Tough Love

Von Paljuresji

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COMPLETED MINI STORY ✿ Yoonkook ✪ Story about a love overcoming adversity. Mehr

I: Weight is on You, Weight is on Me
II: We Scream and we Fight like There's Nothing to Lose
III: There's no Place I'd rather be than in your Arms
IV: Sometimes I'm not Who you Want me to be
VI: End of the Day, Come and Take my Arm
VII: You're My Pretty Good Luck Charm
VIII: Sweet Tough Love and a Lesson to Learn

V: We Stumble and We Fall

482 26 5
Von Paljuresji

Getting Taehyung’s friend number was easy, going to see him was easy too. Jungkook actually really liked Dr. Kim. He is young and very professional, not to mention that he assured Jungkookie that he’ll gladly help Yoongi. That he has had people who needed help after losing a loved one before, he had assured Jungkook that those cases were not really uncommon, on the contrary, a lot of people didn’t know how to deal with grieve and needed someone to be there for them. Jungkook thought highly of Dr. Kim Namjoon since he first saw him and he thought even higher of him after having actually spoken with him. He made it seem easy.

Nevertheless, what wasn’t easy was trying to convince Yoongi to go. Jungkook knew his proposal of counseling would sparkle an argument but he told Yoongi about it anyway. Much like had initially predicted, they ended up fighting but that was nothing new. Jungkook was almost used to it, which is bad. The more he fights with Yoongi, the more Yoongi keeps pushing him away, the more attracted he feels towards someone he should not be attracted to. Needless to mention his name.

Jungkook feels guilty but is it really his fault? Yoongi is the one who's destroying everything, after all. There’s only so much a loving heart can take and Jungkook feels like he is slowly running out of love and quickly running out of patience. That’s why he brings up Kim Namjoon almost every night. Even if it caused them to fight, even if it means that Yoongi would not lie by his side until he's deeply asleep as if to avoid any more words from him. Jungkook is hurt but he is still stubborn and he is still as selfish as he has always been. He doesn’t want to let go, he doesn’t want to give up even when the landscape of a new beginning, a new paradise reaches his eyes every single time he finds himself in the company of his workmate.

In the midst of desperation, he went for the only thing he could think of, he texted Jimin. He told him about his feelings with Yoongi, he even mentioned Taehyung a few times, he figured that he was the only one who could possibly understand what he is going through. Jimin is not his friend yet Jungkook talked to him about everything he had bottled up inside, about Kim Namjoon, about the possible light at the end of the tunnel- not necessarily by Yoongi’s side. For a minute, Jungkook felt like the biggest burden ever. He wasn’t only bothering Yoongi- as he had so eloquently said during one of their recent arguments- he was also bothering one of the most direct victims of Hoseok’s passing. He was trying to get help from someone who probably was drowning even deeper.

Even so, Jimin never turned him down. He listened, or read, everything Jungkook had to say, he sent some cute messages whenever Jungkook stopped replying- mostly due to his teary eyes. He made it clear that the idea of counseling was great because Yoongi needed it, because both him and Jungkook were too close to an edge they would not able to recover from if they fell. Jungkook told him of all the times he has fruitlessly tried to convince Yoongi to go see Taehyung’s friend, how all of those instances had triggered some of their worst fights ever. It was then that Jimin offered to visit Seoul.

He had asked if he could stay with them for a few days and Jungkook instantly agreed, not even caring about consulting Yoongi first. It would be a surprise, possibly not a good one but a surprise nonetheless.

This is the reason why Jungkook now stands on the train station, a beanie on his head and the car keys in his hand. He doesn’t have to wait for too long for the train to arrive and with it, a little bit of hope makes its way back into Jungkook’s heart again. Is probably nothing and most likely it means nothing but is there nonetheless. Jungkook is utterly tired of feeding himself false hopes and yet here he is, looking for another solution to what is seemingly unrecoverable.

The wagons slowly empty as rivers of people descend from them, Jungkook stands on his toes, tries to see in between the people around. It is only then that he spots him, Jimin is wearing a plain white shirt and some expensive looking pants. Jungkook has never been this glad to see someone arriving on a train. Jimin is not his friend, he never was, they have always been mere acquaintances and yet as soon as he sees him, Jungkook runs to him.

