The Prophecy

By Mikealsonlover12

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Book 6 "In the beginning I was naive. I didn't know what lurked in the dark, I didn't know that there were th... More

Cast and Trailer
Might hit you with a comeback
Summing some things up.
New Face
Monster Party
I Want What Everyone Wants And What I Want Is You
Whats being missed! Important!!
Held Captive
I Was Told I Have The Petrova Fire
It's all my fault
Crazy bitch
Battle of the Sirelines
Battle of the Sirelines 2
3x16 sum up
Return to Mystic Falls
Return to Mystic Falls 2
Hatred for the Mikaelsons 1
Hatred For The Mikaelsons 2
Another Friend Dies
Cheers to Another friend dying!
The Ancestors
Next book!

Our downfall

542 9 2
By Mikealsonlover12

Angel walks into the compound and yells. "Okay I got your text about killers wanting to
Kill!" She then sees Elijah and he motions for her to come. She jogs in and sees all type of weapons on the table. "You see I was going to go on a very nice Jog around the corner! So which of your sirelings are we killing Klaus?" As she looks at him. "All of them!" He says.

Angel makes a face and shrugs before picking up a long blade. "Okay!" She says. "Well, we do have an advantage. No vampire may enter this stronghold as long as the deed remains in Freya's name." Elijah says. So what? We hide in here while the enemies mass at the front gate?" Kol asks thinking that's absurd. "Well, if they are so determined to die at our hands, let them come." Klaus says.

"Today I put my differences aside with you Elijah! Today is a day of killing vampires." She tells him. He just nods at her. And that's when they hear the compound door open. They all frown at each other before walking out into the lobby and that's when they see a lot of vampires storm in walking casually staring them down.

Kol, Angel, Klaus, and Elijah make themselves to the middle of the lobby as their surrounded in confusion by a ton of vampires. They look at them all and then they hear a voice from behind them.

"Never thought it would come to this. But as always, The Mikaelsons made my choice for me." Marcel says walking in. Angel, Elijah, Klaus, and Kol are in shock. "Marcel, how?" Klaus asks Marcel. Marcel starts to circle them.

"How are we in your home? I have friends who can nullify a deed, forclose on a property like that." He snaps his finger and as he makes a semi circle around them he stops and they watch his every move. "Or did you am I not a rotting corpse?" Marcel asks. Angel looks at the back of Elijah's head knowing she was exactly right the night before this was caused by their actions no one else's.

"I thought my friend was dead, and yet here you are. So send these fools away, and let's talk. You and me." Klaus tells him as she takes a step forward. "Is that relief I hear? Really? If I hadn't been one step ahead of you, I would be at the bottom of the river." Marcel tells him.

Elijah steps between Marcel and Klaus. "Marcel, your anger is with me. I'm the one that's responsible for this crime against you." Elijah reminds him. Marcel avert his eyes away from Klaus to Elijah. "One thing I learned sticking around this family, Elijah, you take on one of you, you are taking on all of you. These guys, Klaus's sirelings, they're here to bear witness today." Marcel tells them.

"Are you planning to put on a little show, Marcellus?" Kol says walking forward and Angel pulls his arm back knowing how he can get. Marcel points to Kol. "Damn straight I am." He tells him before he turns around and raises his arm. "The Fall of The Mikaelsons." He says and then turns back to the four. "And guess what, the show has already started." He tells them.


"Look Marcel it doesn't have to go down like this!" Angel tells him. "You know what Angel, no matter what they do even if it's your own blood you stand by you remember the day Klaus killed your aunt in cold blood!" He tells her she vamp speeds very close to him.

"You don't know me! Or my family! At least I know she's at peace with what happened to her unlike what happened to you!" She says with a glare. Elijah pulls her back and Kol walks past her.

Kol approaches Marcel. "I know you're hurt. I loved Davina, too. And it would break her heart to see you like this." Kol tells him honestly. Marcel points at Kol. "Don't mention her name. If it weren't for you, she'd still be alive." He says raising his voice. Kol knocks Marcel's hand down. "But she's not. This is an insult to her memory." Kol says.

Marcel vamp speeds and pushes Kol to the ground Angel moves quickly out the way as the crowd cheers in triumph. Kol glares at him before vamp speeding up and taking out papa tundes blade and trying to stab it into Marcel. But Marcel is quick to notice and stop his arm. He then grabs Kol by the head and bites into his neck. Angel, Elijah, and Klaus watch in fear as Kol screams.

