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Izuku was somewhat interesting compared to most of the lab rats. He had a conscious and strong emotions without ever being directly taught about them. He was a somewhat sensitive boy who cried quite easily. Though this proved to later come in handy.

He had green a black hair that fell in short curls just above his rather large eyes. He didn't seem to have any noticable body enhancements (things like wings, extra arms, ect). He was fairly muscular and very clean.

He had an eye for detail and loved learning new things. Weather it be about our peers quirks or about our different types and ways of being trained. He soaked in information like a sponge.

Another way he was unique was that his quirks would react with his body in an unintentional way. Instead of his quirks simply coinciding, they seemed to combine. He could still use them independently of eachother, but their abilities and uses varied depending on different factors.

The first quirk that he seemed to posses was a form of telekinesis. At first being quite week and almost unnoticeable. He could only move very small objects and they usually had to be close to him.

Because he was a more emotional subject then most, it seemed obvious to give him a quirk that enhanced and worked off of his emotions.

This quirk was dubbed Aura. Izuku had the ability to infect and project strong emotions onto others. This would work best if he was feeling the emotion he was trying to inflict. Though this often caused the people around him to be especially emotional as well.

When he was first given this quirk it became extremely difficult to be and train around him. Those who were usually quite confident when it came to battle suddenly felt quite scared or sad. These emotions would continue just as strongly for hours after he had stopped using his power. When Izuku cried, so did everyone around him. When Izuku was angry, everyone around him was furious.

It took a lot of will power from the labs employees to not act upon these emotions. Often having to leave to calm themselves.

Next he gained a strength enhancing quirk. This one was stronger then it was intended to be. Apparently it was supposed to only make him about as strong as the average body builder. He was not.

To say he was simply strong would be quite the understatement. It took a while for this quirk to fully manifest. It would be tested after every other injection. Though it was taking much longer then anticipated. Until suddenly, it was too strong.

As per usual he had gone to use it, being asked to lift up a 80 lb weight. At this point it had been the heaviest he had managed to lift, and only a small amount off the ground.

He began to lift it slowly, obviously struggling. When suddenly, it was launched into the air, threw the ceiling, and then the next, and the next.

The damages were so bad that all remaining subjects and staff had to be moved to a new building.

He had broken his right arm and dislocated both of his shoulders in this process. It took quite a toll on his body. He was in shock when this happened. The sudden pain causing him to break into sobs. This time it affected everyone in the building. No one could function as sobs and cried were ripped from their lungs. (Think of blue diamonds powers.)

As time went on and his muscles grew, he gradually gained control more of his strength. Though the process usually involved breaking bones, healing, breaking more bones, and so on. Though he seemed to develop a system on how much power he could use at one time.

As it was shown time and time again, Izuku was full of surprises. His new found strength no only effected his physical strength, but also that of his other quirks.

His telekinesis, much like his strength, had very suddenly enhanced in power. He was now able to move objects from far away. Even being able to control the movements of organic matter. Though he didn't do this often due to its unpredictable effects on life forms.

It had become obvious when his strength first showed it's true ability, that his Aura had become much stronger as well. Even going as far as affecting his telekinesis.

For quite some time after the strength incident, Izuku was made to train in isolation due to the instability and varying effects of his powers on his surroundings. It was thought that it could be detrimental to the progress of the other test subjects.

During one of the tests, he had become quite upset about not being allowed around those he had grown up with. He was unconsolable, unable to calm down. The testing chamber around him began to shake. The shatterproof glass that looked in on him began to crack. People from several rooms and even floors away felt such and overwhelming sence of anger and pain that both employees and subjects began to attack whatever was around them. The fought eachother without having a reason to do so. The destroyed their surroundings. Even going as far as harming themselves to make these emotions go away.

This attack caused a long discussion on whether he and this experiment should be terminated. It was eventually decided that if he could be taught and trained to control his power, that it could be used in combat.

Once Izuku was returned to the facility and group of subjects he had been training with, his powers became more controllable. One of the phycologists that monitored the experiments had observed that he required socialization and some sort of human connection.

It was recommended that he would no longer be separated from his designated group. He had better control when he was around those he trusted. The other subjects in his group were trained on how to comfort him when his emotions became too much. He responded best to gentle reassurance and even physical contact, which before now was prohibited between patients.

Izuku was sometimes afraid of his own power. Or rather his lack of control. But for the first time in his and any of their lives, they were allowed and even encouraged to feel and express emotion.

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