He’s probably in such need of some love and attention that he dives into the sea of people until he reaches Jimin only to practically throw himself at him. Jungkook is well aware of Jimin’s surprise at the sudden gesture of affection, he hesitates for a while before letting his arms slowly engulf Jungkook’s taller figure.

“Thanks for coming” Jungkook says, only then noticing that his voice sounds broken as if he was about to cry. Unfortunately- or fortunately- Jungkook doesn’t have more tears left to cry. He has cried them all and feels completely dry now.

“Is good to see you, Jungkookie” Is Jimin’s answer, Jungkook swears that Jimin shushes him but he is not completely sure. He can’t really focus on that right now as he feels a little bit of the weight being lifted off his shoulders. Jimin hugs him silently until Jungkook himself takes a step back. The older boy eyes him from head to toe, maybe noticing all the life that has been drenched from him in the past few months. After all, if one doesn’t have peace at home, everything else simply falls apart as if it was some kind of wicked domino effect.

“How have you been doing?” Jungkook asks, not only because it sounds appropriate but also because he feels like he has bothered Jimin a lot lately. He feels like he has been putting his own problems onto him and while he feels guilty about it, he knows he has no other way out of this eternal vortex of helplessness he has fallen victim of. Jimin nods “I’m doing slightly better, Jungkookie. Thanks for asking” he sounds sincere, as sweet as Jungkook remembers him to be, it makes him a smile because even if it’s something so insignificant, it is a small reminder of those good times when everything in his life was love and more love, all from the man he had dreamt of since he first stepped in college.

Jungkook nods “Let’s go home” he says and Jimin gladly follows. Their encounter today is a lot different from what it had been a few months ago when Jimin so blatantly told Jungkook that he should set some boundaries not only with Yoongi but also with Taehyung. Tasks that the raven boy has immensely failed at on both circumstances. Jungkook takes Jimin’s bag and they slowly walk towards the parking lot, there is no tension like there was the last time they talked.On the other hand, Jimin speaks about the weather in Busan and how he has recently found a spot in the beach he often visits. Jungkook tells him about his newest professional project with an idol group, he will be designing their album arts for a whole era and how he is ecstatic about it. Jimin listens like he does when they talk through text, he congratulates him and so the ride home is not heavy either.

Right now, Jungkook even feels Jimin as a friend which is exactly why he feels the need to be honest with him. “Listen, hyung...I didn’t tell Yoongi you were coming to visit” Jimin’s calm expression falls for a really brief moment, he composes it almost immediately but it took long enough for Jungkook to notice. “Mhm, that wasn’t a really smart idea, Kookie” Jimin replies as softly as possible, most likely knowing why Jungkook had decided on keeping his presence a secret.

“I know but...Yoongi, he is just too explosive lately and…” Jimin nods, sets a hand on Jungkook’s forearm. “Is okay, I understand why you did it but I hope it doesn’t trigger anything between you two” Jungkook chuckles, that’s a little ironic and too much of a given. “It will, but don’t worry about it, Yoongi- hyung and I fight pretty much everyday, so whatever you see or hear, be sure that it is not your fault”

The words weigh heavy on Jungkook’s heart. From his description, he should be talking about an enemy, a problematic workmate, a rival but he is talking about none other than his boyfriend of five years- to whom he still believes himself to be in love with. Jimin just smiles shyly “Is he here now?” Jungkook shakes his head “He is at Seokjin’s, do you remember him?”

Jimin nods “Yes, he loved my Hobi a lot, I haven’t seen him in ages” Jungkook snorts at that, a little smile forming on his lips. “I haven’t either but Yoongi visits him a lot”

With that, both boys step out of the car, Jungkook makes sure to check that Yoongi’s car isn’t parked on its usual spot. He figures that at least for a couple of hours, he can have a little bit of space to talk to Jimin and explain exactly why he needs him here more than anything. Which is something he isn’t completely sure of how to express but he figures that words will somehow pour from his heart once he is face to face with the only person who can possibly understand his struggle.

