Life Saver

By Twizzle_n

1.5M 50.1K 73.5K

Tony thought he was texting Steve, but Steve, still not really understanding phones, gave him the wrong numbe... More

Chapter 1 - I don't want to be Alone
Chapter 2 - I don't know?!
Chapter 3 - Stark Industries
Chapter 4 - Vincent van Gogh
Chapter 5 - Injuried
Chapter 6 - An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 7 - Ned Is Gonna Flip When He Hears This
Chapter 8 - The Chase
Chapter 9 - Late Night Talk
Chapter 10 - The Call
Chapter 11 - An Intentional Meeting
Chapter 12 - Making sure you're okay
Chapter 13 -Peter Parker's Not So Great Life
Chapter 14 -Bullies And Crime Fighting
Chapter 15 - How's That Spider Bite Treating Ya?
Chapter 17 - Tower Tour
Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower
Chapter 19 - Part of a Truth
Chapter 20 - Panic
Chapter 21 - The Arrival
Chapter 22 - The Conference
Chapter 23 - What the Hell is going on
Chapter 24 - Nightmares and Confessions
Chapter 25 - Who are you?
Chapter 26 - A Calm Day
Chapter 27 - Guests all around
Chapter 28 - Goodbyes
Chapter 29 - Everything's Okay
Chapter 30 - Acceptance
Chapter 31 - Relations
Chapter 32 - Strange Things Are Happening
Chapter 33 - The Perfect Dream
Thank You!

Chapter 16 - Getting Picked Up

46.2K 1.6K 1K
By Twizzle_n

Peter's P.O.V

The nurses at the hospital wanted me to stay the night, just to make sure nothing was wrong. They were really surprised when I came in and didn't even have a concussion or a single broken bone. Said it was a miracle and that I was very lucky to come out of it without a scratch. One of the nurses even brought up some Serbian lady who fell out of a plane when it crashed and she survived sometime during the 70s.

But, of course, it's no miracle. Just superpowers. 

May didn't come back to check on me except when she had to. Just to show her colleagues what a good aunt she was. Everytime she entered the room, she didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. Just looking at the clock in my room until around 5 minutes had gone by. Then she left.

It was nice, not having to hear her voice.


The nurses said I was okay and I was free to go. May only followed me out of the building, said goodbye in a frightening cheery tone. Then she went back inside.

I walked down the small steps from the hospital and I saw this really fancy, expensive black car. It stod right next to the sidewalk, like it's suppose to pick someone up. Kind creepy.

Then, all of a sudden, the window for the drivers seat went down and grumpy looking man looked at me with tired eyes.

"Are you Peter Parker?" He asks, sounding irritated. There was a sound coming from the back seat, but I didn't focus on that. Instead, I was focusing on how this complete stranger that I've never met knows my name.

"Uhh... Y-yeah? I am...?" I say, sounding a little unsure because, I mean, when a complete stranger knows your name and is there with a big car... I think you can add the dots.

"Get in." The man says.

"I'm sorry what?" I ask, taking a step back.

"That sounded way too creepy for comfort, Hap." I hear someone say from the backseat.

"It really did." I add and I hear a snicker from the backseat.

All of a sudden, the door to the backseats opens and I see Mr. Stark sitting there, his mouth curved into a smirk.

"Mr. Stark?! Wha... what are you...- what are you doing here?" I whisper-yell in surprise.

"Well, someone didn't answer my texts and... uhh... could you maybe get in. Don't want anyone to see me." Mr. Stark says and I chuckle a little.

"Because that's not creepy at all." I mumble and walk over to the backseat and get in. Mr. Stark scoots over to the other seat and I look around the car with a little envy, but then again. He is a billionaire.

As I closed the door and put on the seatbelt, the car started moving. I get a little tense, and Mr. Stark notices.

"Don't worry, we're just going to the tower." He simply says.

"Wait... The Avengers Tower???" I ask, enthusiasm present in my tone.

"Yep." Mr. Stark says, popping the "p".

"So... is this basically your kidnapping plan?" I ask in a joking manner.

"Why were you in the hospital?"

