When My life Meets Yours {Co...

By Marichatislive

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When Marinette's birthday is coming up, nothing can bring her down. Not even Chloe. But when a terrifying aku... More

A/N Prequel
Chapter 1 - A Comforting Friend
Chapter 2 - Ms. Confident
Chapter 3 - The Sacrifice
Chapter 4 - A Fur-iendly Visit
Chapter 5 - A Good Night's Rest
Chapter 6 - The Dare
Chapter 7 - Awkward Confessions
Chapter 8 - Cover Blown?
Chapter 9 - Illusions
Chapter 10 - The Plan
Chapter 11 - Hawkmoth's...House?
Chapter 12 - The Final Stand
Chapter 13 - Official Confessions
Chapter 15 - Losing Luck
Chapter 16 - Devastated Friends
Chapter 17 - Lost Forever
Chapter 18 - Memories
Chapter 19 - Hidden Secrets
Chapter 20 - Together Fur-ever
Chapter 21 - A Change of Heart
Chapter 22 - The Prank
Chapter 23 - The Gift
Chapter 24 - The Question
Chapter 25 - When My Life Meets Yours
A/N - Thank You!

Chapter 14 - The No-Longer-Seceret Identity

1K 21 4
By Marichatislive

Sorry if it's going a bit fast paced. I have officially decided, This will be a 25 Chapter long story. It seems like there is still so much missing, but after this chapter, the end of almost every chapter is basically a cliffhanger, sorry not sorry. Enjoy!

Mari's POV

I woke up in my bed, feeling more refreshed than ever. I got up, got ready, ate breakfast, and left for school. Tikki popped her head out of my bag.

"You look overjoyed today Mari!"

"Of course! I am finally over Adrien! I have the best Kitty ever to help me!"

Tikki looked like she was about to say something, but she held it back and smiled at me. She then quickly dove inside my purse when we got to the school. I walked in with my head held high, ready for anything. I saw Alya, Nino, and Adrien over by the benches. I called out to them.

"Hey Guys!"

As I walked over, Alya looked at me like I was hiding something. Nino almost looked shocked, and Adrien looked nervous. After I got to the bench, Alya showed me what she posted on her Ladyblog, making me freak out in my head.

"Hey Mari? Can you explain this? I was live streaming on my blog when...this happened."

She showed me a video that was zoomed in on the top of the Eiffel Tower. You could barely make out two figures, one being Chat Noir and the other, 'Me? Is she gonna ask me my relationship status with Chat?'. The video continued as the Tower began to fall. While there were pieces separating me from Chat, you could clearly see me being covered with a pink glow, then swinging off. The video ended and I nervously looked at Alya.

"You know now, I'm assuming?"

She looked back at me in the eye. "Anyone who watches my blog knows now. It went viral on this morning's news." Her face then beamed with joy. "I can't believe my best friend is Ladybug!" She gave me a big hug and I relaxed a bit. 'I thought they were mad at me...' Nino went up and lifted his hand for a high-five, I gave him one, then he spoke.

"Dudette! I can't believe it! You're the best!"

Then Adrien added. "Wow! Now we just have to wait for Chat Noir's identify reveal!"

I then got dreary fast. There were lots of people around us, pointing at me and I already knew why. The students got braver and started to move closer. 'This isn't helping! Now Chat knows! What will I do?!' I take a deep breath and yell out to everyone.

"You already know the truth anyway, so I have to go. When I come back, please don't bombard me with questions...Tikki, Spots On!"

Everyone watched in amazement as I transformed into one of the saviors of Paris. Just before I zipped away on my yo-yo, my closest friends were able to see the tears in my eyes. I zipped away to the one place to help me feel myself again, The Eiffel Tower.

Adrien/Chat Noir's POV

Right before Mari/Ladybug/My girlfriend zipped away, I could see the tears in her eyes. While everyone was focused on Ladybug as she left, I slipped into the crowd and made my way to the rest room. I didn't even give Plagg a chance to speak as I transformed.

"Plagg, Claws Out!"

