that night - la cruz

By hotchsangerissues

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I'm Oli, and my life is pretty crazy. From finding out secrets to being a secret I have to learn the basics o... More

new girl
if you're breathing, you're a liar
The good person us indistinguished from the bad
Angry, Young and Man
Nobody's clean
You can tell the heart of a man by how he grieves
There are a number of problems with Clay Jensen
In High School, even on a good day, its hard to tell who's on your side
Always waiting for the next bad news
The world closing in
There are a few things I haven't told you
Let the dead bury the dead
The end

And then the hurricane hit

113 2 0
By hotchsangerissues

Do innocent people run? They do, if that's their only choice.
Justin called me panicking.
Me: What's wrong?
Justin: Clay's gone.
I said while getting up making Monty fall off my bed.
Me: He couldn't! Why would he?!
Monty: good morning to you too.
He said massaging his back.
Me: So he's just gone?
Justin: I don't think he could've left this soon. Call me if you see him.
Me: Yeah, no problem I will.
And he hung up. We got to school and I hoped I could see him but nothing. Zach called me panicking too. Asking if it was true, that Clay was really gone. And to call him if I know anything else.
Me: shit!
Monty: Who's gone? Wait, Jensen? What the fuck? Did he take off?
Charlie: Why would he do that?
Monty: Holy fuck, maybe he is guilty.
Me: Monty, shut the fuck up. You don't know half the thing this boys been thru.
Monty: And he doesn't know what the fuxk I went thru.
Me: He couldn't have taken down Bryce. It would've been, I don't know, someone about six foot, one-ninety, nasty fucking temper.
Monty: Sounds like someone I wouldn't want to fuck with.
He said getting closer to me before kissing my lips.
Charlie: I really don't understand you guys.
He said laughing. Before we went to the assembly. Hillcrest was there, the whole football team.
Me: No one fucking do anything. Chris, Zach and I can manage. We went to meet with Hillcrest's coach and captain.
Coach: We only want to talk to the real captain and the coach.
He said looking at me with disgust. I hate old man that only believe in male rights.
Me: I am captain. We both are.
Chris gently hit my side before saying:
Chris: We hope you will accept our apologizes.
He said before shacking the other coach's hand. We all went to sit before Bolan said:
Bolan: Welcome, everyone. And a very special welcome to our guests from Hillcrest. We would like this to be a time to come together. The interruption of our Homecoming game inflames feelings on all side. And it was followed a few days later by the news of the tragic death of a former Liberty and recent Hillcrest student, Bryce Walker.
I looked at everyone in the assembly. Most of the guys looked bored and most of the girls looked mad. Everyone had mixed feelings about this. Especially Jess, who needed to apologize.
Bolan: Now, I've spoken at length with the student leadership, and Hillcrest administrators. We agreed that it was time to bring our schools together for a day of accountability and healing. And with that in mind Jessica Davis, student body president and organizer of the protest, would like to offer a few words.
The football team cheered Jess with applause and even tho she smiled I knew how painful this was going to be. As I was sitting next to Monty and Zach, I felt a hand behind me. I looked behind and saw Tyler. I smiled to him and I smiled back.
Jess: Thank you, Principal Bolan. You're absolutely right that at times like these, people need to be held accountable for their mistakes. And after something traumatic happens, it's important to focus on healing. But the thing is anybody suppose to healing all we do is cover up the wounds and hope that they'll go away?
Jess: We have to look at them and recognize them for what they are. We have to be honest about who actually got hurt and how. The protest I led was an attempt to try to draw attention to tape culture in boys sports and throughout our school. And yes, I admit the way I went about it wasn't perfect.
Jess: I'm sorry for how it all ended up. I really am. But making mistakes is part of being a survivor. At first, you think you're, like permanently broken. But then, little by little you start picking up the pieces and you start realizing what you're making is a mirror.
Jess: And...the more of those pieces that you put together, the more you start to see yourself. But maybe we can start picking up those pieces of that mirror together, and we can finally see the truth. If you think sexual assault doesn't affect your life, you're wrong. There are wait I it's all around us.
Jess: People you care about...who you never knew were suffering in silence. Let the know that you're there to listen. It's time for you to know the survivors in your life. To hear their stories and to know that their voice matters.
Jess: My name is Jessica Davis, and I'm a survivor.
The crowd started whispering before Casey got up.
Casey: My name is Casey Ford, and I'm a survivor.
?: My name is Janelle Martin, and I'm a survivor.
?: My name is Maggie Kim, and I'm a survivor.
A bunch more girls started getting up. From the corner of my eye I looked at Tyler, his eyes were filled with tears. Until he saw Clay walking in, he got up.
