Always waiting for the next bad news

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Well, of course you know Justin Foley is a drug addict? Well, you need to for where we're going.
Clay called me panicking. Saying that Justin used again. Fuck. I knew he had but only a couple months back not like a month ago. He told me he had stopped. Said it was an Oxy prescription in the name of Bryce. He found them at the Chatham House, at Bryce's funeral. I believe him.
Because life with an addict means you never know what to believe. You're always waiting for the next bad news.
I went to go pick up Clay this morning and when I walked inside both his parents and his lawyer were there.
Mrs. Jensen: Clay, Oli...please sit down.
Clay: I don't want to sit down.
Lawyer: You've officially been named a person of interest by the Sheriff. He held a press conference this morning.
Clay: A press conference?
Me: What does that mean? "A person of interest?" What the fuck is that?
Mr. Jensen: Character assassination is what it is.
Lawyer: It's a tactic.
Mrs. Jensen: It means nothing legally.
Clay: It doesn't feel like nothing. Feels like they're about to arrest me!
Lawyer: They can't. They don't have enough. So they try to put public pressure on you. They don't have être evidence t call you a suspect, but they want you scared.
Me: Well that's fucking working.
Mr. Jensen: Maybe it's best if you guys stay home from school today.
Clay: No. No way. We're not doing that.
Me: Clay- -
I said as he was walking away.
Clay: You can stay home.
Me: Hey, we're in this together. Like its always been.
Clay: Lets go get coffee.
He said as we both left the house. The ride was in silence till we arrived at Monet's. We both ordered and Clay went to sit while I waited for the coffees.
And then the bad news gets worse.
While I walked back I saw a man in a blazer talking to Clay.
Me: Hey, get the fuck out.
Man: I'm just enjoying a cup of coffee.
Me: Great. Then we'll get the fuck out.
I said as we walked away.
Clay: Thanks for the save.
Me: No problem. Guys a dick.
And here's the thing; when they made Clay a person of interest the searchlight shone on Justin, as well. So, it was only a matter of time...until his secrets came out. Clay felt every set of eyes on him, desperately searching a way out, desperately hoping the answer wasn't Justin.
I walked into the halls with Clay. Ani talked to Clay and I left cause I literally can't deal with her. Justin and Jess made up. I'm so happy for them. They deserve the best. Until, I got grabbed by the arm and dragged into the library. Why am I always in the library? I turned around and saw Clay and Zach.
Me: Umm? What's up?
Zach: You knew Justin was using?
Me: When he got back on the team he told me he had stopped.
Zach: He would've been caught. We were tested.
Clay: He told me he only used once a few weeks ago. Would that have been after you got tested?
Zach: Maybe he got lucky and the timing worked out, I don't know.
Me: Zachary.
Clay: Maybe you knew he was using and you helped him?
Zach: No. No way. I won't put up with that shit, okay? We play clean.
Me: Luke, Henry, Julian, you want me to make more of the guys who were on steroids?
He took a deep breath.
Zach: Footballs been good for him. He's healthy. I mean, that's the whole reason I got him to play last summer.
Justin hopes football would help find himself again. The way back isn't always easy.
Me: Remember when Coach Chris gave him the smack down of the century.
Zach: Even called him white trash.
He said laughing. We were both sitting at our table. We were talking about a bunch of things that happened when Justin joined the football team.
Zach: You can't eliminate student council funding for the football team.
Jess: You have plenty of funding from the district. You hav emote funding than the drama and music programs out together.
Monty: We have more guys involved than music and drama put together. We have four teams.
Jess: I promised I would do everything u could go eradicate jock culture.
Me: But you can't say that jock culture is this or that, there isn't just one culture. And we're changing things around here.
Jess: Male athletic programs not only protect athletes who commit sexual assault, they foster a culture of violence and aggression that creates rapist every day.
Me: I have to disagree. I'm a female. I play football. Those athletic programs are the only shot for some of us to have a college scholarship. And rapist aren't always athletes. You can't just say that you'll make an end to rape culture because it's everywhere. With athletes and non-athletes.
Zach: Football, athletics, for some people they're a lifeline.
Jess: Like who?
Justin: Like me. Look I didn't want to come back to football, but..once I did, it it got me out of bed in the morning and it got me back in myself and shit that...
Justin: I feel like myself for the first time in a really long time.
Zach: Look, cut our fundings or don't. In the end, you're not gonna win. Because we're not gonna give up.
Zach: He passed every drug test, hasn't missed a practice. He's in good shape.
He said to Clay before leaving. Everyone kept starring at Clay, and before I was about to leave for lunch Jess ran into my arms crying.
Me: What happened?
Jess: Justin said he cheated on me. That night after homecoming.
Me: What? That's impossible! He loves you way too much.
Jess: I don't know what to fucking do!
She said crying in my arms. I saw Justin walking in the halls and looking at us with tears in his eyes. I threw him lighting with my eyes before saying:
Me: My dads not home, we can skip and have a girls day.
