By -dzzingly

181K 4.3K 1.2K

[THE ABANDONED TWIN]. - - - ❝i don't need you. i didn't need you then and i sure as hell don't need you now.❞... More

soundtrack !
cast !
στην αρχή !
o1.lets leave!
o2.welcome to beacon hills!
o3.we will bring her home.
o4.this sucks
o5.so far kid, you're a peach
o7.its isaac, lahey

o6.that was a lie. I dont have a cousin from Mexico.

14.2K 405 155
By -dzzingly


𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐:
that was a lie. I don't have a cousin from Mexico.

0:01 •⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ 56:49
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Melody found herself walking through the forest, night had fallen many hours ago, though that didn't stop Melody from following the feeling in her gut she had gotten during dinner that evening.

The Blonde sighed irritably as it began to rain, but she knew she wouldn't be able to turn back now.

Melody sighed once more as she came across an open road next to the preserve, but gasped when she saw a distraught Allison sobbing over a dog that was laying in the middle of the road.

Instinctively Melody rushed towards her newfound friend, scrambling onto the road, Melody had to shield her eyes from the bright light the headlights on Allison's car protruded.

"Allison! are you okay?!" the brunette nodded, still sobbing loudly while trying to explain what had happened.

"it just came out of nowhere! I don't know what to do!" Melody smiled reassuringly at her friends concern.

"Don't worry, there's an Animal Clinic like five minutes from here, we can take her there" Allison quickly nodded while helping Melody carefully lift the dog up and laying it in the boot of her car.

Allison trained her eyes solely on the road ahead of them as she drove speedily, Melody knew she had to calm her shaking friend down before they got into an accident, even though Melody was getting extremely overwhelmed. "so, you and Kelly?"

The brunette behind the steering wheel glared at Melody who sat smugly in her passenger seat "you and Scott?" Allison smirked as Melody's smug smile dropped, replaced with a pout.


Pulling up outside of the Clinic Melody was just at not even two days ago, Allison urged the blonde to go look for help while she checked on the hurt dog in the boot of her car.

Melody scrambled towards the door, ignoring the 'CLOSED' sign, she started frantically pounding on the door with her fist, hoping Deaton was there. Though she was pleasantly surprised when a goofy looking teen with a crooked jaw stood behind the glass door.

Scott quickly got over the shock of seeing Melody so unexpectedly, he unlocked and opened the front door before greeting her awkwardly, unsure of what he should be expecting, "Hi?"

"Allison said she didn't know what happened! she said the dog came out of nowhere and i found her crying in the middle of the road, this is the only vet place in town that i knew about and we dont know what to do!" The reality of what had happened had finally settled in and Melody was not taking it very well, obviously.

Scott listened to Melody intently, he immediately tried to calm her down to get more information, "It's all right. It's all right. Do you remember where it happened, so I can send Animal Control to find it?"

"No! I mean, yes, I know where she hit it, but the dog is-"

"Where is it?"

"It's in Allison's car."

Scott followed Melody out into the pouring rain, where Allison had the dog, which was a white and gray collie, in the trunk of her hatchback car. The dog instantly started to growl at them, scaring Allison and Melody causing them to jump backward.

Scott grabbed Melody by the shoulders to steady her, protectively shielding her from the obviously distraught dog as Allison moved away from the car itself. "You okay?" Scott held Melody closer making sure she was safe.

Melody nodded as she caught her breath from all the commotion as Scott smiled gently at the two girls, "She's just frightened."

Allison smiled slightly, nudging Melody with her elbow in a joking manner "That makes three of us."

"Let me see if I have any better luck."
Scott looked at the dog, maintaining eye contact and gave a stern look, which seemed to trigger his newly-gained 'wolfy' instincts.

Suddenly, his irises glow bright gold, and the dog ultimately submits to him and stops growling, Melody had to stifle a chuckle at Scott and Allison's obliviousness to Scotts new 'powers'. Melody knew she probably could've done that, but catching up with Allison, seeing Scott and all the commotion was making her head hurt.

