Chop Chop Ninjas Meet A Samur...

Door Umbrano

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Takeda was a young samurai along with his 8 friends by his side with Takeda being the leader of the group. Th... Meer

Chapter 1: The Arrival
Chapter 2: Meeting The Ninjas
Chapter 3: Takeda's Old Adversary
Chapter 4: The Samurai's Tour
Chapter 5: The Sceptre Of Movement
Chapter 6: The Guest Of Honour
Chapter 7: The Third Disciple
Chapter 8: The Fourth Disciple
Chapter 9: The Fifth Disciple
Chapter 10: Takeda's Odyssey
Chapter 11: All-Out Attack Part One
Chapter 12: All-Out Attack Part Two
Chapter 13: The Group's Background
Chapter 14: The Great Samurai's Spear
Chapter 15: The Shaolin Monks
Chapter 16: Kami's Heat
Chapter 17: In Charge
Chapter 18: Iro The Sensei
Chapter 19: Nightingale's Gift
Chapter 20: Jo's Confession
Chapter 21: Old Friends, New Enemies
Chapter 22: Smoking Gun
Chapter 24: Strength In Weakness
Bonus Story: I'm Here For You
From The Author

Chapter 23: Fighting For My Life

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Door Umbrano

Takeda's POV:

I woke up again in the barren land. I saw Consul and Rachel next to me.

"Takeda, are you alright?" Rachel asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I answered as I got up and dusted myself off.

I looked around and we saw that one or two trees are disappearing periodically. Disappearing, as though the trees were turning into dust.

"What happened to you out there?" Rachel asked me.

"He got severely wounded in battle" Consul told her.

She then looked at me concerned.

"What's going on here?" I asked Consul.

"Takeda, remember what I told you about this being the embodiment of your mind?" he asked me seriously.

"Yes" I answered.

"Well, I'm afraid... there's no point in coming back to the real world this time" he told me.

Me and Rachel were very perplexed.

"What? No! There has to be a way! There always is!" I said.

"Yeah! What about his friends in the real world? He can't just leave them!" Rachel added.

Consul just looked at us and said "I'm sorry, but there's no other way".

Then he slowly turned to dust.

He noticed it and he said "Takeda... follow the light".

Then Consul completely disappeared.

We were completely shocked at the scene. We didn't know what else to do.

"What do we do?" Rachel asked me.

"I guess we just... follow the light" I replied.

"Okay, but what light was he talking about?" she asked.

Then she gets her answer as a bright yellow light shined in our faces. We covered our eyes because it was sudden and bright.

"That... bright light" I said.

We then started to follow the bright light while covering our eyes so we don't go blind. I wonder what or where this light will take us.

Mika's POV:

I had a bandage on the wound on my left face. Their doctor was just trying his best to get Takeda up. I don't know anyone here so I was just sitting on one of the samurai's beds, sharpening my knife. As I almost finished, I saw someone walking towards me. It was the one with the guitar as his weapon.

"Hey" he greeted me.

"Uh... hi" I greeted back.

"Um... you're kinda on my bed" he told me.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know it was your bed" I apologised.

He replied "Nah, don't worry about it. I just wanna get something real quick".

Then he reached in his pillow and he found a triangular plastic piece.

"There we go. I've been looking all over for this" he said as he pocketed it.

Then he put his right hand out to me.

"Fugiro, but they call me Songbird" he said.

I shook it and I replied "I'm Mika. If you like, then you can call me Aurora".

He said "I see a bright future in you, Mika".

I was stunned by what he said. 'Bright future'? What does he mean by that?.

"I meant that your name Aurora, to me is bright" he told me.

"Oh... okay" I said sheepishly.

He smiled and I also smiled back.

He looked at his watch and said "Well, I better get going. I still have things to do".

He then went to the doorway but before he left he said "I hope that scratch will heal soon".

He... was concerned about me. I felt my heart beat a bit faster. Then Akira came to me and sat beside me.

