Omega Zero: Iron Phantom

By epitomepublishing

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A prelude of short Stories to what is now "Eidolon Atomic" (the world most powerful super hero universe. Del... More

Episode 0: First But not the last

Episode -1: Specter in the Wind

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By epitomepublishing

Episode one: A specterin the wind

Is it a ghost or is it shadow, not even the birds can tell the difference as they pass bye him, the very essence of the cold air as his presence suggest. as silent as the forest that awaits a quickly approaching storm. Heavy is the word that describes not only the air that looms around his head, but the very intent of shape and form that seem as though stricken with the weight of the world, as it is sculpted in the likeness of both gods and men. Though one would instantly take back that statement as the thin branch he rests the entire concentration of weight one, only barely bends as he steadily stand at the apex of its bow. Just inside the blurry camouflaging shadows of the pines that so viscously consume his outline. breaking apart even the winds intervention of finding out the entirety of his presence.

his breathing is steady much like the branch he stands on, though to compare the two is an exaggeration, and an insult to his very nature. one that even the weather become angered at as his branch moves with what only would be perceived as an illusion of its steadiness, revealed bye the howling of the wind. Holding to him as if he where the one to keep it; secured to the tree.

he keeps his eyes on the distance, staring it down as if to get it to reveal a dark secret. one that the horizon knows he has knowledge of, as it gives it to him with no hesitation; or hint to resist his gaze that seem intent on prying the very secrets of light from the absolution of darkness. while giving away non of his own.

his breath does not even faultier as the cold does not dare to foolishly hint at his intentions, as moisture refuses to condense from his lips. Hidden even to the scribe of time, so feverishly trying to find it.

at his chest are two shinny metallic limbs folded together like the fluidity of infinity. as if to have no end or no beginning, their glossed metallic surface of do not give the rest of him shape or form. much like the bottom halves of his legs. Absent of any reflection, as if to show their infect of anything that surrounds them. not even the body they are so seamlessly bound to. Both sets of his limbs though fused to his body are offset only bye the grotesquely veined metallic muscles, that hold them onto the patterned texture body that bares them. indented with a zag-ed line pattern, as if crafted from clay stacked in thin intricate layers.

though covered in spandex. his bodies indent resembling a hem line sown in pattern stack like lines, accents its outright soft nature, though the ridged ripple of immensely defined muscle suggest otherwise for what ever material lies underneath it. darkly colored in nature it eats away at the light around him , dulling even the green of the branches that that pierce the air with their pins, hoping to gain back some of the life that is so easily stolen from them. as they reach out like so many fingers to take back from the unnatural surface that seek to ride them of their healthy green glow.

It is in this field of light bending darkness that a crack begins to form, small at first a dim light pours through its expanding center until it reaches an expanse eight inches across. a zipper like pattern appears in its center as it expands horizontally. Curling at the ends like the crescent of a moon, if it had been shattered into a million pieces.

Once fully formed it opens, two eyes forming inside like the headlights of semi heading down a tunnel to small for its girth. then as the take form and color, the only thing that distinguishes them from the darkness that surrounds is the blue hue of oddly colored flesh that that holds them in place like snow would the curves of a snow man. Indefinite as too where the will last settle as the rest of it takes shape, moving with the fluidity of water unevenly mixed with sediment, meant to move without form.

they pull themselves out of the center of the crack like smile, like a rabbit from the hat of a magician, but only if the hat and the rabbit had some how become one on the same, and the magician to perform this illusion where standing inside the hat. its In this fashion that it forms from its own enigma. filling out from its own center of infolded infinity. As it viscously takes shape like a flattened balloon being filled with water that condenses in the cold air.

the crack it first formed from folding back over its main mass to form the jagged smile that gives this face expression. interrupted only bye the locks of oddly clumped hair that hang from the scalp like spools of yarn so roughly sown in, as if bye the inexperienced hands of a child hoping to put back together a rag doll that had been so lovingly played with, until the day it was so carelessly discarded bye their elder, who had moved on to the more grueling demands of adult hood.

it sits for a moment floating in thin air as it focuses its eyes into the front of its head. stretching in discomfort as the miniscule details of its features become present in the dim light. with no nose and no ears it seems as though sight and whatever senses the abyss of its mouth possesses are the only things that it has to perceive the environment that that now struggles to define its existence. As anyone who where to look apron it would not define it at all.

its grin becomes wider as it speaks its tone as grinning and devious as the mouth that projects it. though motionless as words seem to from on the outside of its cartoon like nature. "its good to see that he's made it this far", it says as it stair at the man with the metal limbs with impersonal proximity, and expression.

"you mean your glad I decided to follow your instruction and save him." the man in shadow responds his tone of voice statically and crude in its manner of listless tone.

"yes I'm glad you decided to listen to me," it snaps back its grin un wavering in its content stance of smiling even when confronted with the unwanted resilience of a new subordinate." though it isn't like you have much of a choice." it scoffs. looking over his body as it orbits about him like a pest seeking land on something it can dissolve with its acidic saliva "fresh from the oven and the ginger bread man is already running, surprise surprise."

its stops its path directly in front of his face breaking the line of concentration this shadow has so relentlessly cast onto the target he keep in the distance. smiling in his face as it explain the fixed score of a game, to far into its clock call in for its obvious mistakes." And I'm the only one at this river big enough to keep you above water, so keep to our agreement and maybe I wont eat you in one bite." it so playfully expresses before continuing. "and I'm still not happy that you killed those men, what a mess to clean up."

It looks the face so blatantly intruding into the line of sight he needed in order to keep an eye on his subject. staring him down with a silver eye that now pierces the darkness like a marble struck with the silver of a pure light. "you asked me to make sure he escaped, their deaths where necessary for that"

"Necessary how?" it questions quickly, its tone as sharp as its teeth "they would have been dead in minutes if they followed him in that hole anyway"

He wouldn't have had minutes" the silver eyed phantom explains in its difference "he was injured badly and needed all the time he could get," His glair becomes more intense as his eye the only visible feature on his face takes shape as if to stand like a second witness to what was transpires in this oddly placed conversation. " So if your going to chastise me for breaking the boundaries of deal we have, then make sure you color in your picture entirely first, and keep it your crayon marks in-between the lines."

the face laughs after a few moments of silence, cackling hard enough to stir the nest of birds that sit not to far away, unaware the conversation that even taking place." your funny, funny guy, Quick to catch on to, like a loose nail in a linen factory, your right you wouldn't remember any details because their are none." it moves in even closer to his face making sure to let its outlook of no personal space and no back talking be made aware." I can see why you where the last one still in one piece, but let me tell you something funny. I'm the one who's putting your play set back together big blocks, and if I don't get what I see on the box then ill jut half to pull you back apart."

the phantom sets his cynicism aside, in an effort to gain some ground in an ice covered cliff of information, knowing it could be his only hope for a sturdy lifeline of his present statues. So clouded in an on coming storm the creeps in so unnoticed that it barely goes noticed bye the outer edges of his thoughts, "what do you mean last one, and in one piece?"

"well that's interesting, "it smirks "you barely even noticed until I told you, what an odd inability to question, cant really think outside that box can you." the head lengthens its distance from the ghost taking in the odd opportunity that had just presented itself. " Don't know that your memories are gone do you, well why would you none of them are their, I bet you don't even remember having memories?"

The look of puzzle and fluster comes across the silver eye, though faint , it does not falter in halting his response. like a calculator that has just been told to answer a problem written in words.

the head speaks before he can come up with anything to say back. as the equations in his head struggle to zero out their answer." Well ok then Specter, witch is your name bye the way, looks like you have a few things to learn before you can act so disrespectful, but right now you have something you need to do, you may not remember who or what you where but and the only way I'm willing to let you in on it is if you accomplish a small task for me, and do so with out breaking a few guidelines of mine.

guide lines ? specter asks" why?"

well to give your five cent book a little ten cent color your not suppose to ask why". In fact guideline don't ask why, is guideline number one. but not to get your hopes up with water color it shows up allot as most other guidelines to be honest." the head posses for comedic lead through, "but hears the kicker to that second guideline would be not to disobey."

what would be the third guideline," Spector asks right away a spark in his eyes gleaming in the darkness as if to only be taken bye darkness in the split of a second.

its not polite to break the rules" the unfurls from its oversleeping but increasingly threatening sarcasm." though it was technically after I just told you making doing so the first time to rebel, this luck roll however falls onto do not pass go, . "though to be honest I would ask why myself too, but I'm a bit of a curious one being that I am only an appendage. ask why is some what in my nature so ill take it easy on you this time.

What do you mean bye tha......." Spector says stopping in the middle of a cool rebellious tones phrase. then suddenly falls into the earth as the branch he stands on turns into a rubber band like substance supporting no weight and bringing him straight downward as all other matter spirals around him falling away. he tries to grasp for anything to hold onto, just out to have it disintegrate in untouchable strings of smoke. hitting the earth is like hitting a sheet of paper, moist as it tears away into nothing.

in the spiral of death unstoppable in his comet like decent. the visage of the head consumes him mind and body then splits apart the very absolute boundaries of reality that he had perceived so far in that his awareness was neither of the living and of the dead. torn apart in the gnashing jagged teeth of what seemed to be the representative face of an endless darkness.

then dissipated never to be heard from again in time or space for an eternity in the void of nothing. sitting their nowhere for what seems like an age.

then in the flash of an instant is returned to the moment of time in witch he was in an tangibly definable existence. now murky as if it to, so oddly seem unreal in the now intangible stain of a disordered reality. instilling doubts with even the ground so now collecting snow with its impermeable stability.

did you feel that" says the head, do you know what that was, it was a failure to communicate, and the consequence of a failure."

Spector dazed bye the profane, and now bye his inability to process his reality. in his computerize mind can only come to a conclusion, that most would perceive any self aware device to process. this being the incapability to refuse cooperation. much like someone who had just suffered from a seizure or mild nervous shock, unable to cognitively do otherwise.

"ok ill do what you say" Spector says gripping the branch he stands on with both hands, "but get one thing straight face, or what ever the fuck you are, or if your even real. I swear if you do that ever again you'll have only my unbound contempt, do you hear me."

the head says simply as if to completely turn the an avalanche onto a title wave." rule number four is to never threaten me or make fun of my face. Sectors face goes blank as his body shuts down. his arms giving way as the metal plated cranial hemisphere hits hard on the sturdy branch. his eyes rolled into the back of his head, showing the un-co-operation of one and the absolute lifeless sheen of the other, its underside exposed now showing its wet artificial workings.

after a second of what seems to be a state of instant death Spector wakes up again. even more dazed bye the world being turned upside down I his mind a second time, only more unable to understand the cereal implications of disobedience. in a way to only be perceived as very bad.

only a few minutes of life and your already dead twice" the head shakes in hillarical disappointment. your really bad at this, and I expected more coming from someone like yourself. or should I say something like yourself, I don't know. at this point all I cant tell is your capabilities for self preservation are; how should I say this, shitty.

