Call Me Dad

By Existential_CrisisTM

110K 5.7K 6.1K

Kakashi was chaotically gay, couldn't take care of himself let alone a child, knew nothing about parenting, b... More

1. Social Services & Adoption
2. Shopping and A Few Girls
3. Hatake Family
4. Hobbies
5. Academy
6. Friends?
7. Birthday
8. TenTen..
9. Halloween
10. Mia's Hardship
11. The Closet
12. Meetings
13. Her Graduation
400 Special Crossover Thing????
15. Mizuki's Test
16. Sensei
17. Bonds
18. Uchiha
19. Training Skills
20. Mysteries and Missions
21. C-Rank

14. Adoption, the Sequel

2.7K 165 168
By Existential_CrisisTM

Yes I know TenTen's last name is different from last time but I only noticed like way after so I'm too lazy to change it

Under the eyes of the Konohan government, and by law, TenTen Akagi was technically an adult.

Which meant she could technically do legal things.

Like, for instance, separate herself from a family that only ever brought her pain and misery.

Just giving examples.


Mrs. Akagi had stormed to the Hatake Residence on a Sunday, knowing Kakashi was out on a mission and both children were home.

She rapped on the door lightly, huffing when it wasn't immediately opened. She knocked louder.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Jesus Christ—"

"Who's Jesus—"

"Shush Naru."

Mrs. Akagi growled and raised her fist to knock once more when it opened. She looked down at a girl (at least she thinks it's a girl) with short hair that stuck up from odd angles, sporting an oversized purple hoodie. It's sleeves went past the tips of her fingers and long enough that Mrs. Akagi couldn't tell if she was wearing pants underneath.

Her eyes blazed.


TenTen yawned, rubbing her eyes with one sleeve. She mumbled something tiredly, not fully aware of the furious woman.

Mrs. Akagi glared darkly at her daughter, raising her hand and slapping TenTen sharply across the face, enough to make her hand sting.

TenTen's eyes widened and she clutched her cheek, staring at the woman before her in mild fear. Her eyes watered as Mrs. Akagi began scolding her.

"TenTen Akagi!" The girl felt a tear slip down her cheek. Her mother could have called her anything. Any insult, but she chose the worst of all. A reminder of the family she was shackled to, no matter how hard she tried.

"You run away from me for months, thinking I don't know? How retarded do you think I am! You cut your hair," Mrs. Akagi tugged on the short strands painfully. "And walk around dressed like that with a boy around!"

TenTen hiccuped. "H-he's gay." In one last act of defiance, TenTen stared directly into Mrs. Akagi's eyes.

"Even worse!" Mrs. Akagi raised her hand as if to slap her again.

Quickly, TenTen stepped back and moved to close the door, fumbling to lock it but she couldn't see through the blurry tears. She hiccuped and more tears slipped down as she heard Mrs. Akagi try to force the door open, shouting.

"Back off, crazy lady!" Naruto yelled, shoving the door closed and locking it. He rushed to TenTen's side and hugged her tightly.

TenTen slid to the floor and sniffled, pulling up her hood to hide the tears.

Naruto stood and ran to the window where Mrs. Akagi was yelling and gesturing rudely. "We'll be threatening with legal action!" He screamed through the glass. "Now stay away!" He forced the curtains closed and walked back to TenTen.

"Hey, sis." He brought down his voice to a soft whisper. "Come with me, yeah?" Tugging lightly on her wrist, Naruto led her to the kitchen and sat her down on the counter. Rounding the counter to the pantry, Naruto prepped some snacks and tea.

"I've got your favorite tea, and some chips and ice cream. We can binge watch your favorite show?" He suggested. TenTen sniffled and nodded slowly.

Naruto moved them over to the couch and set down the food, quietly handing TenTen the ceramic cup of tea.

"Don't worry about anything." He said gently. "Dad and I'll take care of everything, dattebayo. You don't even need to go with us to the Hokage's office if you don't want."

