◇Joker One-Shots◇

By cl0uddr0p

59.7K 739 799

*OLD VERSION* This is a One-Shot collaboration of 2019's JOKER.... and maybe some The Dark Knight Joker. It... More

The Clown From The Subway
Through Her Eyes
Doomed Since Birth
One Of The Good Guys
Bun In The Oven
Keeping It Professional
Sharing The Spotlight
Hell In The Hallways
Not Into Men
Just Like Romeo and Juliet
This Is Gonna Sound Crazy
Stuck With Me
Little Dove
My Life Is Yours
The Bunny Woman
Even When You're Gone, You Remain
Coffee Run
Taking The Blade For You
Under The Street Light
Not Who You Once Were
After So Long.... Hi :>

Ash Covered Thighs

2.7K 50 71
By cl0uddr0p

Arthur is hospitalized after the chaos he created the night Joker was born. Arthur is no more, all that remains is Joker and his eyes are set on a nurse that helps to sedate him at Arkham Asylum☆

Warning: Mature as always



Joker's eyes glanced up from the smoke of his cigarette to meet his doctor's gaze. She was staring at him with an uneasy expression. His fits of laughter made her uncomfortable, now more than ever since he seemed calmer than usual.

"What's so funny?" She asked, an obvious tense in her voice. Joker's gaze fell to the floor as his leg started to spaze into a anxious tap against the tile.

"Just a joke I remembered.." He stated. Remembering the night of the riots. So much destruction because of him. So much chaos.

"Do you want to tell it to me?" His doctor asked, her fingers tapping on her desk. Joker didn't say anything for a moment, making her anxiety rise.

Joker could remember that night so vividly. The bullet between Murray's eyes. The sound of tires screeching against pavement and metal tearing onto metal. The lack of gravity for a split moment when the ambulance hit the police car. The blood in his mouth. The crowd cheering him to stand and claim Gotham for himself. He remembered it all.

"You wouldn't get it.." He stated, lifting the cigarette to his mouth again, breathing in its toxic fade. His mother always told him that smoking would kill him. Not fast enough apparently.

Joker's doctor shifted in her seat, not quite sure how to respond or how to get another word from her patient. When he was brought in he didn't say a word. He didn't laugh until now. Why now.


Her mistake to have his hands bound would have been her dismise if she hadn't had a coworker wall by once Joker lunged at her.

He went to strangle her, his nails digging into her neck as he did so. Her wretched screams caught the attention of security. They barged in and ripped the crazed man off of the doctor, calling for help to sedate him.

A few nurses ran in, accompanying doctors that held Joker back. They ordered one of them to sedate him. One nurse in particular was prepared and stuck the needle in Joker's neck, sending the calming drug into his blood stream. Before Joker fell into a limp high, he caught a glimpse of the nurse with the needle.

She had been a bit roughed up during his tantrum, her hair falling out of the well kept bun she had. She was breathing heavily as she watched him relax in security's hold. Joker would make sure to not forget her face. He grinned at her before blacking out.

"Thank you, Miss _____.." The doctor said to her, a sign of appreciation. _____ nodded, disposing of the used needle and rushing out of the room to quickly fix her uniform and hair.


Joker sat in the main lounge with a handful of patients. He watched them as they either shared enoucnters with each other or kept to themselves. Joker talked his foot against the floor, his eyes trailing around the large room. Security and workers stood at all entrances and exits. He would have no where to flee to. He had to be a good boy and behave for now.

He didn't forget the nurse that managed to sedate him. At first he wanted to bash that pretty face against the nearest wall for the pain in the neck she caused him. But bitterness calmed and instead he was intrigued by her.

He wouldn't deny it: she was a beautiful woman and that uniform didn't hide her curves. Typical that he would take interest in a simple nurse. God, he couldn't remember the last time he had a sexual encounter. Not since Sophie.

Wait, no.. Not Sophie.

All that was in his head.

Joker snickered to himself at the thought. How pitiful he once was when he went by the name Arthur.

No, Arthur died a while back. All that was left was Joker. All by himself.

"Alright, freaks! Time to line up for your daily dosage."

Joker watched as most of the patients stood up and casually walked out of the room to start the line for their medication. Some were resistant and were dragged out.

"Hey, clown. Do you need to be told twice?"

Joker put his hands up in defense, stating that he wasn't going to be one of the ones to be dragged out. He stops up and walked to join the others.

