Second First Chances

By writer_reader2012

684 114 136

Sometimes, life gets in the way of our love. Or is true love always meant to be? How unconditional can love b... More

Author's Note
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter One

81 12 22
By writer_reader2012

As I entered the café, I spot Seth sitting on one of the bar stools engrossed in his phone. He looked up, towards the door as I entered because of the sound of the bell, the familiar smell of coffee hitting me instantly. He hurriedly kept his phone down and rushed to hug me, almost picking me up in his arms.

"Blimey! I can't believe I finally get to see you", he said hugging me tighter.
"Me too", I said hugging him back.
"I have missed you so much", he said parting away but still holding me by the arms.
"You look so different", he added.
"So do you. I am sure Sharon couldn't resist your charms much longer", I said slyly.
"Did you talk to her?" he said making a puzzled face on understanding my insinuation.
"No, Mum, told me that you two got together at the start of freshman year."
"Yeah, I still can't believe it. Anyways, we have so much to talk about. I have taken your usual chai tea to go. I hope you still like it. Let's go to the steps?" He said.
"I have been dying to have Bistro's chai tea for so long. Let's go."

Seth picked up his things and handed me my chai tea. We were walking towards our usual spot. It was the steps that led to a park that we have been going to since we were kids. That's where I met him for the first time 10 years ago, never knowing then that he will become one of my best friends.

"So, it's been almost two hours since I messaged you, I am sure the entire university knows that I am back by now!" I say to him as we sit on the steps, mentally face-palming myself at my miserable attempt to indirectly ask about Liam.
"I texted Sharon. She hasn't read it yet. She is busy, you know, medicine can be a tough field.." He said.
"Yeah", I smiled at him and sipped my tea silently not knowing how to talk about Liam.

"You know it's not a crime to want to know about him." Seth says, breaking the silence, looking at the kids on the swings in the park.
My heart sinks.
"What?" I said trying to act oblivious.
"I will be a miserable friend if I didn't know how he is the only person on your mind right now. I know you missed all of us too and I am hurt. I thought you'd call us at least once a month and all we got from your end was silence. I know we haven't talked in these three years but I know you, kiddo. I know both of you and I know right now that you are hyperventilating on the inside thinking about what it will be like seeing him again." He said averting his gaze from the kids on the swings, directly looking at me.

I hugged him while blinking faster, trying  to stop myself from crying just yet.
"I am so sorry Seth. I really am." I continue breaking the hug and looking at him, "There was so much going on and there were months before I could even deal with the whole thing. There were so many times that I wanted to call. Heck, I almost boarded a train to here once. But I needed space from all this. That one night changed everything for me and I knew that I just had to be on my own for a while now. Every time I thought about talking to you or Sharon, I knew I would just be reminded about everything and I was basically a coward. I am sorry."

"Hey, hey" Seth says taking out a handkerchief, handing it to me to wipe my tears. "It's alright. I understand. Everyone was grieving their own way. I just wished I was there to help you. It's alright. And when we are talking about trains, I came to Cambridge once, right before I was about to ask Sharon out. I needed help and I felt so clueless but then I saw you and you were laughing with some friends. I didn't screw it up for you so I left. Trust me, I understand. I am just happy that you are back now." He finished as he gave me a side hug.

"Thank you, I love you. You are the best."
"I am glad Liam is not here to listen to that." He said winking playfully.
I chuckled. Seth has always known whenever something bothered me. He was like a twin, telepathically always knowing when I am upset, annoying me as all brothers do but at the same time being protective of me.

I can still remember how annoyed Liam was when we first met Seth. He almost punched Seth in the face when Seth accidentally hit me with his bicycle. Seth was so scared of Liam that he couldn't stop apologizing. I remember asking him, much to Liam's annoyance, if he wanted to hang out with us. He shook my hand and said, "I promise this is the first and the last time I hurt you."
He stuck by his words.

