
By TashaPageWriting

884K 40.3K 12.7K

In a town controlled by fear, Indianna is trying to find a way to survive. The only goal is to take down Rogu... More

I- Tai
II- Indianna
III- Introductions
IV- Letters To Him
V- Rogue
VI- Punishment
VII- Fight
VIII- We're Werewolves
IX- You Really Shouldn't Have Come To This Town
X- Kick
XI- Girl Talk
XII- A Plan?
XIII- Lone Wolf
XIV- Secrets
XV- Gender
XVI- Revenge
XVII- Rules
XVIII- Grave
XIX- Cry
XX- Dinner
XXI- Blood
XXII- Rogue's Order
XXIII- Oscar's Old Pack
XXIV- Claws
XXV- Hey Sugar
XXVI- Mate bond?
XXVII- Reward
XXVIII- Greyson's Back
XXIX- "You Lost My Mate"
XXX- Brooke's Secret
XXXII- Brandon's Heartbreak
XXXIII- Eight Weeks To Get Rid of Rogue
XXXV- The Map
XXXVI- Preparations
XXXVII- Christmas Dinner
XXVIII- Greyson's Sacrifice
XXXIX- Trust
XL - Wish For Death
XLI- Day One

XXXI- Lily

16.9K 727 157
By TashaPageWriting

Brooke wasn't sure how this unknown girl, Lily, managed to get out of town without Rogue or any of his men noticing, but they did. They drove for half an hour in silence. Brooke was in shock. She was drumming her fingers on her knee, becoming impatient. She wanted to know what was going on.

"Stop that," Lily snapped. "It's irritating."

"You know what else is irritating? Not knowing what the hell is going on!" Brooke said. "You said I'd see Harry-"

"You will," Lily said firmly. She glanced at Brooke and sighed. "Brooklyn, I don't want to keep you apart any longer."

"How do you know who I am?" Brooke demanded. "How do you know Harry, his parents-"

"I'll explain everything," Lily said dismissively.

"How about you do that now?"

Lily smirked slightly. "I promise you, everything is going to make sense."

"Somehow, I'm not quite believing you-"

"If you wait five more minutes you'll be able to stop asking annoying questions," Lily said, giving Brooke a look as she stopped the car outside of a small cottage. They were in the middle of nowhere, in the countryside.

"If you're going to take me around the back and shoot me I'll kill you," Brooke said before she could stop herself. "Actually, Harry would kill you. He would be far from pleased that you are keeping him from his mate-"

"You're going to see Harry today," Lily said. "You're pregnant with his child and you're human. You're going to need him to keep you strong during this pregnancy. It takes its toll on humans."

"Of course, because humans are weak and stupid and can't handle anything," Brooke muttered and rolled her eyes.

"No," Lily said. "Brooklyn, I've been watching you-"

"That's really creepy."

"You've been through so much," Lily said. "There's not a lot of humans that couldn't stay strong after what you and Harry have been through. You may not be as physically strong, but I'd take your mental strength over a werewolf any day. You are far from weak, Brooklyn. I hope you realise that. You're stubborn and reckless, yes, but not weak-"


"Your actions are stupidly reckless," Lily said. She was younger than Brooke, but it didn't stop her from telling her off. "Keeping your mind blocked from Harry, hiding your pregnancy, not listening to him-"

"He's a controlling ass, why would I listen to him-"

"Because most of the time he's right and is trying to protect you. You are reckless, Brooklyn, and you need to realise that if you're going to have this baby. You can't be reckless anymore. I'm not going to let you, I won't let you do that to yourself, the baby or Harry."

Brooke frowned. "You talk of him as if you know him," she said. She looked Lily up and down. "You do know him, don't you?"

"In a past life," Lily murmured. "I'm as much of a stranger to him now as I am to you, but I've been watching you two for a long time. I know you, but you don't know me."

"I do," Brooke said. "I think I know exactly who you are."

Lily looked away and opened the car door. "There are some people that would like to meet you."