She said "Soo, you met our musician, huh?".

"Да (Yes)" I answered. "He's quite charming".

Akira giggled and said "Yep. That's my big bro".

I was stunned and I looked at her in a shocked expression.

"Wait, he's your big brother?" I asked her.

"Yeah! He's only the best big bro I could ask for" she proudly told me.

Oh no, and I just realised that I told her that he's charming.

"I didn't recognise him" I answered.

"Yeah, he changed a lot since you last met him" she told me. "Heck, I don't think he remembers you sooo, you're gonna have to start from scratch"

"Weeell, this could be a stretch, but judging by what happened earlier, I think you like him" she added.

I got stunned and felt embarrassed.

"N-No! I don't!" I denied.

"And you were listening to our conversation?!" I added.

"How can't I? I was just over there" she told me as she pointed to the far side of the room.

"You guys weren't the only ones here".

I sighed and asked "Who else is here?".

"Him" she answered and she pointed to the doctor of the group.

I just face-palmed because I completely forgot that he was still here.

"I heard everything" he told me, making me even more embarrassed. "Don't worry, I'll keep quiet".

"Thanks" I told him and I buried my face in my ushanka, letting my light blue hair down.

Then Akira got up and told me "Well, I gotta go train. You can come with me if you want".

"Looks like I don't have any other choice" I replied. I then stood up and put my ushanka on and I went to their training grounds. I see everyone training their skills to combat training dummies that are... MOVING?!

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it" Akira told me. "But first I think you should get to know everyone".

I just followed her along. If I'm staying here for a couple of days, I think I should get to know everyone.

Takeda's POV:

"I don't think we can beat this guy!" I said.

We were fighting a giant monster. It was wearing a black helmet with horns of a ram. It was black with blue glowing streaks on some parts of its body. It had a maul for a weapon. It also had some inscriptions on its chest that are also glowing blue. Whenever I slash a wound on the monster with my katana, it just regenerates itself in a matter of seconds.

"It just keeps healing" Rachel said.

The monster laughs and said "You fools cannot pass here!".

Then I said "We'll see about that!" and I charged at it.

As I jump to slash it, it punched me and sent me flying into a dead tree.

"Takeda!" I heard Rachel call and she ran to me.

I got up and rubbed my head at where I hit the tree.

"Well, this could be going better" I mumbled to myself.

"Are you alright?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I answered as I picked up my katana.

I charged at him again and he punched me again into the same tree.

"Maybe... we should take a break from this" Rachel suggested.

"No, I have to keep going" I told her and I charged at him again.

I got punched again into the SAME tree again.

"Um... perhaps now?" she asked.

I groaned in defeat and I replied "Fine".

"But only for a little while".

"Fair enough" she said.

I got up and the monster told me "Had enough yet, insolent fool?".

I stood up and I called to the monster "Um... we're going to have a break, is that alright with you?".

He then said "Oh, well if you please. Take as long as you want".

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course, you have been at this for a while" the monster answered.

"Okay thanks" I said and me and Rachel went to find somewhere to rest nearby.

Rachel told me "Well, he's a nice fellow".

"I didn't know that I could negotiate with it" I answered.

Crow's POV:

Me and Mika were just showing off our skills in the training grounds, fighting the others in a team battle.

"We need to get them fast" Mika told me.

"We should if we're gonna have a-" I said but Mika cut me off by saying "DUCK!".

We ducked under and Tetsuo's mace and he said "I got you now!".

"We'll see about that!" I said and ne and Mika got at him at both sides.

He didn't know what to do and we hit him gently.

"Okay, you got me" Tetsuo said.

"Yeah, we did" I said.

"Be careful they're still out there" Mika told me and we became more vigilant.

I wanna win this thing.

Takeda's POV:

I charged at the monster again and this time I kept dodging its attacks.

"Hold still!" the monster commanded but I didn't listen because I kept dodging.