Inside the clinic, Scott and Melody brought the dog to the exam room, where Scott checked the dog for injuries, Allison had left to change, she only had one  spare change of clothes and had offered them to Melody who declined saying they were her clothes and that she was fine.

"I think her leg is broken. I've seen the doctor do plenty of splints. I can do it myself and then give her a painkiller for now." Melody nodded slowly, Scott had noticed that she was shivering from the cold and the rain, "I have another shirt in my bag.."

"Oh, Im fine, i'm not that cold anyway, you also got wet you should get changed."

Scott grabbed the shirt and handed it to her, a stern yet soft look on his face, "Here, you need it more than i do" Scott could see the reluctant look on her face and knew she would decline again, so he pushed her to take it, "please, i don't want you to get sick."

Melody smiled gratefully, even though she knew she wouldn't get sick, she took the shirt, going to the other room to change. Scott caught a glimpse of her bare back after she toke her shirt off, and the dog that lay on the metal table made a harrumphing noise and sat up to give him a look, as though she was judging him.

Scott made a face at the dog in response "What? I didn't see anything. Don't look at me like that!"

Allison and Melody came back into the room together, the brunette smiled at Scott "Thanks for doing this. I feel really stupid."

"How come?"

Allison chuckled as she bumped hips with Melody who wrapped her arms around herself, thoroughly enjoying the smell of Scott the shirt she wore had, "I don't know, 'Cause we freaked out like a total girls."

Scott shot the girls a confused look at the statement "but, you are a girls.."

Both girls laughed tiredly at the boys obliviousness,
Allison continued the conversation as Melody looked curiously at the dog who laid calmly on the table, "I freaked out like a girly-girl, and I'm not a girly-girl."

"What kind of girl are you?"

Allison laughed once more, colour finally coming back to the girls face as she had been pale since Melody had found her on the street, "Tougher than that. At least, I thought I was."

Scott smiled lightly and tried to make her feel better
" Hey, I'd be freaked out too. In fact, I'd probably cry. And not like a man, either. Like the biggest girly-girl ever. It'd be pathetic."

Melody snorted playfully, and rose her eyebrow at the boy in front of her, an unreadable look on her face "Yeah, right McCall, like we'd ever believe that."

Scott looked down at the dog trying to conceal his growing smile, the dogs arm now had a yellow splint that he doodled on in the interim, and started petting her comfortingly, "So, It looks like she's gonna live. And I'm pretty sure she'll even let you pet her now, if you guys want."

As Allison walked to the opposite side of the table to let the dog, Melody shook her head quickly and stayed firmly in her spot, a bit away from the dog,
"I don't think so."

Scott smiled mischievously at Melody as if daring her to do it, knowing she'll feel better if she does, "Oh, come on. You don't want her to sue. I hear this breed is very litigious."

Melody smiled and  nodded,she slowly reached out to pet the dog along her side, and when the dog didn't growl or try to move away, Melody smiled and continued to pet her.

Scott happily wrapped his arm around her shoulder "You see? She likes you."  Melody looked up at Scott confused as she caught him staring at her intensely,
"Uh. Sorry. You have an eyelash on your cheek."

"Oh, from the rain." Melody tried to wipe at her face to try to get it off but missed it, so Scott reached out and gently brushed the eyelash off of her left cheekbone.

Allison smiled watching the two, remembering earlier that day when Kelly went on and on about how both of them were her 'otp' and they had to get together or she would 'die and haunt them for killing her emotionally'



The three were now in the parking lot, Allison had thanked Scott before jumping into the drivers side but waited patiently for Melody.

Scott looked nervously at Melody who opened the backseat door to toss hers and Allison's wet shirt on the seat, he started stammering as he tried to work up the nerve to ask her out. "So, um, I was wondering, I mean, Is your cousin from Mexico really coming on Friday? or do you think maybe you'd like to go to that party with me?"

