Creator (book 3) - H.S

By fuxkingharrry

593K 12K 20.6K

I think she said I'm having your baby.... and it's none of your business. BOOK THREE TO STYLIST!!! IF YOU HAV... More

Chapter 1: Pan!c
Chapter 2: Home.
Chapter 3: Memories.
Chapter 4: Beside You.
Chapter 6: Ease My Mind.
Chapter 7: All I Wanted.
Chapter 8: Ghost Of You.
Chapter 9: An Evening I Will Not Forget.
Chapter 10: Sweet Creature.
Chapter 11: Turning Page.
Chapter 12: Stand By You.
Chapter 13: All About Us.
Chapter 14: Let's Stay Home Tonight.
Chapter 15: Never Enough.
Chapter 16: You Are My Sunshine.
Chapter 17: One and Only.
Chapter 18: Bright.
Chapter 19: Something.
Chapter 20: Daisies.

Chapter 5: What Have I Done?

30.2K 644 1.4K
By fuxkingharrry

A/N: this is around what 20 weeks looks like with twins!!! Also this song is so cute..


    "Here comes the sun...Here comes the sun and I say, it's alright." I play the keys, and my fingers fumble, slipping up, and pressing wrong notes. I sigh, slamming my hands on the keys. The sun has long since disappeared from the sky, and I wish my eyes would close, and rest for once..

El goes to bed, and normally I lay next to her until my eyes finally fall but lately I've been up, unable to rest at all. Tonight I decided to come down here, to play the piano, or at least try to.

    "Harry?" I hear her soft mumble from upstairs, knowing I left the door open for a reason. I look behind my shoulder, and hear footsteps. "Oh.. Oh, Harry!" She calls out now, and panic sets in. I turn quickly on the piano bench, and begin to stand until she comes into view. "They're moving... Hurry, come feel, they're moving." She speaks in a rushed tone, her only clothes are her underwear, and her sports bra.

She comes to me, and I pull her down to sit on my knee, letting her guide my hand and place it where she feels movement, and then I feel it too. I feel the subtle movement of her stomach, and it's not much but it signifies life. It shows both of us that, and I instantly cry. My cheeks are instantly wet as I bring my other hand to her belly, feeling the movement as they softly kick, and move.

    "That's ours darling..." I mumble, my voice almost breathless. The movement stops, and I feel like my breath catches up to me. "You've never felt that before?" I ask, and she shakes her head, her eyes tired.

    "They aren't really supposed to start moving around until sixteen weeks or so, but I hadn't felt it yet, and it scared the hell out of me, but they're moving now.." She looks to both of our hands holding her stomach.

    "Though I'm glad you felt it.. Why are you awake?" I ask, concerned as I see the clock on the stove, seeing the time.

    "You weren't there... I woke up, and went to the bathroom, and then I felt it and I called for you, and came down here, and... wait, no that's not fair, it's your turn to answer why the hell you're awake, and down here instead of in bed..." She mumbles.

    "I haven't been sleeping well, I wanted to play and I came down here to play.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you darling." I mumble. "I can't believe they're moving... Growing up too fast..." I joke, and I bring my face down, pressing my lips to her stomach. "Hi babies... Are you having fun in there?" I ask, and feel her hand run through my hair softly. "I can't wait to meet the two of you..." I mumble, wishing everyone could know how true those words are. I can't wait to name them, to have them, to hold them, to love them... I can't wait to know them.


I lean over my belly, trying my hardest to reach my feet, and my fingers continue to slip.

    "Fuck me." I groan out, and Harry jogs into the room, slowing his pace from walking down the stairs.

    "I already did, are you ready darling?" He asks, and my jaw drops
    "Harry Edward Styles... I cannot believe you just said that." I mumble, and he bends down, pulling my shoes on for me, tying the laces.

    "I can... I need to get you new shoes..." He mumbles, and pulls me from the couch. "You're getting so big." He mumbles, his hands on my stomach.

