Creator (book 3) - H.S

By fuxkingharrry

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I think she said I'm having your baby.... and it's none of your business. BOOK THREE TO STYLIST!!! IF YOU HAV... More

Chapter 1: Pan!c
Chapter 2: Home.
Chapter 3: Memories.
Chapter 4: Beside You.
Chapter 5: What Have I Done?
Chapter 7: All I Wanted.
Chapter 8: Ghost Of You.
Chapter 9: An Evening I Will Not Forget.
Chapter 10: Sweet Creature.
Chapter 11: Turning Page.
Chapter 12: Stand By You.
Chapter 13: All About Us.
Chapter 14: Let's Stay Home Tonight.
Chapter 15: Never Enough.
Chapter 16: You Are My Sunshine.
Chapter 17: One and Only.
Chapter 18: Bright.
Chapter 19: Something.
Chapter 20: Daisies.

Chapter 6: Ease My Mind.

28.9K 610 1.6K
By fuxkingharrry


I would like to instill a reminder that these stories are my creation and people constantly message me and comment saying "why did you do that?" Or "why can't they just live happily ever after?" And it makes me feel like I can't continue on with the story and take it where I imagine it going because I'm going to keep getting comments like that... this is my story. I have a storyline. I ALWAYS fix everything even when I add drama into it... and also...... if they just lived happily ever after you guys wouldn't be getting this third book at all, I would have just ended it at Stylist and called it a day. So please trust the process and don't question it or get mad at me for putting drama into the stories): If a story didn't have action, drama, or problems it wouldn't be a story. I PROMISE YOU WILL GET YOUR HAPPY ENDING ONE WAY OR THE OTHER!!!
Also!!! I used to post chapters like everyday but I'm a college student so it gets really tough posting everyday sometimes. I'm sorry if they've been slow, honestly part of it is me putting it off because I don't want my readers to yell at me hehe..


    "This was your grand plan?" I ask wearing the matching set of loungewear. "I look like a fucking whale Harry." I mumble, the material fitting me perfectly.

    "You're breathtaking baby... Come on, let me do this, the fans need to know." He mumbles, pulling out the camera. I sit down where he wants, and he lays on his stomach, propping himself up on his elbows as he pulls the camera to his face. I look to him, and he takes one picture, and then it starts printing from the bottom of the polaroid. He takes it and shakes it up a bit, leaving it there on the countertop to develop, and I look to him from the floor.

    "A polaroid... just a polaroid?" I ask, and hold my hands up. He comes to me, taking both of my hands, lifting me from the floor with ease so I'm standing next to him now.

    "You know how I am... I've been silent since we found out about the baby.. I've been silent since the day the tour ended. None of them have any clue on what I'm doing, and though that's what I like, I know that if I didn't physically show them that you are in fact pregnant they probably wouldn't believe it..." He tells me as we come to the picture that is slowly developing in front of us.

    "You never have told me why you don't post on social media, or interact that much with people online..." I mumble, sitting myself on a stool in the kitchen.

    "Because as much as I love my fans I don't want to stay wrapped up in social media. I know I'm a celebrity, but my entire life doesn't need to be public.. Plus it's a lot of fun when I do the smallest thing seeing the entire internet shit a brick." He mumbles, smirking to himself, and I roll my eyes.

    "You love that people love you." I mumble, shaking my head with a smile on my lips.

    "I love that you love me the most darling... And look how beautiful you are." He takes the fully developed film, and holds it up. The picture has an aesthetic feel, and it does fit his mysterious online presence well if I'm being honest. I'm not really ready for the reaction it's going to get from the entire world of social media. I am about to be everyone, now that everyone knows in our personal lives, not that everyone is happy... now that I'm six months freaking pregnant the time has come, and I should have been a lot more prepared for it. He takes his phone out as he sets the picture back down on the white countertops and takes a photo of it in the natural lighting.

I watch him carefully as he does, and look up to him, watching his smile grow and grow as he probably thinks up some cheesy caption to the photo. "Are you ready darling?" He looks to me and I give a soft nod, knowing my words would fail me right now. He clicks a few buttons, and the picture is up, my heart is beating rapidly, and I'm scared as hell.