Jungkook guides Jimin to his apartment, a place that Jimin visited only once before back when they had decided to spend a night out and both Hobi and Jimin had gone a little overboard with the sangria. Jungkook guesses not much has changed in his house since then, the furniture and the walls are still the same, which is something that Jimin definitely notices as soon as he steps inside. Jungkook can practically see the memories displaying in the smaller boy’s irises as if it was some kind of cinematic record, an old movie for which no ending could be written, or rather was written too soon.

Jungkook gives Jimin time as he slowly adjusts to the sight, his head must be getting empty because even his lips have turned paler. No more than a few seconds pass but when Jimin finally snaps out of his quickly trance, his hands have slightly shake. Jungkook wants to ask if he is okay but he chooses not to do so fearing that it could make everything worse. Instead he offers his hand, as if to guide inside for a new start, Jimin takes it and allows himself to be pulled into the lounge. He looks around, Jungkook not helping but do so as well.

Coming back home has been so dreadful that he hasn’t even taken in how tidy the place looks even when he knows he hasn’t cleaned anything in weeks. The pictures on the main table look impeccable, Yoongi’s parents, Jungkook’s parents and lots of them together during those long gone times in which their love radiated through the photofilm. The furniture is clean and the blankets are folded on one side of the sofa. The kitchen looks equally as tidy and is only then that Jungkook analyzes a little further.

His shoes are perfectly organized in the rack by the main entrance, his bag hangs from the rack, his sketchbooks are one on top of the other on the dining table. Which is definitely not how he left them last night. Now that Jungkook thinks about it, he’s found all of his clothes neatly hanging from the closet, he has not done the dishes or any sort of polishing in a good while. Suddenly it becomes plain obvious that Yoongi has been keeping their household for the last few months. He feels a sudden sting to the heart at the realization.

“I didn’t get to say it last time I was here, but your apartment is really beautiful” Jimin comments, breaking Jungkook’s train of thought. “Thank you” he replies shortly, still looking around for any evident sign of the disaster his relationship with Yoongi is while trapped in between those walls but finding none. Anyone who visited would guess that a happy couple lives in here, not two beings about to break apart because one can’t deal with his pain and the other is starting to feel attracted to someone else. A thought that abruptly brings him back to the present.

“Ah, hyung, let me show you the guest room” Jimin smiles calmly, it doesn’t really reach his eyes but it seems sincere nonetheless. Jimin looks around the hall, there are even more pictures there, images Jungkook hasn’t dared to look at for months but that he now notices are completely tidy, not a gram of dust on the glass. His heart clenches at how happy he and Yoongi look on them. They were not taken in Paris or Milan, they don’t have spectacular backgrounds and neither are they from some kind of photoshoot, if anything some of them are selfies. Jungkook and Yoongi hanged them on the hallway wall on the first week after they moved in together, this was their love nest and it needed to reflect that above all things. Jungkook guesses those pictures did fill their purpose at the time, right now they look so foreign that not even Kook believes he’s the one in those photos.

“Here” Jungkook opens the door of the guest bedroom, Jimin keeps his smile as he walks in. This is where he had once slept with Hoseok and Jungkook can see it in Jimin’s eyes again. He can see that it affects him but he tries to remain strong. Jungkook walks to the closet in hopes of distracting him, only to notice that everything in this room looks exactly as the lounge and the kitchen. Clean, tidy and polished. Jungkook once again falls into the thought of when exactly was the last time he did some cleaning up around the house, if anything for the past few months he has only done his laundry and had fled this place at any given opportunity.

It seems like Yoongi has used the time Jungkook spends away to clean everything up, which is weird because even during their arguments not once has Jungkook received a complaint about the house chores. “There are towels here and an extra blanket too” Jungkook explains when he opens the closet, everything perfectly organized inside as well. “The bathroom is right in front and if you get thirsty or hungry, feel free to grab anything you’d like from the kitchen”

“Oh really? What do you have to offer?” Jimin teases, lightens up the mood of the room instantly. Jungkook can’t help but imitate his smile. “Let’s go see” he offers, exiting the room as Jimin sets his bag to rest by the bed before happily following behind Jungkook. They reach the kitchen where Jungkook shows Jimin where the cookies and the snacks are stored, he finds it quite surprising that every shelf is full. He frowns slightly but doesn’t say anything until they reach the fridge.

