Army love - BUGHEAD

By Bughead79

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This is a story where betty and jughead fall in love but have to got through the hardships of him leaving for... More

Meeting her
1st date
Meeting the family
Coming home
Wedding day


455 7 0
By Bughead79

I finally got back to my car and was driving home when I decided to stop for food I picked up drive thru for me and betts and drove home it was late and I was tired. I got to the house and I unlocked the door and dropped my bag inside quietly the put the food on the counter. I looked over at the couch and there was betts sleeping her little heart out there was papers scattered on the coffee table and her laptop open I sat on the ground next to her and gently rubbed her back since she was on her tummy " betts sweetheart "

" juggie " she mumbled gently she was so sleepy I had like no heart to wake her up this was adorable.

" it's me sweetheart " her eyes softly opened and she smiled " hi "

" your home "

" I am "

" I want hugs " she mumbled. She sat up and I sat next to her and she crawled right into my arms and hugged me tightly. " is this a dream. "

" no baby "

" okay I sorry I really sleepy "

" your adorable don't apologize "

" your home I'm so happy to have my man back "

" I got some food if you're hungry "

" I like being in your arms makes me happy "

" betts I love you " she giggled

" I love you to " she softly kissed me and then put her head back in my neck. " juggie "

" yeah "

" thank you for coming home "

" of course "

" wanna go shower and get into your pajamas so you can be comfy and then we can eat and snuggle "

" okay "

" hurry I want snuggles "

" okay baby I'll be down soon " I went and took a quick shower and wore my pajamas and I went downstairs and betts was in  the laundry room putting a load of my clothes in. I sat on the couch and she came over and kissed my cheek. " you didn't have to do that "

" you just got home I want you to relax I got it babe "

" I want you okay I don't care about anything else I just want to hold you in my arms. "

" lay down then silly " she climbed on top of me and rested her head on my chest " you smell nice and clean. "

" thanks "

" ahhh I'm so happy your home and I'm in your arms and so happy "

" I agree "

" How are you feeling "

" tired and exhausted "

" aww I'm sorry "

" oh don't be I'm just happy to have you god I missed you "

" I missed you so bad I feel like I'm dreaming "

" can I take you to bed and hold you "

" please "

" I threw my back out can you walk betts "

" of course. "

" I'm sorry "

" don't be what happened to your back "

" I don't know it's been bothering me "

" I can massage it for you babe "

" oh I'll survive " lay on your belly baby

" where the blankets took my spot "

" move them goofball " I laid on my belly and she got on top of me and pulled my shirt up " tell me if I'm going to hard okay "

" why are you so amazing "

" my goofball deserves the world. " I smiled. She started to massaged my lower back I winced in pain

" sorry baby a little softer pretty please "

" of course what happened "

" hurt it somehow when I was gone and then I just worked through the pain "

" awwww you poor thing " she massaged and I mumbled and groaned. She worked on my back and all the way up to my shoulders. I let a loud moan. " you good "

" mmmm "

" I don't speak mumbles juggie "

" mhm "

" you okay "

" mhm "

" you tired " I nodded. " want me to keep going "

" mmm"

" how in the world am I supposed to understand mumbles "

" I'm to tired for words "

" snuggle time "

" mhm "

" okay. " she plopped next to me. " snuggle on my chest handsome you need a little break from your craziness " i nodded and fell asleep faster than the past 6 months.


I woke up to the smell of pancakes I sat up and smiled I went downstairs and betts was cooking " hey handsome " we kissed. I wrapped my arms around her waist. " you feel any better "

" just having you makes me feel better " I laid my head on her shoulder.

" your back baby "

" hurts but not as much as before "

" are we going to see your mom and dad "

" mhm I miss my family "

" they miss you to "

" You hang with them."

