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#1 in Hunt 4/9/2020 #1 in sexscenes 6/6/2020 #8 in love 4/2/2020 #9 in new story 4/6/2020 Serenity's on the r... More

A/N ✨
A/N ehhhh
A/ N


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{A/N Keep in mind this will be a very long chapter }

•*•*• REN POV:

"Okay that's all for today enjoy your weekend." Davis let out the meeting early as he had said to have stuff to do later. Giving him a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek I left the company heading to Isabella house. Davis has been really stand off and grumpy lately. He wouldn't say much at work nor would he say Goodmorning or goodnight to me as usual. Something was off about him.

Isabella had a look book coming up tomorrow and I've been doing nothing but trying on thousands of clothes. Swim suits, skirts ,shirts, jackets and etc. Giving me nothing but a headache. But I was going to support a friend.

I moved back into my house since Adrian doms friend , said their were no funny activity in the last couple of weeks. I haven't thought much about him I was to busy actually living for once. I even told dad I was happy and he couldn't wait for me to come visit. Hopefully I could go see him soon. It's been to long.

On my drive there my heart kept beating so fast and only one person was on my mind.

Dominic Reed

We're supposed to go on a date tonight but I'm nerves and neither have he text or called me since yesterday when he called and asked. I assumed he was busy and would just call me later and fill me in on the details. I had the perfect dress and I couldn't wait to wear it. But he said it was. A date so does that mean we were together...... you know a thing?

I kept that question at the top of my list for the past few days now. We'd sleep together tell each other deep shit , we couldn't be just be fuck buddies. Didn't it grow ....our feelings weren't it more then lust by now?

Arriving at Isabella place I was immediately stanched in by raven and Mk.
"Where have you been we've been waiting for you girl?" Raven said with some cookies in her hand.

Everyone was dressed up helping her set stuff up for her look book plus still getting outfits ready.
"Gone head we left you a ton of clothes." I looked to were Mk was pointing and saw the corner full of clothes.

Oh brother.

Two hours later we stopped taking a break but raven needed someone to go to mikes flat to get her bright furry red heels. She needed it for the look book.

I protested and tried to send Mk but she was knocked out with piles of clothes on her so raven looked at me.
She said she'd stay there and finish up helping Bella.

So here I was standing outside his door knocking at seven at night for some damn red heels.

Still not fucking text nor call from dom and it was almost eight.

He finally opened looking like he just woke up.
"Hey mike raven sent me over for her red heels."
He looked me up and down
"I know she just called , come on."
I walked in behind him. "Wait here ima go find em."
He left me standing in his living room. His place was really nice and it didn't smell bad like most men flats do.

I walked around looking at his pictures that was clearly framed mostly had dom ,ace, mike and some blonde woman in it.  The blonde woman was in a lot of pictures. Speaking of ace he came up licking my hand.
"Hey there boy." I leaned down patting his head. This dog had so much drool man mind me to never get a damn dog this big.

"Girl got so many damn shoes." He came in empty handed.
"Ima check this closet." He went to the one closer to the door.

"Hey mike , who's this?" He looked up back my way with squinted eyes at the photos.

"Oh the blonde woman?"
Who else cuz I've meet the three musketeers already.
"That's April."
"Doms friend ?"
He finally found the red heels.

"Yea he said they were friends back in college."
"Nah you must have heard him wrong."
"What you mean ?"
"April was doms fiancé."

Fiancé as in ex girlfriend.
No shit rere fiancé wasn't a foreign word for friend.

"Yep, our boy dom was in an arranged marriage since birth."
"What happen?" Looking back at the beautiful blonde woman in the photo.


"She broke him. You see Dom didn't want no parts of the mafia since we were kids but she did once she found out after college. So she joined , dom was head over hills for her. He told ole Davy he wanted in as well. Shocked Davis to the core cuz dom swore on his pops grave he didn't want to join."

"She got into deep with some people to were she owed them money. Dom paid them off but she was mad , more like furious. The people she worked for wanted dom out the picture once they found out how important he was to Davis. She planted a bullet straight through his chest , missing his heart by a long shot. So she left our team and became the enemy. April was doms first to everything. She didn't even love him forreal only using him to boost her status.
She was his kryptonite and he fell for anything she said or did everytime. After his coma we haven't heard of her since."

