Blade of Vish |

By StraightFrom_Hell

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"Who am I?" I finally asked. "If the world of gods and demons are two adjacent rooms, you are the key to the... More

Art Gallery
1. Talking with the Dead, Yeah its Fun
2. A Journey to Begin
3. A 'Not-so Boring' family of Mine
4. And it all STARTED
5. A Stranger RESCUED Me
6. A Soooo Long Chapter
7. KG? No it isn't Kindergarten
8. I am a master (and I don't know how)
9. I have a GodFather?
10. I Admit a HEARING
11. I have a Fight
12. Hello Your Highness
13. Parlor, Palace and Trainee(Part 1)
14. Parlor, Palace and Trainee(Part 2)
15. Worries of the Royals
16. The Shine In The Sky
17. Men In Black
18. Circumstances Begin
19. Feeling Guilty
21. Midnight Talks
22. Minor Preparations
23. Back To Home
24. School Trip
25. Zeeva
26. The Devil In The Eyes
27. Prince In Distress
28. Revelations
29.Beyond The Outskirts

20. People with Bones and Ashes

18 6 0
By StraightFrom_Hell

Vaani quickly changed into the outdoor gear, a tank top along with jeans completed by her scabbards. Vaani said herself an all the best and went out of the castle. It wasn't like she was allowed to, but there was no one to stop her either. Near the main door to the castle, she found her brother ready. Around half an hour ago or so, she asked Dhruv to arrange a chariot and some food. She also was going to need something that belongs to Neel and she exactly had that thing with her. 

"So are you sure about it?" 

"A sixty seven percent that it will work." 

They both sat on the chariot and Vaani ordered the driver

"To the People with Ash and Bone." 

He did as he was asked to. The horse ran on a two hundred horse power! 

"So what do you have for his belonging? 

She was confident but her brother thought the other way around. At first when she told him what she was thinking, Dhruv was shocked at her thinking. The people with ash and Bone are not worth talking to. Don't ask why he knows it. The reason is crystal clear

First, the people of that community are not SaptaSiddhis. 

Second, they tend to be masters at flipping on their own decisions. For them, no side is good or bad. 

Third, they refused to help the kingdom in the War, which not to mention, was a SaptaSiddhis against Demon-Bloods war. 

Fourth, hygiene is not a thing you can expect from them. Earlier generations often ran nude on the road. 

Male nudes wasn't a carve for Dhruv. 

Dhruv remember his dad. Was he was a great king? He definitely was. Dhruv's dad ruled the kingdom for more than a decade. Being a king wasn't easy. His dad did have less time for his children but he was okay with it. He's dad was doing his job, his karma and he knew one day he would too. His dad made him learn the basic duties of a king all by heart. 

A king is one who keeps his people before himself or his family. A king always stands for right and will stand till end even after knowing that he minght also die doing that. 

But he didn't expect that to come too early. It happened when he was a year old. The weather was cold indicating winter. People in ETKing were living a happy life. Dhruv used to play early in the morning as the white fumes which formed when his hot breath interacted with cold climate astonished him. Then suddenly the things changed. The winters hit their lowest temperatures. The winter crops failed without a reason. Then they came. 

As the current situation was not bad enough, the southern border showed sights of trespassing. As his father got the news. He quickly took adequate measures. The security was doubled and gates were on alert. But that wasn't enough. One night he woke up by cries of her mother. His father was lying dead on the floor and a Demon was suckling blood out form his body. His mom ran in helplessness and Dhruv got a glimpse from the window. All of a sudden a whole army of Demons- both Danavas and Daityas- were in the kingdom. The army covered most of the southern part. It consisted of hellhounds, wolves, vultures, drakons, serpents and what not. The army attacked at night when everyone was asleep. Cowards!

