Countryhumans Parent Scenarios

By Suicidal_Sadistic

30.9K 386 744

Being the child of a country isn't easy, with every each step to take the lead. When you are at a certain ag... More

【️ When you are born 】️
【️ Feelings mutual 】️
【️ Quotes 】️
【️ Dedicated Writing 】️
【️ Zodiac 】️
【️ Anime 】️
【️ Positions 】️
【️ Suggestions 】️

【️ Very Different 】️

4.8K 60 341
By Suicidal_Sadistic

Alternative title : What is your attitude inside the house compared to your attitude when your outside.

America 🇺🇸


"DAD!, give that back its mine!. Or else I'll take your McDonald's away!" I yelled, chasing my dad as he held my diary in his hand.

He couldn't even care for his McDonald's right now, because all of my secrets are in my Diary which he is holding right now!.

"Noooopppeeeee! I'MA read this and tell this to the whole nation!" He sarcastically yelled and laughed.

I paused and was startled for second.

I sighed.

And headed for my gun.



"Good morning Mr. Germany, here is the report you've requested" I smiled, giving the report to him.

"Ah, thank you. I didn't expect it to be so early, well then. Though I still can't believe your America's daughter, since your so...opposite of him" He mumbled the last sentence, as he look at the papers quietly. "This was quite handled nice, you can leave my office now" He commanded, as I quietly nod.

I smiled, waving at Germany as I left.



China 🇨🇳


I sighed, my fingers were already sore from typing. I yawned as I look at the clock.

'2:47 am?, damn I've been working too long.' I stood up from my chair and proceed to lay down on my bed as my eyes started to close on its own.


Sun has risen, as I woke up from my deep slumber. I yawned peacefully, feeling drowsy because of the small amount of sleep that I have gotten, but still ignored it. I sighed as I quietly arranged and fix the work that I have done last night.

Changing my clothes as I headed down stairs to eat breakfast, my eyes darted as I saw my father China, sitting down eating his breakfast.

I sighed as I sat beside him.

"Good morning Father, how did your meeting go yesterday?" I said as I started to eat.

"Not well, most of all my people are dying because of the virus" He sighed, letting a frown formed his face.

I let out a sigh, feeling guilty that I can't really do anything. As I just sat there, finishing my meal.



I sighed as I held a whiskey in my hand, my friend, Germany's son just sighed.

"Seriously, what's going on between your father?" Germany's son asked, as he continuously write something on the paper he's been holding for awhile.

"Well, we've been getting some reports lately. And its about the virus, Father isn't liking it. I had to go out, since this is the only time I can be free" I sighed as Germany's son just made an 'uh-huh'.

"Well, one thing I can confirm is that your nowhere near like your Father" He said as he crossed his arms.

"Huh" I replied.

"Well at least I'm not a workaholic like you and your father" I grinned "Like Father like son huh"

"Tch, you better take that back"

"Nah, never"

Croatia 🇭🇷


My eyes started to water, bawling my eyes out as my favorite character died.

I mean, WHY?!?!

As I continue to cry, my Father Croatia, suddenly barged in my room with a sword in his hand.

"Uhm Papa?, why is there a sword in your hand?" I said, still crying.


"My favorite Character just died Papa..."

"Oh, well then" He said, as he pointed the sword infront of the TV.


"Papa the TV!"


"I think I'm getting fat..." I said as I started to cry, until Slovenia's Daughter hug me from behind.

"Aww, your beautiful just the way you are!, don't forget that" Slovenia's Daughter smiled and continued hugging me.

"GuRL, I SAID FAT NOT UGLY! I'M ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL AND YOU KNOW THAT!" I yelled and started to chase her.

"AHHHH! help!"

(Behind the bushes)

"Thats my girl!" Croatia happily exclaimed.

Finland 🇫🇮


"I won!" Estonia's Daughter smiled "And you lose!" She said as she pointed at me.

My face boiled up and started turning red, "No I did not!" I started to yell. "Uhhh what is happening?" She said as I began to destroy everything that was inside that room.

"Uhm wha-"

"ShuT uP! AHHHHhhahhHHH"

Estonia's daughter just sighed, "Anger issues.."