I couldn't believe my ears and that's a first. The only thing I kept looking at were how close they looked.
A fucking fiancé let along ex.

He lied to me.

To. Me.
Your not even special to him just a fuck whenever he calls.

While I was being completely honest to him I told him everything. I poured my soul out on the table. The feeling I felt inside felt so unfamiliar and I hated it.
What the fuck was the date even for then?

"Why do you still have her picture up ?"
"Well, despise all the shit she did,In this picture at that time that was the most happiest I've ever seen dom. College was the best years of our life. I never brought myself to throw it away."
I only nodded trying to keep my cool down.

"Well thanks mike , I gotta go bella gonna kill me if I don't bring these back." I tried to rush out

"You fell for him didn't you?"

Ding ding ding you have a winner.
turning around where I stood ,

"Don't tell me he got to you to Ren, I love dom but I love raven more. She cherishes you like how she does with bell and Mk. What I'm going to tell you will be hard and I don't have a place to say so but
Leave dom alone if you value your heart and your freedom."


"I'm the bestfriend, and I'm trying to help. I've seen him go through so many people but serenity, I like you and I think your a smart girl . You don't belong with someone in the mafia. Please just listen to me."

I looked up at him and he was being dead ass. Not the sarcastic always joking mike. His eyes were open wide he wasn't joking about this.

"I-I.....I have to go thanks for the shoes."
I left out in a hurry and I heard him yell my name but I just kept walking. Taking the elevator back down my door open with a confused dom standing there. At this time I knew I looked a hot mess and my face was probably a disaster.
Oh god why did I have to see him here and now at this time.

don't call me that shit.
He grabbed my face in his hands taking in my appearance.  I wanted to puke at his touch. He went hours without texting nor calling me and now he wanna call me fucking baby?

"What's wrong, what happen ,why are you here?"
Like you care.
"Are you crying?"

"N-nothings wrong and I came for these beauties you know for Bella look book." I tried smiling it off but I couldn't look the man in his damn face not into them soulless ocean eyes.

He knew it. He knew there was something wrong with me.
"Ren what's going on?"
"Really dom nothing."
I tried walking off but he just grabbed my upper arm.
"Baby just talk to me. If it's about the date -"

"Then talk to me,I don't like seeing you like this , your eyes look swollen from crying what's-"

"Who's April dom?" My lips pressed together and my eyes finally looking at his pools.

He squinted his eyes confused but came to realization .
"He told you didn't he?"
"Unfortunately." Bitting the side of my mouth.
"Why are you even mad right now?"
"You lied to me ....I-I believed we were being honest to each other."

"I don't see why April have anything to do with this right now , anything to do with us."

"You dumb fuck.....you lied about her being just a friend you were engaged to her."
"And again so, I lied I didn't think it mattered she was a friend and someone I fucked occasionally and we were engaged since birth that's different."

"So what are we?" My question took not me back but him as well. I could tell he was in deep thought
"Are we a couple or just people who fucks 'occasionally'?"
"Answer the goddamn question dom."

"I don't see why people need a tittle when we both know I don't do RELATIONSHIPS'" He roared

"Right, so two months.....just meaning less sex to you huh?"

"Bullshit Serena you walking around here everyday like your just so fucking perfect. Now I'm the bad guy because I lied about one thing? You knew who I was when you first heard of me. You knew I don't put a tittle on no one and yet you stayed your ass in my bed. You let me do whatever I wanted to you and you liked it. So cut the shit."

By this time my heart had broken for the second time in my life .
Just how much could a girl heart take?
I wanted to keep the tears in but they just slipped out on their own.

"Well thank you for not breaking your promise."
He'd never hurt me , but he just did.
I fell for him to hard....I got to close to the flame and got burnt .

"This is your fault, since day one you wanted to get up in my shit like you really wanted to be with me or even tried to. This why I don't fuck broken things."
He scuffed.

My fist collide with his cheek. This dumb bitch-
He held his right cheek surprised that the silent serenity finally took action. His eyes held so much fury  but he wasn't scaring shit this way I'd beat his ass and leave him here.

Broken things .....

