Lab Rats

By opiumyum

948 36 1

You and your friends were all kidnapped as children, used as experiments. Altering, adding, taking away your... More

White Walls
Your Quirks and You


122 7 0
By opiumyum

Hitoshi's quirk was interesting, if not a bit weak. Being able to control someone was fascinating, but he could only make them do basic mundane tasks. If said someone was hit with enough force, he would lose his grip on them.

Nothing a few shots couldn't fix. More like a lot of shots but whatever.

He was supposed to gain better control over people, giving them more specific order to follow. It didn't really work for a while. It didn't help this kind of science was mostly unchartered. There were side effects.

Eventually he did gain control of his prey. More control then was intended for his experiment. What the scientists decided that he needed better control of people, they were thinking being able to do complex tasks. Not control the entire body.

Hitoshi acclimated the ability to not only control the subjects mind, but their entire body.

He could make people fight for him, hack for him, even solve puzzles. Any knowledge that was within their brains was now at his fingertips. People told him secrets that they would never share. They lacked almost all free will. And now it took a lot more then one jarring hit to break their trance.

The only thing he couldn't do was make them speak. But he could make them scream if he wanted.

And then the hallucinations started. Hitoshi could cause hallucinations that effected more then the mind. They affected the senses.

He could make you believe that you couldn't see, breath, feel things. For some reason auditory hallucinations were something he always struggled with but it was a minor detail compared to what he could do.

He could make people see things, and feel things that obviously weren't there.

At one point he made a volunteer believe she had bugs under her skin. Made her believe that they were gonna crawl out. She started screaming and scratching at he skin like it was some sort of monster trying to attack her.

That particular tests had to be ended early. Hitoshi was quite scared. The woman had to be sedated.

He tried to refuse to use his quirk for such things, but that would bring punishment.

The board decided that he shouldn't be terminated despite his insolence. Everything had gone too well and there was never a guarantee that they could recreate these results.

Yet there still was one problem besides the boys stubbornness. The "volunteers". It didn't take long for his opponents to figure out what his quirk was. And they simply wouldn't answer his questions. there are times when ,yes, he could rile them up enough to get them to respond. But more times then not they would do their best to ignore him.

And as the scientists always did, they decided another quirk was in order. Voice Alteration.

They thought if he could throw his voice, make it sound different, that it would be easier to get compliance from the dimwitted subjects.

It was taking to long for their liking to teach him to change his voice. So they came up with a solution. They altered his voice box.

The intention was that he would grow more vocal cords that's allowing him to reach more pitches and octaves easily. And more vocal cords he did grow. But at a cost. A second mouth.

It wasn't noticed at first until his skin began to split, just below is chin. The x-rays proves it. A second mouse was growing along the middle of his throat. An oral cavity was growing. And it was blocking off his esophagus.

Hitoshi was put into a medically induced coma. He was put on oxygen while his second mouth grew.

It was developing its own tongue, teeth, ever the slightest sign of a jaw.  It was developing its own pharynx, larynx, trachea and esophagus, that was spiraling down the original. He had new vocal chords. His muscles we convulsing and slowly moving out of the way for these new body parts. They connected with the fight body parts, the lungs the stomach, the nasal cavity. As if they were meant to be there from birth.

The doctors who monitored him were fascinated. Most body mutations didn't go this well. Especially those that were unintentional. All in all it took 4 and a half months before he's was stabilized. And a two extra weeks before he was allowed to wake up.

This was all very strange to him, and he had no voice to express his confusion. One minute he's undergoing tests and the next he wakes up with an entirely new mouth in a place that a mouth doesn't belong. He wasn't too happy. On top of that he was given no time to adjust to such strange circumstances.

He couldn't talk at first, which was obviously necessary for his quirk to work. And due to being inactive for such a long time, his muscles had weaken considerably. Instead of giving him a break he was just trained harder.

A new instructor had to be brought in to teach him hand-to-hand combat and how to use weapons while his throats healed. He was fairly weak but seemed to have good reflexes, so he was efficient enough.

His voice came back first to his original throat. It was scratchy and guttural. He had to train his voice for weeks before his second one started to appear. As his voices grew stronger and louder, another oddity was discovered. His second was considerably louder then his original, and came at a different octave then his original. He could practically perfectly mimic voices and sounds with his new vocal range.

He seemed to have a lot of new capabilities. He could talk with one mouth while inhaling with the other, allowing him to seemingly talk forever. He could talk with both voices at the same time, though he'd often jumble his words up. He would talk while eating as well.

He found great enjoyment in scaring the lab assistants with the many loud siren noises that would play throughout the lab when there was an emergency or a lockdown. He's make shockingly loud high-pitched noises that at the ability to shatter eardrums or cause the listener to faint.

With his new found power came more and more of these "pranks". It would cause unruliness and disobedience from the other subjects. They thought that if one person could get away with using their quirks for non combat based activities that they could as well. So it was decide that Hitoshi would be made an example of.

One day he was being tested on his own to fight off several of the usual beasts. He could defeat those who could hear easily. But not all of them could hear. He was given no weapon in this experiment, and he wasn't particularly strong on his own otherwise. He was hurt. Badly.

And after he had exhausted both his body and his quirk, he was given a muzzle. One that was meant to be worn at all times when talking or using his mouth was deemed not necessarily. It was a metal clamp that stretched from just under his nose to the base of his neck. It didn't allow his jaw to open, forcing him to breath through his nose.

After a few months, the muzzle was removed, but always lingered as a possible punishment. But even still, Hitoshi grew sullen and inactive. He'd use his voice and quirk for fighting and testing, but not much else. He would engage in quiet conversation with those he thought were trustworthy.

When he did use his quirks, they were pushed to their limits. He could control a group of people now. He could cause hallucinations that could only be described as mass hysteria. And his voice grew so loud that it began to damage his hearing. He could mimic and change between voices on demand now. He could talk easily a fluently with both mouths at the same time.

As for physically, he became strong with hand to hand combat and was extremely skilled for someone of his age when it came to handling weapons.

But no matter how strong he grew or how skilled he became, Hitoshis psyche was already worn down. He was made as an example of what not to be. Of how not to behave. And that clouded his mind, always.

His quirk was used to hurt people in ways that couldn't be reversed. It had terrible lasting effects of people mentally, and the more pain he saw in their eyes, the more pain he felt in his heart.

He was going to stop hurting people. He was going to be better then any of these monsters that had hurt them.

Hitoshi was going to be good. No matter what it took.

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