“And here we have juice and some…” he goes to say but Jimin interrupts him with a chuckle “Wow! You certainly drink a lot of banana milk” he comments which makes Jungkook instantly turn his head to the inside of the refrigerator. It is also quite full, there is yogurt, cheese, some cans of soda, some others of beer and about fifteen small bottles of banana milk. His favorite. He stays silent for a minute before opening the freezer only to find it just as full as the rest of the kitchen. Once again, Jungkook doesn’t remember when was the last time he did grocery shopping. It easily surpasses the month of two months time. He doesn’t eat at home a lot anyway but he realizes that Yoongi has been doing all the shopping for them lately and yet Jungkook hasn’t heard a single complaint from Yoongi about it. How is it that he hasn’t noticed any of this until now? Is this really how exhausted he’s become?

“Um yea, I love banana milk” Jungkook speaks quietly, still a bit surprised with everything that has become evident in the short time Jimin’s been here. His presence is already helping and for that, Jungkook is deeply grateful. “Anyhow, make yourself at home, Jiminie- hyung. Yoongi, he might be back in about an hour or two” Jimin nods, takes Jungkook’s hand and presses on it softly.

“Then, is it okay if we talk for the time being?” Jimin asks softly, his eyes shining while firmly locked on Jungkook’s. “I’m sure there are a lot things you wish to let out” Jungkook feels a lump forming in his throat just by those words, so he nods. Grabs one of the banana milk bottles while Jimin sets for water, they walk towards the lounge and Jimin just waits. Jungkook knows he is just giving him time to begin but he doesn’t know where to start so he just looks down.

Jimin seems to take this as an encouragement to start, so Jungkook listens as he takes a deep breath. “So, what is going on with your workmate?” he asks and is then that Kook breaks down. He doesn’t cry, he doesn’t want to anymore but his chest suddenly feels as if it was being pressed against a wall. “I am not sure” he replies before a heavy sigh leaves his lips. He won’t have another chance, Jimin is now here and he is listening, is now or never, so as quickly as possible he gathers all of his thoughts in his mind, tries for them to make sense.

“I have thought of leaving Yoongi...many times” he says quietly, still looking down. “Why haven’t you?” Jimin presses a little further and Jungkook hesitates, he thinks of what to say but he figures that being honest is his best bet. “I am not sure of that either”

“Then we have a lot to talk about” Jimin gets a little closer to him, Jungkook nods. He is ready to be an open book. He’s ready to let it all out and so it begins. Jungkook begins by telling him about their routine, wake up, get ready, leave for work, return, argue and go to bed. He tells him that for a few weeks it had gotten slightly better. Right after that time Yoongi told him that Jungkook had called him Tae in his sleep. The peace didn’t last and therefore, Jungkook was pushed to being more assertive with Yoongi but his boyfriend was a stubborn man and Jungkook’s tough love only managed to make him angrier, even more rebellious at times, which of course didn’t help at all.

Jungkook tells Jimin about Taehyung, about his friend Kim Namjoon and about the times his workmate has been there for him, in ways that Yoongi should have but didn’t. “I’m afraid that one day I’ll be too weak, Jimin” Jungkook looks down at where his tangled hands resting on his lap. “And I am gonna cheat on him”

“Cheating is a decision, Jungkookie” Jimin says, sipping from the wine they opened about half an hour ago. Yoongi is nowhere to be seen even when it is close to midnight. “I wouldn’t judge you if you did but remember that once you do that, there is no going back” Jungkook snorts “There is no going back from where we stand, hyung. We’re already doomed but none of us wants to take the first step” Jimin doesn’t reply, lets Jungkook gather his ideas until he is able to express what he really needs to say.

“He doesn’t do it because he is too proud to accept that he’s failed at something and I won’t do it because I’d feel guilty about leaving him in this state” Jungkook doesn’t lift his face, only then the first tear spills from his eye, he brushes it off forcefully. He is really tired of crying. “Those are very heavy words, Jungkookie” Jimin speaks softly, pats on the younger’s knee with a sigh. “Specially if you don’t mention love when talking about your significant other”

Jungkook remains speechless. Jimin takes it as a cue “So let me ask you something, Jungkookie…” he begins, makes sure that he has all of the younger’s attention.