Spector begins to stabilize again getting up from yet another miniature coma. crushing the branch that he collapsed onto as to reorient himself in his balance, indenting it with his sleek metallic hand as he desperately grips onto its course surface. as if it were the only reality he could surely hold onto.

the unmasked slick metallic half of his face blankly smiles as he goes through this unnerving hell, ironically stealing the tone of his displeasure as he tries to argue against the implement, of such a drastic punishment to for curiosity with shacking groans of reanimating bioorganic . his silver eye looks about as it tries to focus on any tangibility he can. stopping only on the smile, for a moment. then now moving toward the front of him like shy child who had just been chastises for a childish mistake.

he looks down soon after a moment of complacent silence, forced bye his realization of powerlessness. it takes him a moment to unripe his hold from the semi soft grains of the wood now permanently indented bye the grip of his strong metallic hands. so powerful in their intent, so powerless to the extent. to be of any other purpose now becoming increasingly clear. if clear where looking only into the fog of an unknown mountain valley, shrouded immediately in the throws of death.

So now that I got your attention, maybe we can finally get around the important part. says the head so gleefully fulfilled with the seeds of a rotted fruit.

Spector slowly stands up straight preparing to face down what ever this creature was now holding his leash. Careful to keep his wits however sharpened, hidden in the sheath of a more outwardly decorated purpose.

"what would you have me do" Spector says in a somewhat broken tone, his cool reactive nature so shaven down bye the psychological razors that had just been passed through his head with the surgical intent of slicing away the pathways of rebellion.

"well" the face says " for one you need to stop asking so many question, for another you need to stop over calculating this situation, its causing you to miss judge, and thirdly you got to stop being so serious all the time, I gave you that smile for a reason, the head mocks at its own additive to the mix of uncontrolled misfortune. lopsided as I may be its still a smile, trust me in the condition I found you its allot better than you'd expect, plus we don't want you scaring the kids away."

The Face turns to the distance as to indicate his aware sense of the situation." your job isn't that hard, cause as you know nothing in this world is completely indestructible. Just make sure that this one doesn't change state of being alive to being dead." the face turns back I will add however that this does not include the unnecessary death of anything in this forest human or otherwise. so I will say this once as I do not wish to say it again. be careful what you kill. "

ok" Spector agrees the entire time making whatever eye contact he could with the slowly disappearing sink, as it swirls with the slick grime of a sickeningly powerful hole in time space caught in the blackened station affixed invisibly in the air.

oh and one last thing you need to keep in mind; I'm always watching you. like water being pulled through a small spaggetify-ing hole. fed through a singular point as if strained bye the mesh catch, mint to keep the bigger pieces from messing up the universes natural machinery. it soon disappears. its smile and eyes dissolving in its own fluidity. and pass along the trail of a temporal relocation.

Spector watches. the snow continue to fall. all around him it blankets the land scope swaying down the outer most sapling branches of the forest with its dampening absent coloring. down ;down it continues to fall. even though recently removed from time, for some reason. the snow never stopped falling. as if free from the grasp that even the miseries of time hold over the inconsequential differences of its falling. though to be so fragile that even the thin fingers of dusted skeletons loose grasp in the attempt of its reaching. Hanging loose to chill the air much like the direct word of a directionless body. the only thing unaffected bye its absolution being the only illusion capable of holding the same absence of fate and the same unbound track as a cat in its lifelong sprawl. free as it could ever be considered from the laws of time and place. if its consideration could ever be so subordinate.

in a time stop nothing living would notice the collection of the snow. to look away and look back and notice its reasonable hugging of the earth. as it is often quick to grasp when its clutch proceeds its welcome. but perceiving time and its alteration does not belong to most. as spaggetifying knows only from a small amount of information he was able to collect in its containment. birds having a higher electro magnetic sensitivity it wouldn't go completely unnoticed to a creature so oddly adept to the subtle alignment of time space. but otherwise this removable of time and place from the ever arrogating script of reality. would go completely unnoticed to anything not sensitive enough to witness when its unbreakable law and standard is being folded like construction paper.

it all seems so fake now. the snow the trees the sky and the clouded horizon, stretching to curve even from the limitations of Spector's sight. all of it so faulted bye the inhibition of a creature that even time perceives as its puppet master.

Spector thinks to himself as he hasn't yet come to terms with the power of the entity he has somehow become a servant of, but being he has et gotten used to all of his abilities, he ponders the implications of his own strengths. mostly as to why a creature like this one could not do this task on its own looking into the distance as far as he can possibly see, testing its perceptive limitation. it seems as though his abilities are those of one who's purpose to make their own choices and not take the direction of other.

his sight pierces the darkness with ease, pealing it apart .like layers of paint heated bye a torch so pinpointed in its focus of burning away the charred and chipped matter so loosely, as if nothing could hide from its penetration. until its blaze no longer dissolves the vale of the dark, a few miles past the eight mile curve of the planets surface.

Spector pulls it back at the implication of his will. impossible" he whispers to himself his breath soulless on the wind with the absence of vapor, but still enough to stir the birds not to far from his location. he looks back as they creature are made aware of him at his sounding. but leaves them be as they are unwilling to leave the safety of their nest at something their senses perceive as an impossible existence.

Spector looks down at his hands feet out of curiosity, looking over his bodies miniscule details. taking them into account for the first time as if to actually look much like a new born child takes into account its nerve reaction of freshly formed appendages. And cant help but be thrown off bye their exacting concentration . the way they move so fluidly as if their steal where grown bye flesh witch then became the steal itself.

but as so in the inverse as their property of perfect balance and control puts each of these heavy arms entirely in his exacting direction like knifes that where made to slice through the very fabric that fills space. like having pinpoints for arms instead of actual arms and legs. the chromed grey is sleek and fluid like a river of clouds and much like the clouds of the sky absent of all other reflect able color as if to indicate their containment of eternal ongoing storms within themselves. stocked in every molecule

If Spectors where able to ask a question containing the word why, he would surely be asking one now. not knowing the availability of his own thoughts to those who watch him. he makes sure to keep them scrambled in the backdrop of his mind. trying to make sense of the implications of a body like this in the hands of someone like him. In the hands of anyone for that matter.

its true Spectors already had the opportunity to test most of its functionality, its speed its power its precision. its un-familiar-arties as compared to what he thinks he should be feeling to what he actually does. using it as if his mind where and old magnetic disk put into a system updated to fix its flaws, but only through the outlining of its running software's biggest faults. redefining it as if to only undefined everything else, every muscle every details and curve and outline so organically and smoothly crafted into one another, their composition on every physical level of science saying that they should not exist.

his head holds no answers, empty like a newly sculpted clay pot it sits on his pillared shoulders monument to the oblivious. crafted bye the hands of someone or something who sauté to bring back an ornament easy to fill as its intent is. to ready to make shape of whatever is so effortlessly is pored into its opening. as if to make an obscured center piece of an overly protected vessel. sheltered from a nature that would seek to see it fade into the microcosm of the world.

he remembers what the head had called him, how it so invasively gave him moniker without so much as a second for consideration. Spector as it was so repeated in his mind, not even the conventional pronunciations of the ghastly word. the ironic epitome of an undead fool. a thing that once was in its before, now lost to the shadow of its own cloak in a translucent dream of an afterlife. Or simply so in his plight a being who fades into the throws of death, at the finger snap of a renegade body part.

Death, the absolute terror of it all. never has Spectors been through something so soundly unnerving. or is so at least, to his limited capacity to actually draw up what little memory he has built in his short and seemingly new existence. witch even in its implication seems so smoothed over in their blurred starting point.

the first memory that actually come to Spectors mind is one of swift movement, smashed together with the almost vivid glass staining of a conversation set in the familiar coloring of the inability to refuse. coming to a halt as he comes across those unfortunate enough to fall into a reflexive thought process of killing machine set back to its factory standard.

Killing and idea that he ponders for a moment. for someone who had just been supposedly killed twice, it now holds weight in his mind. to so suddenly fall away from everything that holds you like fleeting snow , tumbling from the vapor that so oddly holds it over its destined place of resting, indiscriminate in the grandeur of the existence of the other flakes of snow.

each flake to be so surely snuffed and forgotten bye others in their efforts to supply the stabilizing cold of their existence so that others may shine away the intense burning sun of the centralized solar system. witch if unchecked bye the struggle to define ones own patterns would surely burn the world in its pacing glare of the earths surface.

it seemed so trivial now the act of killing. the act of even preserving others, as the logic in his mind would have him conclude; is pointless in its very intention. even more so if someone where to be given the body he now seemed to only be the tenant of. able to be so evicted at a moment notice. as even his prowess could not stop the smashing of his ticking clock bye childish hands. what so was his clocks intention if not to implement the ending of others, as when a clock ends is it so not the ending of a time that has ran its course with the purpose of beginning another.

he takes his eyes away from his body, using their sense to slice into the distance like a sharpened auto carving knife. so ready in their intention to peel away what ever non-sustaining information that they can in order to get down to the bone, the hard lined purposed of this new odd existence.

the young man he is burdened with watching is now dealing with a severe injury in the thick of an almost impenetrable mirage of condensing radiation heat and electromagnetic distortion, a sickly field through witch no human eye would be able to see but a field none the less through witch Spector can see perfectly with little to no effort or concentration.

as Spectors had just cut to pieces a good mix of genders his ability to distinguish the difference between the two had been logged into the permanent memory of his mind. so hungry to fill itself in the absence of substance that it makes great detail of very small differences in reality. even in the difference in makeup of their cellular purpose and structure.

At this distance Spectors can see his details perfectly. the field of energy the young man hides himself inn is but a sheet of plastic in comparison to Spectors sight. bending it to no avail in its efforts to seek out information, as if his eyes where suited specifically to see past this vale of immorephase particles.

he can see the cuts and scratches in his skin from the fall he took. the expression of pain on his face as he desperately tries to put an end to the suffering he is being caused bye a major injury at the introduction of a foreign object stuck into his body. a rogue piece of wood that somehow managed to pierce his dense skin. nearly finished as the young man is now wanting for a ruff surgical implement to seal this laughing indication of discomfort together. if to only muffle the cackles of pain it produces in his misfortune.

Spector watches this. thinking nothing of the young mans current situation, completely unsympathetic to Raymond's ability to feel and understand pain.