Marcel snaps Kol's neck and tosses him away. "Kol." Whispers in shock. Elijah starts a vicious fight by trying to punch Marcel with vamp-speed, Marcel appears to side step the attack. Klaus jumps into the fight with a right hook, only for Macel to duck & grab his hand. Marcel then turns to face Elijah in time to kick him away before he can land a punch.

Angel then jumps in allowing Marcel to be distracted with her as they trade blows. She sends a few hits to the body and face she then gets kicked in her leg causing it to break. The momentary distraction allows Klaus to land a couple of blows. Marcel answers back with a powerful punch, that sends The original hybrid flying into the wall behind him.

Elijah and Angel take over trading blows against Marcel. Marcel breaks Angel's arm and throws her away the crowd cheers. Elijah goes for a punch but Marcel catches it breaks his wrist causing Elijah to fall to his knees and then Marcel bites Elijah's wrist. Elijah screams in pain and Angel looks on as he's thrown past her. The crowd cheers. Angel vamp speed and begins to attack and as she goes to punch him he grabs her wrist and bites into her.

She screams In pain and the crowd cheers. She shifts and delivers a kick to his stomach and fights on not feeling the affect. She goes to punch with her left hand and he stops and bite into that she screams and falls. Klaus jumps in and does what he can Marcel looks as if he's ready to bite Klaus and Angel vamp speeds up and round house kicks Marcel in the face he stumbles and falls. The crowd boos Angel vamp speed on top of him and shifts her hand into a claw.

She gets ready to rip his heart out but he's quick to flip their positions and bites into the left side of her neck. She cries out as she tries to push him off. She looks to still have fight in her as she pushes him off. Before she can fight back he takes the advantage and bites into the right side of her neck. Elijah weakened looks on in fear as does Klaus who's angry as she cries out. She feels the affect as she's thrown in the air and hears the crowd cheers in her downfall.

As Klaus hybrid face appears, when he rises to his feet. Marcel invites klaus with a gesture for Klaus to bring it. Klaus charges at Marcel with Vamp-speed. Suddenly Rebekah shows up and interferes. "STOP!" She yells at the two. Marcel is surprised to see her. "Rebekah." He says.

Rebekah continues to look at Klaus. "Hayley has Hope and Freya. Take our brothers and Angel and go now." She tells him. She then looks at Marcel. "Marcel will not hurt me." She says. "Not, if he knows what's good for him." She says before looking at Klaus.

Klaus vamp speeds over to Angel and helps her up. She vamp speeds and gets Kol and Klaus gets Elijah and then they vamp speed away. Rebekah inspects her wrist with the cursed skull branded on it, she continues to Marcel.

"I've only got a short while before I go mad. So your explanation better be quick and it better be good." She tells him.


Later at Lucien's penthouse Klaus yells once he's through the elevator.

"Freya!" He yells for his sister as they all bust through the door. Hayley and Freya leave Lucien's room to see Kol, Elijah, and Angel severely wounded.

Hayley walks over to Angel and Elijah. "Elijah!" She says in shock and then she looks at Angel who's leaning against the table next to Elijah in pain. "Angel... oh my god!" She stares at them and Angel smiles weakly. "I'm fine! I promise!" She says and Hayley knows it's an obvious lie. She looks to Elijah. "Don't. We deal with it later." He tells her.

Kol slumps on the sofa and gasps. "I am going to die." Kol says out loud. Hope starts crying. "You're not going to die." Klaus tells him. Kol chuckles. "Now that sounds familiar. Isn't that what you said to Finn and Cami?" He tells Klaus and Klaus sighs. "Look, Lucien engineered his venom from the seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to a cure." Klaus says to Freya who's tending to Kol.

"Oh great, that's the first piece in a puzzle none of us will be alive to solve. I'm poisoned, Rebekah is hexed, and Angel and our brothers are bitten. We need three different cures to three different ailments, each of which could take years to find, and none of us will make it through the day." Freya tells him.


Later in the penthouse Angel is sitting in a room and she already written eleven letters. She made them simple but she's on her last and final one. Hayley walks in and Angel senses her and turns toward her. "Hey, I uh, I need you to send these out for me! I know your dealing with a lot but this is something I can't send out on me own." She tells her as she gathers the letters.

"Yeah of course! Who are they for?" Hayley asks. "Those are for my family! For all of them." She says. "Your gonna make it Angel!" Hayley tells her. "I hope so!" Angel says.