We became best friends after that bike incident in the park and they both have been pranking each other since, like brothers. I remember how Seth asked me for the first dance at homecoming. Liam didn't say anything but I knew he would have hit Seth that day. Seth, of course, did it to piss off Liam intentionally. I smiled at all the memories wishing the present was as simple as the past.

"So, umm, does he know?" I ask him, finally give in, as I shake away the nostalgia.
"Yeah, I messaged him as soon as I got your text." Seth said.
"Did he say anything?" I ask terrified to know the answer.
"He hasn't replied back."
"He probably hasn't read it yet." I say trying to rationalize it all in my head.
"Oh, He has read it, alright!" Seth said with an it's-trouble expression on his face.
"H-How do you know?"
"Because Dylan messaged me a few minutes ago saying that Liam hasn't stopped his warm-up run for the past hour." Seth said air quoting "warm-up run".

I, unconsciously, bury my head in my palms trying to comprehend everything going through Liam's mind right now.
"He will be fine. Don't worry." Seth said trying to assure me.
I break down again.
"I don't know if I am ready to face him yet", I say lifting my face up trying to hold the tears back in.
"I know, I know" Seth said wrapping an arm around me trying to calm me.
"I don't even know how I feel about all of this. I missed home and I missed everyone but I am not sure that I am ready for all that it takes to come to terms with what happened that night," I continue.
"It's alright. There are a lot of things that you need to sort out and it will take time. You can't be ready just like that but you are here and that's a step", Seth paused and looks away, back to the kids on the swings before continuing in a very soft painful voice, "He is not the same, you know."
"Nothing is, Seth", I say resting my head on his shoulders sipping the chai tea.
"Except for this cup of tea, maybe" I said. He chuckled and continued to tell me how things have been the past three years.

We talked for hours catching up. I could tell that he was purposely avoiding mentioning Liam altogether in the conversation.
"I am so happy you and Sharon are together. I can't believe you finally had the guts to ask her!!"
"You should have seen me that day, Kiera. I was sweating through my shirt and she was so mean. She took this long pause before answering me. It was like having a heart attack."
"O C'mon, she liked you since the two of you met. It was just a matter of either of you confessing it up."
"I didn't have you to support me and Liam was being himself; scaring me and making me more nervous than I thought was possible."

I smiled. Sharon met the three of us 8 years ago when her family moved in next to Seth's. The both of them became one of those people who were almost dating, the one the entire world knows about except them. I am so happy that they are finally together.
"Now, don't go on saying sorry again." He says as he looks at my saddened face.
"I'll try not to." I say smiling at his attempt to cheer me up.
"Well, as much as I want to stay here, I have a lecture in 20 minutes and the Queen's is a walk from here" Seth said getting up.
"Yeah, I will walk with you till Bodleian. I need to go Trinity. My car's parked there."
"Hey, I almost forgot, Mum has invited you all for dinner since I am back. Be there at 6 and please tell Sharon too. I don't have her new contact number." I say as we are walking towards the library.
"Okay, cool"

We walked silently for a few minutes until we had to part ways when Seth said, "Hey K, I didn't wanna say anything but he'll be somewhere near the building. That's where he plays football."
Suddenly, my mood resets and my hearts starts beating faster. I gulped. This was too soon; I am not ready to face him yet, not like this.

Will I ever be ready?
"It'll be fine. Don't worry. DO you want me to come with you?" He says assuring me when he sees my, from what I assume, I-have-just-seen-a-ghost face.
"No no, don't be silly. I'll be fine. Thanks though" I say trying to act normal.
"Alright, I will see you for dinner then. Good luck" He said winking and parting his way.

I continued down the road silently praying that I don't see him.


Author's Note:

Hello Everyone, 
Thank you for being here. This is my first attempt at sharing a story.
Here is the very first chapter of the story. I know that it can feel very confusing and abrupt but do read the following parts and give Liam and Kiera a chance.
The story will unfold slowly and you will get to see things clearly.

I hope you like it.
Happy Reading ❤❤

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