Five Nights at Team Crafted's...

By shutthehecc

30.5K 1.1K 1.6K

Bodil is a 18 year old prankster, who enjoys to mess around with his friends. But he knows he should get a jo... More

Quick A/N before you start (well 200 have already but oh well)
Day One- Prolouge
Night one- Phone call Terrors
Day 2: The Fights Among Us
Night 2: Pain from the Lox
Day 3: Finding Out
Night 3: Hurt
Day 4: Fights Between Family
Night 4: Restart?
Day 5: Breakfast
Night 5: Redemption
End Story A/N
Bonus: The Beginning of the End

Epilogue- The End of the Beginning

1.5K 63 183
By shutthehecc

Lets get on with it, shall we?


Shelby turned around, worried, as she heard the steady beeping slowly raise. She heard a cough, and she saw Tylers eyes fly open.

"Tyler?" She questioned as she ran up beside the bed, where Tyler was.

"S-Shelby? Where am I?" he asked, having a million questions, and not enough breath.

Shelby's eyes began to water. "Tyler. You are in the hospital. You've been out for 3 months! Team Crafteds shut down!" She choked on tears at the end. "Don't scare me like that ever, EVER again!" She said, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Wait, really?" Tyler said. Had he really done it? Without dying?

"Y-Yeah! The police shut it down- your and Bodils and Mikes and Aviators, and basically everyone who died there's true story aired, and its still relatively big in the news." She said, and Tyler could tell she was tired.

"So.. urm..." Tyler said. "You alright? H-how about Kyle.. And everyone else?" Tylers voice sounded a bit raspy, but he DID just wake up...

"Kyles been.. I dunno, he hasnt been seen often. Your family's been a complete mess, and even Bodil, Baki, Simon, and their families seem hurt. I have been a complete wreck. I've probably slept 3 hours in 3 months." Shelby said bluntly.

"Well, that isnt healthy." Tyler said. Shelby sighed, as she explained why she hadn't been sleeping. The nightmare she had been repeatedly been having.

"So, Tyler, I know you arent a therapist, but would you happen to know?" She tilted her head. Tyler sighed. Well, how was he going to explain that he died? All those years ago? This is why he never said it in the first place!

"Um. Well." he sighed, sitting up. "What would you say if I told you that actually happened?"

"What?" Shelby's eyes widened. Tyler gulped.

"Well.... It did happen.." he said, looking into her eyes.

"Thats i-insane! H-how?"

"It is true. I dont have physical proof-"

It is true. A familiar voice to Tyler rang in both their heads. It was Seto. But they never heard the voice again, after that. (gg seto gg)

"What was that?!" Shelby jumped back. "Seto...." Tyler muttered. Tyler felt the pain in his shoulder, his head, and his chest hit him hard. He winced slightly. He laid back, and Shelby, though startled, walked up to the bed.

"You alright?" She asked worriedly.

"Im fine~ Well besides that Im still hurt alot." Shelby rolled her eyes.They just decided to talk til she was kicked out, so Tyler could get some sleep. Shelby also had a well needed nights sleep, after those months.

Everyone Tyler knew were happy, and Kyle apologized to Tyler, even though Tyler really didnt care. In another 3 months, he was released from the hospital. Tyler, Shelby, and Kyle were hanging around the interstate once again.

"So," Tyler said, walking in front of them slightly. "Its been crazy, hasnt it." He said, looking back at them.

"Its the end of it. All of this is over." Kyle breathed.

"Well, not all over. Hell if we know, there could be another place thats like Team Crafteds. HEY! There could be some alternate world, where I couldve been trapped in a mansion to kill people!" (XDDDD I HAD TO XDDDD)

"Tyler, you are insane." Shelby joked. "I know what you are, what am I?" Tyler joked right back.

"Drama~!" Kyle joined in.

"Kyleby." Tyler said, snickering.

"Notp!" Shelby said, remembering this from all those years ago.

Kyle shook his head and sighed. His eyes lit up then,

"Talk about too much to HANDle."

"Shut up."

"What, is it getting out of HAND?"

"Just shut up Kyle." Tyler shoved him slightly.

"Well. Im hungry."


Bodil, Baki, Simon, and Ghost even, wandered around town- first going to a bowling alley. "Why did we go here again?" Bodil said. He sucked at bowling.

"So we can go Bowling For Soup!" Ghost said.

"Shuddap." Bodil punched his shoulder.

"Ladies, lets calm down, and just go some place else." Simon agreed. "Lets just get some food." Baki complained.

"You shouldve got some at your house!"

"Find it hard, y'know? I CANT HANDLE IT!" He said holding his hands to his head. Bodil shook his head in amusement. "Well, fine."

"Burger King?" Ghost sighed.

"Burger Queen it is!" Bodil laughed. He didnt like saying the actual names of places, like Walmart and Burger King, so he would make up another name for it, but still able to tell which place it was, like he would call Walmart, 'Malwart', and Burger King, 'Burger Queen'. (My brother does this, and so do I ^~^)

They rolled their eyes.


Some may say that, 'This is the end.'

It isnt. It isnt over until your dead.

Its simply The End of The Beginning.

The end of the New Beginning, of Team Crafteds.

Though no one would ever forget what had happened, they will move on. Never forget anyone who had died there. Aviator, Mike, Bashur, and the original Team Craffteds crew.

This is the end my friends. The end of the beginning.



Just read the end story Authors note (Will be out in about 15 minutes I have to write it still XD)\

Dont forget to slap that vote button with a book, and follow for more! I love you all!

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