" mhm when you drove away I balled in your moms arms ever since they always invite me to go places and I have my girls day with jellybelly. "

" I love you bonding with my family "

" they understand it's hard to lose you and they help me cope "

" I'm happy you guys like each other. "

" yeah "

" how are you feeling betts "

" it's finals week so overly stressed with paperwork you found me passed out doing grading "

" it was adorable though I barely had the heart to wake your cute butt"

" I was tired "

" so once school is out I want to take you to the theme park. "

" aww I would love that "

" glad "

" you seem sad are you okay "

" im just sleepy and hungry and my back hurts "

" I can take you to the doctor "

" no "

" but juggie stop suffering "

" I'm fine "

" uggh " I kissed her shoulder softly. " I worry about you "

" I know "

" if it gets worse I'm making you go "

" okay "

" let's eat" We sat on the couch eating. We didn't talk it was weird. He put his plate down and began crying. I put mine down and pulled him softly into my arms.

" I hate not talking and not touching "

" I'm sorry I didn't want you to be upset "

" I just missed you so much and to not even talk it hurts do you still love me. "

" don't be stupid of course I love you we haven't a seen each other in 6 months baby it's not easy to go back to be with someone immediately I was all alone so I'm adapting handsome I'm sorry "

" it's fine I'm emotionally unstable constantly "

" did something happen. "

" I was shot and ever since I've been so emotional "

" you were what " He lifted his shirt to show a little scar. " jug "

" it was scary and ever since I've been and emotional mess because I was alone and scared "

" want to talk about it "

" if you don't care "

" I don't mind "

" I was going about the base when we were attacked and shot at. I was the first and luckily they missed any major organs but I was laying the unable to move for hours and that was maybe the hardest my best friend he found me and picked me up and carried me to are surgeons and they put me under and took the billet out and sewed me up and I was out for maybe three days but then back at it after so I really hadn't got a second to think of it but I thought I was going to die then and there and I cried and ever since I get emotional easily and I cry a lot "

" aww honey I'm so sorry "

" it's just scary I've never been shot so I just need to get through it but until then I'm a cry baby "

"How's the wound is it healed "

" yeah it healed nicely just a little scar. "

" you poor thing I'm sorry it must have been really scary. "

" I love you "

" I love you to handsome forever and ever "

" I have some ptsd and I know that I'm coping with it but you got to understand I'm a big cry baby "

" I love you and I'm always here to hold you and give you kisses and snuggles. "

" thanks I'm here for you to betts dont think any different if you ever need help or a shoulder to cry on I'm here for you "

" I know handsome your amazing like that "

" you seem to call me stupid a lot. "

" it was twice and it's because you thought I wouldn't care and I didn't mean it goober "

" I know I just laughed when you said it in the letter I was feeling the sass through your writing. "

" yeah people say I have a way with words " he gave a slight chuckle. " you okay "

" yeah I'm great " he smiled. Looking at me I pecked his lips. " yeah definitely great "

" your my goober "

" okay "He is a softie.the biggest softie in the world.

" so goober I got a crap ton of work to do maybe I can cuddle in your arms and do it. "

" of course "

" I can't tell you how badly I missed you and just to have you back is everything to me "

" I love you and I was doing a lot of thinking. "

" and "

" I want to buy a house and live with you "

" why. "

" I thought if we got are own place you wouldn't have to pay for rent and you would have a place to call home That would have room for your friends to spend the night if you want and it would be ares not just mine and you wouldn't have to worry about paying anything while I'm gone "

" I guess we can look for one "'

" betts only if you want just think about it "

" blah " I said he smiled. " you enjoying laying there "

" mhm "

" not going to eat "

" I just want to lay with you it's nice having you "

" when did you get so cute "

" since I met this amazing girl "

" this amazing girl thinks we should recreate that moment before you left "

" oh really "

" yeah "

" then let's go up to the bedroom " I giggled And we had a very romantic time he laid sweaty and tired next to me. I snuggled up in his side I couldn't stop smiling. "Betts "

" yeah "

" I love you more than anything "

" I love you to juggie "

" let's get ready so I can go see my mom and dad and jb. "

" mmm I just want to lay on your chest "

" 5 more minutes cause your adorable then please baby I miss them "

" of course "

" I'm sorry I just love and miss them to especially jb she hates when I go "

" I know she hangs with me and she loves you and she is sad when your gone "

" are you to bonding "

" mhm she is a sweetheart when she sees me she runs and hugs me and I kiss her cheek and she sits in my lap "

" aww I'm happy she has you "

" she always sits in my lap but it will be different since she has her big brother. "

" sorry "

" no don't be your bond is so sweet "

" I miss her she is like this little ball of energy that loves everyone she is amazing "

" let's get dressed handsome pants "he nodded

" but I would love to continue this tonight "

" I would love that " we got dressed and hopped into the car. " when we get there stay behind me "

" k " We got there I knocked jugs mom answered you heard jelly crying.