There were two lines: one for men and the other was for women.

Joker naturally stood quietly as the lines moved down painfully slow. His eyes would once again search his surrounding, looking for something to grab his attention. Days would go by with nothing but his thoughts. Fle hours he would be staring at a wall: thinking.

"Richard Browski." A strict, feminine voice called as Joker got closer. His interest was not peaked. He was sure by now he had all voices memorized. This voice was not familiar to him. He leaned over to catch a glimpse at his station. It was that nurse again.

Joker felt his lips become dry at the sight of her. Ahe was sitting at the men's station, a clipboard in hand. She would check off names and hand the patient the small white cup that helps their medication. Now that he in a stable place to really look at her, he could see that she was around his age, perhaps a little younger. Like him, he could see the the silver streaks in her hair due to high stress. There was a story behind her.

"Erik Dorphine."

Joker's eyes roamed her figure. Well built, like she had been through years of this kind of work. She might have been new to Arkham, but it was clear that she had been a nurse for years. She must have been transferred here. From where, he was curious about.

"Aaron Farris."

Joker was getting closer and closer by each name she read out. He was ready to hear the dead name come from her lips.

"Arthur Fleck." She called, her eyes glancing up from her clipboard and onto his. He stepped towards her, a smirk on his lips. She marched a brow. "You're behaving yourself, I'm sure." She handed him the small cup and checked off him name. Joker chuckled.

"Do you get to punish me if I'm not?" He asked, waiting to see if she would grow uncomfortable like the other nurses. To his disappointment, her eyes didn't look back up from the clipboard.

"Martin Ingleas." She called, her attention pointed to the man behind Joker.

Joker stepped out of line and chucked him pills back without another word. She could pretend all she wanted. He could gain her interest one way or another. Sooner or later, she'd have to take action.


Joker poked at the stale food on his tray. He was thankful that he never had an appetite anymore. He would wait to grab a thing of crackers from the vending machines. Those would last him all day. Joker found that his favorite snack in Arkham was saltine crackers and water. Though he wouldn't deny that he'd get a little excited when it was announced that spaghetti would be served for dinner.

Try as they might, it never beat his mother's spaghetti.

"Oi, Miss _____!" Joker's eyes lofted from the unpleasant sight on his tray to a few tables down. One of the trouble makers were waving a nurse down.

It was her again.

Joker propped up to pay close attention to her.

Nurse ______. A fitting name.

"Ah, Mr. Jenkins. Is something wrong?" She asked the patient. Matthew Jenkins, a chronic masturbator. He was caught several times uncontrollably touching himself in cinemas. Looks like he couldn't help himself and had to pick at the strict nurse.

"I got a itch that I need help scratching, think you can help me out?" Before he even let her respond he grabbed her by the wrist and forced her to touch his hardened groin. Repulsed, she tried pulling away from him. But years of jerking off cause his arms to be built strong. He took the moment to reach up, shove his hand into her uniform and grope her breast.

Joker acted quickly by lunging up from the table and rushing to the nurse in distress. _____ jerked her hand away, accidently back handing Joker's face, splitting his already chapped lip. The slap didn't faze him one bit, he gripped Matthew's wrist, prying his hand from the nurse's breast and squeezing tight.

"Jesus, Arthur! It was a joke! Figured you of all people understood what that is, you fucking retard."

"That's enough, Mr. Fleck." _____ stated, grabbing Joker's arm and firmly pulling him away from hurting the fellow patient.

Security quickly approached, taking a hold of Matthew and Joker. _____ raised a hand up to dismiss them.

"Take Mr. Jenkins back to his cell.. Leave Mr. Fleck with me.."

"Alright, come on, you sick fuck." The men had no problem lifting Matthew from his seat and holling him out of the cafeteria.

_____ turned to Joker, knowing her hand made contact with his face. It was her responsibility to make sure he was okay. Not like he had taken worse or anything. She fixed her uniform and noticed Joker's cut lip. She reached up and put a thumb to his lip, a small amount of blood seeping onto her thumb.

"Would you care to follow me, Mr. Fleck?"

"I'll follow you anywhere." He smirked. Once again, no reaction from her. As she pulled her hand away from him, he took the moment to check her hand. No ring. She wasn't married. Perfect.

_____ turned her heel and started to exit the cafeteria, Joker close behind her. She lead him to the infirmary wing, not that his injury was anything major but she was clear to show that she wasn't like her coworkers. A cut lip was nothing to them.

