Lovely ~ Shinkami ~ BNHA

By DabiLeftEar

13.6K 276 376

Shinsou recently transferred to Class 1A and his dorm neighbor is Denki. One night he hears a crash and goes... More

The Idiot Next Door
Spoiler for the story!
This Can't Go On
Knew it
Anything For You, Lovely One
Ducks & Brownies
Star-lit Singing
AN Explanation


1.6K 42 66
By DabiLeftEar

Denki put his hand underneath Shinsou's chin, forcing him to look at the blonde boy.

"You're so lovely."

Denki almost whispered as he stared into Shinsou's blazing purple eyes. Shinsou was speechless. Did Denki like him? No, no, he couldn't. Shinsou felt like nothing. He knew he wasn't worth it. Denki didn't care that much and he knew it.

"Thank you, Denki"

"For what?"

"For being here. Next to me, and not running away."

Denki looked confused and baffled.

"Why would I be running away?"

Denki looked at Shinsou with concern again.

"You don't understand, Denki. People don't like me. No body does."

Shinsou looked away from Denki and away from his hand.

'you're going to hurt Denki'
'you're so bad for Denki'
'leave Denki alone so he can stay happy'

Shinsou moved away from Denki and sat on the floor.

'just leave'

Shinsou looked at the door but he felt Denki sit beside him.

"I wish you understood, Shinsou. You don't have to be alone. I can be your best friend and be by your side. Besides, I'm your only friend."

Shinsou rested his head on Denki's shoulder. Denki grabbed Shinsou's hand and pulled him over to his bed.

"Lay on me over here, it's much more comfy."

Shinsou followed Denki. He layed back down on his shoulder. Denki moved so that Shinsou was on his chest.

They talked for a few hours until Shinsou mentioned breakfast.

"Oh hey Denki, it's a new day and we haven't gotten breakfast yet."

Denki sat up quickly and checked the time on his phone. Shinsou saw that it was 10:36.

"O-Oh yeah, breakfast. I ate before you came over, so you should eat but I'm not hungry."

Denki said while patting Shinsou's fluffy hair. Shinsou came over at 7:48 which was a long time ago.

"Are you sure? That was like 4 hours ago. You should at least have a snack."

Shinsou told Denki. Denki was a small boy, he looked oddly skinny. Maybe he didn't eat enough, and had a bad appetite.

"No thanks, I'm fine. Let's go."

Denki put on a oversized pikachu jacket.

"C'mon, silly boy!"

He grabbed Shinsou's hand and took him to the common area. Shinsou felt his face become very warm.

'oh Denki... if only I could love you.'

Shinsou ate toast for breakfast and Denki rambled on and on while he ate. Shinsou liked his rambling, yet he could tell something was wrong with Denki.

'what is upsetting him?'
'why won't he tell me?'


A pink girl hugged Denki tightly. Denki jumped up and hugged her back.

"Mina! How was the beach with Tsu and Uraraka?"

"It was amazing! Tsu is the best to go scuba diving with!"

They talked while Shinsou finished up his breakfast and cleaned his plate. They were still talking when he was done.

'guess he's busy then.'

Shinsou walked off.

"So.... You and Shinsou?"

Mina was teasing Denki.

"We're just friends!"
Shinsou looked back and saw Denki blush.


"oh yeah, sure, sure. Did you eat breakfast yet?"

Mina asked Denki. Shinsou turned back and continued his walk back.

"Yeah, I ate with Shinsou."

This made him turn around again. He was behind the wall, in the other hall. They didn't hear Shinsou listening.

'Denki said he ate before I came to his room'

'why is he lying to Mina?'

"Oh really? Then why isn't your plate in the drying area? Shinsou just finished when I came in. Why are you lying to me, Kami?"

Mona sounded offended.

"I'm sorry Mina, I couldn't do it."

Shinsou heard Denki's voice break.

"Kami, you know this isn't healthy. Do I need to tell Mr. Aizawa?"

"No! Please, please don't tell him! I don't know what he'll do! What if he sends me away?"

Denki sounded like he was crying. What was he hiding? Curiosity bit at Shinsou. Shinsou knew how to make him tell the truth.

"Fine. But you're eating dinner with me at 7 or I'm telling him."

Mina said before going back to her dorm. Shinsou walked back out because he heard Denki crying from their argument.

"Are you okay, Denki?"

He caught his gaze, full of tears. Denki tried his best to cover up his face and clean off his tear stains.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine."

Denki stood up and turned around so Shinsou couldn't see him.

"What were you and Mina talking about?"

Shinsou asked quietly. Denki sighed before sniffling. He wiped off his eyes again.

"I-It was nothing. C'mon, let's go to the cafe. You were promised a date from me."

Denki said, trying to change the subject. He turned back around and smiled at Shinsou.

"Denki. My quirk lets me brainwash people. I can make you tell me anything I want to know."

Shinsou said very seriously. He cared a lot about Denki.

"Can I tell you later? Like tonight. You can come over to my dorm at like 8?"

Shinsou smiled Denki. At least he was getting answers the easy  way.

"Okay. Let's go to the cafe you mentioned."

Shinsou said and walked out of the dorms with Denki.

Denki grabbed Shinsou's hand as Denki led him to the cafe. The cafe was very lovely. It was cat themed. Shinsou wore a small smile as they walked in.

"Let's sit by a window!"