    "Normally I would be offended by that statement, but thank you? I guess?" I tilt my head, and he kisses me, breaking my lips into a smile.

    "I just didn't think you'd be showing so much... You're only twenty weeks darling, normally it's not this much." He mumbles, looking at my stomach.

    "Well the pictures you've seen or the pregnant women you've seen probably didn't have two babies growing inside them..." I mumble, my hands grazing my belly.

    "We can't keep this from our mum's anymore baby... I've seen her and everytime I come alone she asks me where the hell you are, and I can't lie to her anymore... I can't keep making up excuses." He mumbles to me.

    "We planned this week.. My mom is coming here soon from Paris, and then we're going to tell them... Gemma is home right?" I ask, and we walk towards the door.

    "Yes she's home, and she's also wondering where you are... I think they think that we're not together, and that I'm lying so they don't get mad at this point..." He tells me, moving to the door to open it for me.

    "Well they'll stop when they see me... I'm going to need a bigger sweatshirt..." I mumble, knowing that the normal ones I wear are getting tight against my stomach. I'm around halfway through the pregnancy now, knowing this is going to end soon.

    "I've never gone this long keeping something like this from my mum... I don't know how she's going to take it..." He tells me truthfully, pulling out from the garage, and taking the same route we always do to get to the hospital.

    "Well hopefully she'll be happy for us... What about the band.. When are we going to tell them?" I ask, and he shrugs.

    "I already told Kid, but the others don't know... Helene doesn't either, but she needs to know soon because we need to get her to take photos." He tells me, and my hand falls to my necklace, toying with the ring that dangles on my chain.

    "My mom might have a heart attack." I mumble, trying to imagine what she's going to say.

    "Well first things first is this doctor's visit." He mumbles, and parks the car, turning it off, and coming to my side to get me. We walk in quickly, avoiding anyone passing, and check ourselves in, waiting to be seen.


Soon enough the doctor brings us back, doing the normal check ins and finally moving to the gel, squirting it on her stomach, and moving the instrument across her belly. I look at the ultrasound, having seen images of the two little blips inside her belly so many times. Nothing looks different to me, but the doctor gasps a bit.

    "What is it? Is everything okay?" El asks quickly, her hand squeezing mine.

    "Are you two wanting to wait on the gender or are you wanting to know here and now?" She asks us, and my heart swells.

    "Now, please." We both speak at the same time, our minds in sync having already made that decision before today.

    "I see a healthy baby boy, you can see right here." She points to the screen, showing us, and El brings my hand to her chest. "And from what I can tell... A baby girl.." She tells us, but it feels like she's talking straight to me. I heard everything I wanted to hear at that moment. I'm having a baby girl, I will get to hold my baby girl soon, and... "Have you two thought of names?" She asks, showing us the images on the screen.

    "Not yet... We didn't want to get our hopes up at all so we waited until.. Well until now." I tell her, and El looks up to the ceiling, the happiest look on her face..

    "This is everything I wanted... This is more than I wanted...." She mumbles, and we don't really talk, we just sit in this feeling of pure happiness. We bask in it, I watch her smile golden as we drive home, I watch her dance around the house her pregnant belly out because she knows that's what I like to see, I'd rather her show it off to me, not hide the stretch marks, and life that's there.

    "I'm havin your baby! It's none of your business!" She screams out, and I shake my head at her, knowing she's having a ball with this, knowing she's making me regret writing that song all together.

    "Where's the part where you're all over me just like I pay for it?" I ask, sitting on the couch, watching her. She smirks, and comes to me, her shorts on, and her flannel hanging open around her, a sports bra tight on her upper half. She climbs on me, straddling me as I sit upright. I bring my hands up, and she holds both of them, smiling at me.

    "Now I'm all over you... Anything else you want?" She asks, and her voice is playful.

    "I want you to stop running around like a crazy person before you hurt yourself." I laugh, and she takes her hands from me, crossing them over her chest, and resting them on top of the bump.

