Oscarr | Oscar Diaz

By luceo_non_uro

190K 3.1K 681

"I don't really know why I'm still hoping" On my block ๐Ÿ’• The chapters are short like the episodes More

Cast ๐Ÿ’•
Hi Princess
Mi Amor
The Date
Oscar's Shirt
We're Done
The Dance
Boy Problems
Come to light
Questions Questions Questions
Oscar's party

End Of Summer

24.8K 262 47
By luceo_non_uro

My suitcase layed on the ground as I stared at it trying to figure out whether I should unpack it or not.

"naaa I'll do it later" I smile as I open the curtains my curtains.

I missed Hawaii but I'm glad to be back home and I'm excited to see everyone.

"Almaa you want me to drop you off at cesars" My dad shouts walking to my room.

He gives me a disapproval look as he looks down at my messy floor.

"it's fine I'll clean it up later and I think I'll walk to Cesars" I smile grabbing my bag.

I give him a hug before exiting my room.

"back before dinner" Dad shouts as I leave my room.

"love you" I shout back.

I know this was going to sound lame but Dad was practically my best friend.

Mom passed away when I was 4 so its just been me and dad.

During summer break we decided to go Hawaii.

Yes Hawaiiiiii.

After walking a few blocks I reached Cesars house.

I was deciding whether to go in or not. The men outside the house watched as I stood there awkwardly.

Oh come on Alma. Find a bush to hide behind so you don't look like a idiot.

"Alma" A voice calls out.

I turn to see Cesar walking towards me.

"hey what are you doing near the  bushes" He whispers looking at me confused.

"oh I though they were cute" I smile gently patting the leaves.

He looks at me weirdly before bursting into laughter.

"Come here you weirdo" Cesar laughs pulling me into a hug.

"I've missed you so much" I smile squeezing him tighter.

He begins to gasp for air and I quickly let him go.

"do i get a hug too" A voice smiles.

I turn to see Oscar standing behind me with a grin on his face. He was looking me up and down.

"Eyes up here cochino" I sigh rolling my eyes.

He rolls his eyes and walks closer towards us.

"you got erm" Oscar smiles flicking a leaf off my shoulder.

"oh" I whispers flicking the rest of the  leaves off my body while Cesar tried to contain his laughter.

The brother began shoving eachother causing me to roll my eyes.

"Cesar. Alma" Monse screams running down the sidewalk.

She pulls me and Cesar into a giant hug and pushes Oscar out the way. Jamal and Ruby push Oscar too and join in the hug.

"Fuck you guys" Oscar whispers before walking off.

"Phew thought he was gonna hit me or something" Ruby sighs as he catches his breath and Jamal nods agreeing.

"Now you're in his bad side" Cesar laughs.

"What is he santa or something?" I giggle as we watch Oscar and his freinds.

"Enough about Oscar. I'm hungry so let's goo" Jamal screams grabbing my arm.

"wait where. No one told me where we were going" I ask as we walk down the sidewalk.

"We're going to Rosa's" Ruby smiles.

A smile begins to appear on my face.

"wait does that cute guy still work there" I slyly ask.

The boys all roll their eyes.

"Yess obviously he does" Monse blushes grabbing my arm.

"and you know that how?" Ruby asks.

"don't tell me you stalked him" Jamal asks and everyone looks at Monse concerned.

"Noo I called Rosa's and asked" Monse awkwardly laugh before quickly walking away.

We all stop on the side walk as we watch her walk off.

She called Rosa?

"are you coming" She screams and we all knodd and run after her.

After walking a few blocks we  reached the diner and took our seats. Monse kept an eye out for the cute guy

"What can I get you guys" Rosa smiles holding her notepad.

"Ryan" Monse blurts out as she begins to choke on her water.

"One Ryan coming up" Rosa laughs before hurting away.

I watch as Ryan heads over to our table.

"Hi Ryan" I smile slowly patting Monse's back.

"You okay Monse?" He asks looking concerned.

"I'm fine I'm fine" Monse replies clearing her throat.

"It's been pretty boring here without you guys" Ryan groans taking a seat at our booth.

I could see Cesar tense up.

"it's been pretty boring with you too" Monse smiles staring into Ryan's eyes.

"oooh someone's got a crush" Jamal whispers.

I give him a playful slap on the shoulder.

"Yeah it's been pretty boring without any of you guys." I smile hoping this awkwardness would just go away.

"Regulars?" Ryan asks getting up from the booth.

We all knod as he flips through his notepad.

"Your food will be with you shortly" He smiles before running off.

"I don't know what you see in him" Ruby sighs.

Monse hadn't listened to a word he said and kept her focus on Ryan as she watched him.

Our food had arrived shortly after and we began eating.

After our meals we ate alot of desserts and then payed for our meals.

We thanked Rosa and Ryan for the food and bid goodbye.


"ughhh I'm so full I'm going to drop dead in a few seconds" Ruby groans.

We were walking back to Cesar's.

"I'm about to have this baby right here" Jamal cries as he rubs his belly

I laugh as I watch everyone's pain.

Cesars front porch was empty except for Oscar who was fixing his car.

"you're back already" Oscar smiles leaning on his car.

I give him a look and motion up towards the sky.

It was nearly pitch black. We've been gone for hours.

"Look at the sky Oscar. Look at it" I growl crossing my arms.

"someone's got a cru-" Jamal sings.

"I swear I'll slap the shit out of you" I smile giving him the death stare.

He backs away slowly raising his hands.

Ruby let's out a fake cough.

"It's getting late I should go" Ruby smiles pulling me into a side hug.

"Yeah I should get going to. Bye Alma" Jamal smiles and Monse nods in agreement.

"I'll see you later" She smiles pulling me into a hug.

Now it was just me, Cesar and Oscar.

"I erm think I need to pee" Cesar smiles as he quickly runs into his house leaving me and Oscar alone.

He thinks?

"bye" I smile trying not to roll my eyes at him.

I awkwardly wave at Oscar before beginning walk off.

"I wasn't done talking to you" Oscar whispers grabbing my hand.

What the fuck just happened?

I gulp and look down at our hands.

"Well I'm done talking to you. So bye" I sigh pushing his hand away.

He looks down and apologises realizing what he had done.

"Alma. Let me give you a ride" Oscar whispers standing closer towards me.

He had them sad puppy dog eyes that no one could resist.

Oscar may have fooled all the other girls in this town but not me.

"no thank you" I politely before running off the porch.

He smiles as he watches me cross the road.


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