    I go on my phone, looking at the photo, liking it, and smile at it. It's not cheesy at all, it's actually adorable. He's posting it like an album release, the fully capitalized letters, and the dashes in the caption. I don't want to look at the comments but seeing it's already blowing up I do, clicking on them. There's an array of shocked emoji faces which I suspected, but the more I scroll the more my heart ends up sinking, the more than panic fills me.
    "Dammit she trapped him."
    "She probably forced him to not use a condom."
    "What the actual fuck?"
            "Gold digger."
            "This has to be a publicity stunt..."
    "I am unstanning, this is weird af."
    "She's not even fucking pretty, what?"
    "@elmontgomery I'm fucking coming for you, your baby daddy is mine."

    It's all stupid. It's all fucking stupid, and the array of vulgar language and hateful comments shouldn't bother me one bit. It shouldn't affect me in the slightest considering how many I used to get when Harry and I weren't together, but the thought of how bad it is now scares me for the twins inside of me. They don't deserve to be hated just for having the last name they do... they don't deserve to be slandered and I know as they grow up there's a chance of that happening which sinks my heart even more.

    "Darling... Give me your phone." He holds his hand out, and I look up from it, clicking it off, and passing it over.

    "I'm sorry... I just.. I shouldn't have expected anything else." I tell him slowly, looking away from him.

    "The truth of it is the fact that neither of us should have to worry about people being anything but happy for us, but we do, and it's my fault... It's my life and what I do that's causing this... Now you can see part of the reason why I stay off of social media. Don't let it get to you, as soon as they see how happy you make me... how happy they are making me," He points to my stomach. "Then they'll back down... There's always going to be people attacking with their words, but you can't let it get to you. I've learned that the hard way... You knew from the start that being with me meant there was a target on your back, and I wish it never had to be that way love." He seems sad speaking these words, and I don't want him to feel that way, I don't want him to hurt because of this, but the only reason he's feeling anything is because I am.

    "It just seems like the more we adjust to living life together... the more we fall into each other, and the more things change for the better, the bigger the target on my back gets... I feel like they don't understand that when they come for me... when they attack me, it affects you just the same.. It's like they're attacking you." I mumble to him, and he nods, coming to me, and latching his arms around me.

    "The target might be huge, there might be flashing lights and neon paint on that target but I will stand in front of that tacky target and take it all as long as you've got a smile on your face darling... You deserve all of the love and the praise, I will take the lows so you can take the highs." He's said it to me before, but everytime he does my heart flutters a bit, sending warmth spiraling from my chest to every part of my body as he speaks his sweet truths to me.

    "I love you..." I tell him, my face now in the crook of his neck as we hug. He eases my mind, every aspect of life can be eased with the thought of his green eyes or his soft hands, and it's a weird thing to have tucked away.

    "I love you baby... and baby two and three." He tells me, and the thoughts spring forward of him being the greatest dad... I can't wait until they're here, I can't wait to hold them, and cherish them, and love them forever. Harry's phone rings, and we both expected calls to flood in on both ends, both of us receiving congratulations, and praises from our friends that hadn't known before.

    It's been a week since Harry posted that picture, and I feel a bit more free. I know I can go out to the store by myself, I know I don't have to hurry and go in the garage in hopes people don't see me. I can post on my instagram and talk to people and things without having to hide something that's not really able to be hidden.

The picture of me has been on every news and media outlet I can think of as well, everyone posting and reposting, and freaking out not over the fact that I'm pregnant but over the fact that Harry Styles is going to be a freaking dad. No one can really believe it, but they have to consider how freaking fat my stomach is, and how much these little shits move in my stomach. I'm seriously pregnant, and I seriously love it. Harry left around twenty minutes ago to go talk with Jeffrey about setting up some type of interview of some type to get everyone's questions out of the way about his new father status, and I've decided it's time to go for a walk.

    "Come on Bo... let's go out." I call to him, struggle to attach the leash to his collar. I get it on, and he follows quietly beside me as we move to the door. I wear dark leggings that come over my bump, along with a tight white tank top that hugs to the curve. A small athletic jacket is placed on top of everything along with my tennis shoes, and I feel like all I ever do is dress comfy now. We walk out of the door together, and I lock it behind me, walking down the driveway, and past the gate on the street, but instantly stop, or should I say get stopped. My back is to the gate, my eyes are wide and a hand is over my mouth.