    "I am not a crazy person..." She pouts her lips, and I smile.

    "You're not crazy... you're just.... Obnoxious?" I ask, and she pouts again. "Mental?" I ask, and she scrunches her face again.

    "I prefer the word crunk." She mumbles,and I laugh out at her serious expression.

    "Did you just refer to yourself as crunk?" I ask, and she nods with a smirk. "Did you two hear that? Your mum thinks she's crunk..." I mumble, and look up to her, cupping my hands over my mouth. "But she's really just crazy." I whisper, and she pushes my shoulder back. "I'm just being honest... Do you want me to lie to our children?" I ask dramatically, and she pushes me back again, but connects our lips instead of leaning back again.

No matter which way she is, no matter where she is, no matter what she's wearing... She's incredibly sexy. I kiss her back, gripping her hips, and feeling the warmth pour through me, and into my chest. Just like a long sip of the richest whiskey. She takes her hands from my shoulders, cupping my face, her fingers soft on my cheeks, and right as soon as I pull her closer she pulls away, letting her head fall to my shoulder with a sigh.

    "No offense, but I kind of can't wait until these things are out of me." She mumbles, her words somewhat muffled in my shirt.

    "Don't call them things first of all... and why?" I ask, my fingers drawing up and down on the exposed skin.

    "Because I can't kiss you, or touch you, or love on you without feeling gross." She groans out, and I push my hands under the flannel, holding her back, running my hands over her soft skin.

    "I need you to hear me when I say this... I mean every word of it. Eileen Mae Montgomery you're the sexiest, most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on. Pregnant or not, just woken up or not, clean faced or not... You'll be even sexier when your name matches mine... So this is about sex? Is that what you're talking about?" I ask, knowing it is.

    "Is it wrong to miss it?" She asks, and I almost laugh.

    "If it's wrong then I guess we're both wrong... Everything will be normal soon... I just don't want you to feel any less beautiful right now... You're like artwork.. Watching you move, watching you walk, and grow everyday... It's mesmerizing. It's almost ethereal... Only a woman... Only a woman could do this, only a woman could carry another life for nine months, and only you could look this incredible doing it... It's unreal El..." I kiss her stomach, moving to her legs, while I move my hands up pushing the flannel from her body as I do. My lips travel her arms, getting to her hands and I bring both of them forward to my face, pressing her knuckles to my lips while I catch her gaze.

    "I love you.." She mumbles, and looks down at me.

    "I love you to the ends of the earth darling..." I mumble, planting another kiss on her knuckles. My entire world sitting right within arms reach...


    I sit on the bed, my hands pressed to the mattress, and my head thrown back, feeling the twins move in my belly. I close my eyes, ready for them to be out of me. I got ready earlier on, knowing it would take me a little bit longer as I've been moving slower these days. Earlier this week we found out the gender, and the next day we picked the names... Now today we tell our families the good news. I have my outfit on, today being one of the first times I'm actually wearing my maternity clothes. I feel good on the outside, but on the inside is a different story. I'm a fucking mess right now.

    "How is baby?" Harry walks in, ruffling his wet hair, his shirt missing. I look down to my stomach as he comes close.

    "Which one..." I mumble, placing my hand on my stomach.

    "Well I see baby one..." He places a kiss on my nose, and then crouches down. "Baby two..." He places another kiss on one side of my stomach. "And... baby three." He kisses the other side, and looks up to me with a cheeky smile. "Shit.. They're moving a lot aren't they?" He mumbles, keeping his hands on my stomach.

I nod, letting out a deep breath as I look up. "Hey... You two in there, take a break, your mum deserves it.." He mumbles, kissing my stomach once more before standing up again, his shirt in his hand. He pulls it over his body, and then pulls me up from the bed, locking his hands with mine. As soon as I am fully standing he wraps me, encloses me in his arms, letting his chin rest on my head. "I love you so much... it'll all be worth it when they're out, and they're here." He mumbles, and I feel his chin move.