Even though death was sudden it did not come with the introduction to this element of organic life, though unable to remember pain or even perceive its existence. its naming had somehow gotten lost in the reboot of Spectors's brain.

he looks over his own body again comparing it to that of the young boy now muffling his screams of pain with his own inner strengths. coldly and callously Spectors judges him, trying to determine weather or not if his life where really necessary in the grand scheme of rotating planets and stars an galaxies. was worth the attention of a childlike god and his new tin soldier. though in Sectors retrospect the consideration of the planets for someone who seemed so unable to handle even the simple aspect of orienting in the constant of gravity, hence his clumsy tumble into his ridiculous predicament.

if Spector knew what laughter was, it would be at this time he would surely be doing so. if to keep himself from going mad or sink into the deep pit of madness. taking in the irony of both of their undeterminable scenes of seemingly circumstantial malformations. but unable to understand its more artistic angle of comedy and giving into the unsophisticated misunderstanding. specters artificial thoughts and artificial feeling keep him in a stolid monotone speech pattern. with now other expression other than a smirk on one side of his face and stone like sadness of the other. witch seems to be the only one matching the serious quality of his voice. And thoughts

burdening is what he would call it. though he has no concept of the word. as in truth most would label this display to simply be a dust filled halls of an old computer learning to take in new orders. as sitting and watching is unsuited to his calculative nature of moving in as close as he possible. striking without remorse , without mercy .to have a complete disregard of what life and emotion means, and to what it really is or what it implies to end its existence. as ones and zeroes don't divide in its universal understanding. but in light of new information this all seemed to now contradict his factory settings.

He struggles for a moment unable to exactly take on the immense pressure that now folded itself upon him like so many layers of concrete being poured into a desecrated grave, filled not with the bodies of men but the circuit boards of the children of their ingenuity. unable to completely do anything for itself if not giving the right information unable to take the pressure of the bleak sediment, filling in it deepest metallic crevices as if to question the very matter from witch it is conceived. to answer the question of its true longevity.

but calculation and computer can only go so far. it can only do what it is told to do bye those who make them. can only survive the ages if they can meat the need of what the new age demands in average. but as it is specter before his retirement wasn't just a simple computer, or a machine to be buried bye concrete. he was something else. something that understood the enigma of time. something meant to last.

he takes in the concrete lets it become a part of him lets it make him stronger. shapes it as his living mind and body allow him to do. but to the extent one could imagine it to do so. if their imagination was limited. he breaths taking in the cold like reality, taking in reality like a virus. then lets the virus do its necessary coursing to be so quickly anticipated. the seeps into the workings to strengthen its connections.

the redirects his attention trying to put this new insanity behind him and deal with the tortures ahead. for a few moment a tear condenses in the lid of his human like silver eye. unnoticed at first Spector can comprehend why his vision has suddenly blurred on one side of his face.

he reaches his metal hand to it in panic of what is happening, just in time to catch a single drop of water in the palm of his metallic hand, witch is only their for a moment before beading up and sliding to its under side as if it where passing through a frictionless sponge.

he thinks of nothing as he watches his hand unaware of the huge leap ha had just taken. letting it slide away like the tear that had passed through his ghost like grip. then quickly thinks only of it as a type of malfunction and continues in his contemplation of questions.

one being the seemingly lifeless soldiers so eager to run to their own deaths. all the while talking about satirical nonsense.

what kind of person was this, so seemingly humble and simple minded , would an organization of trained suicide soldiers. find it necessary to put all of their attention and recourses into recapturing him. a single man. this young one who's vision falls him in the night.

Spector confidently doubts with question in his mind. And in that consideration even though armed and trained. and ready to die, why would a group of them as organized as they are have so much trouble finding someone who moves like an elephant made of stiff plastic. or containing him for that matter.

watching him Spector could see this young male, as he now sought to gather whatever energy he could. clumsily

why would someone such as Spector even be required, hoped up on so many enhancement and powers that not even he is fully aware of. so that not even a breath could be seen against his breathing. be told not to do away with such an immanent threat and nascence.

as their dispatching was somewhat easier then expected especially considering the abilities that now pertained to specters understanding in dealing with unwanted followers. it did seem over kill to pit him against them. but odd that they where important enough be enraged over. seem to set up the first dominoes of clues or incentives in his understanding of the world.

aware that he didn't have many memories specters drive to continue on him further into this tornadoes of memory less reactions and synthetic bounds. compelled bye what some would say would be artificial. but most would perceive as human.

Suddenly the birds stir as a chopper hovers over head. its thermo magnetic blades making it somewhat resistant to the heavy snow that now falls all around them. Spector looks to the distance as he watches Raymond notice its incoming, hurrying to his feet as this young man is fully aware of what this mechanism is and what it implies.

Spector metal limbs can sense the odd energy it induces to give itself the ability of flight. creating its own bubble of warm are to induce a strong electrostatic convention current to witch it grasps onto. using rotating blades. it hovers in place dropping down soldiers on strings that where heavier radiation gear. all surrounding two other larger soldier.

unnoticed Spector watches them as they belt out orders, coming close to where the other soldier where so swiftly slaughter in the pursuit of the same outlaw they now seek. coming to close for anyone to be comfortable.

Spector looks them over each soldier as they quickly move through the trees like well trained panthers, keeping themselves covered and hidden at all time as their suites change color to match the snow, camouflaging them more efficiently.

Spector, even as night falls can see them clear as day. can judge their movements and watch their every mistake. He can tell the two bigger ones have been enhance to the teeth. artificial muscle fragments placed in every fiber of their light and pink muscle groups. giving them more mass and higher resistance to the transfer of energy. though Spector cant see into their skin he can tell most of this just bye watching the way their motions and action align, as if he where able to see every detail of their anatomy because of the way shock travels through their body. a it manifests from their specific techniques of mechanical motion as to be put into scientific perspective.

able to sense all of their faults and strength thought the way their bodies react to the ever present energy of the environment as if to see their very presence through its predicted place in time. and able to proceeds it all through regular vision.

though Spector hasn't yet figure out exactly how it works. all he can conclude at this moment is that it allows for him to do his job. even if its to bend the vary diameter of the earth. as so put into his perspective.

but he cares nothing for this enlightenment, as he knows what must be done. almost reflexively he grabs the handle protruding from his shoulder. with the same arm it peeks from the perch of. then with a silent sway and a dash of speed. disappears in a cloud of charged vapor. the nest close bye unstirring in the suddenness of his absence. violent in its beholding but not in its noticing.

hanging in place only for a moment before it is stolen bye the snowy wind.

ten miles to the north west a military outpost still buzzes with its protocol scrambling of an ant hill if it where to be dug up in an instant and turned upside down simply so its exposed nursery where made prey to its tormentor. machines mad for flight, and for reconnaissance and recovery now however begin to turn in, giving up in a search through a forest as expansive as it is thick.

like flies trying to lift the net of a spider they are soon forced down bye its heavy resistance of its placing. difficult to do so even as resources seem endless. the men in black suites now hail in choppers using hand help lights and signals.

the noise made bye their engines and moving parts is unlike any other flying vehicles ever made. like sigh lent thunder their vibrates the core of anything they pass close to. If it does not get blown away bye the immense amount of air it moves so efficiently in order to obtain lift.

The mechanical dogs being led on short leashes, shutter as so many engines gather in one place at the same time. as what little instinct they still have left in whatever real dog parts they still contain, somehow spliced into machinery as if to keep their animalistic loyalties intact. taking orders instinctively and ensuring their attenuation to psychic influence.

unfortunately however this meant their slightly intact nature to fear loud and dominating noises. like household dogs and vacuum cleaners.

though this primitive nature only demeans them in rare circumstances. for no reason should the technology now replacing vital organs in their bodies should be taken in jest.

as circumstances have it they are not allowed t o be used as weapons of war but its in that absence they truly excel in their purpose. for each mechanism of their anatomy now makes them more a mans best friend then any other dog to otherwise be born to the litter of a well bread bitch. as each is a device meant to scan for genetic traces and miniscule scents that exist unlike any other traces to be found. though only serving a limited amount of functions their usefulness to reconnaissance and in this case regaining lost assets, where ideal. but high above where most of the movement was taking place a shadows an a panic dismay at the unsuccessful of a system proven to be otherwise flawless.

Like a brain panicking at ties innimunity to a single obscured disease or virus. the people in the high risen tower bark orders, sending them down a line of nervous reaction to keep itself alive. but for some time its only order has gone unheeded as if a crucial limb has just been severed and is now bleeding out precious integral sustenance.

And as an engine that has just broken its engine block. so to is this one bound to eventually break down and fail. as it sputters out ashes and steal dust until breaking apart completely.

two other towers sit adjacent to this one smaller in size and in grand design they seem only small supports to the massive ground control tower in the center. but separated bye a few compound buildings and yards of dense armor plated walls. they don't attract as much perceptive attention as the others. almost as if to be part of the forest instead.

these two towers sit atop separate compounds, given meter bye more amore plating dense and thick and scratched to hell bye something, massive. blood and bits of bone and muscle scattered about in the small grove clearing.

no entire remains are left of the scene that may have recently took place. but judging bye the thick and congealed spots that dot the higher parts of the walls. this carnage ridden part of the facility only seems part of an ongoing series of slaughters and blood baths.

two turrets sit atop this section of wall, usually they would be scanning the forest for any signs of life, blowing away anything they come across with high caliber rounds, meant to only harm animal life and not the forest that even though thick is recently grown.

But today is of a few hours ago the turrets of such a scary stature and reactive reflex meant to ward animal away at first with the low frequency production of their inner workings.

The infrared lights and energy transference tracks would at any given time be glowing red hot from the massive amount of energy that it takes to support them. but I this time of momentous chaos, it seems these two dog headed cannons, have lost all life in their main functions leaving the facilities main heliport completely open ton attack from the north side.

soldiers and have already gathered along the wall, pointing their guns out into the darkness as if to word away its very coming.

Ever available man able to carry a gun has taken their directions and said their prayers as they know what awaits them out in the forest.

claws and teeth and speed. death on legs that have evolved them past the point of pure survival killing ,machines. making very single one of them not to be taken lightly at the cost of ones life.

still soldier laugh quietly a joke about in their times of dire distress. they know the falling snow will make their locations more confusing. but at the same time make the animal harder to track as well. but still the joke and they laugh, as if this where simply the daily grind of their lives.

if their helmets where not able to encompass the entire egg chapel of their heads, any spot of flesh showing would surely show their the perspiration of their fears. the lines of cowardice and remorse they keep hidden with the ruff steel wool of their personalities. meant to keep from seeing the rust that gathers in their souls.

their never frail with uncertainty they. as many dogs as they have available keep their unreal senses pointed out into the forest, using infrared scanners and ultra sonic barks to try and keep away anything that would decide to attack this base in a heightened state of panic and vulnerability. soldier unable to see even past their noses in the blizzard now coming down on them. stick close to these stove black dogs as possible, as steady never often come with knowing first.

theses dogs help paint a map that shows up inside the solders helmet rigs. showing them movement or heat. or temporal irregularities that come along with the implications of radiation. but with all of this technology most who have seen these attacks first hand know of the terrors that come along with them.

and as it happens. these moments of blood and death take place more often and more often then anyone sane would care to see them happen. but without warning and without mercy or remorse, or regard for peoples lives or families they happen. drops of blood replaces tears in the end, for this is the life they have chosen for themselves. in order to protect what they know.