"Tell me," Brooke called. "Tell me who you are."

Lily raised her eyebrow. "You tell me."

"It's impossible," Brooke said.

Lily slammed the car door and walked up to the cottage. "Inside," she said and opened the front door.

"You're very bossy," Brooke commented.

"I'm used to getting my way."

"You're in for a treat hanging out with me," Brooke murmured.

"Oh, don't I know it," Lily sighed and Brooke walked past her and into the cottage. "First room on the left."

Brooke followed the directions and walked into a cosy lounge. Two people were sitting on a couch. Brooke stopped in her tracks. She had seen them once before, with Harry. His parents.

"Oh, Jesus, Mary and Joseph," Brooke whispered. His parents had life in them, they were aware of the world around them, they were talking. When she had visited them in the care home they were in previously they were unaware of the world. They couldn't do anything for themselves. They could barely eat or talk. They couldn't do anything independently. They weren't even aware of their own son most of the time, sometimes they knew he was there, other times they had no idea who he was.

They looked much younger than they did previously. They were glowing. Brooke looked at Harry's mother. She had long blonde hair, vibrant green eyes, and skin as pale as snow, but she was beautiful. Harry's father was broad, masculine. His face looked stern but his eyes warm. His tanned hand was gripping Harry's mother. "You look so much like him," Brooke whispered. She felt tears form in her eyes. She missed him.

"My love," Harry's mother said softly. Her voice was gentle, melodic. She stood up and gracefully walked up to Brooke, looking her up and down with kind eyes. "You're the beautiful woman that our son gets to spend the rest of his life with."

"Oh, when we're arguing he is not happy that he's stuck with me," Brooke said before she could stop herself.

Harry's mother smiled and wiped a tear that had slipped down Brooke's cheek. "You are everything I hoped you would be. Lily has told us all about you and Harry." Harry's mother's voice cracked. "He's not the boy we once knew, is he?"

Brooke swallowed and shook her head. "He has his... issues," she said slowly. "He's a tough shell to crack. He gets angry easily, but he's fiercely protective. I would argue that he's too protective-"

"You would argue with anything when it comes to Harry, wouldn't you?" Lily butted in.

"It's very creepy how much you know about us," Brooke blurted.

Lily raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"But he loves you guys. He always has, even if he may no longer show it. He's very good at hiding how he feels, but when he found out that you two were back... You have no idea how happy he will be to see you."

"And you," Lily said. "He's going mad, not having you by his side-"

"Lily," Harry's mother said. "I'm sure Brooke is very aware of what Harry is like."

"Very aware," Brooke said. She looked between Harry's parents. "What happened? How is this possible. We thought you were lost forever."

"We have Lily to thank for that," Harry's father said. He stood by his mate's side. "When she found us she used a collection of herbs, rare herbs. Those herbs, along with her presence, she spoke to us, brought us back from where we were lost in our minds. The trauma from our attack made us lose our minds, we were lost forever until Lily brought us back."

"You're Harry's sister, aren't you?" Brooke said, speaking aloud her suspicions.

Lily nodded slowly. "I am."

"How?" Brooke gasped. "He told me you died. The attack-"

"I was close to death. My breathing had slowed so drastically that a pulse would have been almost impossible to find. I was buried quickly, no one realised that I was actually alive. After a few days, I was alert enough to figure out what had happened. I was terrified. I clawed myself free. When I emerged I was pretty much insane. I thought everyone was dead. I thought the rogues had killed my whole family. I was basically crazy. I walked for days through the woods. I had no idea where I ended up, but somehow I made it into a town. Into civilisation.
Emergency services found me and I was taken into hospital. I was extremely malnourished, nearly delirious. My injuries had healed slightly while I was buried in the coffin, but I was so weak. The doctors and the police tried finding out what had happened, but I didn't say anything. I was too scared. I was 5 and thought my whole life was gone. Eventually, I was placed in foster care. I never lasted long in any of my homes. I bounced around all the time until I eventually ended up in an orphanage when I was 10.
That's when I started to want revenge so I started training. I became a hunter. When I was 14 I left and moved around cities, killing as many rogues as I could. I'd always heard rumours of this one rogue, The Rogue. The worst of the worst and I made it my mission to hunt him down. And so I ended up stumbling across this little old town. My home. I've been watching, observing, learning everything I could. I found out my family is alive and now I'm here to help kill the bastard that has done so many awful things to you and your friends."