"Oh so you wanna go huh?!" I said as I began to raise my fist.

"Hey! Pls stop this nonsense!" Estonia's daughter pleaded.

"Oh your on Gorilla!" Martial Law's daughter happily exclaimed in anger.

"What did you just call me Half n' half?!" I yelled.

"Oh dear..." Estonia's daughter just sighed.

Germany 🇩🇪


"Son, could you perhaps lend me a hand on this paper work for me?" My Father, Germany said.

"Of course Vater" I said as I took the papers from his hand, "Is there anything else you'd like me to do?"

"Nein, thats all. You can leave my office"

"Of course Vater"


"And when are you gonna stop working?" She said as she pouted, I groaned and I began to rub my temples.

"Soon" I replied, feeling guilty.

Russia's daughter sighed, as I keep scribbling down notes that I need for a presentation or perhaps a report.

"Ugh!, anywhere you go you keep working!. Its your damn day off!" She yelled, immediately taking all of my stuff away where I can't see them anymore.

Later, she sighed as her hands snaked around me. "Why won't you spend time with me?" She ask quietly, I sighed.

"Fine...only this once!"


I groaned and crossed my arms until I felt her soft lips touched my cheeks.

"Thank you!" She exclaimed while still hugging me, my face turned red as a smile formed my lips.


Liechtenstein 🇱🇮


"Papa?" I called to my father, tugging his shirt from behind.

"Yes my little gold?" He replied with a smile.

"Can I have a Lamborghini for my birthday?" I asked, his eyes immediately widened as he quietly chuckled.

"Uh... Sure.." He replied, smiling as he began to scratch the back of his neck.



"Hey!, wanna go skating?" I exclaimed happily, asking my best friend, Denmark's son.

"Uh Sure!, I can buy the tickets if you want-"

"Nah, I'll pay for it!. We can go for the limited if you want?" Denmark's son just sighed.

"Oh boi, here we go again" He facepalmed himself.

North Korea 🇰🇵



I draw my sword at my Father, as our swords collide, making the metal sound that I've hated since birth.

"Good job, you almost manage to hit me" My Father, North Korea smiled as he placed down his sword on the ground.

"Thank you Father" I said, grabbing a handkerchief as I wipe the sweat that is on my face.

"We can train tomorrow if you'd like, but for now you can clean this up" He said, smiling at me before he left the room.

"Ofcourse Father" I replied, sighing as I began to clean the room alone.


"Hey Cous!, wanna play?" South Korea's daughter suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asked me with a weird look in his face.

"No, playing is only for kids, so leave me alone" I sighed, crossing my arms as she playfully start to hit me.





"Please!, I'll make you Pork Cutlet and Samyang?"




Philippines 🇵🇭


"Hey little Phil, what's wrong?" My uncle, Martial Law kneeled down to me as I kept on crying on the ground I sat on.

"Uncle China bully m-me..." I stuttered, hiccuping on the process as I kept on crying.

"What did he do?" He asked, his face immediately turned black.

"He stole my rice..." I replied, letting a frown formed my face.

"THATS IT!, PHIL, DEL LETS GO!" My Uncle suddenly pulled out a sword out of nowhere as I heard "Yep we're here!" From the background.

"Uh Uncle?, what are you gonna do with that sword?" I asked innocently, as he just smiled at me.

"Oh don't worry my little niece, I'm only gonna play with your Uncle China with this sword okay?"

"Okay..." I replied quietly.


"No she's mine!"

"No SHE'S mine!"

My two best friends, Spain's daughter and Japan's son keep arguing about me until I had enough.

"Guys!, please stop it!. I belong no one okay?, please do accept that"

They sighed, "Sorry".

"Its fine guys, just don't do that okay?"


I smiled, "Yay!" As I gradually hug them from behind.

Russia 🇷🇺


I sighed to myself, as I gradually grab the papers from my desk and began to look into it.

So I just need to do my paperwork, then go to the office and file up some work for my Father and last I just need to go to

Wait, why would I need to go to the bar?.

Eh, whatever.

I mean, can't I have some fun?. I smirked at myself, daydreaming as I unknowingly kept reading on the paper that I'm holding.


