Independence (Zoella/Danisnot...

By mediagirl94

327K 9.8K 4.3K

Book 2: The Third Sugg Trilogy *COMPLETED* 3 months since the events of The Third Sugg and Alice 'TumblrGirl'... More

Authors Note #1
Chapter One: 3 Months On
Chapter Two: Independence
Chapter Three: Family Bonding
Chapter Four: Sugg Night
Chapter Five: Issues
Chapter Six: Cautious Warnings
Chapter Seven: It's You
Authors Note #2
Chapter Eight: Flight Plan
Chapter Nine: Turbulence Ahead
Chapter Eleven: Hotel Madness
Chapter Twelve: Shots Fired
Chapter Thirteen: Punches Fly
Chapter Fourteen: Confessions
Authors Note #3
Chapter Fifteen: Playlist Live Day 1
Chapter Sixteen: Playlist Live Day 1 Cont'd
Chapter Seventeen: Playlist Live Day 2
Chapter Eighteen: LA Day 1
Chapter Nineteen: LA Day 2
Chapter Twenty: LA Day 2 Cont'd
Chapter Twenty One: LA Day 3
Chapter Twenty Two: LA Day 3 Cont'd
Chapter Twenty Three: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Twenty Four: London Calling
Chapter Twenty Five: Boyfriend?
Chapter Twenty Six: Packing Talk
Chapter Twenty Seven: Coffee Shop Again?
Chapter Twenty Eight: Strawberries & Cream
Chapter Twenty Nine: Boarding To LA
Social Media!
YouTube Imagines Book
Adopted By Jacksepticeye
Irish Charm
The Assistant
Bookshop Encounters
Omegle Boy
Achievement Hunter Imagines Book

Chapter Ten: Airport Madness

7.9K 302 152
By mediagirl94

Chapter Ten: Airport Madness


As soon as the plane landed every youtuber scattered to get their luggage. In the confusion I lost sight of Dan and Phil who said they wouldn't leave my side in the airport, I couldn't make out a single familiar face amongst the growing sea of people. I was lost in a foreign airport and my phone had died, would anyone ever find me? Just as I was about to give up hope and break down like a baby I felt arms snake themselves around my waist and someone leant down and kissed my neck.

"Okay you better be my boyfriend or I'm about to kick your ass."

The person behind me chuckled and I immediately knew that it was Finn who had kissed me, oh god I still called him boyfriend, I needed to confront him and soon before I lost all my courage. He twirled me around so that we were face to face, even after a long flight he looked so damn attractive. He leant down to kiss me again but someone to our left coughed, I sent a silent prayer while Finn scowled. When we both turned my face lit up as I took in the sight of my best friend Caspar.

"Caspar. It feels like forever since I saw you."

I detached myself from Finn pretty easily and threw my arms around my favourite South African. Over his shoulder I could make out Joe approaching us, it was then that I noticed that he also had my suitcase along with his.

"Joseph Sugg, you shouldn't have gotten my suitcase."

I pulled away from Caspar and walked over to my twin with one hand on my waist, it was my attempt to look angry but it failed. I quickly grabbed my suitcase away from him but in the process nearly fell on my bum, luckily Joe was there to catch me, however the floor was pretty slippery and in the end we both ended up on the floor. People passed us by and gave us strange looks which only made us laugh more, I pushed Joe playfully.

"Luckily no one was here with a camera."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that Sugg two and three."

Joe and I looked up and saw that in the short space of time we'd been surrounded by our friends who all had their vlogging cameras out. Okay so this would be on about several channels before the day ended, just great. I buried my head in Joe's shoulder and everyone awed including Zoe. Then an evil thought crossed my mind and I whispered in Joe's ear, we grinned evilly at Zoe before pulling her down to the floor with us. Everyone in the group laughed while Zoe sulked.

"Come on Suggs let's get you to the hotel before you can cause anymore of a scene."

I was helped up by Jim who smirked at me. I dusted off my knees and eyed my circle of friends. Caspar, Finn and Jack were stood a bit away from the main circle; I was confused as to why they were huddled together. I squinted my eyes and noticed that they were watching something on Caspar's camera while the rest of us watched them. Jim cleared his throat.

"Come on boys we don't have all day."

