Instant Crush

By katrinasslut

196 0 0

(Discontinued) Ava moved to LA with her best friend Olivia. They find new friends/ Family and she also finds... More

Meet Ava
1/ Meeting new friends
2/ Party Time
3/ Cuddles
4/ Gf Bf
5/ Comment
6/ Date
7/ "Promise." 🤞
8/ Cheated again..
9/ Same Mistakes
10/ Announced
11/ Break ups💔
12/ Reunited
15/ Happy again
16/ Finding out
17/ Girls Night
18/ "Thank you."
20/ Blackmail
21/ Plan
22/ Task 1
23/ Task 2
24/ "That was so close"
Not a chapter but pls read

19/ Changed

2 0 0
By katrinasslut

It was a few week after what happened and everything worked out turns out i was just too stressed and worried with whats going on that i let it get to me. Colby and I told everyone about us and we hung out all the time today i felt like i need to change and start something new. I decided that i should dye and cut my hair. I know that sounds like it won't do anything but i think that it would change and leave everything in the past since i will look different, anyways i went out to my car and drove away i went to my hairdresser and a while later it was done:

I honestly love it purple is my favourite color by the way. I went to get lunch and then went back home. I walked inside closing the door behind me "That looks so cute!" Olivia said causing me to jump "Jeez dont scare me like that." I said "Thanks by the way." I added and walked upstairs. Colby wanted to take me out on a date so i got ready:

I put on light make up and clear lipgloss then i headed out "Where are you going." Olivia asked with her arms crossed "Im going put with Colby" I said "Dont worry about me."  "Mkay" She said and walked away. She was really overprotective of me these part months because of everything that's happened. I grabbed my keys and went to my car. I drove to Colbys and knocked on his door "Hey baby" He said after opening the door "Hey" We kissed and i walked in "Your hair looks beautiful." He said "Thanks! I felt like i needed to change." I told him. He smiled "I'll be ready in 5" He said "Okay." I pulled out my phone and went to tiktok duh. I was scrolling through it "Im ready." I heard Colby say "K" i said and got up "So...Where we going?" I asked him "its a surprise" He said while smiling. I rolled my eyes "Colby not again. Remember what happened last time?" I said. He came up to me and put his hand in my cheek "Yeah i remember but just trust me. I promise it won't be anything scary." He said holding his picky up I interlocked ours "Fine" I sighed "I trust you." I said "Good." He grabbed my hand and took his keys we ran outside to his car and got in "Was there a reason to run?" I asked "Nope. I just thought it would be fun." He said. The ride was silent but a comfortable one. He rested his hand on my thigh and i smiled. We got to the location and walked for a little bit.He took me to a flower field i looked around and smiled "This is so pretty." I said turning to him "Thank you." I added "Anything for you." He said and kissed me. We ran around the feild and took pictures.We hung out for a while and then we went back to Colbys. We realised that we haven't told the fans about us yet but we posted those pictures and some are happy, some are not... I don't really care about it but it kinda hurts that we can't live our own lives the way we want to.

We were watching movies on Colbys couch while cuddling it was silent and then he looked at me "I love you." He said and kissed me I kissed back. We pulled away "I love you too" I said. "It sucks that we can't live our lives the way we want to..." He said. I nodded "Yeah. It's like we're being judged by our own family." I said. "It's okay though. Because we are inseparable now and we won't let anything get in between our relationship." He said. "You're right." I smiled and kissed him. It was a long passionate kiss and i wish we could've stayed like that forever but that had to end. We watched more movies and we fell asleep in the middle of it. It felt like the best night ever, sleeping next to my amazing boyfriend.

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