Tyler: My name is Tyler Down, and I'm a survivor.
I took Monty's hand since he started shaking.
?: My name is Robby Corman, and I'm a survivor.
I saw Tyler looking at him and I couldn't stop my body from standing up.
Me: My name is Olivia Michael, and I'm a survivor.
Justin: My name is Justin Foley, and I'm a survivor.
A bunch more of people started getting up, We all applaud them.
Jess: To those of you who are still seated, I know a lot of you still have stories, but you're not ready to share them yet. And that's okay. When you're ready, we'll listen. And we will continue to fight to make sure that no one is assaulted, harassed or abused at this school. We will not sit down. We will not be quiet. We will not rest until that happens.
Principal Bolan was the first one to applause and everyone else started cheering and hollering.
At the end of the assembly, I went to hug Tyler.
Me: I am so proud of you.
Tyler: Thank you.
He said while hugging me. A bunch of girls came to talk to me and Tyler talked with Robby.
Jess: Hey, can I steal you for a minute?
Me: Yeah.
She dragged me on the side.
Jess: Why didn't you tell me?
Me: I...don't know. I wanted to...but I couldn't.
Jess: Who was it?
Me: Shit. Umm I gotta go Jess.
I said seeing Clay talking with Tyler.
Me: Clay wtf man? Where were you?
Clay: I have to take off.
Jess: Oli, wait.
Sheriff: Clay Jensen.
Said the cops while coming in the school. We all looked at each other.
Sheriff: Clay Jensen. I have a warrant for your arrest for the murder of Bryce Walker.
Me: Clay shut up!
I said as he was going to talk.
Me: Anything you say can and will be use against you in a court of law.
I said at the same time as the Sheriff. When we tried to get closer, some stupid cop stopped us. I was going to follow them just like Justin when Monty and Jess stopped us.
Me: Fuck sake!
I said hitting Monty. Monty was the only one that could handle me hitting him.
Coach Chris called me into his office. Zach was sitting there playing with his crutches.
Zach: I have to resign as captain.
Me: woah woah woah woah woah. what?
Chris: Zach, just cause you're not in the field, that doesn't mean that you're not integral to this team.
Me: Look, the way you lead us, it gives u hope for the futur.
Zach: Thats the thing, I don't have a futur. And I just need to accept that.
Chris: Hey, don't quit on me. All right? You still got a lot to offer.
Zach: No I dont.
Me: Zach, you've dealt with so many shit from those guys. Remember what you told us at the Homecoming game?
Zach: "I will bleed for any of you. I will literally rest my life for you. No lie. Cause that's a promise I made."
Me: You're a Dempsey. You don't quit. You stop, evaluate, and try harder.
He smiled at me.
Chris: I'll give you a week to make your mind. And if you still want to resign I won't hold you down.
He said while Zach started leaving the office followed by me.
Me: You're a star Zachy. Liberty Tigers are grateful to have you as our captain.
He went to the gym and sat on one of the benches. He put his head in his hands before saying:
Zach: I need to tell you something.
Me: yeah?
Zach: I umm I killed Bryce.
Me: Don't say that. Not to me.
Zach: I can't met Clay go to jail for this. I have to go to the cops.
Me: Listen to me. Listen! Let it play out. They don't have anything, they're bluffing.
Zach: You don't know that, Oli. You told me you don't know that's. You don't- -
Me: If you were in trouble, they would've come to you. They have no idea. Clay will get off. You can walk, it'll be fine.
Zach: Oli, I killed...I killed somebody
Me: I don't believe that you did.
We kept talking for awhile before we both left. They still had Clay at the station, and I knew Zach was going to do something stupid. But Monty needed me. Everyone needed me. As I arrived home, Monty took my arm and walked into my room. He closed the door and made me sit on the bed.
Monty: Who raped you? Tell me!
Me: Monty....I- -...
Monty: Was it a guy on the team?
Me: Monty....
Monty: So it was?!
Monty: OLI!
He said while hitting my wall.
Me: Look, it's nothing important. It happened and he's going to regret it for the rest of his life.
Monty: Who was it! Oli, for fuck sake!
Me: luke....
Monty stopped and literally threw a lamp on the ground.
Me: Monty stop.
Monty: I treated him like my fucking brother!
Me: You didn't know...
Monty: I'm going to fuxking kill him!!
He said before I grabbed his arm. Tears were falling down my cheeks.
Me: I need you here with me.
And before I could say something more someone knocked on my door. I went to open it, followed by Monty.
Sheriff: Montgomery De la Cruz you're under arrest.
They took Monty.
Me: What?! On what charge?!
Sheriff: Sexual assault in the first degree. And maybe murder.
They said before putting his head in the car. I ran towards it and before they could close the door I said:
Me: I love you nothing can change that.
Monty: I love you too.
And they pushed me away while I cried. I called Zach, voicemail. I called Justin, voicemail. I called Charlie.
Charlie: hey Oli.
Me: They took Monty!
Charlie: who?
Me: The cops! They took him.
Charlie: Tyler filles a report against Monty. You knew that, right?
Me: I didn't know he filled a report. Why wouldn't he tell me?
Charlie: Wanna come over to talk?
Me: yeah.
And I hung up. Fuck!

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