    "I know..." I mumble, imagining their shining eyes, and dimpled cheeks... They'll be perfect.

    We get our things, moving from the bedroom, and down the stairs, going into the car, and driving as the sun shines down over the London roads. Harry's hand rests on my thigh, his thumb drawing small circles over my leg and I watch the road, thinking of my dad, wishing I was telling him today..

Thinking of Haley, wishing she was here for this news as well. I think of my mom too, wondering how the hell she's going to react after not seeing me for almost five months.. The last time she saw me I had a flat stomach, and abs, now I'm round, and have two kids inside of me. My hands start sweating, quickly moving to a shake, and the panic lets loose.

    "Harry I can't do this... I can't fucking do this, this was dumb ,we should have never had these kids. Harry why did you impregnate me? Harry why!!!!" I yell as he drives the car to his mom's house. "Turn the c-" I start.

    "El..." He mumbles to me.

    "Harry turn the car around... They don't need to know. We can hide them, twins aren't that hard to hide are they?" I ask and he glances at my stomach.

    "Well considering how hard they are to hide right now while they're still inside of you I'm going to guess the answer is very very hard... You're panicking for no reason baby." He squeezes my thigh, and I bring my shaking hands to my hair.

    "Harry I can't do this.. I seriously don't know how I'm-" I start.

    "El..." He tries to grab my attention.

    "How can I walk in there and act like I'm ready for this, and adult enough to be a mom? How am I going to act like this is normal, and this is okay? They're all going to see right through-" He pulls to the side of the road stopping the car, and turning straight to me.

    "El." I try to take a deep breath but my chest shakes, and my anxiety is at an all time high. He takes my hands in his, and brings them to his lips, looking straight at me. "Look at me..." He mumbles softly, and my mind is going crazy. "Baby look at me... " He coaxes once more, and my eyes search, finally fixating on him. "You need to calm down... This isn't grade school, this isn't an episode of sixteen and pregnant.. We're adults, we're doing well in our lives, and you have handled every bit of this so well. It's our mums, they're going to be more than happy for us... You know they will.. I don't know what this is really about, but you do not need to think that our families are going to be anything less than excited... You're incredible baby.. You can do this, and I will be right beside you when you do... alright?" He finishes his pep talk, and I close my eyes tight.

    "I want my dad to be there..." I whisper softly, and I feel him squeeze my hands.

    "I am so proud of you... I cannot stress that enough, I'm so proud of you it's hard for me to understand it... He would feel the same darling.. Both of the twins, they're going to know every detail about him as well, and they're going to know how amazing their grandad was... I love you angel... You're my forever darling, and so are they... We'll be alright, all of us alright?" He asks, his hands squeezing me, and I feel another kick, but this time I don't feel annoyed by it. It feels like a kick of comfort, a movement showing me that I'm supported everywhere I can be. I take a deep breath, and nod.

    "We'll be alright..." I mumble to him. "Thank you." I take another deep breath. He cradles my cheek, his thumb gliding over my skin.

    "I love you with everything I have.." He leans forward, and kisses my lips as if it's the first time he's ever done it. He kisses me so gently it's as if he's fearing I'll break under his touch, and I bask in the sensitivity. He takes a moment to hold me, and then moves back to the wheel, driving the car again, and keeping his hand in mine.

He drives us, and we get there soon after, my nerves not settling but my confidence a little bit more present. "You can do this..." He tells me at the front of the car. I nod, keeping my words to myself, and we walk through the door, but I stay there, holding my baby bump, my thumbs twisting together.

    "Harry... Where is El?" His mom mumbles instantly.

    "I thought we were going to see her again, what the hell H?" Gemma speaks out.

    "Oh hell no, my daughter said she was coming, she better be here." My mom speaks out. I smile, looking down at my stomach.

    "Um.. She's here, but we've got a surprise for you..." He mumbles, and I wait for their response.

    "Did you propose and not tell me?" Gemma jumps, and I laugh, walking around the corner, knowing there's no better time than now.

