Udo x Brittney

By GreenPuggy

14.5K 319 9

So brittney is a tundra fey and has always wanted to leave the cold mountains near Ulstead. One day when her... More

The curious tundra fey
Dark and Cold
Your back
The moors
Just helping
Love is in the air
The golden knights
The rescue plan
Safe and sound again
Love snd anger
Little ball from two
You are mine
Naomi returns
Home of the Dragons
Council of dragons
The end

Free at last

1.3K 35 0
By GreenPuggy

So just to clarify, the picture up top I drew of what Brittney looks like. Now that that is out of the way let's get to the story.🙂🙂🙂
Brittney POV

I was looking outside the window made of iron bars and then Olivia said " what's happening outside". I said " I see alot of people and fey fighting". I looked at Olivia and heard her say "oh no. I heard someone say that there should be a war against the humans and fey". I looked at her confused and asked " what war". She looked at me and told me about the humans and what they did to the fey while trying not to get hit by the stones that were falling from the ceiling. When she was done a really big piece of stone that was dividing Olivia and my cells ,fell which left a big hole. It was big enough space for me and Olivia to fly out." Olivia I'll fly out first to see if its safe" I said and she nodded in response. I began to fly out of the hole and saw a different part of the castle. The floor was cold against my feet and it almost seemed abandoned. I turned around and told Olivia it was her turn to fly out. She looked at me and said " I think the piece of stone broke the iron door to my cell. I'm going to help the other fey escape, you go ahead and I'll catch up". I nodded and began to hear noises coming from out side. I began to start flying again when all of a sudden a big boom flooded my ears and all the glass windows around me broke into pieces which made it easier for me to fly outside and see what was happening. I flew outside and saw humans being thrown to the ground by fey and the fey were being destroyed by the red dust I saw earlier. I carefully stepped out from one of the broken windows and hid behind a dish trying not to get touched by the red dust. I saw an opening that led from the castle to some type of forest. I was about to make a run for it when all of a sudden i looked up and saw a girl hanging on a blanket then was pushed into a window. I shook it off my mind and when I had a chance I ran for the forest across from the castle of Ulstead. I was almost there when I when I felt a stinging pain in my left leg. I fell in the middle of the war and clinched my leg. I then saw knights starting to surrounded me while holding weapons. That's when I remembered Olivia telling me about how fey have powers. I decided to see if that was true and lifted my hand and from the ground sprouted vines that created a dome like shield around me. From outside I could hear the knights firing their weapons at my shield. I began getting scared as I could see the vines slowly getting destroyed. Tears started running down my cheeks until I heard the sound of a dragon roaring. I looked through a small gap between the vines and saw the queen of Ulstead, the girl I saw earlier, and a dragon on top of a tall tower. Then a few minutes later i saw the queen push the girl off the tower and the dragon flew off and caught her but when the dragon crashed on the ground it was head straight for me. So I quickly undid the magic vines and ran to the side. I fell on the ground and saw  the dragon turn into a woman and saw "hello beasty". I then saw that the red dust was no longer in the air and the fey were helping humans and the humans were helping the fey. I stood up and heard Olivia's voice saying "Brittney, Brittney where are you" then I saw her climb out of the broken window with eren in her arm and behind her were the other fey that were taken. I ran to her and gave her a hug and I asked "are you ok" she nodded in response. Me and Olivia heard a man's voice say  "Olivia". We turned around and saw another tundra fey walking towards us. She smiled and ran to him and kissed and hugged him. I smiled knowing that she was safe along with eren. I then saw the woman that had transformed from a dragon to a fey make a beautiful tree appear. Then I heard screaming and saw the queen being thrown from branch to branch. I smiled then laughed at the sight of her screaming. I began to join the crowd that formed around the tree and saw that there was a wedding. It was between the girl from earlier and I'm guessing the prince Olivia told me about. I saw the girl being walked down the path of flowers in a beautiful dress that stared turing green and pink until it finally turned blue. After a few minutes the wedding was over and I walked away wondering what I would do now. While I was walking I wasn't paying attention and bumped into the lady the turned into a dragon. I fell on my butt and looked up to find the lady looking down on me as of she was going to kill me. I immediately started crying and saying I'm sorry so many times I lost track. She put her hand one my shoulder and said "there is no need to apologize dear, just be careful next time" then she helped me up." What's your name dear" the lady said to me then I responded " my name is Brittney, what's your name" I asked. She smiled and said "my name is malifecent. The two that just got married is my daughter Aurora and my son in law Philip". After talking a little four few came up to me and malifecent." Maleficent you should have seen how funny it was to hear that queen scream when she fell on the ground" a muscular man said and the two female and one other male fey started laughing." Guys I would like you all to meet Brittney" malifecent said while pointing to me. I got really shy and hind behind my wings when they started looking at me." Hi there, I'm ini and I'm a desert fey" the short female fey said then the taller fey woman said " I'm shrike and I'm a rainforest fey". The muscular man from earlier said " I'm borra, also a desert fey". Then it I turned and felt a felling I've never felt before. I found myself looking at a tall tundra fey man. He wore all white and while had long white hair and his wings were so beautiful. He wasn't paying attention to me but instead his attention was on the fact that borra was being held back by ini and shrike from trying to get to a very beautiful rainforest fey. I laughed and then all of a sudden he was looking at me and by his facial expression I could tell he was feeling the same way. His face had turned as pink as a pig and then malifecent came next to me and said "Brittney this is udo".


I was just watching borra being held back by ini and shrike then I turned my attention to Brittney. I was frozen, I could not move or day a word. I could tell she was a tundra fey but I had never seen one so beautiful. Her hair was so beautiful being mixed with platinum blonde and pink and her clothes were like mines but mixed also with pink. Where did this young fey come from. How old is she. What does her skin feel like. All my thoughts were erased when maleficent introduced me to Brittney. I began blushing and didn't know what to do. I just smiled and do what I do when ever I meet a beautiful girl. I kissed her hand and my mind went racing once again. I could not believe how soft her skin is but why are her clothes so dirty. Her skin is covered in dirt. I stood up and asked " what happened for her to be so dirty. She then said " a few weeks ago the knights took me here and I stayed in the cells at the bottom of the castle with all the other fey". I looked at her even closer and saw that some of her skin was covered in small dark purple bruises. I wanted to ask her about it but then she asked "what's in the forest over there" she said while pointing to the moors. I told her about the moors and how all the fey would live there from now one. She smiled but then that smile went away. I asked her what was wrong. She looked at me and said " as much as I want to go with all the fey to live there, I ran away from my parents. They must be so worried about me, I cant leave them udo". I then came up with an idea.
I looked at Brittney and said " you go to your parents and bring them to the moors, we will be waiting for you, I promise" then I smiled. This made her smile and then she flew off a started hoping that she would return.

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