
By IAmQueenVader

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this is about Corey Scherer the YouTuber, dancer, and comedian. Some TFIL members will be in this and it may... More

Moving To Cali
Home welcoming
Wonderful Day
Story to tell
Nightmare's Come True
Traphouse 2.0
Life update๐Ÿ’œ
New start
Win or Lose
Dreams into reality

Family Meeting

355 9 4
By IAmQueenVader

Y/n P.O.V

I wake up and see corey and i kiss his forehead lightly while i slide out of bed, then i go to my room to pick out some clothes to wear for the day and i lock my door and turn on tame impala while i shower. I get out to dry off and moisturize and brush my hair straight then put on my clothes

I go make a grill cheese once i finished i went to coreys room. As i head up the steps i heard elton coming out the garage taking circa outside. i walked into his room and dont see corey i just lay on the bed after i realize hes in the shower and play Kim Kardashian game. I feel two hands rub my back then two soft lips kiss my lower back and i smile.

Corey- " Goodmorning princess" i turn around and kiss him

Y/n- " Goodmorning handsome, can we go to Starbucks?" He nods and pulls away to changes into his clothes.

I lay on my back and play on my phone as i sing to music. Corey slides through my arms and lays on my chest, looks at me like a baby. " Was wrong baby" he wraps his arm around my waist as i play with his long hair

Corey- " i want to get out the house but im lazy" he burries his face in my chest as i lay my phone down on the bed

Y/n- " we can go to the movies maybe after the cameras get installed and can we go get Starbucks & breakfast?" He gets up and picks me up causing me to make a weird noise (idk😂)

Corey- " yes baby girl" he kisses me as i smile at his cuteness he puts me down " go put on your shoes i just gotta grab my keys and phone" he pats my butt and i go put on my white slip on vans. I go back to corey room with my purse on my shoulder and he gives me my phone. We go downstairs and notice everyone is still sleep so we just lock the door and go to Starbucks. In the car corey put on a song called Saturday by sammy wilk and start singing to me i laughed and blushed as he rubbed my cheek and payed attention to driving then we got to Starbucks a couple minutes later and i got a iced mocha with a breakfast sandwich and corey got the same. We got back to the house and it was about 9 am almost 10 we went to the kitchen to eat and saw the boys "wasup guys"

Y/n- " hey guys"

Elton- "hey besty and guys well be having a new roommate today also a family meeting around 3." Everyone said ok as they were making something to eat.

Y/n- "we should make a crazy video in the backyard on you elty" i say as i take a bite of my sandwich

Elton-" like what?" He looked confused.

Y/n- " how about dying your hair but with water guns and balloons" i say excited

Colby- " wait that sounds cool i definitely wanna be apart of that"

Sam- " that sound fun im down"

Elton- " well i guess we will be doing that soon and it can go on Tfil channel. The guy will be here soon so make sure your until he leaves so we can make sure we get good angles outside the house " everyone nodded and agreed and went seperate ways in the house. Corey threw away our trash as I still drank my coffee and grabbed my hand.

Y/n- "wanna go watch Netflix?" I ask as we walk upstairs.

Corey- " yea, what you wanna watch?" He opens the door and we take off our shoes and i lay down while he grabs the remote and sits down.

Y/n- " maybee dragon ball z if it's on Netflix or another anime?" He nods and looks for it and turns it on (If your a true Corey can you know he loves Dragon Ball Z😌) he lays next to me and holds me while we watch it and after a while I fall asleep and start to dream...

I hear a bang as I jump a little out of my sleep and I'm in my rooms window I saw that it was raining and I thought that's kinda cool because it doesn't rain in La a lot. I get out of bed and put on my flip flops and grab my phone and text the group chat

Y/n: Guys did you hear that?☹️

Samm: yeeah
Cole: I thought that was thunder
Jakey: It woke me up
Uncle elty: wait lemme get this straight... no one is downstairs in the living room moving around or in the kitchen???
Corey: wtf I'm gonna slowly go look at the cameras in my closet.. wait some dude no that guy is hear and he is in the house. Y/n walk slowly to my room so the footsteps aren't heavy

Y/n: elty🥺be safe down there, why didn't circa bark? Okay I'm coming to you room core

Uncle elty: she's sound asleep, maybe she thought it was thunder.

I crawl to coreys room and I hurry and get into his room and we call the police and and some how John got up the steps and broke coreys door handle and took me as he had a crow bar and dragged me while I was crying for Corey and he was on the floor hurt because he had got hit with the crowbar..

Dream ends

Y/n- I wake up and jump breathing heavy as Corey holds me and I'm tearing up.

Corey- " Baby what's wrong calm down"

Y/n- "I had a bad dream that John came in the house and he took me away from you guys" I said as I cried in his arms

Corey- " omg baby nothing like that will happen and I promise you he will not take you from any of us and I mean that" he said as he held my face and kissed my forehead. " you woke up just in time because the camera guy should be hear and we need to tell him where we want the cameras angled at. Do you want to stay up here and lay in bed I'll go get you some snacks from the kitchen?" I put my hair behind my ear and put on my reading glasses as he wipes my tears away.

