Shades of Time

By Firehedgehog

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Twisted and warped, a child ripped from loving arms. Then time caught up. Error... no Goth wasn't happy at al... More

Prologue: Discord
Chapter One: The More Things Change...
Chapter Two: The More Things stay the Same...
Chapter Three: Dance
Chapter Four: Meetings
Chapter Five: Two Fates
Chapter Five: Two Fates- Part Two
Chapter Six: Share
Chapter Seven: Fallen
Chapter Eight: The ** Hits The Fan...
Chapter Ten: A scant moment
Chapter Eleven: Innocence
Chapter Twelve: Frustration....
Chapter Thirteen: Fragile Hopes
Chapter Fourteen: Ice and Snow
Chapter Fifteen: Aftermath
Interlude: What has happened so Far!
Chapter Sixteen: In the End It was Broken
Chapter Seventeen: Fluff
Chapter Eighteen: Seeking Truth
Chapter Nineteen: I will give you what I have
Chapter Twenty: Burning Bright
Chapter Twenty-One: Hourglass
Chapter Twenty-Two: Light and Shadows
Chapter Twenty-Two: Light and Shadows Part two
Chapter Twenty-Three: In Moment before...
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Light Temple
Chapter Twenty-Five: Rewind
Chapter Twenty-Six: When Gods Fall
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Abyssal
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Talks
Chapter Twenty-Nine: On Journey's End
Epilogue: The Final Aftermath...

Chapter Nine: Sands of Time

1.8K 86 48
By Firehedgehog

Due to the Dreaded evil known as SAT's, Chaos has edited this monster. Here's hoping the studying is worth it Snow

"Defeated..." The being said, toeing the stone remains of there Guardian.

The area the temple was in was nothing but gravel and rubble, the area where Goth had fallen was no more, hidden under the rubble from the temple collapsing.

"I'll have to increase the security on the other half."

The area that they stood had barely any room to move, and moments later they vanished, before the final space collapsed.


Goth winced as he pulled on the black clothing, the clothing of a fell Goth.

A hiss slipped from his mouth as his wounds were agitated from the moment, while monster food and healing magic had healed most of it, apparently, the rest would have to heal naturally as the acid and poison resisted easy healing.

He still didn't remember getting half of the gashes on his arms and legs.

He swore as his ribs jolted, and wished they were more healed. They were much better due to Searcher's quick actions, as damage to ribs took forever to heal. At least it didn't end up like his mother's non healable injury.

He still didn't understand just how his counterpart had managed to send a Gaster Blaster to help him...

Goth blinked as he suddenly got a message, probably lagged from going through the barrier between their sides.

((You're welcome Shades..))

A sigh of relief left his body, he had been a bit worried when two weeks had passed and he had heard nothing from Searcher.

((Be Careful, they are probably aware of our Search now)) He sent back, hopefully it would arrive in a timely matter.

He rubbed his face, feeling a bit stressed, ignoring the brief flicker of the purple tear lines on his face. Which was new, as he couldn't control them like he could when he summoned more power from his other form.

But enough worry, he had Palette to meet with.


"Fell!" Palette called, as he spotted the familiar black garbed figure of the Fell Goth.

He frowned a bit, when he saw the other skeleton wincing a bit as they moved.

"Hey." Fell said as they got closer, but suddenly, Fell yelped and he fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Palette asked in concern.

"I'm fine, I got hurt... unfortunately the rest has to heal naturally. I must have hurt my leg worse then I knew, it felt like I was being stabbed for a moment." Fell said rubbing the limb, but that didn't make Palette any happier.


"Mama." Shiro said, tugging on the white sleeve of their parent.

"What's up love?" Geno said picking up the tiny toddler.

"Had a bad dream last night." Shiro said.

"It's just a dream, I promise you." Geno said.

"I dreamed that Goth never ever comes homes." She said tearfully.

"Shhh love, don't cry... Goth will come home, I promise." Geno said, trying to ignore the memories of Goth's blood, and no sign of his eldest.


"So what are the plans today?" Goth asked Palette, knowing that he really needed to get to a private place fast. The injury on his leg wasn't old, but new.. and it was leaking marrow.

"I heard that a new store opened, with new types of healing items." Palette said brightly.

"Sure." He said with a smile, glad his hood hid his face as he could feel his marks appear again from the pain.

If he was in this much pain, then how much trouble was Searcher in?

Ignoring the pain flaring, he followed his crush to the store.


"I had fun." Palette said with a smile.

"Me too." Fell said.

"I hope that we can meet up again soon, hopefully by then I can have my Gothy meet you." Palette chirped, while the other skeleton stilled for a moment.

"I hope so." Fell said.

"Bye Fell." Palette said, as the other skeleton nodded his head and he walked away. Palette's smile vanished and the feelings of happiness vanished, he didn't... know what to do.

"Gothy..." He whispered.

Fell was his Gothy, the person who he hadn't realized that he was in love with, until they vanished. He didn't know why Goth was pretending to be another, but he had a bad feeling about it.

He didn't tell anyone that Goth was pretending to be a Fell Goth, something told him not to... Goth wouldn't be doing this unless it was important.


"Wait!" Palette cried, as he ran around the corner Goth had just gone around, but no one was there.

"Goth." He sniffled, as a single tear rolled down his cheek.


Goth blinked as he found himself.... somewhere not where he'd been moments before, and when he looked around, he saw the world around him was muted color wise, but he still recognized it as a temple, like the one he fought in before.

"Sand?" He questioned, realizing the floor was made out of heavy sand, the type that was hard to walk on.

And then, he noticed them, cracks in the muted color, tainted with magic.. Searcher's magic.

"Wait.. is this where Searcher was when he helped me?" He asked shocked, and a blur went beside him.

And a big honking snake.

"Owwww..." Goth.. no Shades said as the snake slammed into a wall, and he winced at the state of his counterpart.

Searcher was covered in sand from the arena that he was fighting, as well as his own Magic and Marrow. He had various bruises, cut marks and scrapes littering his body, but the most dangerous wound that he had was the impalement wound in his left shoulder.

A Marrow and Magic stained strip of cloth that was wrapped around his left leg, was the evidence of the first wound that he received from the Guardian.

"Work work work." Shades said as he pulled out the most powerful healing item that he'd bought, and he cracked it open before he ate it quickly.

The pain from earlier from his leg wound faded and he hoped that it had helped his counterpart.

"Move your Freaking Starry Ass Searcher!" He yelled.


Fate paused, and she stared at her Destroyer.

"I'll give that line a 8 of a 10." She said.


Shades quickly began to figure out what else he could do, other then munching on healing items and hoping this temple Guardian wouldn't have the same anti-heal ability his did. He then noticed the world was less muted by the cracks and he quickly began to pry at them with magic, physically and by codes.

"Come on... let me help him." Shades said, even if he was still in pain, he wanted to help his counterpart.

The cracks widened and so did his smile.

"Crap.." He swore, as he saw Searcher loosing his scythe, before he flung himself forward....

And the world shattered.

Suddenly, he was in a world of normal colors. He swung out his strings and leapt up, using the motions to land on the worm's body and he slammed his own scythe down, right next to the other scythe, before he ripped both of them out of the worm as it screamed. He quickly landed next to Searcher, who smiled as he took his scythe back.

"One scythe delivered." He said and ate another healing item.

"Aww, come on!" He cried, as he was pulled into the mono world again.

Shades could only watch now, and his eye widened as... the scythe evolved.

The worm met its fate as worm food.

((See you about. Library?)) He sent via the codes as the world faded, and he soon found himself in the anti-void.

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