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#1 in Hunt 4/9/2020 #1 in sexscenes 6/6/2020 #8 in love 4/2/2020 #9 in new story 4/6/2020 Serenity's on the r... More

A/N ✨
A/N ehhhh
A/ N


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Morning came sooner then usual and today was the day shit got real. Serena woke up in the arms of a sleeping Dominic Reed.

A man she never thought would give her the time of day let along share a bed with her. As they were face to face she looked up at his resting face as she realized what happen last night. His arms were wrapped around her waist and his faced bared in the crock of her neck , her chest touching his and their feet locked together. Did they really sleep like this? Like a real couple.

She loved the warmth his body was giving off and she thought it was cute how his low breathing was tickling her neck ,serenity  wanted nothing more then to stay in his arms under the cover snuggled up in each other . Him embracing her was as if he was holding on to dear life and didn't want to ever let go. She laid there listening to the birds remidning her it was morning as did the sun slowly peep through the curtains.

Serena got out of Dom's tight hold and bent down grabbing her panties and clothes she made her way out his room oh so quietly and walked down the hall back to her room.
It's not like she could do the walk of shame she had no home to go to and that's what's sucked about this she was soon gonna face him.

"Shit shit shit." She kept beating her self up about what happen. "Okay first take a shower and relax serenity." She told herself.
After her shower she was still acting unusual. She wore her high waisted jeans with an long grey sweater. She texted the group chat just to make sure they were still on for tonight.

Serena: Good morning girls we still on for tonight?
Raven texted back hella fast like usual.

Black Barbie 👩🏾‍🎤: HELLS YES , I been looking forward for this shit all week , I'm ready to get white girl wasted.

Baby sis 👯‍♀️: Of course still can't believe dad said yes to you. WE GETTING LITTY HOES.

ISSY 🍹: why y'all got my phone ringing early in the am ? And yess mf Im ready for drinks , ray I can help you get that Latina wasted.

Serena : ion think no one wanna be Latina wasted girl. We gone be fucked all month.

Black Barbie 👩🏾‍🎤: girl right 🤣🤣🤣😭😭 I still gottta go to worrrk and if anything I'm tryna be 🤸🏽‍♂️ 🥴 👩🏽‍🦽🍆 🐱💦 YA FEEL ME ?! 😭

Baby sis 👯‍♀️: I'm so confused , what's with all them emojis?

ISSY 🍹: she mean she wanna get fucked and not able to walk tomorrow. ☕️

Baby sis 👯‍♀️: the one who needs to get laid is Sis , it's going four months since Yeen have any😳.

Serena: And you know what I'm perfectly fine.

Little did they know my three month trail ain't intact nomo. Shit and see I was texting them to get my mind off of what happen but they weren't much of a help.
I shouldn't even tell them I slept with dom more or less I won't tell anyone.

My vagina was straight up sore, I could barely walk down to the kitchen.
"I could at least make breakfast." Thinking out loud

Grabbing the eggs , bacon for dom, grits and biscuits I started cooking.

While cooking I heard foot steps coming down the steps and my voice hitched in my throat. This was it I was finally facing him.

Turing around dom came down pulling his shirt down yawing when our eyes locked that's when shit hit the fan for me. The vibe was awkward very awkward and Unpleasing.

Clearing his throat "Morning." You could tell he had something to say but didn't speak on it much.
"Erm were just waiting on the biscuits." He nodded still staring at me. Picking up my phone I texted the group chat back.

Black Barbie 👩🏾‍🎤: Nah Isabella the one that needs dick she be fucking ashy niggas , smh we gone get you a hood nigga and not a white man boo.

ISSY 🍹: what's wrong with white men girl?

Black Barbie 👩🏾‍🎤: you like pink dick ? Well excuse me any one else like pinky dick 😭😭?

Baby sis 👯‍♀️: Shiddd me 👁

Serena: Me....👀

Black Barbie 👩🏾‍🎤: ima let y'all have this one....🔫

Biting my lip and replying at the same time , out the corner of my eye I could see dom sneaking lil glances my way. I laughed lowly at raven last text with the gun emoji.

"What's funny?"
"Hm?" With my eyes still on the screen
"Who you texting?" I looked up as dom was fixing our plates. Why he wanted to know , he would never ask and I would never tell.
"Just raven being raven."
Placing my plate before me dom sat on the opposite side of me on one of his stools.

"Your window is being taken care of as we speak but just to be sure dont go home alone yet-." I was to busy staring at them lips , them full pink lips that kissed ever inch of me last night.

"You listening? "
"Yea yea I um I am ." Taking another bite dom looked me up and down and his eyes landed on my lips.

"We need to talk." Picking up his plate that clearly was empty. When did he .....damn could the man eat and I should know after last night.

Crossing my legs and my arm over my chest that slightly made my breast rise up . His eyes were steady set on the twins and I mentally smiled .
"Don't play dumb serena....about last night."
Nodding my head "what about?"

"Look , what happened last night cannot happen again okay?"
Nodding my head "I understand" when really I didn't . I knew this would happen he'd regret having sex with me . It wasn't my intention on having sex with him last night it just happen.
"No I don't think you do. You're off limits for me and I shouldn't have touched you last night."

"It's okay dom I understand, I was the one that touched you first." You could hear the pain in my voice , the look on my face was easy to read.

"How was it at least?"
He held a unfamiliar face , was he blushing? "It-It was perfect." Did Dominic Reed just stutter?
"Great." Truly I was happy but I couldn't show that though.

"But Serena don't let this make shit awkward. We just can't," taking a deep breath."We can't let this happen again and don't tell anyone okay . It was just a one night stand."






I can't even finish my food, and that's a first. My appetite was ruined. I was just a quick fuck huh, I was stupid to think we could try at least try ....I don't know a


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