I Love You

By BennettWinchester

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"What the hell? What are you?" you demanded, gun drawn. "Jack. Who are you?" the young man asked, holding hi... More

Chapter 1: Where It Began
Chapter 2: Enough With The Lucifer Crap!
Chapter 3: Are You Sure It's Just a Stomach Bug?
Chapter 4: Jack, We Need To Talk.
Chapter 5: Vida's Forest
Chapter 6: What If It's Out of Our Control?
Chapter 7: I Don't Like Yelling.
Chapter 8: You Listen to Me... Boy
Chapter 9: You're Coming With Me
Chapter 10: "I'm fine," he said.
Chapter 11: Leave My Family Alone!
Chapter 12: It's Too Late.
Chapter 13: Go Time?
Chapter 15:There's Something I Have to Tell You
Chapter 16: The Empty
Chapter 17: It's Perfect
Chapter 18: The Beginning of The End
Chapter 19: Where's Dean?
Chapter 20: The Transformation
Chapter 21: I Love You

Chapter 14: I Can't Do This.

1.4K 35 0
By BennettWinchester

"What do you mean she's not answering?!" You yelled, breathing through another contraction. "I-I don't know. She's just not answering." Jack panicked, handing you the phone. You dialed the number once again. "Pick up, pick up, pick up..." you repeated to yourself as the line rung out, but there was no answer. "Crap." you threw the phone to the end of the bed, letting out a sob.

"I'll get Sam and Dean." Jack said, swinging his legs off side of the bed. "Hurry." you breathed, pushing yourself up so that you were sitting against the headboard. He left the room, grabbing his pants on the way out. You sat there sobbing. You felt fear filling you from the pit of your stomach to the top of your head and down to the tip of your toes.

You remembered what Jack had told you. The stuff about how the angels are bad, and you have nothing to worry about. But, you couldn't help but feel like the angel was telling the truth. "Your babies seem to be in distress, but I see that you are too." Cass appeared at the end of your bed.

"Wait are you..." he started, his eyes widened. "Y/N, hey. How are you doing?" Sam asked, as the three of them rushed through the door. Your tears stopped, but you couldn't talk, everything that could go wrong was running through your mind.

"Hey, you're doing great." he comforted. "No... no, no, no. I'm supposed to have more time...." you began to hyperventilate, mumbling to yourself. You hadn't noticed, but Jack sat on the bed next to you.

"Y/N, I know you're scared. I am too... but..." he started. "But what, Jack? I'm... I'm gonna die. I just... You know what? I'm gonna go put the second crib together." you laughed, sniffling and wiping the tears that streamed down your face.

You swung your legs off the bed and slowly made your way to the door, grabbing your phone on the way out. "Ow..." you cried, leaning against the doorframe.

Jack came to you and held you there. He knew there was nothing he could do to make this better, but he wants to be there for you in any way he can. You turned your head into his shoulder and cried. "Hey, Y/N. Maybe you should just go back to the bed." Sam hesitated. At that, you filled with anger. "No." you said sternly, ripping away from Jack.

You stormed down the hallway, and plopped yourself down on the floor with the scattered pieces of the crib. You looked through the directions, but they weren't exactly in english. They did have pictures though.

You followed along as best you could. When you got to the part where you had to screw everything together, the instructions just looked all scrambled. You sighed, feeling another contraction.

You sat there, breathing through the pain. You decided you needed to try to call Jody again, so you dialed her number. The suspense built as the line rung out, but again... it was sent to voicemail.

"Jody please. I don't know what's going on, but I need you. Please answer." you begged, breaking down. The automated voice told you that the voicemail was full, making you hang up. "No!" you yelled, throwing the phone at the wall. You let your head face the floor as your tears streamed, dripping on the wood.

When you looked back up, Jack sat there, legs crossed. He didn't have to say anything. His presence was enough. He reached for your hands, his face changed to worry. "Jack, I'm scared." you sobbed. "I know. And I know I keep telling you that everything's going to be okay, but... Y/N, I don't know. I want everything to be okay, and I'm going to do everything I can to keep you safe." he told you as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"I don't want to die. I want to watch them grow up. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." you cried. He sat there, silent for a second. "M-Marry me." he said shyly, but firmly. "What?" you asked, looking into his eyes with question. "After the babies are born. Marry me." he said more confidently this time. "Jack, I-I..." you started.

"Do you not want to?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "No, Jack, I... of course. Of course we can get married. I love you so much, but we don't even know if I'm... gonna..." He nodded, pulling you into an embrace. "Do you wanna help me with the crib?" you asked, he nodded and picked the instructions off the floor.

Funny enough, Jack can read them. In the middle of putting the crib together, you felt the most painful contraction you had felt so far. You held your belly, clenching your jaw.

"Okay, either my water broke, or I just peed my pants." You said, slowly looking up at the Nephilim. He dropped the screwdriver and grabbed your hand, helping you stand up. "Ow, Ow, Ow..." you groaned as you walked to the doorway.

"Guys! Get to the bedroom, now!" you yelled, stopping in the hall. You let out a small cry as another contraction hit. "I got you." Jack said before lifting you off the ground and carrying you to the room. "Jack, no, wait. I can't do it. I can't do it." you repeated, tightening your grip around his neck. "I'm going to be right here the whole time." he comforted, to which you loosen your grip.

"Okay, Okay. Dean, get the surgical scissors and something to tie off the umbilical cords. Where's Cass?" Sam went straight into action. "Here." he said, walking out of the corner of the room. "GUYS!!" you screamed, clutching onto Jack's shirt with one hand and the bed with the other so tightly, you're knuckles were white.

Cass' hand glowed as he waved it over your belly. His face dropped. "What? What is it?" you asked, panicking. "Nothing. Everything's perfect." he replied, walking over to Sam. he whispered something to him, earning a serious nod. "Sam?" you asked. He cleared his throat and looked up at you. "Everything's fine. You're doing great." he said in that way where you know something's wrong, but he's trying to cover it.

"Okay, just, uh... push... when you need to." he couldn't even look at you. "I can't do this!" you screamed through your next contraction. "Yes you can. Y/N, listen to me. I will give my life for you. I will give my life for the babies. Come on, we're going to be parents." Jack said, holding your hand.

"I'm scared. I can't do this without Jody. She knows what to do." you said. "You don't think I spent your whole pregnancy learning about how to deliver a baby, and reading lore about Elioud, Angels, and Nephilim?" Sam asked with a frown. "What? Why would you do that?" you questioned, pulling the top of your body up the best you could.

"Because you're my sister, and I don't want to lose you. Now, please... trust us." he said, still hesitating. "I love you guys. If I don't make it, please... I, uh... I wrote them both a letter. Just make sure that they get them." you said, before feeling the next contraction.

Within the next four pushes, the same yellow almost orange light flashed, and the first baby was born. "It's a boy." Sam smiled, handing the screaming baby off to Dean. You felt yourself slipping away, but you knew you couldn't. Not yet. You had to keep going.

Jack's eyes were bright as can be, tears glistening. "I love you." you whispered before giving it all you could. The familiar bright pink light flashed, and the baby screamed. "It's a girl." Sam laughed, wrapping her up in the towel. "A boy and a girl..." you trailed off. Everything went white...

*Next Saturday?*

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