“Do you still love Yoongi?”


Yoongi arrives after Jungkook and Jimin have cleaned everything up. About an hour after they finished their heavy talk and while they relax in front of the television. Jimin is the first one to hear the panel of the door beeping. “Jungkookie!” is everything he has the chance to say before Yoongi opens the door, his gaze down, ready to take off his shoes. Jungkook stands up from the couch, his face is the purest expression of apathy. Jimin can easily tell he is ready to confront Yoongi in case he happens to get upset over a strange presence in his house. That much is enough to make Jimin feel a little wary, he didn’t come here to cause even more trouble but then again, he didn’t know that Jungkook had kept his visit a secret.

When the light from the living room catches Yoongi’s attention, he lifts his face and Jimin sees someone barely recognizable. He knew Yoongi, he met him years ago even before he started to date Hoseok. He saw him many times after that, the last time being at Hobi’s service where they didn’t really talk or maybe they did. Jimin doesn’t remember much from that day other than the sea of tears he cried and how difficult it was to breathe.

But even if it’s not from that particular instance, he had a very clear of who Yoongi was and that image has nothing to do with the man he is now seeing. He could spend a day describing everything that is different, but at the top of the list he can mention that Yoongi’s lost a lot of weight, there are bags under his eyes, his black hair is poorly styled and his skin looks the color of flour. Which is a lot to say considering that Yoongi is naturally pale.

Yoongi’s eyes go to Jungkook before they fixate on Jimin. He stands by the entrance speechless, just looking at Jimin as if he had seen a ghost. Jimin feels a little lost not knowing what to do but thankfully Jungkook walks towards his boyfriend calmly “Welcome back” he says softly, Yoongi doesn’t even turn to see him. He probably doesn’t even notice when Jungkook takes his backpack from him.

“Hi Yoongi- hyung” Jimin says then, cautiously “Is good to see you again”

Jimin takes a few steps forward, meaning to shake his hyung’s hand but just when he offers his hand, Yoongi walks to him and hugs him. Really, really tight. Jimin startles at first, he hadn’t known what to expect but he certainly didn’t expect this. So it takes him a few seconds but then he also hugs Yoongi and it makes him think of a million things. Sure he was Hoseok’s boyfriend but Yoongi pretty much grew up with him, they were closer to each other than they were with their own siblings. It was an extraordinary friendship to see and yet when Hobi parted, no one cared about Yoongi. Everyone went for Hoseok’s family and to Jimin himself but Yoongi only had Jungkook by his side and now, he might lose him as well.

The thought makes Jimin hurt so he hugs a little tighter. They are pretty much on the same torturous road, trying to move on with life when a part of life itself has been taken away from them. Jimin is able to tell that he’s trying to hide it, but he most definitely recognizes Jungkook’s jealous expression. Maybe he hasn’t been hugged in a long time. By Yoongi, that is, because his workmate apparently hugs him quite often.

Yoongi separates from Jimin with a little shy smile. “ have you been?” he asks, returning to his hyung position and behaviour, not letting himself be vulnerable anymore. “How come you’re here?” he asks, Jimin presses on the older man’s forearms before letting go. The atmosphere is not really comfortable with how awkward Jungkook stands behind Yoongi but Jimin tries his best not to pay attention to the younger’s underable expression when he says “Jungkookie invited me”

Yoongi instantly turns to Jungkook, Jimin knows it was probably not the most sensible thing to say, nor the most appropriate one but these two, they have thrown their relationship to the trash already. Nothing Jimin says will make it worse. If anything, he will try to make it a little better, to put the first brick on their crumbling walls so that they can build their own tower up again.

“You didn’t tell me” Yoongi says but he doesn’t sound upset. Jungkook shrugs “I was afraid you might not like it” he replies honestly which is good. Jimin had told him that he needed to be honest with Yoongi because even if they fought, they were still in a relationship and sincerity was key. Yoongi shakes his head “No, of course not. I am really happy to see you again, Jiminie...are you staying? Or where is your hotel, did you eat?”

