lucky charm again?" asked Chat.

Marinette threw her yo-yo in the air.

"Lucky Charm!" she screamed.

And a real size mannequin felt in her hands.

"Wow... This one is heavy." struggled Marinette to say.

"Any idea what do make with that?" asked Chat.

She looked around and the pieces started fitting together. If she put the mannequin in the bridge and asked Rena to make it look like herself as Marinette, they would get distracted and stealing the ticket would be easy.

Of course it was easier said then done, but they managed to do that.

After Riposter was distracted Carapace covered Ladybug and Chat Noir that, together, took the ticket from Riposter.

Finally Chat used his cataclysm to destroy it and Ladybug grabbed her yo-yo.

"No more evil doing for you, little akuma." said her as she opened the yo-yo and the akuma was flying away.

She swang her yo-yo, aiming the akuma.

"Time to devilize!" she said, as she captured the akuma, releasing a white butterfly "Bye bye little butterfly."

She then threw the mannequin, at great cost, in the air, activating her power "Miraculous Ladybug", and repairing all damage.

It was at last, over.


Ladybug saved, once again, the day. But the battle wasn't still over.

As he ran to detransform back to Chat Noir and finding Marinette by the way, saying that she saw the battle was over and was trying to get to Luka and Kagami as fast as she could.

Kagami and Lula were only half conscious yet, but they recovered soon, without remembering anything.

"Wh-what happened?" asked Luka to Marinette.

She crouched and grabbed his hand. Her eyes were sad, sadder than Adrien ever saw.

"I'm sorry Luka... I'm sorry if I hurt you. What happened wasn't a romantic thing, me and Adrien are good friends, I assure you." she said in the soft and attractive voice of hers.

Adrien felt in the need of do the same, just so nobody suspected.

"I'm sorry too Kagami. As Marinette said, were just friends. I hope you can forgive me." he said, trying to not sound too fake.

She smiled and looked at him. She had beautiful eyes. Almost as... No, as beautiful as... No, more beautiful than Marinette's. He never noticed that, what else did he miss?

He looked at the ground and found the four tickets. They all said the movie started at six forty five. It was seven. They would only have missed the ads.

"Hey, the tickets are fine! Wanna watch the movie?" he asked.

Everyone agreed. And so they were.

Marinette and Adrien

After the movie, the four lovebirds left the theatre. They all enjoyed the movie a lot, but Marinette's mind was full with a matter she had to settle.

"So... Want me to take you home?" asked Luka.

Now, that was a pleasant surprise, and Marinette needed all her strength to do what she must.

"I would love to, but I have to talk with Adrien first about one thing. Give us just a minute."

He was clearly upset with that. Two times in one day, Adrien was above him, or so he thought.

Adrien on the other hand, didn't ask Kagami to take her home. He enjoyed the date but... He didn't feel it...

And then, Marinette approached Adrien, to which Kagami looked with sad eyes.

"Adrien, I need to talk with you for five minutes." she said.

"Yeah... S-sure?" he replied timidly.

They moved away a bit so Marinette could speak her heart.

"I... I don't know how to start this..." she began "You are one of my dearest friends. You are one of the people I would do anything to see happy..."

"But..." said Adrien sadly.

"But I only see you like a friend. I finally only see you only as a friend." she replied.

Adrien didn't need her to repeat, "finally" meant he wasted maybe years with her for his obliviousness, for his stupid crush with a super heroine.

"I'm trying to make things work with Luka, I thought you were trying to make things work with Kagami... I didn't know..." she tried to say.

"I-I'm trying to make things work with Kagami too." he interrupted "I don't see what's the point of this conversation yet."

"Well, the point is: I think that, for the good of both of our relationships, we should stop seeing each other for some time."

The news were already expected, that was why Adrien didn't cry or moan. He knew it was coming, so he could handle it better.

"I agree. It's for the best."

And then he hugged her. They hugged not like two friends do for a farewell, but as two lovers do when they are separated by destiny. The saddest hug there was...


Alya was in her room, with her pc with s thousand pages open. She was managing more things than a regular human being should be capable of managing at the same time, but it seemed that the more things she had to do, the better she did them.

Nothing could distract her, not even her favourite super hero knocking at her window.

It took two screams from Ladybug for Alya to see her. She quickly opened the window and let Ladybug in.

"Hey girl, I know me and Nino forgot the give you the miraculous back." said, thinking that she knew the reason why Ladybug was there "But don't worry I have the right he-"

"Actually, one of the things I wanted to talk to you about is that you should keep the miraculous. Me and Chat could use some help." she declared.

Alya was on the clouds. She could keep the miraculous and help Ladybug and Chat Noir whenever they needed help! So great!!!

"Thank you so so so so much!!!" she yelled. Alya was over the moon with this new information "But wait, you said 'one of the things'?"

Ladybug looked down, like if she was ashamed. She took a deep breath and said:

"Alright, I'll show you the second thing, but you have to promise you're not going to be mad."

"I will never be mad." said Alya.

Again, Ladybug took a deep breath, closed her eyes and then opened them again.

"Tikki, spots off." she said, deactivating her miraculous.

Tikki flew out of the earrings as the mask and the costume started to disappear.

Behind the mask, a girl with dark hair and blue eyes appeared. As much as she would like to deny it, she was pretty, she had a kind heart and was very intelligent. Behind the mask, there was Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"Hey, Alya." she said.

"Hey, Marinette." said Alya, like if she have done that several times before.

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