Lovely ~ Shinkami ~ BNHA

By DabiLeftEar

13.5K 274 376

Shinsou recently transferred to Class 1A and his dorm neighbor is Denki. One night he hears a crash and goes... More

The Idiot Next Door
Spoiler for the story!
Knew it
Anything For You, Lovely One
Ducks & Brownies
Star-lit Singing
AN Explanation

This Can't Go On

1.5K 34 28
By DabiLeftEar

Shinsou walked up to Denki and sat on his bed with him.

"I'm so sorry, Shinsou."

Denki started to open up to Shinsou and told him about how he had been bullied about his stupidity for a long time, and about how he was adopted, since he was abandoned. He had started binge eating from being upset all the time.

"Before enrolling into UA, I felt like enough was enough. I had went on a diet to try and lose the weight. It was very healthy at first, but started to get out of control when I wanted faster results."

Denki looked at the floor, seeming to remember an exact memory, not just the story that Shinsou was being told.

"I was at a normal and healthy weight when my time at UA started, but the way I had gotten to that weight wasn't healthy. I wasn't satisfied with myself. Although now I'm away from my bullies, I feel like their just around the corner. Like my friends will hate me. They'll find any reason to hate me, especially if I'm ugly.

I could feel myself slipping out of control when I started getting worse grades. Everything is fuzzy now and it's hard to remember what's going on. I have never had breakfast here before. Only lunch a few times. But week day dinners with the bakusquad have always happened. I don't burn off the food I eat with them, well, only a few times. 

Mina caught onto what I was doing. She's always making sure I eat enough at dinner. Then she told Uraraka and Tsu with my permission. They've been trying to help me, but I'm just getting worse."

Denki laid his head on Shinsou's shoulder. He sighed again.

"The night you came into my dorm, I was weighing myself and had fallen off. I was exercising a lot that night. Shinsou, I feel so disgusted with myself. I have to fix me. I know it's not healthy, but I'm gonna be so much better afterwards."

Shinsou didn't want to tell Denki the truth.

"Denki, this is a very dangerous addiction. If you keep this up, you will die. This can't go on."

Shinsou hugged Denki very tightly. Denki cried into his jacket. Shinsou felt his small body. He was so worried about him. Shinsou stroked Denki's hair.

"We have to tell Mr. Aizawa. He will help you. You will feel good again. "

Shinsou told him in the sweetest way he could.

"Shinsou, do you know what they do to people with eating disorders?"

"They take you to therapy?"

"They take you to a hospital. A whole branch meant just for people like me. They make you eat so that you gain. You're be all alone, reversing all of your hard work, and are pulled away from your life. It's a nightmare."

Denki cried even more. He must have researched into it. Shinsou hoped they could help Denki without sending him away.

"Then you better try hard to let us help you. If you don't eat here at UA, then you will have to go there."

Shinsou felt denki hug him tighter. He knew this scared Denki so much. But if he was scared and knew Shinsou was serious, then Denki would eat again.

"Okay. I'll try."

Denki let go of Shinsou and laid back down. Denki was still crying, but very quietly now. Shinsou now saw how everything was making sense now. The glazed over look Denki always had in his eyes, and the nervousness around food. It also explained Denki's weird skin. It was yellowish and sickly looking. Shinsou knew Denki was very sick. Maybe even too sick for him and Mina to help.



"I believe in you. Thank you for telling me your story."

Denki blushed and let a small smile emerge.

"You're welcome, silly boy."

Shinsou felt his face get very hot.

"I'll be right back. I'm gonna go talk to Mina."


Shinsou left the room. Mina was walking to the common area and hadn't seen Shinsou.


She turned around, surprised.

"Oh hey, Shinsou. How'd it go?"

"He told me the story about it and about the place in hospitals for people like him. Denki said he'll try to get better here at UA first."

"Good thing he told you. I'm glad he said he'll try. But we need tell Mr. Aizawa."

"Yes, we do. I'll tell him in the morning. "

"I'll come with you. It should be after class. "

"No need. Mr.Aizawa is my dad. I should tell him in my own, to convince him to let Denki stay here."