Jess: Really?
Me: yeah. Come on.
I said while taking her hand and leaving school. We drove all the way to my house, stopped to get chips, alcohol, candy, chocolate, popcorn and much more before finally arriving. All day we watched movies and she ended up falling asleep on me. I texted Justin and asked him why he did it. He said he never did. He just didn't want to tell Jess he was using again. Shit.
Bryce: So are you shootin? Or just smoking?
When Justin's "father" walked back into his life and asked him to pay all the cash he wanted. We called Bryce. He's the only one that could get the money that fast, and that would help us.
Justin: Both.
Bryce: Jesus fuck Justin. That shit will kill you dead. One shot you get something that's too strong or fuxking fentanyl or some shit- -
Justin: What, you are gonna teach me now?
Bryce: No. No, of course not. But I don't want you to die.
Me: None of us want that Justin.
Bryce sneaked him some pills of Oxy under the table.
Justin: You take this shit?
Bryce: I don't, no. Makes me puke like a fire horse.
Justin: Fire horses don't puke per se.
Me: Shut the fuck up.
Bryce: I got it when I twisted my ankle. Take that shit instead, okay. Taper off it if you can.
Bryce: Don't fuxking die.
My phone rang, and saw it was Justin. I answered.
Me: You better fucking explain yourself.
Justin: I've been using again. You knew that. I didn't want to tell Jess.
Me: Why?
Justin: Cause she won't ever look at me that same.
Me: She thinks you're a cheater! That's worse J. Remember that night? When Zach dragged me out of bed for the team breakfast? Game day.
Me: yeah....
We were all sitting in the bus screaming and chanting.
Chris: Listen up in the back! Listen up! This is the start of league play for the year.
Us: wooohoooo!
Chris: Per state rules, players will be drug tested at three random times.
Chris: And tonight is one of those times. So when we get to the field house for East County, we will go directly into the visitor locker room, state guys will supervise the testing, all right?
Monty: Can we give sperm instead? Cause I like to yank one off before the game.
Me: don't forget to ask Charlie for that.
Chris: Okay, keep it classy guys!
He said while we all laughed.
Chris: A word from our captain.
Us: Captain!! Captain!
Me: Boys, tonight, we show them what kind of team we are, from the fucking piss test to the real test out on the field.
(For those who are confuse football has two seasons and Oli only did one of the two and she was named team captain)
Boys: Yes!!! Let's show them!
Me: I am so proud of every single one of you!
Everyone: TIGERS ! TIGERS!
Everyone started screaming.
The game had started. We were all on edges and played like our life's depended on it. Monty and I were the fastest competitors. We were the duo, known of the other players could get to one when the other was defending. When Chris made Justin get on the field I knew something was wrong with him. Justin was whiter then usual. Chris took me out, because defence was going, Zach had everything covered with Luke.
Me: Call back Foley.
Chris: What why?
Me: Captain feeling. Take him out, put Monty instead.
Chris let Justin play one game and the other team scored a touchdown. He changed them and Justin walked back mad asf.
Chris: Hey, Foley! Foley, what the hell?
Justin: Taylor was gonna pick the guy up over the middle.
Chris: No, man coverage, dude. That means cover your man!
Justin; Talk to fucking Taylor!
He said while trying to walk away.
Chris: Hey, don't you walk away form me.
Justin: What? What do you want me to say?
Chris: "I messed up coach." That's what I want you to say. "I messed up. I'll get it right next time"
Justin: Whatever.
He said sitting next to me.
Me: What's wrong?
Justin: I feel like fuxking shit. And I fuxking suck!
Me: Second half. Come back.
He leaned over and whispered in my ear.
Justin: I'm not gonna pass this drug test.
Me: Justin....
Justin: I know. I told you I was done, I'm not. But Zach and you were right. About's been good for me. I'm just gonna fuck it up because I fuck up everything.
Me: I can't help you, we're not even the same sexe. Ill see what I can do.
He agreed. Before Coach screamed his name.
As the game ended, we all got to get tested. Since I was a girl, I asked if I could do it by myself. When I finished, I looked for Justin's cup. There is was, I took out a bag that I had in my jacket, Zachs piss. I told him about it and he let me use his and then I left like nothing happened. I saw Justin walking next to Zach.
Me: It's done.
Justin: How the fuck did you do that?
Me: Don't ask. You're all clear.
I said while walking away.
Justin: Bryce gave me some. After the game.
Me: After everything I did. After the fact that Zach and I switched your pee to get you to play! Do you know how in much shit we would've been if we had gotten caught?
Justin: I know...I'm sorry.
Me; You better be dude. I did everything for you. Tell me you won't ever use again.
Justin: I promise Oli.
Me: After homecoming, where were you really?
Justin: I needed to get fucked up. So I did.
Me: Where did you go?
Justin: Down under the dock.
We talked for a few more minutes before hanging up.

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