12/ Reunited

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Ava's POV:
I texted Colby:

Ava's POV:I texted Colby:

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I got ready and put on this:

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I got ready and put on this:

I got ready and put on this:

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I went downstairs amd i saw Olivia with Brennen "Where are you going?" She asked me "Im going out with Devyn

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I went downstairs amd i saw Olivia with Brennen "Where are you going?" She asked me "Im going out with Devyn." I replied "Okay." She said. I said bye to them an left. I got to Colbys apartment and got in the elevator and got off i knocked on his door and after a while he opened "Hey." He said "hey." We hugged and he let me in "So..." He started "So?" "Wanna be my girlfriend again?" He asked "Of course i do. Its just hard because of last time." "So.." "Yes." I said he smiled and i kissed him "What are the others gonna think?" I asked. He thought for a little "What if we dont tell them yet?" He asked "I think its for the best then we can tell them when we're both ready." I said he agreed "Wanna buy snacks and watch movies?" I asked. "Sure." He said. We headed out to his car and went to target we were playing around and bought a lot of food. We went back to his and watched movies while cuddling and we fell asleep.
Olivia's POV:
It was late and Ava's not home yes so i texted Devyn:

 Olivia's POV:It was late and Ava's not home yes so i texted Devyn:

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I was confused is she not telling me something?? i tried texting her again but she didn't reply she was probably with Jaden or something it is late

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I was confused is she not telling me something?? i tried texting her again but she didn't reply she was probably with Jaden or something it is late... I decided to go to sleep and see if she will be back in the morning.

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