Dangerous Fellows x Reader (I...

By immxrtals101

7.9K 121 51

Just a bunch of Scenarios, Preferences, Imagines for a group of fellas trying to survive the Zombie Apocalyps... More

Meeting Everyone before the Apocalypse (Scenario/Preference)
Sleepless Nights (Ethan)
Meeting Everyone During the Apocalypse (Scenario/Preference)

Angel With a Shotgun (Harry)

830 24 3
By immxrtals101

Harry x Reader (Fluff)

Synopsis: Harry is Y/N boyfriend but he hasn't seen her since the outbreak began. So for the past few weeks, he has been trying to survive with his friends. Eventually, the whole group is on their way to the safe zone. Only to be surprised by an ambush of zombies and Y/N?



Italics: Memory/Thoughts

Y/H/C- Your Hair Colour



Third Person POV

Memory Begins:

Y/N and Harry are currently cuddling one another in her room on her bed. She is currently sitting and being the big spoon. Her boyfriend situated in between their legs, laying his back against her chest. Their breaths in sync. Her hands brushing his silver locks, making the boy feel sleepy. The couple enjoying the peaceful moment in each other's arms. Until Y/N, shifts her body, alerting her boyfriend. He watches with slight annoyance as she opens a drawer next to her bed to take out two items (because he was comfy and he is now fully awake). His blue-grey eyes dawn over her Y/E/C with a glint of curiosity.

'Ok Harry, I have something that may help you feel less stress and to ease your thoughts. It is just an idea but, hear me out' the Y/H/C girl chirps at her silver-haired boyfriend. Hands clutching onto a couple of devices. The couple now sat face to face with one another, he is waiting for her to share the idea. She giddily smiles and presents two video recorders.  Harry tilts his head to the side, wondering why she is holding them. Too distracted to ask a question, his girlfriend shoves it in their hand. 'What do I do with this?' he asks, giving her a questioning look. 'Well, if we can't speak over the phone, this is a way for you to express your worries and more. I know it's not easy at home, it's also not easy to tell me things. So by recording how we feel, we can play it back to one another whenever we meet. Then we can spend time to cuddle and comfort one another. I have one too!' she says tenderly. Her words replaying in his mind. He couldn't believe how thoughtful his partner is. His heart sways at her kindness, how she can help him even when she isn't physically there. Harry's hand grazes over the recorder, giving his girlfriend a happy smile. 'That's a great idea. Thank you for the gift angel' he says giving the love of his life a small kiss on the lips, showing his gratitude for the gift. 

Memory Ends

HARRY POV (Decided to change it up to be his POV)

I grasp onto the voice recorder in my hands. My mind replaying the moment I was given this gift. My back slouched against the wall of my temporary safe haven: a classroom. The moonlight pierces the classroom window highlighting parts of the classroom. The feeling of tiredness taking over my body. I gaze out the window, watching the night sky. It's been a few weeks since this epidemic has started. Where are you Y/N? I thought to myself, remembering her face, the way she smiles, the way her hair falls perfectly without her trying. Most importantly, I remember her kind heart. My heart devoured by the feeling of loneliness as I miss my angel. My eyes begin to feel heavy, my head throbbing with pain as I try to focus on the device. Grazing my thumb over the voice recorder, I press the red button. Watching the device turn on, as it records the silence around me. My breath stifles, as I try to keep my composure. I hold it towards my face. 