30 minutes later, I stood up from my desk and arranged my stuff So I can go out without my stuff being so messy.

Vodka here we go!-


I still need to go the office...

Dammit why can't I have a break?!


I stumbled at the floor while holding a Vodka on my hand, as I arrived at my destination.

Drunkenly, I knock at the door several times but still no vail. Until 20 minutes later, there stood a person with an angerly face looking at me.

"Uhhh, what are you looking at me?"

"Why are you infront of my house?, and mostly why are you drunk?" And that person is, my best friend. Germany's son.

He sighed, as he gradually grab me and threw me into his couch. I mean, why not?.

I've been having this feelings for awhile and now...

"You need rest, we can talk about this tomorrow" He sighed, kissing my forehead as he grab a blanket and put it on me.

As my eyes started to close, the only thing I remembered was the light being close off.

Singapore 🇸🇬


Stupid work, why do I even need to work?. I mean, I know my Father is a wealthy man and a loving husband but why does he needs to include me to all of his work?.

I'm not complaining or anything but I don't even get to a have break!, maybe working is a habit of the family. But I'm just not into it you know?, I respect and cherish what we have but Father never really spends time with me.

And it hurts.


I let out a sigh, why am I even thinking?. I need to finish this work that Father gave me, my eyes darted to the paper. But he never really spends time with me does he?, what does he even know about me?.

I guess none.

"Hey Sweetheart you ready to go?" My Father said as he entered my room, I stood up and smiled.

"Ofcourse Father, just give me a little bit of time and I'll be out in a sec okay?" I exclaimed happily, he smiled at me as he quietly left my room, and now silence is all I can hear.

With fake smiles that I've been using, I'm tired of it.

Tears began to fall, I was quiet though. So no one will hear me, I mean, do they even care?. I guess no, all they do is work and receive money. But never really cared about their family, does Dad even love me?.

Well, only he can prove that.


"So uh, what do you want?. I'll pay for it" I asked my friend, Malaysia's daughter just smiled at me.

"Any coffee is fine, I just need the caffeine" She replied as I nodded.

As we got our orders, we sat down in our tables quietly.

"So, what's been bothering you?" She ask quietly, sipping her coffee slowly.

So she did noticed.

"What do you mean?" I replied, lying even though I already know what her answer will be.

"I'm not stupid okay?, I'm your best friend. You wouldn't call me unless there has been an emergency, and your usually stoic and calm. And now, you aren't. And I know something is bothering you, so please tell me" She sighed, looking directly at my eyes. It feels like she saw through me, like she knows everything.

"Its about my Father..." I replied, feeling uneasy. I feel like I'm about to cry or something, But I held it in, because I don't wanna make a scene.

"So, about your Father, can you tell me what happened?, its okay if you don't want to" She said, hugging me from the side as tears began to fall.

"Its gonna be okay alright?, I know this won't help because I know you've heard this a lot from people. But pls remember, I am always here" She replied, patting my head as she continued hugging me.

I smiled.


Will she really be here for me?, or will she be another poison who's been tricking me from that start.


Caution - The Countries I mentioned in this Chapter was the only thing I can write, by that means, I do not know their
Personality based on there Country or perhaps from the Countryhumans. I'll only write for what I've seen and saw, no hate intended.

Side note - There will be only 10 Countries who will I be making.

1. America 🇺🇸
2. China 🇨🇳
3. Croatia 🇭🇷
4. Finland 🇫🇮
5. Germany 🇩🇪
6. Liechtenstein 🇱🇮
7. North Korea 🇰🇵
8. Philippines 🇵🇭
9. Russia 🇷🇺
10. Singapore 🇸🇬

Don't come near me asking that you want more, wrong grammars and wrong spellings will be added in case I saw something wrong. Requests are open, pls do PM me.

I hope you enjoy, if you are comfortable, pls do comment, vote and share if you'd like so I can see whats your opinion on it.

Thank you for reading, and goodbye.

(I know there are errors in this chapter, so forgive me. I wrote this when I wasn't feeling well, and that's not even a excuse to begin with *sigh*)

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