See If I Care

By 0Aratay0

127K 3.5K 794

Everyone thinks they know the prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches Born to... More

Before we start


2.8K 92 16
By 0Aratay0



-December 20th, 1991-

{Alex's POV}

It was the last day of term before the Yule holidays were due to start and Alex was extremely excited. They were going back home to spend the holiday with Remus, but Draco had also invited them to attend the Malfoy Yule Ball. Neville had said he would go, and Alex had promised to ask if they could come. Over the course of the term, Alex, Neville and Draco had gotten extremely close. Terry and Padma had joined their group of friends, as well as Blaise from Slytherin and Hermione from Gryffindor. They had yet to have a Hufflepuff student join their group of friends, but it was already quite a large group as it was. Blaise and Draco hadn't been opposed to Hermione joining them, which had surprised Alex. Draco had changed his views towards muggle-born students over the course of the term and Blaise had too, when he had begun hanging out with them.

Their classes had all been going well. They had talked with all their teachers in the first week about being addressed as either Alex or Mx Potter, rather than Miss or Mr. All the teachers had complied happily. They were doing well in all the subjects, even History of Magic. That may have something to do with the fact that the founders had taught them everything though. Nonetheless, they were not only top of the class, but top of the year. They were going through all the required material quite easily and had the highest grades to come out of the classroom in a long time.

Alex had all their things packed and ready to go, so while the rest of the house rushed around making sure everything was packed, they were in their personal chambers finalising their latest experiment. It was something they would be sending to St Mongos as soon as possible, hopefully before the Yule holidays ended. It would be a big help for Neville if it worked, and Alex had no doubt that it would. The Elixir of Life that the Philosophers Stone provided had been the exact ingredient needed for the latest potion they had made.

Speaking of the stone, they were currently studying it, trying to work out exactly how it was made and if they could create their own. They still had some experiments they wanted to do with it, other potions that could benefit from the use of the Elixir of Life; however, the Flamels would probably want their stone back. So, they were trying to see if they could make another, just a small one so that they could continue their experiments without keeping the Flamels stone all to themselves.

Alex cast a quick tempest, groaning at the time displayed. It was time for dinner, and they weren't done yet. And they had already decided to send the stone back while they were on break. They placed the stone in its enchanted bag, tapping it with their wand to seal it. Now, only Nicholas or Perrenelle Flamel would be able to open the bag to retrieve the stone. 'Maybe I can attach a letter asking about it when I send the stone back,' they thought as they left the room, enchanted bag safely in their pocket.

The next day Alex sat on the train surrounded by their friends. They were all discussing what they were doing for Yule.

"I get to dress up and make polite talk like every year. At least I am able to invite friends this year. Please tell me you are able to make it guys," Draco said with a dramatic sigh.

"My gran will be happy to come; we normally go to one pureblood yule ball or another. The fact that a friend invited me will make her much happier to attend," Neville replied.

"We always go. You can count on me being there," Blaise confirmed.

"I would be happy to come; I just have to convince my guardian. He might not be very enthusiastic. And I'm not sure your parents would be entirely happy with him coming," Alex said. They still hadn't told their friends who their guardian was, not entirely ready for their friends to know they lived with a werewolf. Not many people would be happy to know that; plus, the fact that werewolves couldn't technically adopt or become fully legal guardians of anyone.

"My family is visiting extended family in India over the holidays, sorry Draco," Padma said.

"Already have plans, sorry Draco. Plus, my mum's a muggle," Terry said.

"That's fine guys. I guess I'll survive with what I have. And sorry for not inviting you Hermione. My parents still aren't extremely happy that I'm friends with a muggle-born and many of the pureblood families that will be there wouldn't be very kind towards a muggle-born." Draco sighed again.

"It's ok Draco. I was planning on spending all of the Christmas holidays with my parents. Christmas celebrations are quite different to Yule celebrations from what I've gathered."

The rest of the train ride passed quickly, and Alex soon felt the train slowing down. They stood up as the train came to a stop, charming their trunk to float along behind them ad they made their way off the train. They exchanged goodbyes with their friends, promising to write and send gifts via owls. They all went separate ways and Alex quickly found Remus. He was standing in the shadows of the station, out of sight of most of the other people on the platform. Alex hugged Remus, feeling him squeeze them tightly in return.