I thought to hit it's glowing streaks in some parts of its body. So I did and I managed to wound him. He threw me into the ground while it was screaming in pain.

"Takeda, look!" Rachel told me as she pointed to where I wounded the monster.

I saw that the wounds persisted on its body. It didn't heal this time.

"Maybe you found its weakness" Rachel said.

"Then I know what I have to do" I replied and I started aiming for his glowing streaks.

Mika's POV:

I was with Akira and she was braiding my hair because we had nothing else to do. We didn't win the team battle.

"We were sooo close!" Akira told me.

"Yeah, but we made it in second place" I told her.

"Yeah, I guess" she replied.

She was almost at the end of the strands. She was surprisingly very good at this.

"Sooo, what do ya think of my big bro?" she asked me.

I was perplexed with her question.

"W-Why do you want to know?" I defensively asked.

"Oh c'mon, you can tell me. I'll keep it a secret don't worry" she answered.

I sighed and said "You promise?" I reluctantly asked.

"Promise" she said.

I sighed and said "Well... he's nice and kind of cute. He was even concerned about my scratch on my left cheek".

"Ding! Ding! Ding! I think you have a match!" she exclaimed.

"Don't be so loud" I told her.

"Oh, sorry" she said sheepishly.

Luckily, there was no one outside with us. Then she was done with my braid.

"And there" she said.

"What do ya think?" she asked me.

I looked at my braid and it looked great.

"It looks great!" I answered.

She was surprised to hear that. "Really? You like it?" she asked.

"Yeah, I love it" I answered.

"Wow, I didn't know it was that good. That's my first time to do braids on someone" she said as she scratched her head.

"Well, you're a natural" I told her.

"Hehe... thanks" she said.

I looked at the time on my watch and I suggested "Should we get back inside?".

"Yeah, I think we-" Akira said but she was cut off by Ming Zhu.

"Akira! Mika! Come inside, now!" she said in a distressed tone.

We then hurriedly got inside to see what's going on. I hope Takeda's okay.

Takeda's POV:

I got the monster severely wounded. It was wounded at where the streaks were. The blue glow was slowly fading away.

"Time to end this" I said as I gave the finishing blow.

The monster was visibly weakened and catching its breath.

"You... have... sealed your fate... child" the monster spoke in a weakened tone.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I follow the light" I told it.

The monster weakly laughed and said "Fool... that's why you wanted to get past? If you do this... you can't go back".

"I told you, it doesn't matter now" I replied.

"Why are you protecting the light anyway?" Rachel asked.

The monster weakly laughed again and said "I'm not protecting the light from you... I'm protecting you... from it".

Then the monster fell to the ground and the glow had faded. I was relieved but confused at the same time. Protect me from what? The light? What could it possibly do to harm me? Rachel was concerned about me because I was just visibly a wreck.

"Are you alright?" Rachel asked me.

But as I turned to face her, I saw that she was slowly turning to dust, from her legs up to her head.

"Rachel, you're disappearing!" I told her.

Then she noticed it and she was nervous.

"You have to go without me, Takeda" she told me.

"What? No! I'm not going without you!"

"Takeda, you and I both know I cannot make it. So you have to-"

"No! I won't!"

"Takeda..." she said and I felt bad because I shouted at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" I said.

She smiled at me and said "Don't worry, it happens".

Then Rachel only had her upper body left. "You have to go" Rachel said.

"Okay" I said as I started walking.

"Goodbye, Rachel" I told her.

"Goodbye, Takeda" she said as she turned completely into dust.

I was alone now. I have to keep going because I didn't get this far just to turn back now. As I get closer, the light was shining brighter and brighter. I got to the point of no return as I got to the source of the light.

I saw was a beautiful place; a garden to be exact. I didn't know what to do in this place. I tried to walk back to where I came from but the passage was gone. I saw Consul and Rachel next to a tree and I walked over to them.