"Oh. Oh wow," Brooke said. "That's, um... Jesus."

Lily shrugged her shoulders. "Now, I think it's time to get you back to Harry. Don't you?"


The guys had gathered in the lounge of the packhouse. Harry was still upstairs, but no one dared to bother him. They all valued their lives.

"So, where do we start?" Kal asked Greyson as they started to plan to search for Brooke. Alice was upstairs asleep with Sasha watching over her. She had promised to alert Kal as soon as she awoke.

"We start at the border of the town, we-" Indianna's phone interrupted Greyson. She looked at the text she had received and gasped. "What is it, sugar?"

"We need Harry here, now," she said and thrust the phone at Greyson.

I have Brooklyn. She is safe and unharmed and wants to see her mate again.

I want Harry and Greyson to meet us. Make sure that Rogue isn't aware of our meeting.

You better hurry, I'm sure you are very aware of how impatient Brooklyn is.

*Harry,* Indianna said through mind link. *Downstairs now. It's about Brooke.*

"They've sent their location," Greyson said. "Could it be a trap?" 

"By who?" Indianna asked. "We can't risk it. If it's really her-"

"What does the damn text say?" Kimberly asked. "Do you know where Brooke is?"

"We think so," Indianna said. *Harry, we think we know where Brooke is.*

Within seconds Harry was in the room. "Tell me something good because you have no idea how close I am to killing him down in the cells."

Greyson sighed and stood up. "Oh, I think I know how close you are. Come with me, brother. Let's go get your girl."


Brooke was pacing back and forth, nervously biting her nails. Her stomach was doing flips. She couldn't believe she was going to see Harry.

Lily had brought Brooke back into the town and they had made their way to a secluded area of the woods where a small cave was hidden. Lily had assured Brooke that Rogue was unaware of this place.

They were safe.

"Chill," Lily said. She was sitting on a rock, inspecting her crossbow casually.

"How are you so calm? You're going to see your brother after years!" Brooke gasped.

Lily's eyes hardened. "You're not going to say anything."

Brooke spluttered. "What? No!"

"You've never seemed to have any problem hiding things from Harry before," Lily shrugged.

Brooke rubbed her stomach. "This is different. You have to tell him."

"Once this is over I don't plan on sticking around," Lily said dismissively. "It's better if he doesn't know me."

"What if he recognises you?" Brooke asked.

"He won't."

"You look exactly like him," Brooke scoffed. "He's far from stupid. He will know exactly who you are."

Lily paused, watching Brooke. "It's better if I don't get close with people."

"What about your parents? You can't leave them now."

"I had to let them find out about me," Lily sighed. "It was the only way to bring them back. I've survived all these years alone. Once this is all over I will continue to survive alone."

"Lily," Brooke said softly. "I understand that life has been tough for you. You've handled a lot by yourself, but you don't need to anymore. You can have your family back."

"You don't understand-"

"You have a family that wants you and loves you," Brooke said with an edge to her voice. "Not everyone is lucky to have that. Don't throw it away. Be grateful that they want you."

"I know what Harry is like. He's not going to want-"

"Stop making excuses," Brooke snapped. "You helped me, and I'm so grateful for that, but listen to me and be with your family goddamnit. I could see the way your parents looked at you, and Harry has told me about you. They love you."

"You're persistent, aren't you?" Lily said with a small smirk.

Brooke placed her hands on her hips and nodded. Her arm that Rogue had recently healed and she was grateful that she no longer had to wear the cast. "I am, when it comes to family. And you're going to be a damn good auntie to my child. I won't take no for an answer."