    "I don't really give a fuck how much backlash I'm getting from this, that's my girlfriend, and my children, and if I'm being honest, what my fans are saying is the least of my fucking worries." I mumble to Jeff, and he sighs.

    "I know... That's how it should be right now, all you should care about is her, and those two, but I'm warning you... When you go out, when you run into paps, when you get interviewed, when you go back on tour... Everything is going to be a bit different now." He tells me again, and I nod, the feeling of someone gripping my heart sets in, and I shake my head, wanting it gone.

    "I know... I know, but I don't care... This is my life, and I should be happy living it, so that's what I'm going to do... We both deserve that." I tell him, and he nods.

    "Go back home, and get some rest okay? Figure out if she's coming with you to LA or not so we can set everything up." He tells me, and I grab my things and walk from the house. It feels like I've been here for the entire day, but it's really only been two hours. It feels like I've been away from her for an eternity, and I hate the feeling.

I don't want to go to LA without her either, but from the looks of how close it's getting till she finally has the twins I don't know if her leaving London would be the best thing right now. If that's the case though then I'll do the interview over the phone. I'm not leaving my pregnant girlfriend alone for more than a few hours, and if they don't understand that then that's too damn bad. I drive quietly, and quickly, finally getting back into the driveway, and practically jogging inside, unlocking the door, but hearing nothing when I walk in.

    "Baby? Where are you?" I ask, not seeing her in the kitchen having a snack, or sitting on the couch watching trash reality tv shows. I go up the stairs, and go into the bedroom expecting to see her taking a nap on the bed but the bed is still perfectly made. I go to the bathroom but the door is wide open, and that's when panic sets in. Where the fuck is she? I go into the closet, and check her clothes, but everything is still there... She didn't leave... unless she did, and didn't bring her shit because she knew I'd freak out. I pull my phone out, and call her first, letting the phone ring, but the call is declined. I call again, and again, and the same thing happens every time until it finally goes straight to voicemail every time. Did she block me? What the fuck happened?

I go to social media, her social media and I see all the comments under pictures, every fucking picture there's something, and I know it had gotten to her, but was it too much? Enough to just fucking leave? I pick up the phone again, and call the only person I know to call, the only person who would know where the hell she is.

    "Hello?" He asks, sounding tired.

    "Where the hell is she? Don't tell me you don't know because I know you do, she tells you everything, and I know she told you she was leaving, so where is she?" I ask quickly, my pace starting to pick up.

    "Wow, calm the fuck down dude. We're talking about El?" Anthony asks, and I sigh.

    "Who else would I be talking about?" I snap, my chest beating harder than it has in months.

    "Harry I don't know what you're talking about I-" He starts.

    "Anthony I mean it. I know she's your best friend, and you keep all her deepest darkest secrets, but don't say you don't know unless you really don't know..." I mumble helplessly, my fear spiking.

    "I really don't know... The last time I talked to her was yesterday, we were talking about me coming to see her in England and everything seemed fine... I don't know anything." He tells me, and I believe him. Considering the state I'm in, and the relationship we share, even if she had told him not to tell me he would have. "Is everything okay?" He asks, and I don't know how to answer his question.

    "I'm not sure... I just got home, and she's gone, all her stuff is here, but she's gone, and she's declining my calls, and I'm panicking." I mumble, and he sighs.

    "Call her mom, and yours... she could have gone to see one of them, or maybe she just needs some alone time away from her psychopath boyfriend who panics when she breathes the wrong way... it's fine Harry.. It's El we're talking about, she can take care of herself." He tries to calm me, and I try to stay calm, but it's no use right now. She wouldn't just go somewhere without telling me, that's not like her. I hang up the phone, and do as he said, calling my mom, and calling hers, but neither of them have heard from her so I check the house one more time, going into every room, and hallway, but she's not here. I grab my keys, going back to my car but as I approach the vehicle parked in the driveway I'm approached by a small grey animal, his leash on, but no one at the end of it.

    "Hey buddy..." I mumble, knowing this isn't right, knowing there's something wrong with this picture. I crouch down, noticing the small piece of paper tied to the dogs collar, and I take it out, and stand back up with his leash in my hands as well. I unfold the small piece of paper, and feel my world shatter, and my blood runs cold as I do.