A government and a people that depends on their success. and that thrives on their failure.

the two intimately towers are in charge of where these men are needed. telling them when and where to die and to give their lives. when they can make jokes and mess around, when they can make love, or fly about in the machines that make such a silent thunder. taking all types of shapes and sizes. running on experimental technologies and machineries and weaponries not yet known to the rest of the world.

the third tower however serves a different purpose, one seeded so deep in the compounds structure threat the other tow towers aren't even fully aware of it function.

some men have spread rumors about its purpose, some are partially true. but for the most part none of them aren't known.

as the facility houses many things. their is one thing it is best unknown for. a national treasure kept in global secret, in this tower deep underneath its ground floor, spanning miles underweight the surface. penetrating it crust like the root of some poisonous planted organism. is a place that most will never see with their eyes. smell with their obscured noses, hear with their acute ears or touch with their sense of feel. for they are all nothing in the hands of the facilities true creator.

considered a heartless man who has become the heart of this leviathan like structure. he sits deep in its underground bowls far below the surface where the light of day and the curiosities of satellites and cameras can not make pictures of their ever expanding jigsaw puzzles. as what lies over head is none of their concern.

As the head and the heart operate separately so do these key places of the facilities. as the room doctor bullets currently sits in, is so dense with sound and static that no man would be able to discern one sound from another.

He sits in this pitch black room, no light of any kind inside, no other emission of energy expect the high clarity speakers that align in the walls and floor, sitting in a half circled pattern as if to make a natural focus point of all their emissions.

on the wall and floor holding the speakers in place are sound and vibration spikes. meant to deflect and angle the waves of sound with their shape. separating their underlining frequencies as to make them more defined in the open air.

if one where to do the math on every single angle and possible, massacring using sound waves. they would find that every single one would amplify and reorient to single concentrated spot. as if fed through a prism and turned back onto it self. to collect in one place.

witch is where doctor bullets is standing in stoic silence. the simple chain he holds vibrates in his grasp healed steady bye his unmoving hands. one would think that the pressure that all this fluid kinetics energy makes would kill any man that stands at this point. but often when said considering this man who now stands so comfortably. time and place would not consider him to be a real human being. and bye that logic they are right. knowing best to not consider him a man at all.

this would be hard to imagine for most who have had the bewildering pleasure of meeting this man in black, once a well known doctor he talks like a man, looks like a man and act like a man, and despite the use of a walking cane, that hold no particular diversities, walks like a man.

most even consider his style when trying to dress like one, as his high quality military issue turtle neck, even in its padded black sleekness. Black high-rise slacks and high top, top of the line military running boots. pulls together bye it mesh metal fiber cloves and modernized top hat. make him not only to be considered the best dressed man in the facility, but also in high end society. though most would not know this as they would never really remember seeing him. as his face, the entire lower half, has been shielded from its remembering. covered in the thick turtle neck of his shirt. toped off bye glasses so thick and black that even the darkness in the room seems to be drawn toward them. if one where to look upon him surly it would be like looking into an open pit of raw coal.

Outside the room not a sound of anything can be heard. no noises or voices or static can reach the thin un-insolated door that separates these two places.

the hallway is bright and well lit, its florescent lights and dull coloring make its notation for complacency quite dominant. as it easily makes a dull situation out of any panic or distress that may take place. it is fitting as transition through these hallways is a necessity for all who take up residence hear. the walls tinted bye the florescent lights make discerning their separation difficult in the least as shadows or the absence their of. make certain paths and hallways hard for an inattentive mind to find their way through them. as every turn and hallway is design in respect to all look the same.

this however does not halt or stall the activity that takes place in this outwardly dull setting. scientist and soldiers alike often populate these under halls.

though in mind of what is currently happening however everyone down hear continues along with their activities as normal. as is the outline of their purpose, as so dictated bye the special straining and briefings they have all been given. in the case that a situation like the one they are currently in might happen.

If you look at the rank bars on each soldier it is clear than none of them are unexpired. or untrained, as their high ranks a lack of certain slightly noticeable subtleties of organic human movement, often tell their tales before they have time to make witty antic dotes of them.

each of them follows or stands beside a group of scientist wearing the same type of helmets. differing only in the detail of color and the functionality of their onboard circuitry. scores of them move from one place to another. some of them pushing about file cabinets, carrying papers of experiments needed for referential developments of new break through, other carting about new weapons or prototypes of medical research, or doing calculations on top secret missions, to reverse engineer old technologies discovered in recently acquired runes. the details of witch no other scientist is support to know of except they.

And in front of the door of the room where a man sits in the load darkness. stand a figure.

Tall thin and slightly hunched it waits with a single eye a fixed on a high resolution projection that passes in front of the door as if being lead bye a small invisible airplane. Floating just above his head as he stands in front of it waiting for his opportunity to enter.

a group of soldier stand about him. making sure to keep everyone at least a distance of ten feet from his actual person. know the length at witch to stand themselves due to the meter programmed into their helmets. some o them stand facing him others stand facing outward, but all of them make sure no one crosses their line of scrimmage.

some look only in a glance as they pass bye in the hallway. knowing not to get to distracted bye something they see everyday. though as new comers though few and far in-between do find a circle of soldiers in an orange jump suites surrounding a man who silhouette more matches that of someone who had just been rolled through a field of tire spikes. somewhat distracting. occasional someone, not excluding some of the soldiers will stop and gasp as they catch glimpses of this scarecrow like creature, seemingly filled with pins and needles.

often he will catch some one starring. often he stairs back. his facial feature mired and covered bye a mask made of some sort semi flexible alloy, keeping the smear on his face from reaching the outside world.

"get back to work he says" the authority in his voice causing the abrupt reaction. As they know his authority is one not to be questioned. Even as he is technically a prisoner. And to most who don't first realize this. thinking his words of charge are but fiction. stationary in their staring. he turns and flashes the insignia patches onto his overcoat so filled with holes. pointing to it with and upraised middle finger.

as soon as the is made visible. each of them quickly jumps and goes on their way. as the letters arena on any other uniforms. besides those of high ranking governmental standing. repeated in every text book and throughout every reference to modern day government. four simple letters meant for the realization fixing and punishment of mistakes. these being OAPS.

When everyone is cleared he chuckles at the miss use of his authority. then goes back to his task at hand as he watches the holographic sign that repeats over and over again in its course. dragging about word in a half circle. shown in letters meant to be colored in the air of caution. Repeating over and over. "Do not disturb" with the added exclamation of "this mean you Mr. Reynolds!"

Mr. Reynolds laughs at the implication of his name. silently as to not alert anyone to his enjoyment. the only thing visible is a single eye. covered in a half mask with no other features on the side.

valued in ling hair. nature than dreadlocks but shaggier then a rock stars. he knowing its the style of those who often work in the fashion business.

he sits their few moments more and looks around. popping his color as to flash his official status. amongst the soldiers and scientist. though also making him officially unapproachable for reprimand. still made the circle of soldiers warning of his bodies fatal intentions made anyone stagger at the implications of even seeing the guns they carry.

but its at this specific time that Reynolds the man now standing in a holographic doorway, unable to actually go anywhere or do anything because of a precaution now in place could only use a pin and a bag to shield form the absolute painstaking embarrassment of it all. lock down in place. bye the binds on his ankles and wrists. ceasing the nerve functions in his legs with a specified magnetic field.

aimed directly at the cores of his nervous system. in count he has been standing in one place going on eleven hours straight.

in a bleak hallway full of passing people and dull lights.

for most anyone this would be nerve wracking but for Raymond this has now become an opportunity to try something he's never done before.

he looks at one of the guards facing him. then says, he do you guy like jokes"

all the guards laugh the entire time keeping their heads straight.

One speaks up, never a bad time for a good joke.

another talks looking to eastern facing hallway. "never a good joke for a bad time neither.'

everyone laughs including Reynolds who still sneers underneath his mask. keeping an unseen calm.

why do you got a good one." they say in appreciation for his effort.

Raymond knows some of these guards as he has introduced himself to a few of them in the past. given them trinkets of his fathers appreciation for some of their more subtle cooperation. he's told jokes to a few of them all of them thinking his catch phrasing and timing. to go great with his speech mannerism. making some split their sides each time. in some circles some call him Funny Bones. But this is mostly never said to his face.

Raymond looks into the crowd watching for women. then continues. Building up his punch line.

so this woman walk up to me in the cafeteria, doesn't know the rules doesn't know; that she not suppose to approach me." he pauses for effect. then continues. " I decide to go along with it be nice about it you know she, I could tell was new so I was nice about it. so she says "hello" and I'm just kind of like hello. you know being kind nice and she says. "I hear they call you Funny Bones. now is that because your so funny or because you have a weird dick."

"you know I'm kind of taken back bye this' he continues after a brief pause for laughter. "you know this dike thinks she's some sort of comedian, you know trying to be friendly I guess. so I sit back a little bit and I say. if you know I'm called funny bones then you should know three other things. one I'm funny because my dick isn't. two you shouldn't talk about it unless you've ever tried it. and three if you goanna tell anymore bad quips," he continues" then at least warn me first so I don't half to break my own arms and legs trying to convince myself that their funny, by jumping through the loopholes of you sarcasm."

some of them laugh harder as they are on the inside of a certain joke, others don't find it that funny. But he continues anyway.

so where both standing their as if someone has just literally just dropped dump right next to use. I could tell bye the mono facial expression of her helmet that she was getting pretty steamed.

more men laugh this time. as everyone knows what the helmets are like.

so not knowing my status she says , she suddenly lightens up and laughs saying" in an ornery tone, your funny".

so I say to her " shy listen ladies, I got hard pricks growing out of my skin what did you expect."

they all begin to laugh. as he continues.

and if your goanna fuck one of um, then I think its my duties to direct you to the one between my legs."

The all laugh hardly every soldier that has witness the punch line of his joke either in passing or in station.

somewhere theirs a room where two men sit. watching screens with absent glows on their absent faces. they both laugh. One as one begins to roll on the floor loosening his sincere fight in the battle of anti laughter.

everyone begins to laugh and as they do Raymond says" and if I half to break my arms and legs then it might half to be so I can at least crawl away from your noticeable awkwardness. Reynolds balls up his hands reshaping the bone I them to be solid as steal." So I think I will". Then he smashes his hands against his knees and pulls the instantly jutting bones from the tops of his knees.