    "Surprise..." I flip my voice up, holding my hands out. Silence washes over the room, and I tell myself not to panic waiting for a response.

    "What in the holy hell on earth... That's fake? That bump is fake, where the hell are the cameras?" My mom stands up, and Gemme, and Anne are just staring, looking straight at my stomach.

    "It's real momma... Umm.. I'm around 22 weeks, almost halfway through.." I tell her, and she walks forward, and then steps back, putting her hands to her lips in thought. She turns straight to Harry.

    "You.. You got my daughter pregnant?" She asks, and walks to me finally, grabbing both of my hands, and examining them. "No ring! You ain't even asked her to be your wife?" She turns to Harry again.

    "Momma, that's my choice.." I mumble.

    "Your choice? You don't want to marry him?" Gemma asks, and I shake my head.

    "No, no I do I just.. This was a surprise, and I wanted to wait until they were out, and here for him to ask." I mumble, explaining myself to them.

    "Them?" Anne asks, and her and Gemma are standing now.

    "It's twins... A boy, and a girl.." Harry tells them, and it feels like we're walking on eggshells right now, trying to feel the situation.

    "And you two are excited about this? This is a good thing?" My mom asks, and Harry takes my hand in his.

    "We're more than excited... We only waited to tell because-" Harry starts, and my mom interrupts.

    "Because she's sick, and you weren't sure if she'd be healthy enough to keep the baby." My mom finishes, and we both nod. Silence washes over us again, and I wait for something, anything from them. Next thing I know, Gemma, and Anne are hugging me, and I think one of them is crying, but I take my arms and wrap them around each of them accepting it.

    "I can't believe I'm going to be a grandma.." Anne mumbles, and my mom's face drops.

    "Holy shit I'm gonna be a grandma.. You hear that Garrison!" My mom looks up to the ceiling, and yells.
"We're gonna be grandparents!" My mom yells and I laugh, pulling away from the hug. "You have to know somethin son.. You better thank the good lord that Garrison ain't here because he would kill you, you'd be dead as a pig on christmas." She points to Harry, and I laugh, knowing how truthful my mom's words are.

    "I think he'd be happy though... At least after it settled in." Harry mumbles, but it sounds like he's trying to convince himself.

    "He'd be happy for yah after a while, but that's assuming he didn't shoot you and hang you over the fireplace like a prized deer... How the hell did this happen?" My mom asks, and I furrow my brows.

    "Well there's this thing called sex, and when two people love each other very much-" I start, seeing the smirk grow on Harry's lips.

    "You little smart ass, I know how babies are made, I just mean... Oh who the hell cares, I'm gonna be a grandma." My mom hugs me now, another bone crushing hug, but this is one of the only times I'm okay with it.

    "When did you two find out? And how the hell have we not heard anything until now?" Gemma asks, and Harry pulls me to a reclining chair, sitting my on his leg as he sits down.

    "Well I found out when we were on tour actually, I told him when we got home, and we've known ever since, but we didn't want to say anything until we knew that there was more of a chance that we were going to keep them than not... I had a threatened miscarraige, but we got past that, and I think everything has been... it's been really great, and easy too." I tell them, looking at Harry as he nods.

    "You said twins... a boy and a girl?" Anne asks, and he nods.

    "We found out a few days ago... We um.. We picked names as well." He tells them, and all three of them are giving us their undivided attention now.

    "We came up with them together.. I decided on Grace for the girl... Grace for Haley.." I tell them, and feel the same warmth I did when we agreed on the names. "Grace Robin Styles." I finish the name and Anne and Gemma softly gasp, melting to the name.

    "And for the boy we decided on Garrison Edward Styles... Garrison, and Grace..." He finishes, smiling to me, and their faces mixed with the complete feeling of support and love is almost overwhelming. Grace, and Garrison.. They can't come soon enough, the day won't come soon enough....


Song: What Have I Done by Dermot Kennedy.

Don't get too comfortable.... y'all know how I work(;

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