Partners by Chance

By MigaspinCasterwill

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After the defeating Miraculous Queen, Marinette Dupain-Cheng finds herself hopeless. Master Fu's memory was e... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - The Aftermath
Chapter 2 - Sharing feelings
Chapter 3 - Threats
Chapter 4 - The Justiceer
Chapter 5 - Do you ever plan your future?
Chapter 6 - Vain and False
Chapter 7 - The Two are now One
Chapter 9 - Tikki, spots off
Chapter 10 - The Master and the Apprentice
Chapter 11 - Little Kitty on the Roof
Chapter 12 - We're just friends
Chapter 13 - The ladybug and the moth
Chapter 14 - How did we get here?
Chapter 15 - Sunny Sunday Morning
Chapter 16 - Trapped, like a fox
Chapter 17 - Dinner at Agreste's? Sure
Chapter 18 - No more secrets, at last
Chapter 19 - The plan
Chapter 20 - Flashback
Chapter 21 - The Library
Chapter 22 - Do you like irony?
Chapter 23 - Wanna play 'Cat n Moth'?
Chapter 24 - The Aftermath (Again)
Chapter 25 - Chrysalis
Final Note
Announcement! Lovers by Choice is out!

Chapter 8 - Silencer and Riposter

126 5 0
By MigaspinCasterwill


Marinette doesn't swear often. If you ask most of the people, they all will say they never heard her swear. But she sure had the will to do it in that moment.

Silencer and Riposter, two of the most difficult villains she and Chat Noir fought were now side by side and wanted to warm her and Adrien. Or so she though.

Silencer's power was to use other's voices, making the original owner mute. Riposter's one was super strength and fencing based weaponry. Together, they could easily do a major damage, if Marinette couldn't use her lucky charm and save the day, which, with Silencer, was a really option.

"Adrien, RUN!" she yelled.

She didn't look, but she was sure Adrien took cover too, as they tried to escape Silencer's attacks. She had to walk away so she could transform.

"Marinette!" said André's voice "Come out and play!"

She understood that André was attacked by Silencer and he was using his voice now. Poor André... If she couldn't transform into Ladybug, he would be doomed to be mute forever. He didn't deserve such tragic ending...

"Marinette, we only want you." said Riposter "Adrien can go away, clearly it is all your fault!"

At this point, our heroine wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing. Adrien would flee and she could transform into Ladybug while she had a voice.

"Leave her alone, you hear me?" screamed Adrien.

Adrien was actually defending her? Usually, she would feel flattered but that was the worst thing he could do in that moment. Where was Chat Noir when someone needed him?

"Adrien, for God sake, RUN!" she yelled even louder.

"It's not me that they want, it's you!" he replied.

He was right. If Adrien ran, she wouldn't still be able to transform into Ladybug without being seen. She needed a distraction. She needed a plan, quickly.

Looking around, there wasn't much she could use to make a distraction, and Riposter was coming dangerously close to the spot she was using to hiding. Too much yelling with Adrien... Oh... Adrien... Out of all moments, why now?


Adrien couldn't not think of a good reason why Hawk Moth would want Marinette to send not one but two villains. After pretending a bit, he finaly decided it was time to transform into Chat Noir and save Marintte.

"Wang on, Marinette! I'll call for help!" yelled Adrien, not sure where Marinette was hiding. The Pont des Arts was a total chaos.

Adrien ran as fast as he could and hid behind a tree.

"Plagg, we need to do something!" he said to his Kwami.

"Agreed! You know the words." he aswered.

"Plagg, CLAWS OUT!" he screamed, activating his Miraculous.

He was now Chat Noir, the Miraculous holder with the power of destruction. And he was ready to destroy anything that threatened to harm Marinette.

He jumped with his staff as high as he could, and given that he had super powers that is quite a lot, and landed on two feet in the middle of Riposter and Silencer. Neither of them was expecting that, so Chat had the high ground for now.

Using his staff to throw Riposter as far was he could and to keep Silencer away from him, he quickly found Marientte, hiding behind André's cart.

"Chat Noir, oh thank you so much!" she said.

She ran and hugged him tightly, and for a moment Chat forgot that they were in the middle of a fight. He had Marinette in his arms and that was all that it minded. At least until Marinette waked him up.

"Chat, CAREFUL!" she screamed.

Behind him, Silencer was almost putting his finger over his lips, stealing his voice and getting control over it. He couldn't let that happen, or else he wouldn't be able to invoque cataclysm.

Adrien took his staff and spared against Silencer, that grabbed a pole from André's cart, for a while until he was eventually defeated. Adrien was now free to take Marinette to a safe place and wait for Ladybug.

"Come, put your hands around my neck." he said to Marinette.

She followed the command without questioning. Adrien pushed the ground with his staff, rising in the air several meters. In just a few seconds, they were in the other side of the bridge, close to the tree Adrien used to transform.

"Run as fast as you can, I'll delay them and wait for Ladybug." he told her.

"Good luck Chat." she replied.

He was about to leave but she grabbed his hand and gave him a kiss in the cheek. He was on the clouds now. He surely died during the fight and he was in heaven, being rewarded by the good person, son and superhero he was.

"Uh, Chat?" he heard.

Again! He was daydreaming again! That was becoming a real problem...

"Oh! Right. Stay safe." and left saying nothing else.


Why did she kiss Chat? Because, as oblivious as he might be, as much of a lover boy he could be, he was hers lover boy. He was there when Marinette needed the most and she was able to forgive when he couldn't, for he was there every other time. He wasn't like Adrien, unreliable, unattainable, away from everything and everyone. He was smart, funny, and her true...