Once they made it to her office, she gestured for him to enter.

"Awe, aren't we suppose to go to dinner first?" He commented, entering her office. She followed inside and shut the door behind her.

"Have a seat while I find some peroxide and vaseline." She ordered, walking behind the desk and opening a locked, glass cabinet that shielded prescriptions.

"For someone being new, you sure do have a fancy office." Joker stated, passing the chair she gestured to and instead sat on her desk.

"They needed a replacement fle the head nurse. So they transferred me here." _____ stated, grabbing a bottle of peroxide and a cotton ball.

"From where?"

"No where near Gotham."

The head nurse turned and noticed that Joker had ignored her orders and instead played with her patience. She set down the bottle after coating the cotton ball and walked up to Joker, reaching up and grabbing his chin.

"Now stay still, it may sting a little.." She met his gaze. "But I'm sure you can handle it." She dabbed the wet cotton ball against his lip, the liquid coating the cut. Joker could feel as it softly bunnled against his skin. "Now that should clean it and prevent any kind of infection." She pulled her hand away and threw the used cotton ball away. Joker watched her as she put the bottle away inside the cabinet and grabbed a container of petroleum jelly. He watched as her hips called to him with each step she took before stopping in front of his again. She took a little to her finger and smeared it onto his lip. He reached up and grabbed her hand. At first she was cautious but realized he wasn't going to do anything.

"Are you okay?" He asked her, gesturing to the obvious bruises forming on her wrist and chest.

"I'll be fine." She plainly said, pulling her hand away from him. "I can handle patients like Mr. Jenkins." She turned away to put the container away. Joker got off the desk and walked over to the nurse, turning her around and pinned her against the wall. She was stiff against his body but other than, still no reaction. Joker leaned in, his lips nuzzled against her ear.

"But I'm not like Mr. Jenkins." His tomw became dark as his hand reacher up and gripped her throat. At first he wanted nothing more to choke her until she fell limp on his arms but now he wanted nothing more to have some sort of reaction from her. Even if it was a slap to the face or a gasp, anything. "I could bend you over your desk and take you right now."

"But you won't." _____ said, not giving him the satisfaction. Her eyes stared into his. He saw no fear. Frustrated, he picked her up and placed her on her desk, his pelvis sitting comfortably between her legs. His free hand rested on her stocked thigh. He threatened to pull at her garder that kept her thigh highs in place.

"What's stopping me?" He chuckled, his lips caressed her neck, smudging the jelly onto her skin. _____ closed her eyes, her hands remaining at her side. Calm and collected, something that made Joker uneasy.

"You are." She turned her head so that she was near inches from his face. "If you really wanted to, you would have done so. But you know you won't gain anything. You won't get anything from me, Mr. Fleck." With little effort, she slipped out of Joker's grasp, standing up and adjusting her uniform. "But don't think I didn't appreciate your involvement back there.." She admitted, turning to him. Joker glanced over at the fearless nurse. She puzzled him. She really did. And it drove him crazy. "You're free to return to the cafeteria.."

Joker smirked at her before shaking his head. He would get her one of these days. He'd get a reaction. Joker said nothing as before exiting her office and making his way to his cell. He didn't want to eat. He wanted her.

______ sat down at her desk and sighed, pulling her head piece off and letting her hair fall down from it's bun. She hated what happened in the cafeteria. Her fist clenched, a burning rage quietly corsing through her. She was repulsed by what had happened. She felt dirty, tainted. Forced to grope a patient and in return be sexually assaulted.

_____ pulled a pack of cigarettes from her desk and took one into her mouth. She grabbed the lighter beside it and lit it. She inhaled the nicotine, an instant rush of calm waved over her. Settling the anger she bored within. She breathed out, smoke caressing her face. Just like he did.

She crossed her leg over the other and sat back in her chair. She would hate to admit it, but she wouldn't have stopped him. The confession bored into her mind, making her feel sick with guilt. She had learned about the name Arthur Fleck and what he did. Killed five men and a woman, one being his own mother, but he was responsible for many others. Hos actions started a movement that lead to destruction to the city of Gotham and the deaths of Martha and Thomas Wayne, leaving their only son an orphan. _____ looked into his files to see where he came from. She recognized the conditions he collected after his mother and her boyfriend abused him. He was only a boy.