Jungkook’s eyebrow rises at hearing his boyfriend’s words, Jimin glances in his direction just enough to notice he is a little bothered by Yoongi’s caring attitude. He guesses that’s normal considering he hasn’t seen that side of Yoongi much. “I am staying yes, Jungkookie showed me the guest room already” Yoongi smiles, for real. A real smile, one Jungkook hasn’t evoked from him in weeks. “I’m so glad to have you here, Jiminie. Are you tired already? Or…” Yoongi means to say but Jimin is very sharp, so before he has the chance to end his sentence, he interrupts him “No, no I’m good...we can hang here for little”

Yoongi agrees and before he even says hello to Jungkook, he heads for the fridge, taking out another bottle of booze. From then, Jungkook kind of just watches. Jimin and Yoongi apparently know each other quite well, they talk a lot and for a minute the pain isn’t reflected on either of their faces. They share anecdotes and laugh as if Hoseok was still around, as if he was about to arrive to the apartment to join the little party they had created for this cold friday night. Jungkook is not really sure if it’s intentional or not but for the next couple of hours while Yoongi and Jimin talk, laugh and share their time, he feels as if he was non- existent to Yoongi. He didn’t even greet him.

Jungkook is aware that he is not perfect and that his current emotional state is not the best. He knows how close he has come to making a really big mistake behind Yoongi’s back but even so he doesn’t like to feel invisible. So after a few drinks and countless efforts from Jimin to include him in the conversation while Yoongi just laughs and drinks happily looking away from him, Jungkook makes a drastic move. It has gotten late and he feels just a bit sleepy so he approaches the big couch and before thinking about it, he lies on it with his head on Yoongi’s thigh. The conversation goes silent as soon as he lands on his boyfriend’s leg. Kook instantly closes his eyes, just enough to not miss the fond look in Yoongi’s eyes as he watches him.

“Too tired, Jugnkookie? Go to the bedroom” Yoongi addresses him for the first time tonight. Jungkook shakes his head “I want to stay here” he says softly faking exhaustion even though he could easily stay awake for a couple more hours. Yoongi doesn’t reply to that, instead lets his hand thread on the younger’s locks, pulling softly and successfully making Jungkook relax in a way he hasn’t felt in a really long time. He closes his eyes but remains awake, he is not really sleepy. Not to mention that Jimin and Yoongi are being way too loud for him to actually fall asleep.

They seem to buy their act though because when the laughs and the anecdotes are over, Jimin comments about how cute Jungkook looks asleep. “He really does look cute” Yoongi comments, his hand once again moving on his hair from where it has been static for the last few minutes. Jungkook might be faking his slumber but he feels how the atmosphere in the room changes. Yoongi’s hand on his hair suddenly feels a little too heavy.

A few silent seconds go by in which Jungkook swiftly moves closer to Yoongi’s sweater. They are usually not this close lately and Jungkook really wants to enjoy this opportunity while it lasts.

“Do you realize you’re losing him, Yoongi- ssi?” Jimin breaks the ice, is such a strong question to ask and it makes even Jungkook feel a cold sweat on the back of his neck. Silence. Jungkook wonders where Yoongi is looking, if his eyes are on him, on Jimin or just kind of lost, trying to find an answer in the eternal white of the wall.

“I know” Yoongi answers eventually. Jungkook has to suppress a flinch. “Honestly, I don’t know why he’s still here, I am just waiting for the day he finally decides to leave”

“Really?” Jimin asks, his voice is not really gentle. “Is that how easy you’d let him go?”

“No” Yoongi’s reply is immediate. “But I don’t deserve to fight for him, Jiminie. He doesn’t deserve what I am now giving him, he should be happy” Jungkook has known Yoongi for so long. He knows Yoongi’s pouting even if he can’t see. He knows Yoongi has that sad smile on his face, his eyes shining watery. Jungkook just knows. He knows his boyfriend better than anybody else.

