The Guardian (male reader x r...

By Darel114

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you're Pyrrha younger brother. you manage to enter beacon because professor ozpin invited you in. now you emb... More

Welcome to Beacon
Speeches and bed time
Emerald fores
ceremony and nightmare
first day
dealing with the bully
The cliff
Forever Fall
A walk in the harbour
Resolving the trouble
New Semester
the elites
The Date?
King of Kings
Visiting day
Y/N vs Arturia
Ambushed 2
Another Guardian
Brother and Sister
The fifth
the fifth pt.2
The fifth pt.3
Just another day
Bond of siblings
Twilight of the Gods
Twilight of the Gods 2
Twilight of the gods 3

The calm before....

2.1K 33 13
By Darel114

Third POV

--the city of Vale--

Y/N is walking through the streets of Vale, with four girls in tow. They're smiling brightly and laughing all the way.

Penny: I mean how did they manage to pass the doubles round anyway?

Atalanta: beats me, I don't even know.

Y/N: if I knew that they're going to pass the team's qualifications, I should have joined.

Arturia: it seems you really hate them huh?

Ruby: (chuckle) yeah, the big guy here broke their leader leg cause he's insulting his sister.

Atalanta: wasn't that a bit... To much?

Y/N: yep, but at least I carry out the will of the people anyway.

Arturia: How so?

Y/N: well, many students thank me for breaking his leg, most of them were Faunus.

Ruby: those guys are just a bunch of jerk

Y/N: wow slow down little red.

Ruby: well it's true, right? they bully almost everyone, but the faunus suffer the most.

Atalanta: so, even in the vale the Faunus is still oppressed.

She has a downcast expression in her face

Atalanta: most people just consider us as animals, and all the white fang do is just making it worse. their cause is good, but the way they conduct their operation....., The stealing, killing, it just makes us, who just want to live normally, become the target of the people's wrath.

Ruby: it must be hard to be a faunus, especially when you live in Atlas.

Atalanta: (chuckle) yeah I almost thinking of ending my life a couple of times, but Arturia and her family Changed it all.

Y/N: huh?

Arturia: my mother found her on the street during one winter, she then took her in.

Arturia then pinched Atalanta's cheek.

Arturia: she's so shy and timid when we first met.

Atalanta: Arturia! Stop it!.

Arturia: hehehe.

Y/N: (chuckle)

Suddenly Y/N's scroll is ringing.

Y/N: huh?

He open his scroll and see three messages, one from Yang and the other two from an unknown number. He opened the Yang's message.

'you better not try anything funny Y/N, or there will be trouble'. It ended with a skull emoji.

Y/N: what kind person do think I am?

He opened another.

'You better return her at 2000 hour sharp kid'

He rolled his eyes

Y/N: yes ironwood, I Know....

Then he opened the last.

'They are ready to strike, soon. meet me at the cliff, tonight. lightning.'

Y/N: wonder what's going on.

He closed his scroll and continue walking.

They continue their walk until they arrived where there's numerous tent is set up, each of them is a food stand or carnival games.

Y/N: so which one do we gonna visit first?

They visited numerous shops, playing games, they spend most of their days at the festival. People may be staring at them, but they don't care as long as they're having fun. In one of the game stand, Y/N and Penny are sitting on the bench, while looking at the other who's still competing for the first place.

Y/N: huh?

Penny: what is it Y/N?

Y/N: what's this?

Penny: what?

Y/N: Something is sticking on your neck, here let me.

Y/N pulled the object from her neck, then he noticed something weird when he pulled it. It kinda attracted towards her.

Y/N: strange

Penny: Y/N?

Y/N: it kinda sticking to you.

Penny: i-i...

Y/N then summon a dagger and put it near the object. Like before it attracted towards the blade.

Y/N: what the... Penny? Can you explain this?

Penny: n-n-not here, please.

She then leads him to the backside of the tent and after making sure nobody is around.

Penny: Y/N... I'm not... A real human.

Y/N: w-wha... I-i-i don't understand.

Penny: Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. I'm not real...

Penny her head sadly while holding her arm.

Penny: well? Now you know. You must think that I'm weird...

Y/N: no. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me? Than any of us?

Y/N walked closer to her and hug her,

Y/N: you're real to me, and that's more than enough...

Penny: Y-Y/N...