"So what is Klaus going to do? I heard you all talking but I wanted to write." She asks Hayley. "Klaus is.... going on trail with Marcel." Hayley tells her. "No! He can't do that they will kill him!" She tells her. "Someone has to go with him!" She says out loud. "Where is he?" Angel asks. "With Hope.... saying goodbye." Hayley tells her.

Angel stands and Hayley moves to help her but Angel shakes her head and stumbles off to find Klaus. She then goes into the room he's about to leave and he holds her up. "You should be resting." He tells her. "And you shouldn't be going on a suicide mission! Klaus you can't go alone!" She tells him fear evident in her eyes.

"I can and I will! I took so many people away from you and I took 6 months of your life away! Let me do right by helping you stay alive!" He tells her. "I can't lose you... I need you more than you know." She says he stares at her and smiles and tears begin to fall he then wipes them away. "Klaus I-" He interrupts her.

"Save that for when I return... goodbye Angel." He says before kissing her forehead and setting her down in a chair she watches him as he walks off and out the door to meet his fate.


Hayley comes in the room and gets a weak Angel and walks her over to the table that Elijah, Kol, and Freya are sitting around.

"Angel I will need your blood! It's a sleeping spell to protect you from dying!" Freya says. "Hayley will you?" Angel says before handing Hayley her arm. Hayley gets a clawed finger out and slices into Angels arm and it falls into the cup. Angel heals very slowly. "Hayley I need to tel you something." Angel says in a whisper. Hayley nods.

"Yeah, what is it?" She asks. "The spell I created to slow my pregnancy down is fading... I'm using the power from the spell to keep me alive long enough for Freya's spell to work! If it does work my child will be born! A C-section will be nice. I'm going on 7 months the spell will fade within a few days. Just letting you know." Angel tells Hayley this information and Hayley nods.

"You have any names?" Hayley asks. "Yeah if it's a boy name him Alec Lee Gilbert! He'll have more than one last name for sure and if it's girl Miranda Aleah Gilbert! She'll have more than one last name as well! I know you'll protect them!" Angel tells her. "Beautiful names!" Hayley says and Angel just smiles.

Hayley's phone started ringing and Hayley answers it. "Rebekah, is it over?" She asks. "Nik found a way to stay alive. Our plan worked. Now it's up to you, Hayley. Make his sacrifice count." She tells her. "I will, hang tight. I'll come for you soon." Hayley tells her before hanging up.

Freya has written all her siblings name on a paper as well as Angel's. Freya reaches out to Hayley who has Rebekah's dagger. "Rebekah's dagger. It has her blood." Hayley hands her the dagger and she places it above Rebekah's name.

Kol, Elijah, Angel, and Freya are all holding hands. As Freya starts the spell. "Hayley! Ask my sibling for help! They'll help you!" Angel tells Hayley as she groans and spasms.

Freya continues to chant louder and louder and they all groan before throwing themselves back in their chairs. Freya, Angel, Kol, and Elijah lay back in the chair lifeless as their souls leave their bodies. Hayley stands alone and thoughts run through her head of how she's gonna pull this off.


The Mikaelson siblings and Angel are standing in a magical garden, they have clean white clothing, their wounds are healed.

"Not exactly what I was expecting, but I guess beggars can't be choosers." Kol says as he looks around. "So, you like it? It's what I always dreamed of. A home away from the city. Just family." She says and Angel nods. "It's pretty cool!" She says feeling her neck and wrists.

"So this creation, is it yours, or is it Niklaus'?" Elijah asks. "We're linked to his life force by the same spell as aunt Dahlia used to keep me alive for a thousand years. I realized it was the only way. Put us in a deep sleep. Buy Hayley enough time to find cures for us all." Freya tells them. Elijah nods. "Hence the Chambre de Chasse." Elijah says. Angel smiles as does Freya. "My little addition to the spell. In here, we can remain together until we wake." She says.

"Well I'm going inside because the first time in a long ass time I'll be able to forget about the supernatural life!" She tells them before walking away and into the nice home.

In the real world Hayley is driving a big truck with the fallen family inside coffins. She looks over at her Hope who is sound asleep and puts on a smile as she drives past the "You are now leaving New Orleans." Sign. She takes a long sigh wondering where to start.


And this my friends is the end of The Prophecy of you stayed and Voted I love you which means you care about me being motivated! Anyway thanks for that cuz it's barely any of you. I say this series will blow up once I loose complete motivation for making stories.

Anyway I have to edit a few things on my next book which I already made! Sooo yeah! Stay tuned cuz yeah!

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