One Direction Preferences

By fallenforaband

2.3K 21 9

Different One Direction imagines and blurbs and preferences More

Baby It's Cold Outside (Harry Styles)
First Kiss (Liam Payne)
Is There Somewhere (Harry Styles)
Exhaushted (Louis Tomilson)
Ends With A Dance (Harry Styles)
What Are We? (Harry Styles)
Im right here baby (Harry Styles)
Friend Zone H.S.
Sunnies H.S.
Jealousy F.Z. Part 3 H.S.
Date H.S. (Friend Zone Part 4)
Long Way Home H.S.
Confession N.H.
There's Just Something About You H.S.
Sick Day H.S.
Traffic H.S.
Save Me A Spark L.T.
Letting Go L.P.
Home For Christmas L.T.
The Hunt L.T.
Panic Attack
Engagement Rings 5/5
First Date Outfit 4/4
4/4 Instagram Post After Saying Goodbye From A Holiday
4/4 New Addition Announcement
4/4 Random Mommy and Daughter Post
Baby Fever L.T.
Friends With Benefits L.T.

I'll Give You My Last Name (Niall Christmas)

280 3 0
By fallenforaband

Christmas was always your favorite time of the year. It was time to deck the hall, sing carols and be with the people you loved most, your family and now Niall.
Niall had swept you off your feet last January, literally. It was your first time in London for your internship. Being that you are from Small Town, America, London overwhelmed you, even though you completely fell in love with the city, the moment you stepped out of the taxi in front of your apartment. About your fourth step to your new building is when you tripped over your own two feet and Niall just so happen to be there catch you from hitting your head on the concrete. From the moment you looked into his deep blue eyes you had started to fall for him. From then on the two of you were attached at the hip, and falling for each other more and more as you got to know each other. You ended up taking the job from your internship and moved in with Niall since you would have to find your own place, with your current one being for interns and not employees. Being with Niall made you feel right at home in London. Until Christmas time and you started to miss your family more and more since you wouldn’t be able to see them this year because of work. 
Even with your family on your mind you were not going to let anything stop you from decorating the flat and tree with Niall. You were getting everything out so that when he got home from the studio the two of you could get right to work. 
“Baby I’m home.” You heard him walk through the door.
“In here,” as he walked into the living room he seemed a little on edge. “Rough day?”
“Yes, and long,” he says as he leans down to kiss your lips. “But, I am glad to be home. Now let’s decorate this place.”
He walked over to the tree and started putting it all together while you started to put wall decoration up. Once the tree was up the two of you started to fluff the branches to make it fuller looking. 
“Alright, (Y/N) hand me lights and I’ll do them while you work on the other stuff.” 
“Good because lighting the tree is my least favorite part.” You handed him the lights and walked off but, not before he pinched your butt. You turned around with one eyebrow raised and smirk on your face.
“Turn the Christmas on please,” he said with is goofy grin.
You winked at him and did as he asked before getting back to the decoration that go around the house. 
While the two of you worked on your task at hand the Christmas Pandora station play your favorites reminding you of home. You could not help but start singing jingle bell as it came on as it was one of your favorites. Niall joined in and the two of your started singing the carol at the top your lungs as you walk over to him as he plugged in the light. He turned to you snaking his arms around your waist, and you both finished the song with a kiss before busting out laughing. 
That was something you loved most about being with Niall you could always laugh at yourselves and be truly comfortable with each other. “By the way,” he said going to get the ornaments you bought while he was at work. “I got you a surprise for you,” your face light up with joy.
“What is it?”
“You have to wait until we finish the tree.”
You gave him a confused looked, but went along with it not wanting to spoil all the fun you were having with him getting everything ready for the holiday. With many duets and laughs between the two of you, you could not have asked for a better night in with the man that you loved. Thinking that you were done you went to sit on the couch to look at your handy work, until Niall stopped you and asked you if you minded on making some hot chocolate. 
A few minutes later you feel two large hands come around your waist while you are waiting on the water to boil. You let your head fall back on his chest feeling right at home in his arms. 
“Are you ready for your surprise?” turning around in his arms, placing your hands on his chest you kiss your lips. 
“As soon as I finish this.”
As soon as you had the hot chocolate mix and water in the cups Niall put his hands around your eyes. “Niall, babe can’t you let me finish this?”
“No, you are taking too long, let me lead you.”
With that he led you into what you assumed was the living room. “Alright are you ready?” You nodded your head and Niall let go of your eyes. At first you were a little bit confused until you saw a red ribbon hang on the tree that had not been there before. Hanging from it was a Cartier little red box. A little red box that you knew could only hold a ring inside. With shaking handing and tears starting to form in your (Y/E/C) eyes you slowly grabbed the box and opened it to the exact stunning engagement ring that you had ever laid eyes on. With tears now falling down your face you heard Niall ask you to turn around, and when you did you found him down on one knee. 
“Baby, I know that we have not quiet been together a year, but we have been through so much since January. I have known from the moment I caught you falling on your face and looking into those beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes of yours that you were someone that I could not just let walk away.” He had to take a breath because he was starting to get tears in his eyes as well. “I knew that you were the one for me from the moment that I kissed you. Through the good and the bad we always make it through and have our laughs at the end of the day. I love you (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N). God, baby girl I love you more than anything in the world! So will you please do me the honor of being my wife?” 
Y-yes.” You said with a shaking voice and tears still flowing down your face like a waterfall.
Niall took the box out of your hand and placed the ring on your ring finger. You leaned down putting your hands on his face and kissing him as he stood up with his hands around your waist. 
“Merry Christmas baby girl.”
“Merry Christmas baby.”

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