Mina was very surprised. She looked him up and down. Then she nodded.

"Yeah, I see how he's your dad. Good luck. We should get denki to eat now, since he'll probably be too scared to eat breakfast."

They walked back to Denki's room. Mina looked a bit shaken. She knocked.

"Hey, Denki? Me and Shinsou want to talk to you out here."

Denki came but just stared at the floor. Mina and Denki hugged immediately.

"I'm so sorry, Denki. I shouldn't have  been so harsh on you."

"It's okay, Mina. I was mean too. I'm sorry."

They released the hug and Mina smiled at him. Denki returned with a very small smile. Denki looked at Shinsou and they hugged. Shinsou didn't know why they were hugging, he but didn't mind it.

'Denki is going to be taken away because of you'
'this is his goodbye to you'
'you're sending him to his worst nightmare'

Shinsou stumbled backwards out of the hug. Denki stared at him, eyes wide.

"I'm sorry. Let's just go."

They sat down at the common area and talked to Denki about Mr. Aizawa. Denki didn't want Mr.Aizawa to know at all, but Shinsou said that it wasn't a negotiation. Mina talked to him more and how they were going to help him, while Shinsou went to cut an apple. He peeled it too, so that it would be very tasty to Denki. Shinsou didn't add on peanut butter since he didn't know how Denki would react to that.

"Hey, I'm back. Got some apple for Denki."

He put down the plate. Denki stared at it while they talked more. Shinsou and Mina talked about what Mr.Aizawa could say. Shinsou brung up the possibility that he might just send Denki to the hospital first thing.

Denki seemed very worried about this. Surprisingly, Shinsou saw Denki take one of the apple slices and nibble on it. Shinsou had never felt more proud than ever before.

'at least he's trying'

It was 10:45 when Denki had ate all of the apple and they had talked through all the possibilities and the plan if Mr.Aizawa said yes to them trying to help Denki. Mina said that she'd talk to the rest of the bakusquad. Denki said everybody but Bakugo. It was very understandable. Bakugo was hot-headed and Denki didn't know him very well.

Denki slept in Shinsou's room with him, in case Denki thought of any way to take away the calories of the apple. 

~6:30 in the morning~
Shinsou woke up and checked the time. 6:30 was the perfect time to talk to his dad.

"Hey, Denki. I'm gonna go talk to Mr Aizawa. I'll be back soon to wake you up officially."

Shinsou told Denki, poking his face.

"Oh okay, silly boy..."

Shinsou blushed at the nickname. Denki yawned, then fell right back asleep. Shinsou was quite jealous of how fast he could fall asleep.

Shinsou went to his own room and changed into his uniform. He hands were shaky and he was sweaty. He was scared that his dad wouldn't listen to him and take Denki. Shinsou knew that Denki needed professional help, but maybe only a therapist? Not to go to a hospital?

He took in a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Hey, it's Shinsou. Can I come in?"

"Yeah. But your father is still sleeping."

Shinsou went inside. Mr. Aizawa was at his work desk as usual. He was organizing today's assignments.

"I need to talk to you about something serious. It's about Denki Kaminari."

He looked up at Shinsou. Sighing, he went over to the couch. It had a white cat on top, her name was ichigo.

"I don't care if you're dating him."

Shinsou had came out to him years ago. His dad said he already knew. It was pretty obvious.

"N-No! We're not dating! This is much more serious! It's about his eating habits."

Mr.Aizawa's face went from tired to extremely serious very fast. Did Mr. Aizawa know about this? He must have noticed Denki's weight loss over the last few months.

Shinsou explained to him the story but left out the details. He also told Mr. Aizawa about Mina and they're plan to help Denki.


His dad covered up his face. Shinsou had never seen anything like this before. Throughout the whole time, he hadn't spoken.

"You have 3 weeks to help him. It's he's not 75 lbs by that Monday, he's going to a hospital."

"How much does that mean he needs to gain?"