"Hey, Takeda. Glad you could make it" Consul told me.

"What is this place? It's peaceful" I asked.

Consul then stood up and told me "I show you around. I'll tell you as we go along. Rachel do you want to come with us?".

"Of course!" Rachel said as she stood up.

We started walking around the garden. I think I'm starting to like this peaceful place.

Crow's POV:

Me and Mika rushed to our room with Ming Zhu. She didn't tell us what's it about so I think this is a surprise. But... she sounded nervous so I think I'm not going to like whatever's going on. We saw everyone in our room. I know it's serious. I got a view of Takeda and Owl and from what I see that Owl's panicking.

"Nononononono" I heard Owl said in panic.

We got to Takeda's bed and I saw Jo looking worried.

I asked her "Jo, what's happening?".

She said about to tear up "Takeda's... not going to make it".

I looked at Takeda and he still wasn't moving. After a little while, Owl checked his vitals and he was surprised. He looked at us in a sad way and he shook his head.

We were all very sad. Me, Jo and Ming Zhu are crying. Takeda's gone.

Master Enoki put a hand on Takeda's forehead and he said "Takeda, may you be peaceful now, wherever you are".

We couldn't believe it.

"What are we going to do now, Master?" Tetsuo asked.

"We have to bury him in the training grounds so that we can remember him" Master Enoki replied.

I didn't know what that meant.

"What does he mean?" I asked Mika.

"It's called a funeral, Akira. It's a ceremony where we honour the dead's last wishes and remember them" she told me.

"Shang, Shao, the materials are in the storage closet" Master Enoki commanded them.

"Yes, master" they replied and they went to go get them.

We took one last look at Takeda before his... funeral thing.


Mika's POV:

We were outside in the training grounds where Takeda was buried. He was buried directly far away from the doors going out of the dojo. Ming Zhu, Akira and Jo were crying but I was trying my best to not follow suit. But I failed because I felt a tear streaming from my right eye. I couldn't help it. We lost Takeda. Then I saw the doors open and Master Enoki was with someone, someone that I immediately recognise. He was wearing a red robe and he had white hair.

Akira asked me "Mika, why're you...".

She trailed off as she saw the man.

"Master Oda!" she exclaimed as she ran straight to him.

Master Oda saw her and he was surprised that Akira hugged him. I smiled at the scene and I decided to go over to them.

"I missed you so much, Master Oda!" Akira said.

"I missed you too, Akira" Master Oda replied to her.

Then he suddenly looked at me and he was surprised to see me.

"Mika?" he asked.

I smiled and answered "Da (Yes)".

He then looked at me and he couldn't believe that it was me.

"Look at you! You've grown so much since we last met" Master Oda said.

I scratched my head in embarrassment and I replied "Hehe... well the years flew by so quickly, I didn't realise".

Then Master Oda went to Takeda's grave because maybe that's the reason he came here. I went alongside him.

"Takeda... you were a diligent student and a great teacher. I hope that you may be peaceful wherever you are" Master Oda said to the grave.

He then laid down a medal on the stone. It was shining gold.

"For your diligence, I give that medal to you" Master Oda added.

He then left it there and he started talking with Master Enoki. I had nothing else to do but to pay my respect for Takeda. No one else was with me so I have to do it myself.

"Takeda... you're a great friend to have. I didn't think that you would leave us so soon but... we must go on. You may be gone... but we will never forget you" I said as I felt tears streaming from my eyes.

Then I suddenly felt a hand on my right shoulder. I turned to see who it was. It was Fugiro.

"You're alone... so I thought I'd swing by" he said.

"Are you always alone?" he asked me.

I was stunned but replied "Yeah... always had been since seven years ago".

I wanted to talk about how I ended up being alone these years but I don't know.

"I mean... it's okay if you don't want to talk about it" he told me.

"I... I want to tell you, but can you promise that you can't tell anyone?" I asked.