They didn't even get time to prepare for battle. The enemy came as a storm. The army of ETKing stood no chance against them. Gods and demons are foes since eternity to eternity. The Gods themselves established this kingdom and hence SaptaSiddhis and demons were enemies too. The gods, for safety, locked the demons in another dimension, the paatal loka. But that day no protection seemed to work. People prayed to gods to stop this destruction but none of their prayers were heard. SaptaSiddhis asked others for help but no one did. Neither the Chosen Ones, nor the People with Ash and Bone. The people with Ash and Bone said-

If your destruction is the will of our master, the Shiva, then we are not going to go against them. If it's their will then it's inevitable. 

Saying this they turned their backs on SaptaSiddhis. 

The demon army killed nearly everyone in the castle. Tons of dead bodies were lying both in the castle and outside the castle, all dried out of blood. 

After such a mascare, the army suddenly turned to dust. The Elders say that their prayers were heard at last. The demons never came back since then but it left a wave of sorrow. 

After thirteen days, the ministers noticed that the throne was empty. After a long discussion, they led to the decision that Dhruv was to be declared as the next king of the dynasty, as he is the elder offspring and also the only son of his father. Dhruv literally had tears in his eyes while remembering that time. 

The chariot stopped. "Your Highness, we have arrived." 

"Wait here till we come back." Dhruv ordered him. 

Both Vaani and Dhruv slowly ran deeper in the place. Vaani noticed many crows flying above their heads. 

It's okay. After all, we are in a crematorium it's a common thing here. She thought. 

Then she gave a small slap on her shoulder. 

Mosquitoes! I should have brought a jacket. 

"VAANI! I found some bones and skulls!" 

"Don't you dare touch them, Sapta!" said a voice. 

"Show yourself! " Vaani shouted. 

"Not this much easily. You have come here. Tell me what you want from us?" 

"We saptas today need the help of the people with Ash and Bone. Actually…." 

"I prefer the original term royal. We are Aghoris." 

Then he came out of the dark. His face was covered with Ash(which actually is obtained by burning dead bodies.) he had long hair, big black eyes and good for Dhruv, wasn't nude. 

"... Actually we want you to help us in finding one of our friends. He's missing for past four days." Dhruv said. 

"And why do you need an Aghori?" 

"You know why. Don't you?" Vaani commented. 

"Obviously I know. But I am not going to tell you." 

"Can I ask why?" Dhruv asked. 

"Beause Nothing's free in this world." Vaani commented again. 

"The princess is correct." 

"Tell me what you want." Dhruv asked. 

"A promise." 

"What promise?" 

"That prince will get to know later on." 

"Me?" Dhruv asked. 

"Yes…." he turned to Vaani, "... You have what I need?" 

"I do." 

"Then let's find your friend." 

Vallabh, that's what the Aghori's name is, drew a circle with the help of ash and made a trident on it. 

"Do not utter a word until asked to." he warned both of them. Then he began the chant. The chant consisted of some ancient phases mostly in Sanskrit and Parakrit. As he was reciting the chants, the ash started to turn red. 

"In the name of my deity Shiva, I ask all the spirits of the otherworld to assemble here." saying this he placed the food at the center. 

".. Now, I order the spirits to tell me where Mister…" 

"Neel." Vaani replied. 

"To tell me where Mister Neel is." 

All in silence. No answer. 

"Tell me his full name." 

"Neel Soni." 

"Tell me where mister Neel Soni is." 

No answer. 

"Give me something which belongs to him." 

Vaani took out a small piece of cloth from her pocket. "It's his." 

Vallabh took the cloth and threw it in air, it burst into flames. 

Then the bones arranged themselves in a systematic manner, making something to read. 

A work by the Royals has to be done,

'Cause a being lost has to return. 

In the forest of lies lies the blue light

Dangers around shall be in sight. 

You shall see the trick of the fates

The princess's birthday is the end date! 

"When is your birthday?" Vallabh asked. 

"Twelve days from now." She replied. "... But I want to ask one thing, why didn't they respond on his name?" 

"It means only one thing…. 

… It isn't his real name."

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