"A week ago he was 68 lbs when we did the instructed wellness exams. You do the math. I'll train him not as hard and tell the other students he's having some sickness. The other teachers will be informed of my decision. I'll be watching the security camera's at the times you told me he would be eating. I wish you luck, Shinsou. I hope you can help him."

Mr. Aizawa and Shinsou hugged before he left.

"Thank you and I love you."

Shinsou said as he walked out. He stopped.

"Love you too."

Shinsou continued walking. He knew that his dad was really a softie and was quite sweet. But he was also very protective.

"Good morning, Denki."

Shinsou pat his head.

"It's time to get ready for school."

Denki opened his eyes and yawned. Once he saw Shinsou, Denki had a bit of light in his eyes. He got out of bed quickly and Changed in his own bathroom.

"How are you feeling about today?"

Shinsou asked Denki when he came out of the bathroom. Denki walked up to Shinsou and put his hand on his face.

"Thank you, Shinsou. You've done so much for me."

Denki hugged him at the waist before they walked out together.

Mina, Denki, and Shinsou ate breakfast together. Denki ate slow, but they had plenty of time before other people arrived for breakfast before class.

When they got into the classroom, Mr. Aizawa was going through a presentation for the 1st period.

"Shinsou, stay here."

Mr. Aizawa said when class has ended.  Shinsou nodded to Denki before walking over to his dad's desk.

"Denki eat breakfast?"


"All going well with you?"

"Mostly, yeah."

"You forget to talk your pills this morning?" You looked nervous the whole class period."


"Go take them and head to your next class. I'll email your father that you might be late."

Shinsou nodded his head and walked out. PresentMic taught English and Reading. Shinsou went back to his dorm room and took the pills. He pet pumpkin before leaving.

~Time skip to lunch~

"I told the rest of the bakusquad."

Mina said to Shinsou as she ran up to him. She had her hand on his shoulder. Shinsou's heart beat faster and he moved a bit away from her.

"G-Good. Have you seen Denki?"

Her hand was off of him now.

"No. He's always in his dorm at lunch. In the plan he doesn't eat lunch yet, but he still needs to be sitting with us at lunch."

"Maybe we should wait until tomorrow. He did eat breakfast, and it's been a rough day already for him. You know he's going through a lot."

Shinsou saw how Denki was acting all day. He was trying to stay calm, but it was obvious that he was jittery and anxious. Shinsou was so worried about Denki. What if he changed his mind? What if he had a panic attack or something?

"Okay then. I'll go with him in his dorm after I get my lunch."

Mina insisted to Shinsou. Shinsou rolled his eyes at her.

"No, I'm going with Denki. I sit alone every day and don't take forever to eat my food. I've seen how late you are sometimes to 5th period."

Mina huffed and crossed her arms at him.

"Fine then. I'll see you later."

Shinsou didn't care that she was irritated at him. He got his food, ate, then went to go talk to Denki.

Shinsou knocked twice on Denki's door.

"W-Who is it?"

"It's Shinsou."

The door unlocked and was opened slightly. Shinsou saw his tear-filled eyes.

"Are you okay?"

Denki let him in and they sat on his bed together.

"I don't know if I can do this. It's gonna take me so long, and it's so hard. I'd be fine staying like this.'

Shinsou put his arm around him.

"It'll be so worth it in the end. How you are now isn't healthy. I believe in you, Denki."

The blonde looked up into his eyes. They both blushed a little.

"Thank you, Shinsou."

"You're welcome. And no, you don't have to come with me to the lunch room. We'll do that tomorrow."

For the rest of the lunch period, they talked and Denki even smiled a little.

"C'mon, we're gonna be late for class!"

Shinsou said as he dragged Denki to the door.

"I know, I know, silly boy."

He stood up straight and smiled playfully at Shinsou. They went through the door and rushed to class.

2265 words!

I know it was still sad, but more fun times coming! I hope you enjoyed the dad-zawa moments. Tell me, who do you ship Mina with? Totally just wondering... Please tell me if I made any mistakes!  I hope you enjoyed reading & Thank you!

Love you power! 💕

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