"Of course, I'm not that kinda person. It's only gonna be between us" he answered.



I then thought about it and I should tell him now. "Okay, here's why..."


A 9 year old Mika was getting back to her cabin, having done her errand. She was carrying a bunch of rabbits that are caught in her trap.

"I hope that we have enough meat for this week" she said to herself. "I'll come back later anyway before I get more firewood".

She saw her house in the blizzard.

"I should hurry" she told herself as she went faster.

Then as she went closer, she saw 3 armed strangers who held her father, mother, and older brother hostage. She hid in the nearby boulders to avoid detection by the captors.

"If I break free, it will be hell where you are!" Mika's older brother, Dmitriy, shouted at the captors.

Then the lead captor took out a knife and stabbed it in Dmitriy's chest, killing him instantly. Her parents helplessly watched as Dmitriy fell limp and blood streaming through his chest.

"Try to rain hell on us now!" the lead captor taunted the dead Dmitriy.

Then the lead captor turned to Mika's father, Fedor, knife at the ready.

"Just leave my family alone!" Fedor begged the captor.

Then the lead captor shouted at him "Zakroy Rot! (Shut your mouth!) You didn't pay in time, so this serves as our payment!".

Then he stabbed his knife through Fedor's forehead. Mika and her mother couldn't help but cry.

Then the leader turned to Mika's mother, Kristina, knife at the ready.

"Please... do not harm my daughter" she begged.

The leader smirked and mercilessly stabbed Kristina into her abdomen. She fell to the ground, lifeless. Mika was crying at the whole scene. Then she heard the leader's voice rang out.

"Find the girl!"

2 of the captors then broke into Mika's cabin in hopes to find her. Mika had an opportunity to strike them. She had 3 throwing knives that she can use.

"It's now or never" she said, determined to get revenge for her family.

She came out of hiding and she aimed at the one standing guard outside. She threw the knife and it stuck to the captor's head. He fell to the snow-covered ground. Then she saw the other captor in the doorway.

"Hey!" the captor called.

Mika threw her knife, killing him as it stuck to his forehead. The leader came out of the cabin and Mika was surprised to see who it was.

"Niko?" she asked. The leader was shocked to see her.

"Mika?" he asked.

The leader was Mika's closest friend, 15 year old Nikolai. Mika started to cry because she saw that her closest friend killed her family.

"Why... why did you do this?" she asked.

"I'm just doing what I'm told" Nikolai said casually.

"Listen, I-" Nikolai said but Mika cut him off.

"I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU!" Mika screamed. "After what you've done, I will never forgive you!". Without second thought, Mika threw her knife at Nikolai.

"Wait-" Nikolai said before the knife hit his head, killing him.

She knelt down on her knees and cried. She felt extreme sadness that she never felt before. She then went inside the cabin and came out with a shovel. She then proceeded to bury her family at the back of the cabin. She mourned for her family that night and she cried until the morning. When midday came, she vowed to kill her family's killer. She wanted to find the people who sent Nikolai to kill her family.

"I will find them, don't worry" she said to herself as if she was talking to her family.

(flashback ended)

"After that, I... didn't trust anyone. That's why I made you promise not to tell anyone. I've been alone for these years, and... me having people around me now... I felt a bit better. I don't want to be alone again" I told him.

He then suddenly held my hand and said "Now, you don't have to be".

My heart felt... warm when he said that.

"Thank you" I told him.

He chuckled and said "C'mon, it's getting dark. We should head back inside".

He was right, the sun was setting. We then made it to the academy. Then I saw Akira by the doorway and she wanted to talk to me.

"I'll catch up with you" I told Fugiro.

"Okay, I'll be in our room if you need me" he told me and he went to the samurai's room.

"Sooo, you guys are taking off, huh?" Akira teased me.

"Can you please be quiet about this?" I asked.

"Okaay" she replied.

I don't want him to know yet. I'm keeping it as a secret.

(To be continued)

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