When I arrived at the Eiffel Tower, I saw Ladybug sitting over the ledge at the very top floor. After I got up there, I sat next to her and said something to make it clear.

"I don't know what your thoughts are right now, but I can promise you that I am not mad at you at all, whatsoever."

She looked over at me in the eyes for a bit, then she hugged me as she sobbed out. I just hugged her back, gently rubbing her back with one hand, the other gently resting on her head. We stayed like that until she calmed herself down. She whispered out to me in a small voice.

"Thank you Chat...."

"No problem, M'lady..."

Ladybug sat up and broke the hug. She looked at my face and I could still see faint tears streaming down her face. I lifted one of my hands to her face and wiped the tears away. She took a deep breath, stood up, and reached her hand out to help me up. I took her hand with a smile and she smiled back. When she took two deep breaths, she looked at me with a smirk.

"Race you to my school!"

She swung off, as I raced close behind. 'There's the Ladybug I miss...' I took a shortcut and we jumped into the middle of the school at the same time. Lots of kids were there and turned around to look at us. Alya whipped her phone out and began recording. I whispered so only Ladybug could hear.

"Can I get a goodbye, M'lady?"

She looked up at me in the eye and smiled. I leaned down, wrapped my arms around her, closed my eyes, and kissed her. She responded, immediately kissing back and her arms found their way around my chest. You could hear the cheers around the school when we kissed. I broke the kiss, not wanting too much attention. We parted as I waved out before I left.

"I'll Chat-ch up with you later, M'lady!"

Ladybug/Mari's POV

After Chat left, I called out the de-transformation words as I walked over to Alya. She was frantically typing, trying to post the newest video on her blog. By the time I got over to her, she lifted her phone at me and had a giant grin on her face.

"Gurl! This is gonna go Viral! Not only are you Ladybug, but you're dating Chat Noir!"

I could only sheepishly smile as she said that. I began to get uncomfortable with the crowd gaining up towards me. Random questions began to be blurted out, making me nervous.

"How long have you two been dating?"

"Are you official?"

"Does he only like Ladybug?"

"Have you got a little one coming on the way?"

That last question blew my fuse the worst. I pushed my way through the crowd, ignoring all the questions as I went to my class. When I got there, Chloe, Sabrina, and Adrien were already there. Adrien was arguing with Chloe again about something. When Chloe noticed I was there, she looked at me in disgust.

"Oh look it's Maritrash! What are you doing here? Your seat is over there!"

She pointed over to the trash can. 'Clearly, she hasn't heard of me being Ladybug then...' I sighed and looked over at Chloe.

"Why must you insult me so much?"

"I'm not insulting you Maritrash, I'm describing you. Now, Adri-kinss! Weren't you about to tell me something?"

She batted her eyelashes in front of him, while she glared at me from the corner of her eye. She clearly wanted a reaction that I was not going to give. I chuckle a bit and Chloe turns to me, infuriated.

"Maritrash? What's so funny? Your outfit choices?"

I look her straight in the eye with a smirk. "You know, if my boyfriend found out you were saying such things to me, I doubt he will be happy."

When I said that, the class was already in the room sitting in their seats, besides the teacher. They all began to suppress their laughter. Chloe looks at me with a shocked face.

"How could you have a boyfriend? Who would be so stupid to ask yo-"

"The one and only Chat Noir, you better not insult him either."

"Ridiculous! Utterly Ridiculous! He loves Ladybug!"

The whole class is trying to suppress their giggles at Chloe. I confidently tell her the truth.

"Well, you better check out the news, like the Ladyblog."

I turn and sit down in my seat. Everyone but Chloe is sitting as the teacher walks in. Before Chloe could say anything, Mrs. Bustier asked her to sit down so she could begin class. She gave me her usual death glare before sitting in her seat.

I want to thank OwlWolf22091, she is my editor for this story because I am so not good at English. I'm learning Spanish right now, and it's so much easier than English, that might be concerning. I wish each and everyone of ya'll a healthy next few months because of the Coronavirus.

🐞Bug Out!🐞

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