“I agree that he doesn’t deserve what you’re now giving him” Jimin says quietly, Jungkook is stunned by his honesty though not totally surprised, he doesn’t know Jimin that well but he figures that after what he’s gone through, he just means to always be sincere. “You know you could change that, right?” Yoongi apparently doesn’t respond.

Jungkook hears a long sigh, released with frustration. Nothing else is said until Jimin once again decides to break the quiet whisper of the night.

“Yoongi- hyung, do you still love Jungkookie?” Jungkook had been asked the same earlier during their conversation. Is such a heavy thing to ask someone but Jimin says it so naturally, so carelessly as if it was as easy as asking about an ice cream flavor.

Even so, “Of course I do” Yoongi answers equally as natural. It makes Jungkook feel terrible in the spot. The acid in his stomach suddenly burns. “I love him with everything I’ve got, Jiminie but expressing it hasn’t been easy lately. We fight a lot, though I am sure you already aware of that” Yoongi goes on, Jimin remains speechless “I know there’s a reason Jungkookie invited you here, I didn’t even know you two kept in touch”

“If you want the whole truth, then you should know he invited me because he is desperate” Jimin speaks quiet but pointedly. “He’s trying to help you and refuse all of his tries, Yoongi- hyung” Jungkook gets caught off guard by Jimin’s assertiveness. Is something incredibly bold to say, especially after not having seen Yoongi in such a long time.

“You only know one side of the story, Jiminie” Yoongi shifts slightly, placing a hand on Jungkook’s cheek. “It’s not that I don’t want to accept his help, is that I don’t want him to help me only so that he leaves right after...I assume you know about the workmate, right?” Jungkook’s stomach hurts terribly. A hole forms in his chest and he is suddenly cold, Yoongi must feel it because he gently pulls on Kook’s sweater to cover his shoulders.

“I know about him” Jimin doesn’t hesitate. “I also know that you could accept Jungkook’s help and then fight for him instead of just handing him to a stranger...what if the workmate mistreats him?”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t be worse than me”

“You don’t know that, hyung”

“I do”

“No, you don’ just want to believe you do so that you don’t have to make any sort of effort and that, hyung...that is not love” Yoongi doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t even move under Jungkook’s head and that much is enough to concern Jungkook. Yoongi might put up a hard front but he is quite sensitive and while Jungkook deeply appreciates Jimin’s attempt to help them, this was probably a little too blunt for Yoongi’s weak heart so is then that he decides to end his act.

He stretches slightly before opening his eyes, Yoongi eyes him carefully. “C’mon little prince, let’s get you to sleep” he says gently and makes Jungkook feel blissful. It has been so long since Yoongi last called him that. “Jiminie please make yourself at home, we’ll see you tomorrow morning” he goes on as he slowly helps Jungkook stand up as the younger brushes his eye with his fist. Jimin thanks both of them and they slowly retire to the bedrooms after, the dishes can wait for the next morning.

Jungkook changes in silence as Yoongi goes to the bathroom and is only once they are both tucked under the covers that Jungkook speaks “I’m glad you like Jimin being here” Yoongi nods, a little smile on his lips. “Thank you for inviting him” he replies, seeming genuinely pleased with tonight’s events. They don’t speak a lot after that but Yoongi does hug Jungkook tenderly and right when Jungkookie is about to sleep, for real this time. Yoongi finally concedes.

“The guy you told me about, Kim Namjoon…” Yoongi begins “I’m ready to see him”

Jungkook’s eyes open wide at the phrase, he turns around to face his boyfriend. Yoongi seems so serene, a lot more in peace. Jungkook presses a kiss on his lips, soft, fleeting and precious. “Thank you” he says not being able to find something more real to say. He is thankful that Yoongi is finally letting him help and he is thankful because now hope shines a little brighter.

It is then that he remembers his talk with Jimin earlier when he had asked if he still loved Yoongi..

“I do, he is my everything, Jiminie”

Jungkook smiles fondly, he knows that Yoongi’s not perfect and neither is he. None of them have been but they are perfect for each other. It is so clear then why he has never been able to actually cheat, to actually betray, why he hasn’t left. There’s still a lot of love between them and it may be tough love but it is love anyway. Their imperfectly perfect love.


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