She took another drag of her cigarette, making the embers hot as she started lifting her uniform up. Her eyes scanned her skin where Joker had placed his hand. She could still feel his warm palm against her thigh, caressing it gently. Like he was holding back.

Without hesitation, ______ took her cigarette and slammed the burning bud into her bare thigh, letting the embers burn into her tender skin.

She closed her eyes, resisting the urge to pull the bud away or cry out. She kept the cigarette planted in her thigh until the scorching pain faded as it was put out. Her hands shook as she slowly pulled the bud away, tossing it into the waste bin beside her desk. She did nothing to dust the ash off of her. She merely stood up, grabbing her head piece and hair band. She needed to fix her hair before she walked out of her office and continued her day, forgetting this morning.



Joker hissed as his hand slowed down its constant pumping, semen leaking onto his hand. He clenched his eyes shut, afraid his vision of the head nurse would fade away. He hadn't seen her after that encounter and he wondered where she went to. 

Joker stood under the shower for a moment, letting himself ride out his orgasm. He huffed, his hair hanging over his face and hugged the back of his neck. He leaned on his hand that rest against the wall, propping him up.

Miss ______.

She bored herself in his mind and now he couldn't think of anything else. Damn her. Damn her for being the way she was. Stubborn. Hard ass. She must have thought she was a high standard woman. She needed a reality check. In here, there are no standards.

Joker turned the water off and grabbed the towel off the rack. Wrapping it around his waist. What he's give to have a cigarette.


Movie night. One of the only nights he looked forward to. It was a night he didn't have to go back to his cell immediately after dinner. Even if it was as something some as Charlis Chaplin, he was happy to watch it. Most of the movies they put on were silent films. Joker didn't mind though, he enjoyed the simplness of the music. He'd be dancing to it of he wasn't yelled at for it.

Joker sat towards the back of the room while the rest of Arkham entered and took their seats. He was sure he had ready seen the film and wasn't too interested in it. He was hoping he would grow tired enough to head back to his cell and retire for the night.

However his attention was drawn to the brooding nurse off to the side, counting the patients and making sure that all of them were here. Despite her never smiling, Joker could tell that she was more than frustrated. Something happened. She was visit upset, her hands clutching her uniform. Joker studied her carefully, noticing one of the doctors coming up beside her and laying a hand on her backside. He watched as she tensed up, her attention coiled away from the doctor. She was eagerly looking for a distraction.

Once she had counted all the patients she pulled away from the doctor and exited the room. Joker watched as the doctor looked around before hesitantly following her. They were headed to fne infirmary wing. Her office.

Joker recognized the doctor.

Dr. Harlem. Supposedly the beast Arkham had. He was well recommended, studying hypnotherapy and such. He was at one point recommended to Joker but he passed, getting an odd vibe from the man. Joker had caught the doctor swinging a pockef watch in front of his female patient, taking the quiet opportunity to grope and kiss her.

Naught doctor.

And now he had placed his hands of the head nurse. Something Joker disaproved greatly.

As the lights went down Joker took this moment to slip from his seat and into the darkness. He quickly yet stealthily made his say down the hall. Remembering how to get to ____'s office, he wasted now time. The lights in the hallway were cut off, they destracted the patients from the movie and would bother them, making them restless and causing a fuss. This was perfect for Joker to sneak in. Completely invisible.

Joker peeked from behind the corner once her caught up to the two.

"Doctor, I'm asking you to please keep your distance from me. I don't want to talk to you.."

"Jesus, _____. I said that I just wanted to talk." Harlem stated, reaching up to caress ____'s cheek. She stepped back before he could. Her eyes threatened him.

"I said, keep your distance. I won't ask you again.." She turned to unlock her office door. Harlem let out a frustrated groan.

"Don't act like you didn't like it. You didn't tell me to stop, so stop acting like you hated it." He grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back, shoving her against her office door. Still, she didn't give a single reaction.

Joker tensed at the doctor's actions. A bundle of anger building up within him. He hated people like the doctor. People who think they can take whatever they want. Joker watched as Harlem lifted _____'s uniform up and unbuckled his belt.

"You're my good, little girl. Always wearing your garder belt just for me."

"I Said Fuck Off!" _____ threw her head back, colliding worn Harlem's nose. Joker could hear the sickening crack from where he was. He smirked.

Harlem fell to the ground, covering his broken nose. _____ turned to run down the hall but Harlem grabbed her ankle, causing her to stumble to the floor with a hard hit. She cried out, her wrist sprained.