'Hey, it's day 14. I... um... I finished my medication a few days ago, which isn't great. You know those pills that I always try to get my hands on. It's funny, I finally found some and now I don't have anymore. Now, my head is currently pounding away' I chuckle slightly trying to joke about the mess of the situation. Glancing away from the inanimate object in my hand. My determination to stay strong quivering against my urge to confess to the device. The moon continues to shine through the window, the desks and chairs positioned out of the way to create a space for my bed. However, I feel my chest tighten, my body trying to hold my emotions back as I hold the gift in my hand. Stiffening the grip of the recorder, I continue speaking quietly. 'Today is ok, no zombies roaming around which is a good sign. We got some supplies too, which will last us hopefully a while. However...' my words trail slightly, my emotions clutching onto my heart, trying to come up with the words I want to say. Closing my eyes, I feel tears streaming down my face as their salty nature grazes over my lips. My heart fills with despair. I feel my neck tightened with emotional stress I've been feeling over the past few weeks. 'We are leaving tomorrow. I-I was hoping you'd come to find me near the school, or at least when I-I've been scouting. But, I'm scared. If we leave, you might come. I would have missed you.' I say with anxiety laced in my words. I pause for a second. My mind thinking the worse. What if she goes to school and I'm not here?  What if she comes right after we left? What happens then? my mind filling with concern, forgetting what I am doing. My silver locks fall over my eyes as my mind wanders for a moment. The coldness of the room finally getting to me. My body trembling against the frigid temperature, hands quivering at the emotional distress consuming my mind.  Taking a deep breath I force the words out of my mouth. 'I am scared, but one thing certain. I will find you my angel' I say as my words waver with my emotions. Heaving those words, I press the button on the device to save the recording. Silently, I heave small cries as I clutch onto the only memento I have that reminds me of her. The piercing temperature causing me to shiver, my tiredness evident from the crying, I feel myself fall into a deep slumber. Hoping that Y/N has survived.


Today is the day, we will leave the school and head to the safe zone. Lawrence, Eugene, Sue and Hailey are currently packing the remaining supplies we have in their bags. Zion, Ethan and Judy are doing one final sweep of the school making sure we don't leave anything behind. Jay and Scarlett are both on watch, keeping an eye on anything suspicious before we leave. Everyone had a role, but me. This morning Lawrence gave me a saddened expression, all he said was 'get some more rest'. I guess he could tell I am not doing great right now. Thankful for Lawrence's decision. I wait in the meeting room. Placing my back against the wall, as I sit on the floor. The tiredness taking over my body, my legs weakly are clutched to my chest, rubbing the temples of my throbbing head. 

Glancing at it for the last time, I analyse the contents in the room. The lonesome whiteboard hanging on the wall is stained with old maths markings that were left long ago. I brush my silver hair out of my face, I rub my eyes from the exhaustion, before standing up. I trail my fingers across the desk, the wood grazes against my hardened skin. I noticed the positioning of the tables, shifted together so everyone can sit around it. I wonder if we will all stick together and survive? I thought to myself as I pace around the room looking at all the little cabinets of supplies. The hinges of each piece of furniture creak, filling the empty silence of the room. Papers, pens, scissors, any form of stationary, are stacked on top of one another. As I open each cabinet, they all held the same items. Until the last one, my hand grabs onto the handle, opening it with force, only to see one item: a whiteboard pen centred in the middle of the cabinet. Unconsciously, I grab the thin item. The cold exterior heating up against my fingertips. As I inspect the item, an idea comes to mind. I open the pen, quicken my pace and start to scribble on the tainted whiteboard. Without thinking, I just write on the board. Scribing whatever comes to mind. I hear the sounds of footsteps heading to the classroom, a couple of voices trailing one another, progressively getting louder. Ignoring them, I continue to write on the worn-out board, the pen squeaking. After finishing I hear step back. My eyes dawning over the words on the board. I feel myself smile slightly at the sight in front of me, I close the pen and place it on the desk. I admire the contents on the board. However, the door opens with a loud swing, causing me to jump with terror at the sound as I hear a high pitched voice. 'Harry! We are going now!', I turn to see Judy smiling with glee, Ethan next to her, clutching onto his bat. My mind rushing with anxiety from the scare I just had, I only gave a small smile. Ethan looks at me, then the board, before meeting my gaze and giving an empathetic look. Confusion painted across Judy's face. Until she looks at the board. The smile she had before is replaced with a similar empathetic look. 

'Do you think she'd find this?' I address them. Holding my breath as I wait for their response. The petite girl smiles back at me 'If she does, I'm sure she will find us soon' she says supportively. Ethan nodding in response. Thankful for my friends, I look back at the penmanship. Hi Y/N, if you are reading this, we were here. I and our friends are heading towards the safe zone by the military. I hope to see you soon. I love you, Harry. I mentally read what I wrote on the board. The feeling of hopefulness swells in my heart. I hold the voice recorder in my hand as I follow my friends out of the room. I glance at it one last time before, heading out to survive.