Y/n- " y-yeah baby thanks, it means a lot." I looked up at him and smiled and he left the room and i turned on music and put in one earphone as I get my book Milk & Honey ready to read then Corey comes in with some snacks and some things for me to drinks " thank you" I smile and sit up some more

Corey- " your welcome, ill be downstairs with the boys and camera guy, text me if you need me okay?" I nodded and he smiled and left the room.

~ 2 Hours Later ~

Y/n- Corey text me and said come down stairs the new roommate is here and camera guy is gone. So I take off my glasses and slip on my Nike flops and go downstairs to where everyone was.

Elton- " okay now that we're settled everyone this is Jake Webber and of course Sam and Colby known him way before but yea."

Corey- " hey man I'm Corey scherer and this is my girlfriend Y/n Y/l she lives here too and she's kinda shy to new people she'll warm up to you." He said and smiled and held coreys hand

Y/n- " h-hey jake welcome home" I held my hand out to shake his and he shook mines.

Jake- " well thank you and hey thank you guys for letting me live here."

Elton- " no worries man, so when something is going on or and emergency we text in the traphouse group chat or tell each other that there is a family meeting, like right now this is a family meeting because of course we have a new family member but also we wanted to warn about what's been going on it wasn't serious at first but it's kinda bad now.

Corey- " yeah so couple days back i took y/n out for our first date and the waiter is name was John and he was acting suspicious towards her like very flirty and was Angeles towards me and she felt uncomfortable so we left and went to finish our food at the park but he looked soo upset when me and her left then we went to the gym I think the next day and we were working out for a while and I caught someone staring at her and he wouldn't stop and I said something to her and we had to leave because she had so much fear in her eyes and I wanted us to come home right away and he started following us out the gym and followed us all the way here but once we got in the driveway he sped off and that's why we just got those cameras installed.

Jake- " wow that's a lot to take in but I'm gonna be here to help and stay here as family and protect no matter what" every one nodded and smiled

Elton- " also I will be moving out once the lease is up and buying a house for me and my girlfriend ginger and you guys can decide what you do after." Everyone nodded

Y/n- " I'm still gonna come visit and annoy you" I smile and he laughs.

Sam- " what if we recreate the trap house after what like a year?!"

Colby- " that would be awesome and we should maybe go to Hawaii looking area yak now to trick everyone?" He smile and rubbed his chin

Jake- " I'm down this sounds cool, you guys already feel like family" he smiles

Y/n- " family hug" I yelled and everyone laughed and Stood up and we hugged each other and everyone groaned "I love you guys" they said awwww, sam fake cried and they said it back, then let go.

Corey- " oh guys me and y/n were planning to go to the movies today do you gouts wanna go?"

Colby- " well I was gonna stay here and help Jake unpack and set up his bed."

Sam- " I'll go with you guys just lemme go get my phone" he went up the steps.

Elton- " I got a couple of things to do here with my merch but have fun guys!" He said as he went into the garage.

Y/n- I went up stairs to my room and put on my slip on vans and grabbed my purse and wiped off all my makeup in my mirror then brushed my hair and waited downstairs for Corey. Corey came downstairs

Sam- " hey guys I invited Katrina to come if that's cool?"

Corey- " dude that's cool" and we got in coreys car

Sam- " I'll meet you guys there" we nodded and headed to the movies. We pulled up and looked around once we got out the car and waited and then Sam & Katrina pulled up and I hugged her and we got inside and wanted to watch 21 Bridges. As we headed into the theater to sit down we look for seats at the top and found perfect seats and sit down

( I'm lazy ) ~ After the Movie ~

Y/n- " that movie was so good" I continued grabbing my trash as I got up.

Katrina- " yeah it was and he is a really good actor in everything." She drinks some of her soda

Corey- " he badass also" we laughed and agreed and headed out and threw away our trash and went back him and Sam took Katrina home.

Y/n- " that was fun but now I need food so I'll make spaghetti n garlic bread"

Corey- " okay baby, that sounds good I can't wait." He said as he put his hand on my thigh on the way home. After a little we get home and I walk in take off my vans at the door and go to the kitchen & grab what I need and start making dinner and I boil pasta and make meatballs for the side and put the bread in the oven while I dance to music. As I finish up on the spaghetti and add sauce and basil then move around the meatballs in the pan and take out the garlic bread. I yell that dinners done and all I hear is feet. Everyone says thank you and makes there plate and then I make mines and put the rest up in the fridge and wash the dishes then I eat. Everyone ate in the kitchen and was on there phone or talking to each other. We put our plates in the sink and I wash those then I go to my room and i turn on my led lights and turn on 2 Hold U by Clairo and I clean up then I sit down on my floor and just rest for a little then I hear a nick on my door

Y/n- " come in" I see Corey come in and sits down with me " hey" I say as I turn and look at him with a smile.

Corey- " hey cutey" he kisses me " today was tiring somehow" I nodded

Y/n- " yeah, wanna go to sleep?" He nodded and yawned. We got up and I yawned and we crawled into my bed and he put his phone down on my night stand. " I love you" i cuddle him

Corey- " I love you too" he held me and we drifted to sleep with my music playing.


I know I know I've been gone for who knows how long but I've been very active on my corey scherer fan page lately and getting ready for my last year of high school 🥺❤️but also I had to think a lot and I wanted this very detailed and good. I hope everyone is being safe and wearing mask and washing there hands, I'm waiting on my Yeroc Merch👁👄👁❤️ like, comment opinions and share!!

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