"I can joke for miles he says". then quickly hold out the sharp bones above his head. Considering none of them have any legs to stand on.

suddenly he pulls them through his feet. his oddly formed bone displaying a unique property of being both razor sharp, and filled with concentrated florescent radiation. causing them to slice through the shin bones above his angles with relative ease. just above the thin holds that bind him in place.

as everyone continues laughing he falls to the floor, his severed limbs spraying dark blood from their clean cuts as his designer boots stand so casually in place. for a moment one notices Reynolds has just cut of his own feet but in another moment it wont mater.

at this point in his life Reynolds has gotten quite accustomed to his abilities, practicing its subtleties. learning its limitations. knowing if and when his body has taken to much damage and how much it takes to heal itself. he knew it was an ability that didn't require patience or fatness, or subtleties. or even much concentration. all he knew is that losing limbs or skin or organs, or having entire bones ripped from his body couldn't stop him. couldn't kill him. couldn't keep him in place.

and since patience meant nothing to a man with no limits to his regeneration. it also meant regeneration could only allow him so much patience.

from his back he spins and grabs his feet ripping the small bracelets from his still standing legs with all the strength his thin wiry legless body can manage can manage. but as the become known as odiously irremovable he forces to go to plan B.

as his bones begin to regenerate. but do not progress fast enough for the guards attention to be kept on their laughter. suddenly their all looking down on him in his escape attempt. or what could otherwise be considered attempt to gain attention.

the first thing some of them do is panic not knowing entirely what happened as it happened so suddenly. some of them point their guns into Reynolds face as they think they know an escape attempt when they see one. but as the don't know, not being witness to the first success. they have no idea the subtlety something like that would require. and neither does Reynolds.

they yell in his face to freeze as is their orders to. but as he laughs and tries to calm him down his clothing less feet soon finish regenerating. allowing him to stand up. the guards are dumb founded bye what they see as no one knew Reynolds had the ability of full limb regeneration. and especially not in the time everyone would expect it to require. as growing synthetic limbs was indeed possible it however took months to do so.

Raymond now stand un front of a confused group of guard his hands up in front of them though relatively low do to their immense weight.

he waits until they calm down before he tries anything. knowing their bullets wont kill him he imagines being shot to pieces isn't pleasant for anyone.

after a few more minutes of chaos and yelling he begins to get their attention. guys.. guys" he repeats over in over in a sheepish tone if not to hide the nature of the wolf that means to siquise its intention once again.

they soon calm down at the placation of his innocent childish intention though no one could still see the cold scowl on his face.

come on guys its just a part of the joke he says, reassuring the Wong suspicions in their mind." funny right, plus if you had to stain din one place in twelve hours while a blind man tries to make sense of a teleprompters, I bet you guys would do more than cut off your legs.

some of them look around as they truly don't know the strain of such an endeavor. as each of them has been on four hour shifts their laxness only comes with the nature of actually getting to know the man they guard. or at least that's what they think.

the begin to relax as everything seems ok. also considering that it wasn't an attempt at suicide, or at escape simply one of the odd nature of an unknowable duties. they decide to let it go.

Reynolds brushes of his suite, or at least what little of it isn't riddle with holes from the jagged bones that protrude from his body. "its a shame about the shoes though. he chuckles. They where from my fathers new line of clothing.

though this was somewhat an attempt of escape Reynolds knows that he would have surely of not made it any further as he was familiar with the caliber and accuracy of the rifle they each carried along with the potency of their side arms all made to specifically top him if he where to attempt to escape. but space only being defines as leaving the confines of the small area they had burdened off.

Reynolds stretches his legs as he's finally allowed to move. fucking finally he lets out as he is able to relax the parts of his legs that weren't brand new.

as some men take up their posts, some trip over the feet pinned to the floor, and slide a little bit on the blood.

"careful Reynolds says, its kind of slippery their." he laughs as they catch their balance. like babies in bullet proof suites, or simply men sliding on a slippery floor. these small comic gestures inspire more jokes in his conceded twisted mind.

Well I thinks that's what you'd call two steps backward don't you. " some men chuckle again distressed bye the sudden appearance of copious amounts of blood. "but hey" he says in a cold comedic town of sociopath sarcasm. " its not like I lost my soul yet right.

At this point some don't know weather or not this is the funnies, saddest or most terrifying moment of their lives. as never before have they ever seen anyone take loosing to feet well. as often they are not so easy to replace, synthetically or mechanically. plus the men chine of a soul was something they knew to be in scrupulous taboo.

but the truth in it is, is their erratic emotions and responses, and now unstable though pattern where actually planned outcomes of Reynolds the entire time. knowing his legs would regenerate. he knew he wasn't in any risk the entire time. but as making friends with someone and then watching them pull such a sickening stunt. often doesn't sit very well in the stomach of even a hardened soldier.

and exploitation Reynolds knew how to take, as he had done so many times in the past. though only in cases where he wanted to gain ground in a situation, witch because of an attention demanding social disorder acquired as a young child. this was unfortunately something he did twenty four seven.

at this moment the guards are now to mentally confused as to what exactly just happened. even though most had seen some inappropriate jokes before. told in inappropriate settings in itch someone was soon to die. for some reason none of them could resist the vertigo it started to give them.

Reynolds notices this and takes the opportunity to make for his ultimate goal of opening the door where he wasn't allowed to go.

this characteristic flaw is one of the things that also defines the one called Mr. Reynolds the man known both in and outside the facility to push buttons no one thinks they can ever have pushed.

witch in an essence is the exact thing he does in order to open a triple locked and sealed door.

it cracks open and instantly and intense wave of sound hits Reynolds in the length of his body. the crack of light from the door vibrates violently in the distortion of the air. as gravity like sound waves, penetrate deeply onto anything that they touch.

instantly Reynolds begins to bleed at of his eye, and mouth unable to adjust to immense sound pressure that is now turning a layer of his insides into liquid. he laughs as the pain is almost unbearable.

walking into the room as the door opens wider dispersing the noise that so fills it like an acid meant to only eat away your insides.

with every step Reynolds coughs up moor blood but takes more joy in the fact that he has crossed over unto a room he's been specifically banished from. so specifically for the antics he pulls now. Reynolds gets closer as he bares through the constant sting of the rooms main intention. So close he can see the vibration of the mans fibers in the constant bombardment of high intensity sound waves.

but soon after right before Reynolds can reach out his hand catching his companion in the only off guard state he ever enters. the room suddenly falls dead silent. its deafness so shocking that Reynolds stops in his track.

I thought I told you , that your forbid from ever entering hear. he says his voice now the only sound being emitted through the air, but with no point of real orientation.

Mr. Reynolds does nothing. for he knows he's been caught. never has he actually been able to sneak up on this man. and now is no different.

Doctor Bullets;" Reynolds says in cold disillusion. Wary as always he says.

you know my eyes never close don't you. Bullets says as he knows what he just caught Reynolds doing.

bullets turns around, facing Reynolds. no expression visible on his entire face.

Reynolds has received this look many times. or for that matter lack their of. smacking trouble had become one of the few pass time that he still enjoyed doing.

on the front of Doctor Bullets' black turtle neck can also be read the acronym O.A.P.S. .but his bares a gold embroidered lettering. signifying his higher rank the organization that it represents. if rank where to ever be pulled.

Reynolds isn't able to explain why he cant move. as he is never able to in these moments, but as doctor bullets looks him up and down its soon becomes aware of the drastic actions Reynolds took for this chance in many to get onto doctors bullets bad side. though childish and unsuccessful, this fault in Reynolds nature, was unwittingly something bullets planned for when taking Reynolds on as his personal assistant.

So you cut your feet off this time that's new. dullest says the deepness of his disembodied voice almost as dark as the glassy chasms that take the place of his eyes.

Reynolds is unable to respond as he is still yet unable to move. Bullets leans in closely. "Is this really how you want to treat my hospitality. Reynolds. all I asked is that you never remove your bracelets and look what you go and do. I knew as soon as your feet where severed when your feet where severed and what you used to cut them. and I didn't give you your powers simply so you could leave pieces of yourself lying around in my hallways. I keep a clean place to live." he continues" and when you disrespect it with your unsightly antics. I feel as though... sigh" doctor bullets pauses " as though your are doing this simply because you feel its the only way to get a kick out of a place as boring as this. But let me remind you of the current situation. I gave you one task and one task only. witch was to make sure" bullets adjust the color on Reynolds jacket implying how absolutely powerless he is. as he continues to talk forcing Reynolds to sit their for every nerve wrenching second of his lecture.

Reynolds begins to bleed more profusely from his eye and mouth. blood now falling in a steady stream form the both of them as bullets continues to talk. even though the room is no longer filled with sound. the tone bullets speaks in seems to have the same painful effect as a full blast from a wall of speakers each speaker pushing a thousand hurts of sound.

the reason for this as pertaining to bullets abilities. as bullets is currently producing a very specific radio frequency. comprised of what would be considered artificial tacions. this frequency though unbearable bye anyone except Reynolds. has been specifically coded with a strain of time bye doctor bullets, witch when deflected of Reynolds body, has one effect of causing a person to stop. this phenomena can only be explained as a quantum lock.

similar to a time stop this doesn't not however make its subject invisible to the outside world. but instead uses their time stopped in place. as a weapon against their entire existence.

as time is a constant and can not technically be completely stopped, neither can a persons interaction with it. as time stops are bubbles of redistributed tacion collision bye, reducing ones official direct contact with time. its in that sense that what doctor bullets is now doing to Reynolds would be the opposite of . in witch tacions. the particles witch make up time are being condensed into a singular point.

to put it simply. imagine if someone where in their place of the time space continuum. their duplicates in time teaching out in both direction. each of them different only bye a few milliseconds of space and energy that shy have moves through. now imagine that you will that doctor bullets can either see or sense these differences that make up the path a persons continuum. measuring it in tacions.

now what doctor bullets does, with the radio frequency of energy he produces is gain control of your harkens field. the field of energy comprised partially of tacions. telling it has now come into contact with itself in time space. this causes you to become stuck in what is known as a quantum lock in witch your atoms are forced to deal with this anomaly in time space before they are allowed to continue on their predetermined path in space and time.

this is what happens when someone's atoms have been forced into their own way as immovable object and untamable forces go. ones that equal each other out often do jot go anywhere. but this is where doctor bullets comes in. as the only thing able to end this clash is an outside force. it at this point doctor bullets has many options but it is at this point in this particular situation that he uses one.

it causes some adverse and very deadly effects as most would surmise. but as few have actually witnessed or experienced its hold not many know what Reynolds is being put through. as doctor bullets slowly allows begins to force the difference in time and place into the same spot that Reynolds now stand unable to move.

as every atom in his anatomy tells him its physically impossible to exist. as particles of the exact same matter can never touch. its this slow collection of identical partial field that causes a person to slowly split apart underweight the immense pressure their traction collision bullets puts them under. like hot dogs set in a microwave for too long. eventually being pulled apart because of the physical law saying one of these things must be destroyed. and in the case of matter vs. energy. matter is usually to first to go.

sure if bullets wanted to he could smash all of Reynolds time stream together into one place. witch would actually implode him into his center. turning his stomach into a mature black hole only meant to equalize when his body has been consumed bye the anomaly in time. but as bullets did not wish to end the existence he has become familiar with and still has use for this clown he keeps so clumsily dancing on a ball. juggling sharp knifes as he rolls over a field covered in thumb tacks. but clowns even serve a purpose and as it goes so does this one. he decides against such drastic action.