I grip onto my backpack full of supplies, following swiftly behind the group. The city streets are silent, the sound of our footsteps pounding the pavement. Immediately we regretted our decision to search for the safe zone. The dead chasing us, snarling, arms swatting the air in an attempt to grab us. It is hard to say how many were there, 10, 20, 30. The decaying bodies just keep piling up. Judy is grabbing Hailey's hand trying to help each other run faster. Lawrence is urging us to go faster.  My eyes frantically scanning to see Ethan and Zion paving the way for us. Their weapons swinging, destroying the skulls of the dead that are in the way. My heart is racing. Panic is settling making my body tremble with fear as I run for my life. We were so close. The pungent smell of the decaying bodies inching closer. The growls of hunger gurgling behind us. 'Guys! go down here' Zion shouts, grabbing our attention to an open area of the city. No questions were asked as we sprinted towards it, hoping it will lead us somewhere safe. 

Fate had other plans, we were stuck. No way out, we were behind buildings in an unloading area. No exit other than the one we came through. 'Shit! I thought this will lead us somewhere' Zion says angrily clutching onto his weapon. 'I am not going to die here!' Scarlett retorts back with resentment. 'Lawrence, what are we going to do now?!' Sue shrieks with fear. In the midst of the chaos, I feel my legs buckle underneath me, the tiredness has gotten to my mobility. 'Harry!' I hear Lawrence voice echoing in my head. My body trembling as I try to scramble myself off of the ground so I can fight. The dead are running towards us a few meters away.

'Everybody, get down!' a voice booms behind all of us. Before I can register what is happening, gunshots pierced the air, the zombies in front of us. I keep my body close to the ground, I look around to see everyone is crouching down. My ears begin to ring, my head is pounding worse than before. The rapid-firing seemed to take forever to cease. Once it did, we all look up at an entrance, there stood people in military attire and casual clothing. Different men and women, various ages, grasping onto guns and aiming towards the direction we came from. 'Are you alright?' a familiar voice shouts. My mind calibrating, recognising the voice in an instant. I frantically try to stand up and look in the direction of where the voice is coming from. My legs buckle slightly as I weakly try to look at the person speaking. I hear Lawrence shouting at them, telling them something along the lines of my tiredness, migraines and that we need help. However, I couldn't care less, I didn't care how tired I was. I needed to see who was addressing us just now. Once I triumphantly succeeded, my eyes land on one person. My heart stops. 

Their Y/H/C flowed down the sides of their face, their recognisable Y/E/C dawn over my own. Her beauty takes my breath away. I couldn't say anything but the one word that I've been thinking about all this time. 'Y/N?' is all I could say. The girl just stares at me, in shock, almost dropping the gun in her hand. 'H-Harry? Is that you?!' she said in disbelief. I noticed her facial expression, an amalgamation of emotions; sadness, relief, disbelief, it is hard to tell. However, her facial expression changed swiftly to an identifiable one; focused and angry. She cocks the gun and aims it towards me. I finally notice the type of gun she is holding, a shotgun.  'Angel?' I asked in a confusing manner.

 Everyone (including the people she is with) look at her with a surprised expression plastered on their faces 'Stay still, and don't move' she says with sternness as she grips the shotgun in her hands. However, everyone proceeds to shout at her, begging her to put the gun down. I look at her with pleading eyes, I could feel pain in my heart as she aims the weapon in my direction. She stares into my eyes 'trust me' she says, fear laced in her words. I look at the girl with fear, I want to tell her to stop. Plead her to stop, but, in the back of my mind, I wanted to trust her. 