The three of them whipped their heads at the sound of Jim's voice, when their eyes fell on me I felt kind of uncomfortable as I wanted to know what they were watching. I was the nosey Sugg after all. Also when more than one person stares at you and continues staring you know that they were watching something related to you. Why else would they look like deer in headlights? Boys are complicated creatures, and they say girls are confusing as hell, that's a load of rubbish if you ask me. Maybe I could find a nice American boy to settle down with while I was over here.


I was in trouble, Caspar knew. Well at least he thought he knew the truth. Apparently Caspar had been vlogging a few seats across from Jack, Cherry and I and had seen Cherry and I kiss, he assumed that this was the first time and that's how it would stay. That's what he'd been showing me on his camera, I'd told him to delete the footage but he refused. He wanted me to come clean to Alice before I could hurt her further. I didn't know how I was supposed to handle this and how I'd deal with the fallout. Sure fans would take my side but I didn't want to lose the respect of my fellow youtubers.


I saw Caspar talking to Finn in hushed tones; I made my way over to them wondering what they could possibly be talking about. I was shocked to say the least when I found out that Caspar had footage of Finn and Cherry smooching on the plane, but wasn't all that had me on the edge of my seat. In the video you could see none other than Dan Howell standing a few feet away also watching. The last person we'd want to know is Dan who I still believed that strong feelings for Alice and would do anything to get with her. I was going to have to cover up another of my brother's mistakes.


How could Finn do such a horrible thing to lovely Alice and think he could get away with it. How long had he been cheating? He tried to make out that Cherry came onto him and this was his first offence but when Jack came over and got on the defensive I knew that this had been going on a long time behind all of our backs. If Joe hadn't fallen asleep on the plane then I wouldn't have got bored and got my camera out.

Though I wasn't the only witness, Dan also witnessed the kiss but quickly made his exit back to his seat. Finn and Jack wanted me to delete the footage but I refused, I told Finn that he had to come clean to Alice by the end of Playlist Live or I show her the video. I hadn't even thought how Joe would react when he found out about Finn's crime against his twin.

I hadn't shown him anything, I didn't want to distress him during Playlist when he was supposed to be meeting his fans with a happy face. Something like this would destroy him; he still kicked himself about the lift kiss between Dan and Alice months ago. I would only tell Joe if Finn didn't man up, what I couldn't figure out though was why Finn insisted on staying with Alice when he wanted other things, mainly his ex.


Caspar had been acting strange around me since I woke up on the plane, I asked politely if he'd done anything to me while I slept but he was a little too quick to deny and hide his camera back in his bag. He had something on there that he didn't want me to see, well we were rooming together so I'd get a chance to look over the video soon enough. One thing about Caspar was that he wasn't very subtle when it came to trying to hide things.

Well until I got a chance to sneak a peek I was just glad to be in America with my two sisters. Zoe had done this scene multiple times but Alice was a Playlist Live virgin so Zoe, Louise, Jim, Tanya, Marcus, Caspar and Niomi, Dan and Phil had made a pact to keep an eye on Alice at all times. I couldn't have anything bad happening to my twin.


My head was swimming with negative and positive thoughts, this trip was about me meeting my loyal subjects and I needed to be happy. But now Finn had his arm slung around my shoulder again as our big group made our way outside to the taxis, and all I wanted to do was slap his hand away and shout at him. My good mood was officially over. Why did things have to get so bloody complicated? Sometimes I would give anything for my old life back before the internet found out who I truly was and my every move was watched and critiqued. When I could hide behind my username.


As our group figured out the taxi arrangement I glanced over at Alice who looked very uncomfortable and a little paler than usual. She hadn't been the same girl since coming back from snapping pictures near the Brighton board walk; she was quieter and put on a very good mask.  I'd give anything to get inside my little sisters head, I felt like I was being a useless big sister. Sure I was considered a big sister to millions of young teenage girls but I needed to be a big sister to my actual blood related sister. 

It escalated less than two days before we were meant to get on a plane, Carrie had also been acting off around me whenever I asked a question about Alice. Had something happened again? What couldn't Alice tell me? Hopefully meeting all of her adoring fans would cheer her up and make her feel better about herself. I didn't want to sit back and let all this new weight crush her, the three Sugglets against the world.

OMG who else is going to find out about Finn and Cherry?

How will Alice react when she finds out that her friends know?

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