Melody smiled when she realised that she got called out on her fib from earlier, "that was a lie. I don't have a cousin from Mexico."

"So, is that a yes? You'll go?"

"Definitely yes. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Scott smiled wildly as Melody jumped into the passenger seat of Allison's car, both girls waving goodbye as they drove further from the Animal Clinic, leaving the crooked jaw teen to smile happily to himself.

Melody hugged Allison as she slid out of her car, "goodnight, i'll see you tomorrow, sleep well!"

The blonde watched as her friend pulled out of her driveway, and made her way inside and up to her room, flopping on her bed, letting the darkness consume her.

Melody walked through the almost empty school hallways with Kelly, Meghan and Allison, heading to the field to meet up with Lydia to watch another day of the try-outs.

Meghan poked Melody and motioned to Allison and Kelly who linked their arms and laughed as they walked together. Melody rose an eyebrow at Meghan who laughed quietly.

The four girls run up the bleachers to sit by Lydia who scolded them "you guys just missed Coaches amazing ten minute speech" All five friends laughed playfully before settling on watching the try-outs.

Practice began with the players doing a drill in which they pass the ball back and forth between each other. Scott bounced on the balls of his feet while he waited for the ball to be thrown his way.

Once again, when the ball headed his way, he was shocked when he actually caught it with minimal effort. He started to run down the field, but when he spun around to avoid getting the ball stolen by another player, Jackson appeared out of nowhere and tackled him hard.

Jackson lifted up his helmet so he could smirk smugly at Scott before jogging away, which acted as the motivation Scott needed to get angry enough to tap into his newly-gained supernatural powers, or in better terms 'wolfy powers'

Scott unintentionally listened in on the five girls' conversation when the team got a five minute break, he could hear Lydias voice clear as day, even though they were a long ways away. "Mel? who's shirt is that? it doesn't look like something you'd wear."

Allison smirked as she actually took notice of her friends shirt, "isn't that the one Scott gave you at the Clinic?" Scott quickly looked to Melody on the bleachers to see she was wearing the shirt he had given her, causing a cheesy smile to appear on his face.

Scott tuned out of their conversation when they started squealing and started to make 'ship names'

Scott and Jackson were up against each other for the lacrosse equivalent of a kickoff, the two stared at each other for a long moment until Coach Finstock blew the whistle.

Much to Jackson's dismay, Scott easily snatched the ball before he can even react, forcing him to chase after him as fast as he can.

Just like the previous day's practice, everything seemed to slow down around Scott, allowing him to spin out of the way when the other players try to tackle him, jumping over another player's ankle when they try to trip him, and finally, doing a hands-free round-off flip over three players who attempted to knock him down together, and shooting into the goal by throwing the ball between the goalie's legs.

Scott gasped, clearly having difficulty believing what had just happened, and Jackson looks both furious and desperate to know what Scott's secret is.

When Scott pumped his fists into the air, the other players ran up to him to smack him affectionately on the shoulders, and Melody stood up in the stands to clap and cheer for him. Just then, Coach Finstock, who looked mad, called him over "McCall! Get over here!"

Scott was unsure of what to expect as he jogged over to where Coach is standing and takes off his helmet, Coach held a stern look on his face "What in God's name was that? This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the gymnastics team? "

"No, Coach."

"What the hell was that?" Coach leant into him, if Scott looked close enough he would be able to see the sweat dripping down Coaches face.

"I don't know. I-I was just trying to make the shot."

"Yeah, well, you made the shot. And guess what?"

Coach Finstock laughed as he slapped Scott playfully on the arm "You're startin', buddy."
Coach squeezed Scott's shoulders with his hands excitedly "You made first line. Come on!"

Scott cheered as he bounced happily, all the players on the field and bench clap for him except for Stiles, who seems concerned by the uncharacteristically athletic prowess Scott showed on the field.

extra long one this time to make
up for me not uploading in months,
hope you enjoyed <3
(and yes, i am uploading at 12:05am)

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