She returns the hug,

Y/N: (Wow, she's so tiny and huggable)

Arturia: oi!! Y/N, Penny!! Where are you?

Ruby: come on! There are a lot more rides we haven't try.

They let go of each other.

Y/N: well, we better not make the other worried.

Penny: Yeah.

They run towards the others, who are starting to get worried.

Ruby: where have you guys been??

Penny: hehe sorry

Arturia: come on, there's a lot of places we haven't visited.

Then I looked at my watch.

Y/N: actually... We're needed to go back. Now.

Ruby: why?

Y/N: well, my body still feels very sore after our last fight.

Atalanta: well, he's right the last mission really tiring if you asked me.

Ruby: but-but...

I patted her head

Y/N: don't know worry rubes, we'll spend more time together next time.

Suddenly Arturia stomped her feet and puffed her cheek.

Arturia: hmph.

Y/N: (sweatdrop) (seriously?)

He patted her head too.

Atalanta/Penny: Y/N~

They softly tugged his jacket.

Y/N: (sigh) girls, you know I only have two hands right.

Atalanta: well, that's what happens if you had four girlfriends.

Y/N: and I'm not regretting it.

Penny: (chuckle)

Y/N: come on let's head to the dock, hopefully, we don't have to wait for another bullhead to dock.

Then when they're about to leave.

Thug: hey Nikos boy!

They stopped, sighing Y/N turned around and see 5 guys are walking towards them.

Y/N: can I help you?

Thug: you're Pyrrha Niko's brother right?

Y/N: who's talking?

Thug: ah, you don't need to know who I am boy, the only important thing is, you owe me 1000 lien.

Y/N: excuse me?

Thug: I bet 1000 lien for your sister will lose, but she didn't.

Arturia: what? That's insane!

Atalanta: you take a bet and you lose, it has nothing to do with him.

Thug: hahaha, you seem to have some good looking ladies with you.

The girls stepped back, Y/N gritted his teeth.

Thug: Tell you what, you let these girls to entertain me and my friends here and we'll call it even.

Arturia: hmph, like that's going to happen.

Atalanta: besides, we're not some kind of damsel in distress.

The ready their weapons and point them at the thugs.

Y/N: let me handle this.

Atalanta: just sit back will you?

Ruby: Yeah, you can trust us with this.

Y/N: well, if you said so...

He raised his hand in surrender and stepped back.

Arturia: now, it looks like we're going to have fun together after all.

Penny: just not like you think it'll be.

Thug: (gulped)

--- timeskip ---
--Beacon's Bullhead dock--

The sun is set when they arrived at Beacon, the landing dock is mostly empty except for the Bullhead's crew. Y/N and his girlfriends are walking to the dormitory.

Y/N: I feel really bad now.

Arturia: what? For making us do the fight?

Penny: don't worry About it Y/N, besides we're hunters.

Ruby: fighting is part of our lives.

Y/N: well I'm glad you think it that way, but I'm not worried about that

Atalanta: so about what?

Y/N: (sigh) did you girls really have to hang them upside down on a tree?

Atalanta: it was Arturia's idea.

Arturia: what? Those jerks deserve it anyway.

After they say Their goodnight, they head to their dorm. Except for Y/N, who makes his way to the cliff. There lightning is sitting on the cliff edge, with one of her feet hanging on the cliff.

Y/N: hey light, sorry for the wait.

Lightning: I almost think you'll never showed up.

She stands up and looked at him

Lightning: so, how's your date?

Y/N: pretty enjoyable,

Lightning: (chuckle) glad to hear it.

Y/N: so, what do you mean by ready to strike?

Lightning: Olivia was flying near the kingdom's border and she saw a huge number of Grimm amassing near the kingdom's border.

Y/N: have you alert the General?

She shakes her head

Lightning: that guy is nothing but an overconfident fool. He said that there is nothing to worry and if those Grimm attack the kingdom's defenses will wipe them out.

Y/N: well, as long as there's no one let out a strong negative feeling, then I think they won't be attacking.

Y/N: (sigh) even with this many hunters gathering in one place I doubt they can take care of this many Grimms.

Lightning: tomorrow is the final round of the tournaments if Salem wants to make a move, that will be a perfect time.

Y/N: (sigh) keep your eyes open, if you're right, then tomorrow will be one hell of a bloody day.

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