Denki skipped to a window seat with blue seats and cat ears on the seats. There were stickers on the windows too. Outside, you could see the people walking by and the pretty flowers and trees.

"I'm gonna get the coffee with cat art in it! It's gonna be so cute!" 

Denki said, very excitedly. Shinsou snickered at him. Denki didn't know how much Shinsou loved felines, and how much bringing him here meant to Shinsou. Denki didn't even know about Pumpkin.

"I'll have the same coffee as you, and we should share the cat sweets pack."

Shinsou was trying to get out of his comfort zone by sharing his food with Denki. Before UA, the other students would steal his food and other things. They would tell him to steal them back like a true villain would.

"Y-Yeah, that sounds good!"

Shinsou sensed his fake excitement. What is with Denki today? Normally he was bright and energetic.

The waiter came over and they ordered. The talked about the view outside before their order arrived.

The cats on their coffee looked so adorable! Shinsou felt his heart melt even more when he noticed that the mug had cat ears and the handle was a tail. But when he noticed the sweets, he squealed a little bit.

"Shinsou, you're such a softie!"

"I'm not a softie! I just appreciate good food."

"By squealing over it?"

Shinsou blushed hard and drunk his coffee. Denki was right, Shinsou was a big softie. The sweets were very good, Denki said he liked the snickerdoodles with cat ears with most. Shinsou loved the bite-sized brownies with whip cream whiskers.

They talked more before finishing their food and leaving. When they got back to the dorms they went their separate ways since Shinsou has studying to do.

He heard Denki leave his dorm bit didn't go knock on Shinsou's door. It disappointed him, so Shinsou went to go say hi to Denki.

'why? I never did things like this with anybody else.'

"Hey Denki!"

Denki was in his gym uniform.

"Hi Shinsou! I'm gonna go do some training with Sero and Kirashima. Bakugo will probably show up with Kirashima though. See ya later!"

"See ya!"

Shinsou adored talking to Denki. He wondered why. Shinsou went and got some pretzels before going back to studying. Shinsou loved pretzels.

After he was done studying, Shinsou lay on his bed thinking about Denki. Pumpkin was being pet while she laid on his chest as usual. He couldn't stop worrying about the way Denki was acting. Also, why wasn't he back from training? That was 3 hours ago.

It was 5:56 when Shinsou heard Denki come back to his dorm. He almost went to go to him, but remembered he had to with Mina in an hour or so.

'best not to distract that idiot.'

More bored than usual, he got a book from his rather big book shelf. It had more than just books on it though, it had his keyboard on top, and Pumpkin's supplies on the lowest shelfs.

Pulled out of his book, he heard his cat meow. Shinsou pulled off his headphones and listened.

'footsteps to Denki's room. must be Mina.'

He listened as Mina took Denki away to the common area. Shinsou continued reading and forgot to put back on his headphones. He was shooken again by his alarm.

Shinsu turned it off quickly. It was 6:30, Pumpkin's dinner time and his time to take some of his medicine for his mental problems. After swallowing his pills and watching Pumpkin eat which was very adorable, Shinsou heard yelling from the common area.

"I can't do it!"

"Yes you can! Just try!"

"I haven't been able to for the past 4 months!"

"Denki, wait!"

Shinsou got up from the floor and rushed to the door to see Denki shutting the door on Mina.

"What happened?"

He was very nervous to talk to her, but knew he had to. Shinsou's hands were shaky.

"He only ate at the cafe with you, then trained for too long. That was the first time since Friday dinner with the bakusquad. Just one meal on the weekend that he would keep down would satisfy me."

She fell to the floor and sobbed. Shinsou was very puzzled.

'why wasn't Denki eating?'
'Denki said earlier that he couldn't for the past 4 months and that's too many days to go without any food.'
'is Denki going to be okay?'
'I can force him to eat with my quirk'

"Mina, do you know why he's doing this?"

Shinsou asked her quietly, sitting next to her on the ground. He hated seeing anybody upset like this.

"Not really. He told me that it made him feel in control. But in control of what? He seems out of control to me."

Shinsou patted her shoulder lightly.

"I'm surprised he hasn't told you yet. He talks about you all the time. Especially with his addiction to it getting so bad."

"He said he would tell me tonight, since I heard your argument this morning, and almost forced him to tell me."

Mina looked confused.

"How did you force him?"

"My quirk lets me control and brainwash people if they speak to me."

"Oh, that's pretty cool. Does that mean you can force him to eat?"

Shinsou was surprised at his quirk being called cool. Most times people told him it was a quirk meant for a villain.

"Yes. We should force him if he doesn't eat tonight. I'll make sure he doesn't train for the rest of today."

Mina suddenly hugged him. Shinsou went stiff and didn't return the hug, but let it happen. He knew that Mina was a bit of a touchy person. Then she released him.

"O-Okay, you go talk to him and tell me how it goes."

They exchanged phone numbers. Shinsou knocked on Denki's door while Mina hid behind the wall.

"Denki? Can I come in to talk to you? It's almost 8?"

Shinsou said quietly. There was no reply, so Shinsou let himself in. Denki was crying on his bed. He closed the door behind him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Shinsou walked up to Denki and sat on his bed with him.

"I'm so sorry, Shinsou."

1942 words!

Hello lovlies! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this sad chapter! Tell me your favorite dessert in the comments, mine is the lava cake! Please tell me if I made any mistakes!

Love you power! 💕

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