"You Fucking Bitch!" Harlem crawled on top of her and pinned her against the cold tile. He unzipped his pants, ready to teach her to submit to her superior.

Before the doctor could force himself onto the nurse any longer, he was grabbed by the throat and torn off of her. _____ shifted her vision to see who came to her aid, expecting security. She was taken back at what she saw.

Joker slammed Harlem against the wall repeatedly after he had blacked up from the first impact. His rage controlled him to continue, he would have killed him if _____ had not intervened. She grabbed his arm, catching his attention.

Joker looked down to meet her shaming gaze. He noticed the blood dripping down her face, a nasty gash on the side of her head when she hit the floor hard. Joker let go of Harlem, letting the doctor fall to the floor. They exchanged no words but an understanding. He only stopped because she told him to, even if she didn't need to say anything. He knew.

Joker wrapped his arm around her and led her back to her office door. She unlocked it and nearly stumbled in. She had a ringing in her ears and the world around her seemed blurry. If it weren't for Joker's hold on her, she would have fallen to the floor again. He helped her to the chair, setting her down in it and closing the door. He rushed back to her to make sure she hadn't passed out. She hadn't.


He needed to get peroxide to clean the gash on her head. Joker reached for her keys and at first she kept a tight grip on them, but let him take them from when he realized he was trying to help.

He went to the cabinet behind her desk and unlocked it. He searched for a moment before finding what he was looking for. Peroxide and cotton balls. He had his way back over to her, opening the bottle and soaking the material good.

"Now stay still, it might sting a little.." Joker gestured to the peroxide and winked. "But I'm sure you can handle it."

______ let out a pained chuckle, her lips curling up into a crooked smile as she was still out of herself. Joker paused to acknowledge it. He smirked, dabbing the cotton ball on her wound.

She instantly hissed in paid, gripping the arms of the chairs for pressure. Joker cleaned the blood from her face, focused of getting rid of as much as her could. He went to grab her hand to wipe the blood from them but stopped.

His brow furrowed. Her uniform had been partially ripped off of her, the buttons either popped off or hanging on by a thread. He spotted a small, round burn mark on her thigh. He cautiously pulled her uniform off her shoulders and down her waist,  spotting another mark. This one healed completely, leaving a scar. Then he spotted another and then another. She had multiple scars on her thighs, hips, and torso, some old and some very new. Joker recognized the swollen rings around the inflammations. Cigarette buds.

Joker's eyes glanced up at _____, seeing that she was starting to clear up. She looked away, ashamed. Joker brushed his fingers against each burn, some causing her to flinch.

"Did he do this to you?"

_____ shook her head, her legs shaking against Joker's hands.

"You did this?" He asked, his gaze falling to her scars. _____ winced, a rare sight.

As if she couldn't hold it any longer, her leg out an agonizing sob. Joker flinches away, at first thinking he hurt her, but realized this cry was long over due. It wasn't one of pain, but one desperate for help.

Joker kneed down and looked up at the nurse, not speaking, somy listening to her. She needed this.

"I-I can't stand them.." She winced, her hand reaching up the wipe her eyes. "Their hands all over me. Their lips on my skin and their scent between my legs.." She pulled what was left of her disheveled bun down, her hair falling in front of her face. "Ever since I was a girl... my father told me I was his good little girl.." Her hand traveled between her thighs, her fingers outlining each scar. "He use to press his cigarettes onto my skin when he was done with me and I felt better.. I felt like I deserved each second of those burning embers.. reminding me that I was daddy's little girl.." Her eyes glanced down at Joker, seeing that he was studying every burn mark. She wasn't sure how to respond to him. Her body shook, Joker's stare was intense, it made her feel vulnerable. Like she always had felt. "They're disgusting, I know." She looked away, her hands going to button up her uniform. Joker caught her hands, stopping her. Then his hands slid up to hold her waist, his cold palms causing her to flinch.

"They're beautiful."

He pulled her towards him and landed small kisses against her skin. Kissing each mark. _____ felt each kiss and each time he did it, it made her feel... warm inside. Like she was cherished and not desired. But cherished like she was at.

Her hands ran down his arms that held her and she ran them through his hair. She softly moaned to herself when Joker kissed down her pelvis and to her thighs. She hadn't expected him to be as gentle, especially after reading how violent he was.