TenTen shook her head. She had to be there, to see her chains be cut before her eyes. She had to see them jailed for her to be at peace.


Kakashi had nearly crushed the mug in his hand when a Naruto quietly informed him of what they wanted to do. TenTen swore she heard a crack, at least.

He pulled TenTen into a comforting hug and affectionatley ruffled her hair, eliciting a giggle from his kids. Quickly he gathered his stuff, eyes blazing in anger, and strode out the door, telling them he'd arrange something with the Hokage to meet and that they could have instant ramen for dinner.

Naruto looked triumphant.

Kakashi returned home as Naruto and TenTen were starting to drift off, snuggled into the couch and swaddled in thick blankets, the TV murmuring something inaudible.

Kakashi smiled softly at the sight and kissed their foreheads. He'd leave the good news for in the morning.


TenTen ruffled through her drawers, pulling out a long skirt. She frowned.

Honestly, she didn't have anything against skirts. She actually really liked it when it was long and swishy, but she remembered all those times her mom forced her into an uncomfortable dress.

TenTen grimaced and instead pulled out some dress pants. Maybe not today.

Kakashi said to dress respectfully, but still a bit casual. Glancing at her reflection, she adjusted the collar of her black blouse and ran a hand through her hair, turning and leaving her room.

"TenTen!" Naruto grinned.

She smiled. "Hey Naru. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be!" Grasping her hand, Naruto pulled her down the stairs to the kitchen where Kakashi was waiting. TenTen looked, amused, at Naruto's and Kakashi's matching blazer-like jackets and casual T-Shirts beneath them. She snorted. A true father and son.

Kakashi grinned at her. "Are you ready TenTen? I'm particularly excited."

TenTen nodded, but was confused at the vague feeling swimming behind Kakashi's eye. She didn't think anything was wrong, so she shrugged it off. It was true. She was excited to be separated from her parents, but there was a longing for something more. She glanced at Naruto who was whispering excitedly into a Kakashi's ear. It would be selfish to confide her wishes.


The Hokage's smile was strained as he looked at the furious couple. Mr. And Mrs. Akagi.

Kakashi had to restrain himself from shouting, biting his tongue and instead opting to just glare darkly and grip the table tightly.

"Jenissa Akagi, Kito Akagi, you both have been charged with child abuse. The consequences of your conviction would be imprisonment and TenTen formally detaching from any legal hold you have on her. The imprisonment will be for 4 years, due to the extensive injury you have inflicted upon TenTen in the past." The Hokage was now gripping the paper in his hand so tightly, they feared he would rip it in half.

TenTen sucked in a shaky breath and gripped Naruto's hand tightly. He smiled comfortingly at her.

"How do you plead?" Hiruzen's eyes blazed, as if he had dared them to even think about not admitting to their crimes.

"Not guilty, Hokage-sama." Mrs. Akagi smiled falsely.

The Hokage resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Yeah, no. TenTen clearly has bruises and memories of your crimes, and it was clear you were guilty from the start. I'm just required to ask. You're both sentenced to four years in jail, and after your release you are required to stay as far as 15 feet away from TenTen."

The couple snarled and spouted protests. "You're taking her word over ours?! She's a stupid child, she doesn't know any better! This is some misunderstanding—" They grew more desperate as the guards stationed outside of the Hokage's office began to forcefully escort them out—"You can't do this!"

"I believe I just did." The Hokage sighed. He turned back to the small family, where Naruto was hugging a tearing up but smiling TenTen and Kakashi looked proud. He smiled warmly at them.

"I'm very proud of you, TenTen. Now you should all head home, it's getting late and today has been quite tiring." He turned to Kakashi, his eyes glittering. "And Kakashi, stay. I believe there was something you wished to discuss?"

Kakashi nodded, and ruffled the kids' hair. "You guys go home. I'll be there in an hour."

"Okay Dad! Bye Old Man!"