Lily smiled slightly. "They're coming," she said suddenly, hearing movement in the woods.

"Oh gosh," Brooke whispered and her eyes darted back and forth through the trees. She gasped when she saw him. He looked tensed, prepared, ready for a fight. She barely even glanced at Greyson who was beside him.

Harry's eyes found Brooke and relief filled him. He felt her collide with his body when she ran at him, jumping into his arms. Harry closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Brooke, holding her tightly. "Thank god you're okay," he breathed.

"Thank god it wasn't a trap because I did not want to get my hands bloody today," Greyson said from beside them.

Harry lowered Brooke to the ground and cupped her face. She felt complete at his touch. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is-"

"Harry, I'm pregnant," Brooke blurted.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "You took your damn time to finally say something."

Brooke frowned. "Y-you know?" She whispered.

Harry looked down at her stomach and nodded. "Alec mentioned it," he said. "Why the hell didn't I found out from my own mate?"

"I'm sorry," Brooke apologised. "I didn't know what to do!"

"Talk to me!" Harry snapped. "You talk to me, babe! We're in this together!"

"You don't need to yell!" Brooke said. "I was scared!"

"How the fuck do you think I've felt all this time with you away from me?" Harry growled. "God, woman, I've been driving myself insane over you! This could have been avoided if you'd have just told me!"

"Don't you dare!" Brooke gasped. "Ben would have found a way to get what he wanted! This is not my fault!"

"I could have protected you!"

"Your version of protection is suffocation!"

"Do you not care about yourself at all, Brooklyn?" Harry growled. "You're careless! I'm not going to let you be like this anymore, not when you're carrying my child!"

Brooke froze. "You want the baby?" She whispered, her eyes wide.

"Yes." Harry cocked his head. "Do you?"

Brooke nodded. "Y-Yes, I think... I don't know. I want it but... I was just scared that after last time... I thought you wouldn't want it. I'm scared that I'm not ready- you're right I can't even look after myself let alone a tiny human-"

Harry cut Brooke off by kissing her. "Shut up," he whispered. "God, babe, you drive me insane but I love you and of course I want this child with you. We weren't ready before. We are now. I know you can do this."

"Okay, now you've had your lovely heart to heart can we pay attention to the girl who was with Brooklyn? I'd like to point out she has a crossbow in her hands," Greyson interrupted and Harry looked at Lily who was watching them.

"Who the hell are you?" Harry demanded, stepping in front of Brooke.

"Harry, just take a moment," Brooke said firmly.

Lily stood up from the rock she was sitting on and made a point of leaving the crossbow behind her. "I'm the reason Brooklyn is alive," Lily said slowly. "You're welcome."

Brooke watched Harry carefully as he looked at Lily. His eyes were narrowed but he was studying her. He recognised her.

"I know you," Greyson said.

"Shut up," Harry said. Greyson didn't look pleased, but he crossed his arms over his chest and took a step backwards.

Brooke gently nudged Harry forward. "Go," she whispered. "Talk to her."

Lily took a deep breath and took a step towards Harry. She looked nervous. "Hello, Harry," she said. "It's been a while."

Harry looked lost for words. He clenched his hands into fists and pointed at Lily. "Explain," he demanded. "Explain how this is possible!"

Lily sighed. "Oh, that's a long and boring story-"

"Prove to me you're her!" Harry yelled. Brooke reached forward and grabbed his arm, hoping her touch would calm him. She knew he wasn't angry. He was in shock and Harry expressed all of his emotions in anger.

"Calm down," she whispered.

"This is insane!" Harry growled. "You're dead!"

"Clearly people don't stay dead in this town," Lily said, nodding her head to Greyson.

"What happened?" Harry demanded through gritted teeth.

Lily watched Harry carefully for a few minutes before sighing. "I'm getting sick of this story," she muttered and told Harry everything she had told Brooke.

Harry was silent for a while, processing the information. Finally, he took Brooke's hand, looked at Lily and said "let's all go home, shall we?"

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