Bullets can sense the agony Reynolds is in. can see the energy in his nerves as they fire in reception to the time space catastrophe. of being slowly pulled apart on a multi dimensional level. un able to move or scream or react to its onslaught. unsure if he can survive even this.

bullets continues "that you and everyone could take it easy knowing that you where the ones who could be trusted. Now I'm going to let you go, but when I do keep in mind that your antics however entreating they are, is like and ice cube on a heated plate of class. or an over weight trapeze, stepping onto a high wire, you cause to much tension for anyone's comfort. and eventually this safety net you think your sitting on. wall crumble like a piece of rice paper in a hurricane. and the only one who will be laughing is me.

bullets pats Reynolds on the chest as he smoothes out his caller. releasing Raymond from the painful hold he was in. allowing the blades from the micro tares on his bones to finally release all over his body. as he drops limb to the floor. grabbing his insides with the displeasure of the immense pain that was stabbing it like so many super heated dagger blades. with jagged edges and salt soaked into their iron.

Doctor bullets begins to walk out of the room as he continues. the light from the outside illuminating the intricate features on the more complexly sown pieces of clothing he whereas the most attention. but his glasses however reflective they may seem. to not permit light to leave their surface. almost as if bullets had somehow managed to frame two black holes. and sit them comfortably on the rig of his nose.

"you think you would have learned something after all this time". bullets says in mock of every past attempt." I cant be snuck up on bye a child like you."

in the hallway the soldier who where recovering from comedic shock, now lay on their sides and backs and stomachs grasping at their eyes and mouths and insides as droplets of blood now form at fall from every orifice on their bodies, some of them have passed out from the stain caused bye the brief moment of intense sound they where in while others and barely choke words past the liquefaction of their own lungs. at their center are two severed feet. stalagmites of bone sticking up from their centers. paramedics and medical teams are already at the scene trying to do what they can amidst the ongoing and added chaos.

"and what a mess it is" bullets says calmly. I don't know how many time live told you not to open the door while I'm in their. without even gesturing to guards walk into the room. picking Reynolds up bye his arms and dragging him out into the hallway. within a few seconds two more metal bands are put around his ankles and Reynolds is standing back on his feet." these men weren't even wherein the proper equipment to take even a fraction of those decibels. especially in the super sonic range.

Reynolds pops his collar again before exercising another witty remark." thanks boys, if I ever have need for another stool, ill make sure to give you pigeons a call. don't worry though he says putting his attention back on the two odd monuments on the floor," you might not want to wait up because it looks like my own to feet don't even need my help standing bye themselves." one man laughs no one else does. Doctor Bullets glares at him and he is soon forgotten from existence. as if his getting dragged down the hallway never happened. erasing the landing of a punch line for ever.

Bullets then continues to walk forward stepping past the bloody feet and broken men that litter the slick linoleum of an otherwise bleak hallway. the moans of pain and coughs of blood don't slow bullets stride. as his cane already does a proficient job of this.

Reynolds now able to move freely follows close behind, making sure bullets has an eye on him at all times. both figuratively and literally. though officially labeled to be a personal assistant through the OAPS Reynolds was given the underlying task of making sure bullets didn't cross any of the boundaries set bye the cooperating nations. but as it was for years Reynolds had seen and heard nothing.

it was no secret how bullets was one of if not the greatest mind to exist within the modern age. A man who single handedly broke countless boundaries in fields of science involving a technology where energy can be extracted from matter with a better efficiency then every other standard of energy. meaning the output they received was over a hundred percent.

was this noble prize winning work along with countless other that had gotten doctor bullets the respect of the scientific community all over the world. this however came only after the accident that created him. an unfortunate turn in circumstances for a man once considered to not just be a human being but one of the smartest in that respect.

but it was in this ironic turn of events where bullets had made his greatest claim to fame as he desperately clung to what little humanity he was still considered to have. bye developing and almost fool proof way to keep this new race of, creatures with atomic bombs a for arms and legs and worm holes for nerve connection. exactly where the government needed them to be. witch was right inside the isolating grip of their long armed laws. as if to weight its blows with the aid of a sharpened rock.

Being that doctor bullets was horribly disfigured in the incident, Reynolds figured a long time ago why doctor bullets had decided to take him on as an assistant. having a similar but separate circumstance was what brought Reynolds to bullets attention in the first place. that and the fact that his father was the major head of the fission, media and adult entertainment industry. and having an ear open to the latest trends in news and media for a man who had created the greatest pass time program in the world. It made perfect sense.

but their where a few things that kept bullets and Reynolds intention somewhat separate. one bullets was an intellectual, and politician. and did not choose to gain his power. and Reynolds was a simpleton, who's reason for being their where based off of politics that he cared nothing for. gaining one power as he lost another, witch was his vanity.

at first glance no one would see why someone like bullets would keep someone like mister Reynolds around. but if you where to ask either of them why. being either is in the mood to responded honestly. they would both say "because he need me and he knows it."

Bullets and Reynolds continue down the halls. the door way they leave behind them now a third its size in the distance. turning a corner as behind them a team of technicians tries to undue the feet so precariously stuck to the floor. undoing the frequency of intensified, electro gravitational suggestion. (meaning the polarity of their atoms has become such, that the harkens field the produce has been bonded directly to the layer of gravity that they sit at. unable to be moved either physically or dimensionally while at the same time ceasing all nerve function inside them.

Unusually Reynolds doesn't where these bracelets around the compound, and some times ducks out of wherein them in other places. using has status and comedic skills to both detract and dismay, to get what he wants out of relations ships he knows will not last him. as those he meet do soon parish like burnt butterflies in the wind.

But besides the absurd amount of time he had just spent standing in a place that he watched bullets pass bye freely several times as he delta eighth the matter at hand. Reynolds being the one too keep an eye bullets had more than a bone to pick with the good doctor at this point. but it seems Bullets had already gotten the drop on these thought. as it didn't take a psychic to tell but it helped.

" I can see your thinking something" doctor bullets says, not even skipping a step as he says so letting a large cart of chemicals pass in front of him." and that your soon going to put it into words, tell me Reynolds, was standing their really that bad"

Reynolds turns his eye to bullets." why don't you go back their and ask that to my severed feet" Raymond responds with little tack. then continues." your not the only one with a job to do Bullets. I may be your assistant but when it comes time for me to fulfill my duties to the OAPS. Then it your duties to let me do my job, without it costing me and arm and a leg in time."

the slap of his bare feet against the floor can be heard as they continue to walk. (after the passing of a chemical cart)). accents his annoyingly acute tone he now takes." I really hadn't planned on having to grow to new legs today. why do you think I worse those shoes. my fathers is going to have something to say about this."

bullets scoffs" your father has allot of things to say at allot of different times, but since neither of us can see the future. I suggest taking it up with someone who can."

"Funny" Reynolds says in aggravated response. " but not as funny as your little system failing twice in twelve hours." in includes trying to dig whatever screws he could into the strongly grained plank of doctor bullets expression.

Once. Doctor bullets response without a single air of aggravation is his voice." because as I see it, your still in shackles and not running around somewhere in a god forsaken forest."

Raymond laughs " but I got out of them didn't I, that means you failed."

Bullets response shoeing away Reynolds dagger of wit, as if it where an outrage feather," you forget boy" bullets says using his age like the sting of a whip. "that as soon as you broke free of those their where armed guards already on their way to get you. as their locator I imbedded into your skin without your notice only activated when even one of them is removed."

"really" Reynolds says in realization of a something he was never before made aware of as situations like this one had never come up before.

"yes really" bullets says proud of his sneaky demeanor, authorized bye both of our superiors. I myself am required to have one as well. a precaution to the impossible." he says reminiscent of what was once a universal understanding. but then changes his tone as he goes on to explain." plus as fare as I understand Raymond is still in one piece meaning none of his binds have been remove."

even Reynolds is silenced. Being that he did not actually witness the escape as the place he was standing was where it was waiting for bullets when the gravity lock down was initialized . He did not bare witness to exactly what had happened. all he knew as soldier where running and as doctor bullets had suddenly become scarce. was that something had gone wrong, and either to the gain or lose of the three parties. Bullets, the fugitive in the forest Raymond, and Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Reynolds had been sealed into place, unable to asses or add his aid to the situation.

But there where a few things that Reynolds knew for sure. One was that in a gravity lock its suppose to be impossible for anyone wherein the anklets and bracelets to move even an inch, besides being able'd with Reynolds ability. two doctor bullets was the last official to speak with Reynolds before he somehow escaped an three. the fact that the both of them where alone for so long lead to the suspicion of an underhanded deal. One the OAPS would surely reprimand bullets for.

Reynolds speaks trying to keep his though process randomized so that Bullets cannot use his power to translate its synaptic coding. "wait, he still has on his bonds, how is it possible that he's even moving right now."

Bullets looks past Reynolds as a large group of soldiers pass them bye as they turn another corner. the entire time bullets leading the way. and dictating their polite mannerisms. as he tips his hat to the groups of soldiers turning in from their recent post on the northern wall. then speaks quietly" it took me a while to figure that out but live done it." bullets says both proud and disappointed in his own capacity for genius." it seems as though our little poster boy Raymond, has somehow figure out how to divert the direct gravitational connection of his bracelets. bye bending a small sub dimension around them that he has created, using and artificial field of and one-dimensional gravity. created from a very low frequency, but high efficiency sub wave of electro static graviton particles.

Reynolds stands their, his mind unable or unwilling to comprehend what bullets just said. But bullets being who he is can already sense this, though it requires some calculation.

"to put it in terms a slacker like you might understand." he says rightfully flaunting his intelligence. what he did was sub gate them to an artificial dimension of gravity. but wasn't able to place them inside it completely. so as they are still heavy, the efficiency in witch they bond to time and place, has been diverted to powering a dimension to witch they are not bound."

Reynolds still doesn't get it. as his family line wasn't bread for genius in scholastic intelligences. nor for mathematic understanding. he didn't even understand the slight poetry in what Raymond had done. all he understood was the business of unnerving. witch had no standing in the laws in logic of science.

