Safe and sound again

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Shrike POV

It was night time and me, borra, and malifecent waited until all the other fey and humans were asleep. When they were we all flew to the kingdom where Udo and Brittney were being held captive. Ini stayed behind in the moors to make sure that no one foll6us when we left. After 3 hours of flying we finally made it to the kingdom. I was surprised by how many people were out at this time and also how big the kingdom was. Me, Borra, and Malifecent flew down and hid in a large bush and watched as people from this kingdom walked by. I was honestly discussed when I saw the woman of this kingdom. They wore short dresses that showed more then what needed to be seen. I looked at maleficent and she had the same expression. Borra was hypnotized by how many woman wakes by us. Maleficent said while whispering "we need to make our way to the castle". Borra said "ok but how do we get there without being seen by anyone". Then we heard some from a bar across from us say "if you want free boos come over here". After that everyone on the streets ran to that bar. We took this opportunity and climbed on top of the house next to us and ran across the roofs of houses and shops all the way to the castle. Once there we looked over the fence that surrounded the castle and saw that there were no guards. Then I remembered seeing a lot of people, mostly knights go to that bar. We ran across the garden and walked beside the castle. We looked down at the barred windows to see if we could find Udo and Brittney. After 5 minutes of searching we found them.

Brittney POV

I was sitting on the cold ground of me and udo's cell. Udo was resting in my arms once again as I rubbed my fingers through his half bloodly and knotted hair. I looked out of the barred window and watch as the moon lit up the cell. Soon after the moon light was faded by three figures. Then I heard one of the figures ask "Udo, Brittney are you in there". I recognized that voice, it was malifecent's voice. I ask in a whispering voice "malifecent, is that you". She said "yes, I'm here with borra and shrike". I smiled then turned to udo and then said "how are you going to get us out". Shrike said "we are going to break the bars, so you two can climb out". I then said " udo can't climb, he can barely move". Borra asked "why, what's wrong with him". I then began to tell them about what happened to me and udo as borra began to break the bars. Once the bars were finally broken I dragged udo's body and lifted his lower half and borra grabbed his upper half. Once he was finally out of the cell it was my turn. I climbed out of the cell and we were about to fly off but then I asked "what about the bars". Borra tried his best to put the bars back the way they were and once he was done we flew back to the moors. We flew to ini's cave and borra layied udo's body in ini's nest. Maleficent sat with me outside of ini's cave as ini tended to udo's wounds. Borra was inside the cave with ini and shrike had already went back to her cave. After 2 hours borra came out of ini's cave and said "good news udo is going to live, it's just going to take about 9 months for his wings to fully recover, he is also awake now so you can go visit him". I stood up and walked into the cave and sat next to udo and he smiled and said "hello Brittney". I smiled back and said with tears in my eyes "hello udo". I layied next to him and held his hand and kissed his cheek. The sun began to rise and ini came over to me and udo and said "udo is strong enough to be taken back to the cave you two share". I thanked ini and rapped udo's arm around me and helped him walk back to our cave. When we got to our cave I layied udo down in our nest and said "you need to rest now udo". He said "so do you". I then layied next to udo and said "I love you udo". He said "I love you too Brittney". I gave him a finale kiss on his cheek and soon the darkness of sleep took over me and udo.

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