Marinette wasn't able to use the word "love" to describe her feelings for Chat yet, maybe she would never be. They couldn't be a couple, he would feel tempted to reveal his secret identity at all times.

Marinette cleared those thoughts of her head. She walked behind a tree and open her purse, from where Tikki came.

"Chat Noir needs us, Tikki." she said to her Kwami.

"So let's go!" she answered.

"Tikki, SPOTS ON!" she screamed.

She was now Ladybug, ready to help Chat Noir in everything.

She threw her yo-yo and landed on the middle of an intense battle between Chat Noir and the villains.

She used her yo-yo to tie Silencer's arm, that was dangerously close to Chat's face.

"Well, thank you Ladybug." he said, using his staff to throw Silencer away "But I had everything under control."

Marinette noticed that he didn't say "milady", but preferred to worry about that.

"Yeah, that's why everything's on fire." she answered, joking.

Chat Noir looked at her, like if he was trying to understand why she would say that, if nothing was actually catching fire.

"It's an idio..." she started, but soon gave up, understanding she would be wasting precious time "You know what? Let's just focus on the battle, shall we?"

"Couldn't agree more!" he answered.

The bridge was simply not big enough to fit a battle like that one. They could have all agreed in a civilized way to take that to a bigger place, but then it wouldn't be a battle and more like a duel, and since one of the villains was specialized in duels... Well, you get the idea, it wasn't the best thing to do.

"Hey, I'm not the expert in that matter and everything." Chat said "But don't you think it's time for you to use your lucky charm?

The fact is that Marinette wanted to talk with Chat after the battle was done, and if they used their powers thy would have five minutes in the best case, which wasn't even close to enough.

"Uh... Yeah, why not?" she said timidly.

She picked up her yo-yo and threw I in the air.

"Lucky Charm!" she screamed, activating her power.

In her hands, a thimble felt from the yo-yo. That thimble was strangely familiar... but why?

And then she figured it out. That thimble was like the ones she had back in home. The miraculous was trying to say that she needed help. That she needed allies.

"I need to get help. Could you take over and handle them for a time?" said Marinette to Chat.

He looked at her, like if he was trying to figure out what she was thinking.

"Sure, be quick." he answered.

"I'll be." and saying this, she left full speed to her house.

She landed in her balcony just a few minutes later. God... Now, in retrospective, she should have really gone Ladybug way to the date... So many problems avoided...

She picked up Rena Rouge and Carapace's miraculous and then called Alya.

"Alya, this is Ladybug. I need help from you and Nino. Where are you?" she asked via phone.

"At the Dupain-Cheng's bakery, where are you?" she answered.

Well... That was unexpected...

"Uh... Really close!" she said in a jovial tone "Give me just a sec."

She jumped to her balcony, and then to the street. She didn't lie... Technically.

"Come out, I've arrived." she said.

Alya and Nino walked out of the bakery together.

"That was really fast, you know?" Nino commented.

"No time for smart comments. Alya, Nino, we need you." she declared.

With the rush, she didn't notice her earrings were ringing for a while no, threatening to lose all its power. When she noticed that, it was too late. She couldn't get in somewhere to hide, besides a bush that was literally at her side. She would keep her identity free from everyone exept Alya and Nino.

She didn't have time to think she jumped to behind the bush and distransformed. Her identity wasn't a secret to her best friend and her boyfriend anymore...

"Alya... I can exp-" she tried to say.

"Shut up and feed your Kwami. The less you speak, the harder it is for me to figure out who you are." answered Alya.

There she was, with her eyes closed, not letting her find out the thing she wanted to know the most. She was unbelievable.

Marinette quickly fed Tikki and retransformed. She took a look at Alya, now with her eyes open.

"Why...?" asked Marinette "Why did you give up your opportunity to find out who I am?"

"Because I want to figure that out thanks to my intelligence." she answered "Not you clumsiness."

Those words... She would only say those words to Marinette. But she knew that, unlike Chat, Alya wasn't changing her for the other person that used that body. She knew. As much as she didn't want to say, Alya knew Marinette was Ladybug. She figured it out because no one would be clumsy enough to forget to feed her Kwami. Only Marinette could do such thing.

The trio flew as fast as they could to Pont des Arts, just to find out it has fallen.


Adrien was t wearing the best shoes...

In the first minute after Ladybug left, she lost a lot of terrain. Riposter and Silencer were closing the siege on him. He was starting to run out of options.

Dodging attack after attack, Chat quickly grew tired. So that was hot being the baddie felt... Two versus one was not as fair as he thought after all...

Riposter charged against him, while he used his staff to defect her attack. But she was strong, so they kept in a stable position, in a status quo.

Both measured strengths for a while, only interrupted by strong voice, saying something about letting him go in. What could that me-

Our of nowhere, Riposter stoped forcing with her sword, making Chat almost fall. Silencer quickly stepped in and put his finger over Adrien's lips.

"CATACLYSM!!!" he screamed with all his strength, as if it could be the last thing he would ever say.

Shhhhhh he heard. And then his own voice, saying several things since "cataclysm" to "pound it" and "thanks purincess". The things he would say the most. But... Why was it "purincess" and not "milady"? And why did he care?

He felt a glacial shock in his arm, characteristic of his power. His ring was now charged with a giant amout of energy that was disrupting his very nerves, but he was used to it.

Both villains stepped back. They knew that if he touched them they would be turned into dust. The only one that could survive a Cataclysm was Chat Noir himself, but that didn't mean that is hurted a lot.

He saw the ticket which contained the akuma in Riposter's belt. He aimed to it and ran with all his strengths.

In fear, Riposter ran way, making Adrien feel and touch the bridge. The stone behind him started to crack as it turned to gravel.

All the three felt in the river.

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