Bullets laughs to himself as he can see Reynolds brain begin to struggle even harder. then stops to put it more plainly. explaining it as if one would explain the concept basic math to a nine year old. one that had been derived oxygen to its brain form it birth. making sure to make this the last time. "to put it even more simply, its like he has two very small, sort of in depended dimensions now wrapped around his legs. Though very heavy, they can still be moved."

after a few moments Reynolds lets go and expression of realization, weather sarcastic or series, no one will ever know. "Oh" he extends scratching the in-betweens of a spikes on the back of his neck." why didn't you just say so instead of wasting both are time with your science nonsense."

Bullets pauses for a moment looks a Reynolds, shacks his head, then continues down the hallway.

Reynolds continues after solemnly accepting his mental inferiority. But then quickly stick to what little info he can in order to have something to give to the higher ups. "never the less if Raymond can still move that still means he's escaped, and since his bracelets are still intact that means his tracking device hasn't activated. if he hasn't already torn it out some how that is being that that's also somehow impossible?"

"correct" bullets says stoically not planning on having to adjust the two major fail safes of an other wise flawless system." but fortunately as live stated before the bracelets around his legs are very heavy, no one, even him can run with them on for long."

"then why hasn't he been captured yet, are our soldiers to busy jerking it to vixen or something." Reynolds says as a large group of soldiers sitting in the hallway, in the middle of their allowed breaks. usually the groups would be larger. not while so many man are needed in so many places. the amount of soldiers allowed to their breaks had been drastically reduced.

The group looks down and about as Reynolds makes his comment. one of them coughs into his hand. as if his comment had hit the unforced bulls -eye of the focus of his private life.

this well known and popular dirty pass time and thought to be well kept secret, catches them bye surprise. even the two women. who sit share in an equal amount of shame. seeded in the fantasies of their sexual exploits, flinch at its mention. As none of them know its not to be talked about out loud.

Reynolds laughs.

Bullets doesn't.

"Now that I cant explain". Bullets says seemingly oblivious to the remark made against the reputation of a once respected police officer. but a well kept secret is anything but.

vixen was one of the first people who had gone through the power gaining proceeds after the repeated request of doctor bullets.

despite the somewhat true nature of a continuation of circulating videos, showing her in a somewhat unflattering nature. Bullets knows that even with one of the most powerful minds on the planet. not even he would be able to stop men from finding her attractive. none the less the women.

the only person who actually was able to keep this secret was bullets himself. who upon meeting her found that every sense she gave off was a wonder to behold. this was not entirely however the reason as to why bullets hand picked her for the life she now lives.

But to bullets this seemingly meaningless invasion of privacy, put in at the request of Reynolds father. was a detail that bullets found himself disliking.

after having her around for so many years. it was as if she became the daughter had always wanted. but for untold reasons never had.

Though to consider who vixens selected mother was. it would be more surprising if someone of any orientation, didn't have some sort of conceded desire to see her in the nude. especially considering the unusually high level of her IQ. a trait that combined with her looks. becomes a combination that mad her not only the; focus of every living humans lust. but also the magnifying glass through witch they direct their white hot envy and hatred.

As Reynolds was once considered to be one of the best looking men of any form of media. He too had given way to a now hateful nature. spurned bye just the learning of her very existence. and fed bye her very presence.

Bullets continues." And though it is a problem," bullets says splitting the implications of his sentence with the jagged serrate of his unbridled distaste. " Their are a few theories I've concocted as to why."

"oh really," Reynolds says" scratching the dried blood from his metallic mask. " id love to hear them since they have come to you so conveniently at this time and not eleven or ten hours ago." he continues in his track of atavistic sarcasm "please tell them to me so that the time I lost and the limbs I cut off aren't completely pointless."

Bullets and Reynolds turn down another corridor, completely identical to all the others. As bullets lets his assumptions be known. knowing Reynolds sarcasm is simply a product of childlike frustration.

Bullets starts." their are a few things to consider in this situation, as in the process of coming to the correct conclusion their always is. First off were all aware of Raymond physical prowess, of his official training as a martial artist. and the incredibly convenient use of an ability that myself did not foresee. witch considering the complexity, wasn't something that could be learned in just a few minutes or hours."

Bullets and Reynolds stop in front of a piece of hallway with no doors or signs. seemingly so bullets can continue his contemplative monologue.

Not to men chin a few other catastrophic failures that happened right at the moment of Raymond's escape. like the unexpected failure of the two gun batteries that guard the northern compound. And the fact that even with my abilities sensing Raymond's intension even when I had predicted the coming to of their head, keeping a close watch on Raymond in these past few month only let me conclude a few things."

The blank wall next to them begins to make noise. as if something where rising up to meet them.

"his currently being at large is a simple problem. in that in the assumption that the weight of his bracelet, guessing bye the residual vibrations they left in steal of the compound are each at about two hundred pounds. it shouldn't take long for soldiers of any rank to catch him once he exhausts all his energy that is. witch given the condition he's in and the terrain he's own makes the distance he can run without stopping as weighted down as he is. At about ten to ten miles give or take a mile."

Bullets taps his cane on the floor as he stands and talks as if to slide the pegs of an abacus. "I also know that Raymond can sense the north and south poles. as is a side effect of his inset abilities. and will head to what seems like the nearest settlement. witch given our current location is south bye south west. live mapped all the hotspots in that general direction. all the craters and runes in that area that are to irradiated for standard issue soldiers. and only one is within his range.

the wall stops making noise. Reynolds turns to it as he doesn't even know what's going on, or why they both are waiting for the opening of a blank wall. Reynolds figures that bullets has finally lost his mind. but given the detail in witch he has calculated a coarse of action leads Reynolds to believe that he has finally and unwittingly been shown one of bullets deep dark secrets. but what he doesn't know is that in a few moment everything he seen while standing in the hallway wont even matter.

Bullets continues." now a few search teams close to that area have gone silent and are presumed dead. live been looking over the footage of their sonic debuggers, the three".... bullets stops for a moment and looks to the south west. " ..four teams that have gone down. Have all done so without a trace of anything left behind to indicate the orientation of their attack, how many their are, or oddly enough its as if they where all attacked bye nothing. even odder is the fact that even when firing their weapon witch increase the effectiveness of the sensors also tells me they all fired at nothing, and the sub sonic radiation all tee bullets produce, witch further increases their effectiveness all hit nothing."

Reynolds who has heard all of this explained before. and has somewhat an idea of how its all processed sets aside his witty remarks to catch the ten pound sack of surprise that has just been dropped in his lap. as this happened to be the day for circumstances and catastrophic equipment failure. " well its obviously a flaw in your design." Reynolds says hoping to for once get doctor bullets with the cliché every scientist hates to hear. But in a tone of sincere disbelief. As Bullets technology never fails to do the task its made to do.

"yes bullets says." it may be that all these years my super intelligence and flawless engineering have all been a shame, or; there is something else in this equation that I have not accounted for." bullets takes a napkin out of his pocket and wipes down the front of his glasses never removing them from them from his face." though if this where not I talking, that's exactly what I would be saying. As it goes not even two teams designated, mouser class have been able to pinpoint or get a sighting on what ever is doing this. as they are some of are most trusted and highly trained soldier capable of keeping up with some of our more daring fighter. So if its an animal or creature that has either come about, or some type of outside influence that has some how managed to make contact with Raymond and is now assisting him. we cant tell for certain."

" I don't believe that bullets" Reynolds says as he challenges this triumph for its outright absurdity. "only a hand full of people out side are military even know this place exists. And none of them gain anything bye helping their biggest fish fins its way back into the pond and out of their nets. I should also men chine anyone dumb enough to come near this area wouldn't be able to do so without getting the doldrums attention."

Bullets replies in agreement." this is very true, we did select this top secret location for a reason. as everyone knows of the Velcro. but in light of a few other details this might not be such afar fetch plan."

What to you mean Reynolds says. As the wall in front of them magically slides open. revealing an red elevator like compartment, hidden behind the seemingly sound structures dull coloring.

Reynolds after the doors are fully ajar. cant believe his eyes as he has gone over this place with a fine tooth comb. without ever even coming across anything even close to resembling a door seem or entrance to a hidden elevator.

Bullets goes on as if nothing extra ordinary is taking place. waiting to step into its confines as it waits only for him.

as he knows Reynolds job is to keep an eye on his secrets. bullets is fully aware that the opening of this simple doorway must come as a complete shock to Reynolds. mostly do to the fact that bullets watched him go over it with a fine tooth comb." as I know from first person account and as the originator of their design. that the to gun batteries on the northern wall where fully operational. and could not have otherwise of just broken down. being that they did so right in the middle of my and Raymond's "conversation"; without so much as a warning or indication. keeping in mind that their inner workings are top secret and their plans decipherable only bye me as they don't exist on paper. leads me to believe that we my have had, most politician and insurance persons would call an act of god."

Reynolds is snapped back into reality with another disbelief now so mockingly wavering itself around in his face. ' cut your bullshit bullets. if their where a god then things like the Velcro wouldn't exist. hell people like use wouldn't exist."

Bullets agrees with this. being one of a few who had contributed to series of journals and works that had all been proven correct. after the completion an quantum equation, that disproved the existence of a higher powered beyond the shadow of a doubt. while at the same time however this did also disproved any notation of time travel. It did solidify and help identify the existence of alternate dimension. Meaning that in one form or another their was an after life. all of this however was done before bullets had an incident.

"yes this is true no god, no angels and their for nothing to act upon I will that makes no sense, and ultimately has no purpose. he says quoting a note from his own journal. "but as I turn it about in my head. their one thing that doesn't move along so smoothly. as me and Raymond where in front of the batteries as one exploded, shutting down the other. their was something I felt at the back of my mind. and though it took me a while I think I've finally found out why it was able to escape my initial notice.

Reynolds takes this sentence as an insult clenching his fists as he tries too keep it fury hidden. but to no avail as his bones crack and his skin slits like uncured leather as razor sharp bones begin to steadily grow from them.

letting bullets finish before he calls the attention of a near buy group of guards. to have bullets beaten and arrested before searching the room to witch this elevator leads.

"oh and what is that." Reynolds manages to hiss through his now gritting teeth."

bullets laughs, as he steps into the elevator turning to face Reynolds as his deep chuckle begins to warp the very fabric of space and time. "I forgot to look up".

As he says this bullets removes the thick circle glasses from his face.

Reynolds doesn't know what he's looking at and doesn't care as he attempts to hold the door of the elevator. his hand suddenly bumps into the solid make of a bland grey wall. Their are no seems, no indication to any hidden rooms or secret compartments. just a wall now smudged with the blood that had been trickling down his fingers. Now their was only a wall and a man who did not know why his hands where bleeding.