         •.               •.                 •. 

   "What the fuck do you mean? What the actual fuck do you mean we can't do anything until the police get here? There has to be fucking something we can do, we have to do something, this is my fucking pregnant fucking girlfriend, this isn't just some person, this is my person, this is my fucking everything!" I panic, my legs moving for me as they pace the floor of my house. Jeffrey, and my mum sit there, they stare at me, and they don't know what the hell to do in this situation, but they've joined the club.

I have no idea what to do, I'm fucking powerless in this. I don't even so much as look at the note that's sitting there. I don't want to look at it, if I do my stomach will fucking turn and I'll end up heaving over the toilet bowl. This isn't happening, this can't be fucking happening.

    "Harry, what do you want to do? Go scour the streets, and knock down doors until you find her? The note says it clear, you're not going to find her, so just please for your sake and ours sit down until the police arrive please." Jeff mumbles to me, and I turn to both of them, not even realizing my mum had stood herself up, and moved to me.

    "She's gone, she was here, and now she's gone because some psychopath-" I start again, and my mom puts her hands on my chest.

    "Son... Harry.. Calm down, please calm down." She mumbles, and I can see how helpless she feels.

    "I can't calm down, she's.. She's carrying my kids, she's-" I start.

    "I know... I know sweetheart I do, but you can't do anything, and getting angry like this is only going to make it harder.. Come here." She's shorter than me, and she's not as strong but her motherly grip pulls me close to her, and I'm bent down to her level, hugging her as she holds me. "She's a strong girl.. Everything is going to be okay, we're going to figure it out, we always do." She does what she hasn't in years... not since Robin passed, and I feel like shit. I feel like the world has been ripped away from me, and the sun isn't going to shine anymore.

I feel like I should have forced her to come with me today instead of letting her stay home so she could rest.. I should have been here, I should have been with her, that should have been me. I've already been fucking robbed, it wouldn't have killed me, but they didn't rob me. This is much worse, this is the worst thing. They took the thing I care about the most in the world. The door sounds, and Jeffrey leaves to open it, coming back with an angry Suzie.

    "Where the hell is my daughter?" She barks, and dear god as much as I love this woman, I can't handle this right now. I've been on the verge of a mental breakdown since they got here, and I don't know how much longer I can keep it in.

    "We're trying to figure that out now... The police are on their way Suz.." My mum leaves my side, and goes to her, trying to comfort her in this, but my finger trails to my lip, my arms crossed over my chest as I start to pace again. "Whatever happened, whoever happened, we have a letter... That's all we've got, and it was left with Bo.." My mum speaks to her calmly, and Suzie looks at me.

    "Where were you? Did you find this letter?" She asks, and I nod.

    "I was at a meeting, she told me she wanted to stay here so I left, and I wasn't even gone more than two hours, but when I got back she was nowhere to be found.. That's the letter." I explain to her, and she looks at the crumpled paper on the audomen.

    "Read it to me..." She mumbles, and she's moved away from my mum, starting to pick up my pacing habit in the vast living room.

    "We have El Montgomery, she along with your child are safe and unharmed, for now. Transfer one million bitcoin to the wallet adress on the back of this note and she will stay that way, returned to you safe and sound. You will not find her, you will not get her back without the money transfer. You have one month."

I read helplessly, the initial feeling of reading the letter coming back, the bile rising in my stomach and to my throat. Fuck. Suzie is silent as she hears the note, her hand coming to her mouth slowly, and this is the first time I've seen the hard shell of a woman crack.

The strength disappears from her face, and my mum moving to comfort her the best she can. It's hard to hear, and I've seen news stories. I've watched them before, I've seen people be held ransom, made to do things they don't want to do, all for money, and fame... They can have my money, and if it wasn't for my mum and Jeffrey stopping me, I would have already transferred it over, but they told me not to, they told me to wait, and so that's what I'm doing. Every second is killing me though, every bit of this is killing me. El is gone. El and my fucking children are gone....

Song: Ease My Mind by Ben Platt.

Do not be mean to me SO HELP ME GOD! There is a reason for this just be patient(:


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hi and welcome to my book, i write harry styles imagines, as you can see :) enjoy!!