TenTen bowed her head. "Th-thank you, Hokage-sama." She walked out of the room, feeling a bit lightheaded. "Come on, Naru."

Naruto rushed to Kakashi, and gave him a quick hug before waving frantically at the Hokage as he hurried after TenTen.

Kakashi chuckled as he waved after his son.

The Hokage smiled and put down his pipe. "So, Kakashi."


"Gagh! Why!" TenTen shrieked, covering her eyes.

Naruto nodded, but his eyes were still glued to the screen in front of them. "You're right, ew, but I guess it's kind of sweet?" He shook his head. "Yeah no. There was no chemistry, and the only time they interacted was when he was following her across the galaxy!"

TenTen huffed. "What made him suddenly attractive to the protagonist, like they just randomly kissed then he dies?"

Naruto rolled his eyes and reached for more popcorn, messily stuffing it in his face. "I mean," he swallowed. "I dunno. Like maybe it was a way to comfort him in his last moments?"

TenTen scrunched up her nose. "But then he'd dead and she runs off back to the other guy, who still hasn't confessed!" Irritated, she threw a popcorn kernel at the TV and perfectly hit the head of the corpse.

"At least Emperor Palpantine is dead." Naruto shifter in his seat. TenTen nodded and they watched the other characters win the fight and return home, hugging their families.

"Oh, cool! The director had a small LGBTQ+ moment." TenTen smiled at the screen, where a female pilot hopped out of the jet and ran to kiss her girlfriend.

Naruto grinned, and the TV turned black. "Wait, what! There was a bit more to the movie, wasn't there?"

TenTen glanced at Naruto, shrugging. "Hey, Naru?"

"Yeah?" Naruto didn't notice TenTen nervously fiddle with her fingers.

"What was Kakashi doing with the Hokage?"

There came a knock at the door, and Naruto grinned. "You'll see! Come on!" He stood from the couch and stretched, slipping on his black STAR WARS hoodie as it started getting chilly. Naruto tugged on TenTen's wrist and led her to the door, which opened with a flourish on its own.

"I'm here!" Kakashi grinned, looking giddy.

TenTen smiled. "Welcome back, Kakashi. So what were you out doing?"

Kakashi sat down on the table, the kids following suit, and he sighed happily. "See for yourself." He slid a stack of papers towards TenTen.

She read the first few words of the paper.

Official Documentation of the Adoption of TenTen (no surname) issued by Hiruzen Sarutobi.

She stared, wide eyed, before slowly looking up at Naruto and Kakashi's excited grins. "Well?" Kakashi asked. "All you have to do is sign it and you'd legally become a Hatake." He rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "You already were a Hatake as far as anyone with a brain was concerned, but then you'd be one legally."

TenTen was silent. Her mouth opened, then closed.

"Oh." Kakashi said, running a hand through his hair. "Oh, I'm sorry TenTen, I thought you'd like it! I should have known, you just got removed from the Akagi's you would want to—"

TenTen scribbled her signature at the bottom of the page and smiled, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes.

"Thank you, Kakashi."

Kakashi's nervous rambling stopped, and his face broke into a smile at his new daughter. "Call me Dad."

TenTen looked like she was definitely going to burst into tears, and Naruto laughed at the parallel. Still laughing, Naruto tackled TenTen into a hug and they both ended up on the floor, hugging each other tightly. Naruto buried his face into his sister's hair and smiled, relishing in the moment.

TenTen hiccuped, tears streaming openly as she tried to form words. "I love you g-guys so much."

Naruto closed his eyes, feeling TenTen cling to him tighter. "I love you too, dork."

Kakashi joined in the hug, feeling himself tear up. "You all are so sappy." He sniffed. "I love you two more than anything."


Is it weird that I actually teared up nearing the end when TenTen said "I love you guys so much" eh who cares

I have a doodle! It's just of TenTen and stuff, but yeah! Thank you guys for waiting so patiently for this chapter!

Just to give you an idea of her hair!

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