"FUCK YOU DOM, I wouldn't give a rat ass If you died tomorrow. I wish I never met you or laid eyes on your shitty face. Don't ever speak to me again."
I began walking off "oh and FYI I would have gave you what was left of me I would have stayed down for you. I could have gave you way more then what April gave you. And not once would I ever betray you. Because that's the type of woman I am. I don't need you and your weak ass dick. Why did I even let it get this far?" This time I finally walked off to my car with tears eyes.
He kept calling my name but I ignored him and his shitty ass existence.

I made it back to bella house with a stuffy looking face.
"Omg what the fuck happen ?" Bella came up to me with a worried look. That caused the girls to all surround me next thing I know I found myself in a puddle of tears and everyone taking me in their arms.

Thirty minutes later I was telling them what's been going on with me and dom for the past two months except for the whole mafia thing and that mike and April was the reason why we weren't together.

"I FUCKING knew it." Raven got up clapping her hands and laughing.
"I knew she was fucking dom I just knew that shit."

"Wow ....Ren why didn't you tell me?"
I shrugged it off "I wasn't sure what we was doing but now I know. I thought I was um changing him , thought he was falling for me as much as I was for him."

"Do dad know ?"
"Oh noooooooo, I feel terrible for not telling him."

"Telling me what ?" We all looked up at Davis walking in with flowers for bella and wine for everyone.
"Hey thanks for bringing them."
Mk ran giving her dad a hug and taking the wine.
"I thought I come by and give these beautiful roses to Isabella thought you ladies wanted to celebrate. Makalea here left these at the house there for you bells."

Bella got up taking the flowers from him and thanking him.

"Now what don't'Davis know?" Everyone looked at me then back at Davis.
"Were erm going to take the wine in here while ugh you two talk."  Raven said as Isabella left with her.

"Can you give us a moment, it'll only be a few seconds." He kissed her head but eyed me like crazy.

Once she left his gaze never left mine.
"Come walk with me."
I nodded following behind him until we were outside standing next to his Jeep.

"Mind telling me what's going on kiddo?"
"I-I um," I was so nervous  I kept playing with my fingers.
"Spit it out."
He crossed his arms
"I've been sexually involved with someone." I looked up at his hooded eyes. He took a deep breath before talking
"I know it's dom."

I slowly nodded. Wait what?
"H-How long have you known?"
"Come on little one , I'm a leader of the most powerful mafia in all of Florida. I'm old not dumb plus I had eyes on you since the day you came. I tried giving you some privacy but I see I gave you to much. I took you under my wing , brought you into my home , your mothers home. I expected you to come down here to live and have fun not FUCK MY GODSON!!!"
I jumped at the sound of his voice. By this time tears came pouring down. He never not once showed me this side of him only the nice gentle side.

"I didn't try to-"
"You knew what you were doing the moment you laid with him but I can't blame you , he's for fault I told him countless of times you and especially you were off limits."
"I don't get it....what's wrong with me having feelings for dom or even wanting to be with him?"
"I can and I will. If your father found out I let this happen he'd hate me again for the second time in our life."


He pinched the bride of his nose
"How close are you and my father ?"
"We were once close friends." He leaned against the car with his hands in his pockets trying to fight something within.

"I thought you two were complete strangers who put aside strange tides and came together to help me and my randy situation."

Davis shook his head staring at me.
"There's a secret I had to carry for years now."

I felt that we weren't even talking about dom anymore or why we couldn't date no see this was something more , something bigger then me.

"Something only Me ,Adam and your mother know."

"What are you talking about Davis?"
He sighed taking his time,

"Your my daughter, Serenity Ivy Wright."


PUBLIC Reminder:
I know some of you are like how can he be her real dad when she's dark skin and he's white. Let meh break down some things to ya. I have people in my family who are prime example of mixed children where the child comes out light dark then your average lightskin or mixed skin color.

Most people think the child always come out light like  makeala but in MY BOOK  Serena is the daughter of Davis meaning he is the biological father. Yes he's white yes she is brown skin but like I said I don't want comments how is  that  even possible.
I will explain more in further chapters full details. I made the book this way to have readers question everything. 

Just one last time.

Davis is the biological father to Serena. Won't say it again.....

Thank you for reading next update will be in a few hours.🖤🖤

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