" hey jelly hurt her leg anything to cheer her up "

" him " I said hugging jugs side

" jug " she smiled. " I'll hug you after " jug went to jelly and scooped her up from her dad

" jb why you crying "

" my leg hurts so bad "

" why don't you sit in betts lap and let me look at it okay "

" okay " betts sat down she held her in her lap.

" what happened " he said softly.

" I fell down the stairs "

" aww sis "

" mom do you have an ace bandage. "

" yea "

" sis can you move your foot at all "

" no " she cried as she tried but betts softly calmed her down.

" okay I'm going to wrap it up and put some ice on it. "

" mmk"I wrapped her ankle up and went to get ice and talk to my mom and dad. I gave them big hugs.

" your home "

" yeah last night I came back "

" happy to see your girl "

" more than happy I missed her "

" she likes to come over here and hang with jelly "

" I missed her so badly I've missed all you guys "

" so jelly's foot what do you think we should do "

" let her calm down before she has a panic attack and then take her to get it x rayed "

" okay " I got a sharp pain in my back. I fell to my knees and slowly on to my stomach " I'm fine " I said just laying there my parents left and betts came in. She laid next to me

" so how are you doing down here "

" good "

" yeah " she kissed my head " you realize I'm
Taking you to the hospital now "

" yeah "

" good glad we're on the same page"

"Yeah "

" how long are we going to lay here for "

"'You are getting to much enjoyment out of this "

" that's correct are you okay "

" yeah sharp pains in my back "

" I remember this really smart person offering to take you and you refused "

" yeah just help me up meanie "

" okay" I got back up and sat on the couch

" I got to go guys betts is taking me to get my back checked"

" what happened " jelly asked I kissed her head.

" I hurt it when I was at work jelly it hurts really bad so I need to go to the doctor and make it better "

" okay "

" so you should go get your foot checked "

" okay "

" okay "

" I gotta go but I'll check soon "

" okay " I got to the car and laid my head on betts shoulder.

" you need to take care of yourself "

" I know I'm sorry "

" your going to feel better soon handsome pants " I nodded they got me in a gown and into testing as betts waited in my room. When I got back my mom and dad and jelly were there. Betts softly sat on the bed and pushed my hair softly out of my face " how are you feeling "

" poked and prodded "

" give you any medicine "

" mhm "

" okay"she kissed my forehead

" just rest " I nodded. She got under the blanket and snuggled in my arm. I smiled this huge smile. " I love you "

" I love you to "we snuggled and snuggled until the doctor came in. Betts sat back next to me and held my hand.

" so bad news there's fluid around your spine and we're going to take it out with a needle in 10 minutes"

" any medicine to numb the pain "

" we Gave you what we can "

" okay."

" we will be in soon "betts held my hand.

" I'm sorry I can't contain my language if I'm in pain "

" it's fine "

" this is going to hurt "

" just hold my hand "i nodded she had her hand softly on my head combing through my hair.

" your calming "

" you need to just stay calm okay "

" I know " when the doctor came in I had to lay on my side facing betts he put the needle in and I screamed In pain tears streaming down my face. I squeezed betts hand I brought her hand to my cheek my face showed the pain and it made bets cry she kissed my head a couple times. He got everything out but I was a mess it hurt so bad. The put a bandaid on and put me in a back brace betts had to ease me on my back and I still made noises In pain I was hyperventilating

" calm down juggie" she held me in her arms calming me down softly. Once I was calm

" owe "

" I'm sorry "

" I'm fine "

" no your not and it okay to not be "

" that hurt like a bitch "

" you need anything "

" no just don't move me and I'll be fine "

" I'm sorry"

"I'm doing okay I calmed down I don't have a fucking needle in my spine so I'm okay "

"Jug please "

"Sorry I'm hurting I say bad words a lot "

" it's fine "

" Um going to run home I'll be back okay " I nodded. The drugs kicked in soon and I just passed out.

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