"Touché. And I... uhhh... fell..." I mumble the last bit.

"That's a really weak excuse." Mr. Stark says and I chuckle a little. "Happy, a little privacy please."

As Mr. Stark says that, the little hole connecting the front-and backseat was closed off by a small window-ish thing.

"Wait... is his name Happy? I mean, he looks more grumpy than Grumpy Cat." I say and Mr. Stark stiffs a laugh.

"It's just a nickname. And back to the subject." I gulp, getting a little nervous. "What the hell were you doing at a hospital? Don't you have, like, super healing or some shit like that?" His tone was friendly, but still strict.

"Okay, first of all. Language. Second of all. Like I said, I fell." I say and Mr. Stark groans a little.

"Then pray tell, how did you 'Fall'?" Mr. Stark says sarcastically, using air quotes on the word "Fall".

"Sensory overload, gym class, high up, fell down, passed out." I summarize. Mr. Stark looks confused.

"Okay, let's step back a couple of notches. What do you mean 'sensory overload'? And how were you high up?"

"When I got my powers, my senses were dialed up to, like, eleven. So basically, all my senses are better than a normal human, which is cool in some ways. But sometimes, everything gets too much and I get a sensory overload, which, if you didn't pick up on the name, is when all my senses go haywire. Everythings too loud, too bright, it hurts to touch things, too many smells and just imagine not being able to eat because it tastes too much and it hurts on the tongue, which leads to you being even more hungry." I ramble.

"How long do they last and how often do you get them?"

"They often last for about a day or so. It can be more, it can be less. I often get them when I'm tired, both emotionally and physically, which can be pretty often... heh... umm... but I guess, uhh, I get them, like, at least once or twice a month, depending on my situation." I explain and I would've thought that Mr. Stark stopped listening a long time ago, since I've just be rambling on about it. But he sat there, his eyes on me, seeming focused on hearing what I had to say. May never does that.

"I see. Wait, what do you mean "my situation"? And how did you fall?" He asks and there's still uncertainty in his voice.

"Uhh... w-well... We were, umm, climbing ropes during gym class." I start, ignoring his first question. "And normally I don't climb since 'Weak, Nerd Peter Parker can't do anything in gym class'. But since I had the sensory overload, I didn't think. I just climbed and climbed until the... until the teacher called my name." I stop for a moment, remembering the feeling when I was so high up.

"I.. uhh... I swear, if you make fun of me for this I will block you." I threaten and Tony looks a little worried, but he stiffs a laugh at my weak threat.

"Alright, uhh, I won't?"

"I... I've never been a fan of hights... and... umm... when I was so high up, that was the only thing I could think of. I normally try to ignore my fear when I swing around but this time..." I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. "*Ahem* Anyways... So, in some way... umm... MyGripOnTheRopeLoosenedAndIFellAndHitTheGround." I say the last bit really quickly, hoping Mr. Stark didn't fully catch it. But of course he did.

He removes his hand from my shoulder and puts his hand up to the bridge of his nose and just sits there, nodding a little for himself.

"Alright." He mumbles. "Okay. Well then. Good that you're not dead at least, or hurt. I hope."

"Agree to disagree." I mumble.

"What was that kid?" Mr. Stark asks, sounding a little baffled. He heared what I said.

"Oh look! There's the tower!" I say with as much enthusiasm as I can muster up, as if the conversation never happened.

"Yeah... about that. I have a proposition." Mr. Stark says and I turn my head in his direction, dragging my eyes away from the tall building. "How about you work for me? I mean, I know that you are Spider-Man, so I can help you with upgrades and other things. Kind of like an internship, but, like, a paid internship."

"Oh, I... I couldn't. I already have so much on the list of things I have to do. B-but don't get me wrong! I would, I really would like to work for you. But I have school, patrol, wor-"

"I'm guessing since you were in the hospital, you've got a bill to pay, right?" Mr. Stark interrupts me. I stay quiet. "I can pay a little more than what you're already being paid. So, kind of like a job switch. What do you say?"





How is everyone today?

I just wanna say that next chapter can take awhile because next week I will be very busy . So we'll see if I'll survive.

That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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