How I Met My Princess

By littlemissgotham

991 26 7

Niall Horan fanfiction. Title basically says it all. More

Chapter I
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9: The Date
Chapter 10: Goodbye
Chapter 12: The Best Thing
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Filler
Hanging Out With 5 Seconds Of Summer
I Miss You
Lazy Day
Ex - Boyfriend
Welcome Back
4 Months - The Date
It's Time!!!??

Chapter 11: The Mean Girl

20 1 0
By littlemissgotham

Chapter 11 *Edited*

Megan's POV

So as of a week ago today I've been officially dating Niall Horan. It's so surreal I never thought this day would come, I've wanted this to happen for years now. I haven't gotten any hate yet, but it's only the beginning. The only person who's ever been mean to me was a girl named Holly Smith. We went to high school together and now college. We've never been friends she's always hated me. She's rude and ignorant, speaking of the bitch here she comes now. Normally she walks past me but today she stops right in front of me.

"What do you want Holly?" "Whoa can I not just say hey." "No, because you don't like me and I don't like you." I started to walk away but she stepped right in front of me. "Okay fine then, so your dating Niall Horan right?" "Ummm, how did you hear about that." "How can you not, it's all over twitter." I looked down at my phone seeing some pictures of Niall and me kissing outside of the venue. I kept scrolling when I didn't realize she was still talking. "How much did you pay him?" "What are you talking about?"

"Oh don't play stupid you know exactly what I'm talking about." I gave her a confused look, "What do you mean?" "I mean come on you had to pay him. A girl like you doesn't get a guy like Niall Horan. Your ugly, fat, and no one likes you." My vision starts getting blurry, "If you didn't pay him he's obviously using you. I mean, he's been single for so long. He's getting...," and she says the word I never wanted to hear, ever. "...Desperate."

I didn't say anything, just ran out of the building and ran home, we're not far anyway. I open the door and cry on my bed. After 5 minutes of sitting on my bed the sound of "Smile" by R5 fills my empty room. It's Niall's ringtone. I try my best not to sound upset. "Hello?" he doesn't buy it. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. "There's something wrong, I'll be there in two hours." "No, Ni..." before I could finish my sentence he hung up.

2 hours later

There's a knock on the door I open it and of course its Niall. I let him in, before he can say anything I hug his neck and start sobbing again. "Hey hey what's wrong?" I tell him everything that happened. "I would never do that, I want to be with you. You make me happy and I will never leave you." He kisses me and I feel safe when I'm with him. "You need to get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." "Promise?" "Promise." We kissed one last time he plays with my hair to help me fall asleep.

The next thing I hear is Niall talking on phone. Yeah she's fine I'll be back tomorrow. I start to move around a bit. She's waking up I'll talk to you guys later. I open my eyes. "Did you sleep okay?" I nod my head a little, "Who was that on the phone?" "It was Louis and the guys, I kind of just left." Iza walks in the room, "What happened, Meg?" I don't answer her I just put my head on Niall's chest so he could tell her.

Niall's POV

Megan gets up to get something to eat. She must be starving, it's already 15:00 (3:00pm). "Niall thank you so much for being an amazing boyfriend to Megan, she's never had one before." "Why not?" "Well in her first serious relationship the guy cheated on her and her last boyfriend Josh was really abusive and hit her all the time." "Wow, just so you know I would never hurt her on purpose." "I know." Megan walks in, "You guys want to watch a move?"

"Sure." Iza and I say at the same time, she pops in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. "I'm really glad you're happy now." "Only because you're here." An hour into the movie my beautiful girlfriend is already asleep so I decide to fall asleep too.

8 hours later

It's the next day when we wake up. "Megan wake up get ready for school." I hear the sound of Iza's voice. The curtains pull back and the sun shines right in my face. I decided to open my eyes at the exact moment. "Bloody hell Iza why couldn't you just turn the damn light on." "Oh sorry Niall, forgot." So she closes them back and turns the actual light on. My Megan still isn't up yet, "Hey Meg you got to wake up baby, you have school today." She opened up her eyes and smiled than she must've remember what happened yesterday. Meg frowned,

"I don't want to go to school." I have an idea, "Well how about this, I take you into the school and walk you and Iza in. We'll find this Holly chick and show here that we're really are together." "Okay." After a few moments she finally gets up and heads to go take a shower. I'm still in my clothes from yesterday but I'll worry about that later. Once everybody is ready we all get into the car and head to their college. "You ready to show me off." "Always." I grab her hand, "Awe you guys are so cute."

I laugh a little bit but It's not the big of a deal because I laugh at everything, literally. We walk into the big doors of the college, her floor just happened to be the 6th floor. I knew I couldn't walk up the stairs because of my knee. Luckily there's a lift near by it takes a while because there are other people who need to get on from different floors. Not too many people made a big deal that I was there some were just paying attention to me and Megan holding hands. We walk passed a few classrooms when Megan starts squeezing my hand.

I lean over to her, "Is that her?" Before we say anything there's a smile on her face and she "struts" over to us. "Well hello there Niall Horan." She says while flipping her blue hair, Iza has already gone to class but Holly completely ignores Megan standing there and tries to grab my hand, I pull away from her. Why does she think she can do that. "Don't touch me."

"Well someone's grumpy did Megan not pay what she was supposed too." "No because she's not paying me to do anything, I chose to be with her." "Why she's gross." "No she's not she sweet, beautiful and amazing unlike you." "We are talking about this Megan right, she's none of those things I'm way better than she is." "Well your wrong, your an awful person, what happened to you why are you so mean to Meg. She's done nothing to you."

"Well your wrong she stole my boyfriend." I looked over at Megan to see if she was telling the truth, she was. Before I said something she spoke. "It's not my fault he thought I was weaker than you but guess what he was an awful person he didn't deserve you he was abusive and no good. You should thank me I went through all that shit just so you wouldn't have to and this is how you repay me." "Megan I'm..."

"No Holly that's not gonna fix anything but I had to deal with him not you. I'm the one scarred for life not you." Her face was red by the she she was done talking, Holly was speechless she had nothing to say. "Megan I'm sorry I had no idea." Holly had tears falling from her pale face. "I wish I would've know this I can't believe I hated you for all these years because you took him. I didn't know now I wish you didn't have to go through that."

The next thing I saw shocked me and everyone else around us.

Holly gave Megan a hug an actual hug, she hugged back because she was a nice person like that and started crying on Holly's shoulder. They pulled apart after a few minutes, Megan clung onto me. "I really wish I could take back everything." I could tell she was genuinely sorry, I actually felt bad for her now.

"You know what Holly it's okay, you didn't know, I know I shouldn't have done it but if I didn't do it would've happened to you. Your too pretty for something like that to happen to you."

"Megan you are to, no one should go through that especially you. I've always been envious of you because your so nice and you could get any guy you want." She looked at me, "And you've proven to me you can. Also Niall I'm sorry about what I was saying I shouldn't have said. I really love your band and I don't know what got over me." I gave her a hug because I knew it was the right thing to do, "It's okay Holly, just try to be nicer to people now, okay?"

"Okay." I turn to Meg. "Well I got to go babe I'll pick you and Iza up after school and we'll do something okay." She just nodded her head and I gave her one last kiss and walked back to the lift and into the car. I'm so glad we got that over with. Now it's time to call the guys about what's happened.

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