"Lets go home," they said. They grabbed hold of their still floating trunk and nodded to Remus. Remus lightly grabbed their hand and they both twisted on the spot, disappearing from the station. Remus knew that they could apparate on their own, but if anyone was watching it would look extremely suspicious if they apparated on their own. Afterall, they were meant to be underage and unlicensed.

They landed outside their little cottage and Alex re-charmed their trunk to float behind them. they followed Remus into the house, sending their trunk upstairs to their room while they collapsed onto a chair in the kitchen.

"It's good to be back," Alex said with a happy sigh. Remus sat down next to them.

"It's good to have you back. It's been lonely without you."

"Did I tell you I have another potion for St Mongos?"

"No. Whats this one meant for?"

"Well, I don't want to tell you too much, as I want it to be a surprise. But if it works, it will improve the life of one of my best friends and definitely make the papers, possibly front page."

"Oh? I suppose that I don't need to know. If you have it ready and in the potion bag with a letter about what it should do, we can send it off tonight," Remus said. Alex nodded.

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm hoping that the improvement it should make is evident by the end of the holidays." Alex paused for a moment, before remembering Draco's offer.

"Also, did I tell you that I have been invited to a Yule ball? All we need to do is send a confirmation to my friend who invited me, saying how many of us will be coming. I've already decided which robes I will wear if I go."

"Who invited you? I know that only a few pureblood families hold Yule Balls."

"Draco invited me. You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I really want to go," Alex said, turning pleading eyes onto Remus. Remus sighed, looking away from them.

"You can go; however, I will not be coming. No matter how close you are with Draco, I don't think that I could survive a night with the Malfoys, let alone that many pureblood families," Remus replied.

"Thank you, Remus. I'll send go send confirmation now. The ball is on the 26th." Remus nodded and Alex walked quickly out of the room, not forgetting that it was bad etiquette to run, even in their own home. They reached their room and quickly wrote a letter to Draco.


I would love to come to the Yule Ball that your family is hosting on the 26th of December. My guardian will not be attending with me as he has prior obligations and also doesn't enjoy things such as the ball. I am looking forward to it and will see you then.


They attached the letter to Iris leg and watched as she flew away. She would return quickly as she was a fast flier. They still had two more letters to send and would send them off as soon as they could. Or maybe Remus could just take the one to St Mongos in person, after all, he was their face. Or maybe they should get their own owl. They wrote out the other two letters, the first to the Flamels and the second to St Mongos

Nicholas and Perrenelle Flamel,

I hope that this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to you for a few reasons.

Firstly, I thought that you would like your stone back as it wasn't very well protected where it was placed. It is in the attached pouch and will only open for the both of you. I would like to know why Dumbledore had your precious stone, and why he felt it was a good idea to place it behind protections that a school aged student could get through. I am a first year and managed to take the stone from its place over a month ago, and the headmaster hasn't realised that it is missing yet. This leads me to believe that it would be safer for you to have the stone back in your possession.

Secondly, I was wondering how you made this remarkable stone. I have been conducting a few experiments with the substances that it provides and would like to keep conducting these types of things. However, as I already said, I feel that it would be better for the stone to be in your hands, as it belongs to you. I would simply like to know if there is a way for me to make my own version of the stone, or if there is a way to duplicate what it can do?


Alex Potter, Heir to the Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Black.

Head Healer of St Mongos,

This new potion is something that I have been working on for a while. If it doesn't fill its intended purpose, I can assure you that it will have no negative side affects as none of the ingredients are harmful in any way. However, if it works as I am sure it will, it will improve the lives of at least two of your patients.

This potion is designed to heal the mind from any serious problems, especially damage to the mind caused by curses, specifically the Cruciatus curse. This was initially designed to aid the Longbottoms, to help them recover their minds and lives, but if it works for them then it should work for any patient suffering from something similar.

It only requires three drops of the potion with every meal for a week. The affects should become noticeable on the second day and continue improving during the week.


They headed downstairs, deciding to have Remus deliver the letter to St Mongos the next day.

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