"Arthur.." She sighed, tugging at his hair. Joker stood up, pulling her with him and setting her down across her desk, throwing everything onto the floor before doing so. He gently laid her down before going back to ravishing her body.

"Absolutely breath taking.." His fingers trailed down her curves, stopping at the edge of her panties. His lips pressed against her pelvis, feeling how soft yet firm her skin was due to the scars over the years of abuse. He suddenly pulled away, his frame leaving her. _____ sat up quickly to chase after him. Why did he stop?


"I'm not them, _____.." He looked away. "I wouldn't do that to you..."

_____ reached out and grabbed his hand, leading him back to her.

"I know.."

Joker caressed her cheek and leaned down, his lips connecting to hers. _____'s hands wrapped around his neck and brought him closer. She felt his arm snake around her waist, pulling her into his lap. She wrapped her legs around his waist, hands running through his brunette curls. She soft repeated his name.

Joker knew it was a name long dead to him, but he couldn't shame away who he once was. Perhaps Arthur wasn't truly gone.

_____'s kisses spreades to Joker's cheeks, nose, forehead back to his lips. Feeling for once like she was being loved and not lusted.

Soon, Joker's pants we around his ankles and he had the nurse up against the wall, his hips moving to the rhythm of hers. Her passionate moans echoes through out her office, daring to attract unwanted company. Joker groaned, nipping and sucking at her neck. His breath was heavy but placed out steadily. He loved it when her nails clawed at his back, pulling at his hair.

She loved it when he told her how beautiful she was, how her scars dosn't define her beauty. That they were there to remind her what she got through. What she survived.

"Oh Arthur." She moaned, pulling him into a kiss as his thrusting bumped against the wall. Joker smirked at the name. "Oh Arthur! Arthur!"

"Keep saying it."

"Arthur!" Her head tilted back as though to draw attention to them, screaming to the heavens. "Arthur!" Her body was shaking against his, feeling his sweat rub against her skin. "Oh Arthur, yes!"

Joker felt her tight cunt clench around his cock, coating it with her cum. Just the thought of it drew him over the edge. Joker hid his face in her neck as his thrusts became unhinged, off beat as his semen shot into her. Her clutched her body tightly, his cock throbbing and legs shaking. He felt like they could go out at any time.

They heavy breathing slowed to a steady sigh and they looked at each other for a moment. She softly smiled at him, leaning in and kissing him softly.

They knew they would be caught any moment and they were prepared for Joker to be dragged away to whatever punishment they saw fit. They wouldn't keep the doctor's dirty secret away however. They would insist _____ get checked on, especially with a sprained wrist. She would tell them what happened and that Joker came to her aid. But she wouldn't be able to save him from what they did. Either she could confess what happened and she'd lose her job, or she could say that he raped her.

Joker didn't see the harm in her lying. It's not like he would be leaving Arkham anytime soon, not willingly of course. He would rather her push blame on him if it meant she got to stay. He wanted her to stay.


"Is Miss _____ doing better?"

Joker let the heated smoke exit his lips. His gaze falling onto his new doctor. The older woman kept a short frown on her face as she read through his files. Ah yes, the illegal relations between patient and nurse.

"Miss _____ no longer works here, Arthur. She was let go after admitting about the two of you.." She stated, clearing the thick tension in the air.

It didn't take long for word to go around about what happened. The doctor was fired after several inmates coming up front and telling the truth of what he did. After _____'s confession they felt courage and spoke against Harlem. The only regret Joker had was not killing him.

But still, he was upset.

"She didn't say I raped her..?" He questioned. His doctor arched a brow.

"No, Arthur. She confessed that you two.. well.. together and willingly.."

"Why would she lose her job for me? She didn't have to... she could have lied.. she could have kept her job."

"And continue that affair with you behind closed doors? Absolutely not."

Joker's eyes glanced around the room as he huffed his cigarette. He chuckled to himself.

She must really care about him then.

He couldn't contain his laughter anymore. This doctor was just as stupid as the last. He was left unbound. They must have been so stupid to trust him, thinking it was help.

He could make it this time.

He could make it out of here.

He had followers, people who wanted to help. He could get out of her.

He could find her.

"Something's funny, Arthur?"

Joker pressed his thumb into the burning bud of his cigarette. The pain was hot.

But he had felt worse.

"Yeah.. it was a joke I just remembered."

His eyes glanced up from his scorched skin and into the eyes of the doctor.

"You wanna hear it?"

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