Brushing my anxieties to the back of my mind, I take a deep breath, I close my eyes. I trust my angel, I mentally told myself, I nod my head as a sign for Y/N. The moment I showed my trust in her,  she shoots the gun, I feel the bullet whizz past me and I hear it hit the ground. I sighed with relief, slowly opening my eyes to see Y/N putting the shotgun down. I turn around to see why she was shooting in my direction. Looking down I see a zombie, dead on the floor, their head blown to pieces by Y/N's shotgun. 'Well done Y/N' a man in military uniform addressing the girl, causing me to turn around. She nods 'He's my boyfriend Captain, the one I've been looking for. I will do anything to protect him' she says with sternness, before slinging her shotgun behind her back, running towards me at full speed.

Still trying to comprehend the last few minutes, I didn't realise how quickly she came to me, instantly grasping me into her arms. 'I'm sorry, it was still alive, crawling towards you' she cries into my shirt, trying to muffle the sounds of sadness. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around the girl I loved and hugged her tightly. I kissed the top of her head, tears streaming down my face, relieved to have the girl I've been looking for here with me. The salty taste of my tears, flowing past my lips. I place her head in my hands, moving her head so I can see her face clearly. Her tired eyes looking at mine, I graze my thumb over her cheeks wiping her tears away. Naturally, I place a kiss on her lips, and she returns with neediness. Our feelings of fear, relief and happiness expressed with the intimate action. 

Before we lost track of time in romantic bliss, a voice teasingly shouts at us. 'Yoo Hoo! You guys, we're gonna go back to the safe zone now with Mr Military, you can make out over there!' Judy shouts causing me and Y/N to let go of each other, our faces heating up.  'Hurry up you guys, we stay here any longer we'll be attracting more of the dead' Lawrence says. I nodded, clasping my hand in hers, rubbing my temple with the other. I can feel my legs tremble slightly from fatigue. She grips my hand tighter, I glance at the beautiful girl walking beside me, her eyes staring at me with concern. 'I had this shotgun to thank, are you ok? Do you need any migraine medication?' she asks. I smile at my lover, knowing she is very concerned. I pull out of my pocket the voice recorder she gave me.  'I am happy, I found you. Also, I did everything you said before and everything you need to know is recorded' I say my words wavering, overwhelmed with the feeling of relief. I feel her hand tighten around mine, the stiffening grip making our hands feel slightly clammy. 

Her kind smile beams across her face, reminding me of her beauty. 'I am glad Harry, we can listen together' she says smiling sadly at me, knowing full well I haven't been doing great during this chaos. 'You know, I left a message for you at our base. Hoping you knew where to find us if you found it' I say shyly, almost embarrassed at the thought of my actions. Before I knew it, she gives me a quick peck on the cheek. 'That is so sweet of you. I'm sure if I found it I would have followed you and found you' her voice laced with the kindness. I really missed hearing your voice I thought to myself as we follow everyone, feeling myself relax slightly. 

'Also, you don't look well and from what Lawrence is saying. You've not been getting enough sleep. We will be napping once we are at the safe zone' she says with tenderness. However, she mentioned one thing that caught my attention. 'Wait, the safe zone? Have you been there all this time? Is that how you survived Angel?' I ask her timidly. 'Yes, the safe zone exists! Also, I haven't been there all this time. Actually this shotgun helped me get noticed by the military at the safe zone. They saw me being chased and trying to shoot at a horde of zombies and they saved me' she says with glee as she shows off her gun that is slung on her back. 'This gun saved me so many times and it helped me find shelter. I don't leave without it now. I take it everywhere with me because I know it's lucky. I knew that it would help me find you and save you' she says smiling as we follow everyone. She brings our hands to her face, giving my knuckles a kiss. I chuckle at her happy nature, savouring every moment, appreciating what I have missed. My sweet and kind angel, fighting with all her life with a shotgun to find me. I grin at the thought: My angel with a shotgun.


I apologise for the delay you guys, this is a long one but I hope you all enjoyed nonetheless! I have a project deadline which I needed to prioritise first over this. However, I am so happy I got this done as I've been itching to write this. Also, I wanted to make Y/N a badass character in this story! The next post should be a scenario chapter. Additionally, I was inspired to write this from the song Angel with a Shotgun by the Cab. It's a really good song!

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