Reynolds looks around as guards walk past him. joking as they do to help keep there moral high and their minds out of their miseries. Reynolds stops there tracks with a single word. and quickly asks if they had seen him pass bye with anyone.

"yeah" say one of the female guards . You guys past bye us not to long ago. it seemed like you guys where having a discussion."

Reynolds remembers this but for some odd reason cant remember why he was standing in this hallway. one he had already gone over, with a fine tooth comb.

he ask witch way they remember bullets going and each of them point to a door at the fare end of the hallway behind them. The sign above it displaying the words computer forensics . a place bullets would be in a situation like this.

he remembers what bullets and he where talking about the details of the current mess they where in. the men chin of god and the implication of fowl play.

as he thinks on it for a moment he remembers nothing out of the ordinary. and as he thinks can find no blank spots in his memory. he does however feel the endorphins of anger in his blood. And as it they slowly recede like the swell of an ocean. Reynolds begins to make his way to the above ground facility. fully un aware of the subtle change in reality that had just taken place.

Bullets sit in the elevator as it moves thought the walls of the complex, silently as he had designed it to be completely undetectable. Moving through a dimension of time space, that had been used to construct the very walls of the compound. using a material and energies that he had reversed engineered from an enemy of his. who posses a similar ability.

moving him through a dimension that was paper thin. containing not a single particle of energy or matter or even time. though still somehow bound bye earth gravity. if one where to look at it from the outside, at a certain angle it would appear paper thin. but in perspective to anyone standing in it. was completely three dimensional.

Bullets thinks about the close call he just had with Reynolds. one of very few that he had, come into in the last few years as having him as an assistant. As bullets knew the processes of the OAPS well enough to the point where he would be able to slip in a complex technology without it being noticed.

this wasn't the only secret that bullets had managed to keep. as being under the micros scoop like eyes of the OAPS mandates and heavy regulations that applied to everyone willing to live within their guidelines, made keeping them illegal. But it where theses guidelines bullets had later in life come to find, where slightly disagreeable. being that he was once a loyal subject to the societal standers that where in his favor.

As he was once considered to be human.

the obvious reasons for bullets secrecy cam with a simple explanation to be summed up in only two sentences, witch drew a line so deep in the sand, that it split the entire structure of the nation into two halves. And even though this line ran deep and was definite. its thickness was only that of a ingle section of a microscopic strand of D.N.A.

It was this Undeniable fact, one that being a man of science and reason and logic that bullets could not deny, that all of his secrets. everything that bullets had achieved, or discovered after his transformation. that anything he invented or discovered would never truly be his discovery. Being that he could never truly own anything.

It was a drastic change for bullets. And an ironic twist that he had come to despise in the years that he had achieved some of his greatest works, and maid some of his greatest discoveries in the name of the good of man kind. But for one to be so considered property himself. Being a man who build his whole life on scientific discovery, his whole name and nature and personality in its pursuit. It came as one of the worst instances in his extensive memories, when he found out that the discoveries he mad, meant to shape the future of man. Where discovered bye a man who had no future in humanity.

Bullets didn't despise them for this however. the government that had so quickly stripped away his statues like the peal of an orange. tossing it aside as if its nutrients had meant nothing. But the consideration of what his life once was, what the importance of being able to keep secrets as, the so often bring light to new discovery.

it was bullets consideration that not unlike lamps in the hands of men who keep them. they unfold the walk able paths. in an otherwise pitch black darkness.

Bullets can see that he will soon reach his destination, as the elevator has no indication inside it to where it actually is. this feat is nothing short of amazing. though in bullets mind it is only the tip of the black iceberg of his abilities. And the things they can be applied to.

If Doctor bullets where to explain his capacity for power he will often only say, that he is the most powerful physic on the planet, and possible in the universe. though somewhat vague. Bullets knows that it is the only explanation he needs to convey the limits of what he is capable of. But as science has both defined and acknowledged, what it is that a physic can do. Most who have ever heard him make this claim, know that to challenge it would not only be foolish, but detrimental to ones own existence.

Though the abilities of physics are vast a vary in many different way, From telekinetic abilities to, spirit communication and thought manipulation. physics have been lumped together with one very simple definition. Witch is a living creature, who exists with either completely or partially outside of the influences of defined time and space.

though to attribute this discovery to bullets would be a mistake even he would correct you on.

the elevator door opens. the hallway that it opens to is dark and thick with the pain and miseries of living creatures. cutting the air into layers as they all sink to settle as such. each of them heavy with a different sorrow that only stains in air in such, as to be the result of an atrocity. One witch no man, or animal could ever keep themselves from drowning in.

in bullets mind he can see the layers, can sense each emotion that produces them, mind that emanates them as they are created from the different levels of sensuousness' that existed within the primitive beast mind. Like runs on a tree frown from the waters of intelligence, it is a natural law that one always take over the other. As from the lowest to highest level each becomes more intelligent as it rises against gravity.

These layers flood the elevator filling the virtual thin layer as quickly as blood would fill a bruise. As forces of life often rush into damaged places of damaged tissues, even if the tissue is the fabric of time space.

In the matter of seconds its every sense tells bullets that he's completely under water. Every sense derivate as if meant to soak into the very porous nature of his conscious senses, senses that where once those that only effected the back of his mind.

Even bullets can be taken bye things. this is one of the few things that does so. though he has often immersed himself in this soup of conciseness. it potent effect sometimes shake the tectonic plate that hold his foundations in place.

Two drops of blood one for each of his abysmal eyes creep down. crawling over the none absorbent fabric of the thick top of his turtle neck. Bullets lifts his left hand pulling out the napkin that he keeps in his pocket. cleaning away the tears. with a corner folded at its near center. the cloth then begins to collect takions, causing it to accelerate in its degradations unraveling as if being eaten like hundred of invisible moths. insatiable in their quick ravenous hunger. then soon disappears. with the inconvenient flash of a tacion backlash. as these particles are the only things able to cease their own existence as particles. condensing in the center as a drop of water.

Bullets steps forward out of the elevator as he tosses the napkins. inattentive of its path as his handkerchief falls. becoming stuck in the air before reaching a critical mass.

to resist the influence of the physic field he now wades through like a deep see submariner. heavy in a high pressure iron suite. Bullets grabs his glasses adjusting them slightly by turning them as if like collide scopes. then starts to produce another traction radio frequency. witch cuts thought the thick fluid atmosphere like field like a guise of heat and momentum.

allowing bullets to move more efficiently.

The floors of this place are made of a course unforgiving metal mesh, that bounces back with every heavy boot step bullets places against its course surface. to each side as he walks are changes dark and dreary the layer of safety the keeps bullets from being torn limb from limb is a layer of suspended carbon atoms. meant to solidified and become hard at any indication of any foreign matter that comes near it. even at doctor bullets passing.

Each creature a fierce one, taken from the fiercest and most wild parts of the American wilderness. Each with its own unique means of survival. possessing extra limbs or groups of muscles or jagged spines and razor sharp talons, soaked in hundred of years of radioactive atmosphere. so as to attack with the very harshness of the environment themselves.

it was well know that each of these animals could easily cut through the armor of a tank or leap to the height of a helicopter, bringing it crashing sown on their own as they have been documented to do, as their intelligence isn't lacking in the least. entire battalions of men fall to these creatures. so lightning fast, with skin so tough that bullets used in the guns of soldiers of the not to long ago would ever themselves when confronted with their pure insanity that is their indestructibility. only first slowed bye there keen sense and direction, so unpredictable as lightning, in that it kills only bye striking once.

But for bullets none of this was to be seen, animalistic ferocity now balls up in corners as he passes into their notice. their limbs and their claws and their fury. all put into the corners of their living spaces. All as a single man with the deepest blackness in his eyes, bends their will like heated tin, under an oppressive hammer crafted itself from the dense ores of taken from the deep seeded chasms of a habitual creatures survival. made only so heavy and unbending itself bye the keen wit an hard resolve.

Bullets knows the name of each of these animals, as in the American hemisphere, as their names have been known for some time, in text books and in animal anatomy books and notes only privy to those that find themselves in high military government ranks. but no one knew what he had done to them. what he had turned them into a against all codes and laws and guidelines. flesh twisted against all that would otherwise be considered humane, dissected into what is now a threat to all human life. made only so it may on day be saved from the charade of the atomic forests. The beasts with only death on their mind.

it seemed as though their fear was however well earned , for the beast he now seeks, may be one that may be capable of out smarting and out maneuvering them all.

bullets comes to a halt in front of a cell, bigger then the rest. Its atom field mixed with other bits of elements as to ballistic attack anything it comes into contact with but only from the inside. in a plasma like form it seems to congeal instead to the indication of movement out of a bright energy caught in field meant to make it look like a simple sheet of glass. but in reality, was a mix of metals and plastics that allowed it to switch instantly from energy to a solid. This transformation however only came with the application of intense light mass particles, and electro magnetic loops of alternating radio current.

witch responded only to bullets. In its complexity.

It seemed unreal some of the materials bullets had to gather in order to make this particular prison for this particular beast. As most of the creatures he had captured or come into contact with, did not bare such a string weakness. An element bullets could not get around in order to keep the creature contained.

never in his entire career had such an odd creature come into his possession. But as it was the story behind its capture was something of a stoke of what some would consider one of bullets greatest moments, to never happen. As no one in the compound knew of bullets true fighting abilities. though as what has been witnessed bye very few, the absolute terror that that comes with watching him use it. But as his fullest potentials are the battle with the creature he once had in is earlier days of being a metaphysical alteration such as himself. Or one of the Children of Ashes, as bullets had so metaphorically coined the phrase. was one of witch he still considers to this day to be the most difficult. Giving bullets one of the greatest mental and physical strains he has had since. Its capture nearly cost him his mind, and his life.

he whispers something to the door, causing it to count out a sequence of numbers before becoming solid in its center, moving outward as it clears a visible path to where hand the creature can see each other. though its blank eyes mean it can see nothing at all.

It has a collar around its neck, high tech in its implication, though simple in its indication of ownership. as this once fierce being now is one of bullets tools, one of his greatest creations, and triumphs over nature.

All for one escaped boy, who may very well be the biggest threat to human safety, in the universe.

the door closes, the bight wall of liquid light conceals them as bullets makes his preparations, so cruel as to not be machined even in passing.

above its container a name is their, one witch sullies every indication of what a name would otherwise be. a number only to be counted in succession of continues cruelties, a large red symbols, meant as the number Forty two.

bye chance the sum of thirteen bye four.

The animals begin to cry out in anguish as something vibrates the air, so dark in its looming pain soaked nature. their screams more terrible then that of the most tortured cries of hell. For their is a reason animals are not to be used as weapons, but what is war if not for the animals, if animals are not meant for war.

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