It had to be Jessica

Par ImNotSecretlyAVampir

154K 6.3K 729

Waking up as a 12 year old girl was never on my to do list. Especially since I had already gone through puber... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

12.3K 434 66
Par ImNotSecretlyAVampir

The day that the world turned upside down started like any other, my now ten year old brother had woken me up in his usual way, by pounding on my door and screaming at me to wake up. I felt like my stomach was trying to squeeze itself out through my belly button it was all twisted and uncomfortable. I sat up, all bleary eyed because I could barely sleep last night after hearing that

Isabella Swan was starting her first day of school with us today.

Once I was dressed in a long sleeve tan shirt and a pair of loose jeans, I went downstairs in my baby blue socks and sat down at the table with a bowl of cereal. I don't want to go to school.


I honestly don't even remember getting to school, but I sat in the seat of my purple 2004 taurus. I was surprised when my parents handed me the keys after I got my license on my 17th birthday. I was so happy to find out they had it painted purple. Like you have no idea. I smiled at the memory. I caught eyes with Edward Cullen and felt a smirk form on my face while his own face turned into one of deep despair.

'Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows~ Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on- dancing on- rain!' And that was it. Edward cringed heavily as the song blared loudly in my thoughts on an endless loop of cutesy pink fluffiness with the shiniest of rainbows. Just for added measure I threw in the cute musical instruments that play with it. His hands twitched like he wanted to cover his ears even though it would do absolutely nothing.

When October rolls around I'm thinking Spooky Scary Skeletons next.

I have been doing this for the better half of the year after I got tired of his staring into my soul like I was the ultimate prize in an intense game of Uno. Probably trying to figure out why I'm not attracted to him even though I constantly think about his looks. Like damn, yeah he is pretty but he is that level of manga/anime character pretty where in real life it just looks weird.

You have no idea how much I want to just dump an entire bucket of glitter all over him and watch him struggle with the fact that it would not come off. Let him sparkle for a week because that shit, even without glue, would stick to your skin no matter how many showers you take. I shuddered, remembering the time someone did that to me... I'm still finding glitter in places glitter should not be and that was over 3 months ago!

I shook my head. Enough thinking about pretty boy! Let's get to class before Bella shows up... I think I share a class with her, English maybe?

I knew I was too late when I heard the monstrous roar coming from an old rusty orange truck pulling into the school parking lot. "Oh no..." I groaned. I could already imagine all the pain as I just realised... We have gym together....

the stories are true, she is one major clutz. I hit my forehead onto my steering wheel. Just kill me now and get all this pain and torture over with.

I continued to mope when I heard a soft knock on my car window, looking over I saw Angela giving me a concerned expression. I smiled and shut my car off, before grabbing my bag, and climbing out. Once I locked the doors, I shoved the keys into my bag before hefting it onto my shoulder. "Let's get to class before Eric pulls us into the Isabella Swan mess." I grumbled, dragging her behind me.

Angela tried to protest, but honestly I would like to hold off meeting Isabella for as long as possible. I just wasn't in the mood to meet new people or to be thrown into the plot line just yet.

I spent the first class period chewing my bottom lip anxiously. I had Trigonometry next, and if I remember correctly, I share that class with none other than Bella Swan. I know I have 3 class periods with her, Trigonometry, Spanish and Gym. I shuddered. Not looking forward to any of it... I also had Trigonometry with Mike too. He's cute, but not my type... Too full of himself. I smirked to myself at that thought. Takes one to know one I guess, I know I can be pretty full of myself too. The bell rang, signaling the end of class. I cringed, oh well let's get this over with.


I held the disposable ice pack to my cheek as I walked to my car after school let out, I felt irritation well up as Bella followed behind me, apologizing profusely over and over again.

"Bella, I already said it was okay, please stop apologizing." I turned to her, shoulders squared in annoyance.

"But, that ball hit you really hard." Her eyes drifted to the quickly forming bruise on my cheek.

"If you really feel bad about it." I said, having already thought this over. "You can come to my house for dinner." I winced a bit, I knew I wanted to avoid the plot, but it's already too late.

She chewed her bottom lip in thought as her brown eyes stared just over my shoulder at the treeline. After a few minutes of silence she nodded slowly. "Let me just call my dad and let him know...:" She mumbled, pulling out her phone.

I nodded and turned to my car. "I'll wait, just let me know what he says and I'll show you the way to my house." I said without looking at her as I walked to my car.

After sitting in the driverseat for a few minutes while I waited, Bella came and knocked on the window. I rolled it down and looked up at her.

"He said it was okay, since he is going to be working late tonight..." she trailed off as she stood there nervously fiddling with the hem of her jacket.

"Alright, my brother should be home by now, so get in your truck and get ready to follow me." I rolled my window up after she nodded.

It wasn't even a fifteen minute drive later that we pulled into my driveway. I got out after turning off the engine and grabbing my bag. I locked my car and led Bella into my house, leading her straight to the living room where Max was watching his evening cartoons.

"Did you finish your homework?" I asked with a raised brow, causing him to pout.

"Come on Jess, just a few more minutes..." He whined, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

I snorted, "Max, that trick didn't work when you were 8, it's not gonna work now," I said seriously as I pointed at him. "Bella can help you with your English this time, I heard she was pretty good."

Bella's face went bright red at being put in the spotlight, she tried to hide in her long hair but Max wasn't having any of that.

"He has trouble with grammar and spelling." I called over my shoulder as I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, I was thinking spaghetti this time.

About half an hour later just as I was finishing up dinner I heard Max laughing hysterically.

I stepped into the entryway of the living room and snorted. Bella was hiding behind her book, shoulders shaking with laughter, although no sound actually came from her.

"Dinner is ready." I smiled, it was 5:00 pm, which was our normal dinner time.

The three of us sat down at the dinner table and quietly ate. This was so awkward... I looked over at Max who was slowly eating his food with an expression as though he were attempting to keep his laughter at bay. I then looked at Bella who seemed to be picking at her food.

"So... How are you liking Forks?" I asked, anything to end the uncomfortable silence.

"Um.. It's alright... It's wetter than I like..." She had so many pauses in her reply I was half expecting her to stutter.

I nearly choked on my next bite of food as my dirty mind took that to a whole new level. "Nothing like Arizona, right?" I said, a bit raspy after I caught my breath and chugged half a glass of water.

She nodded slowly, chewing even slower.

"So, let's talk about how pale you are if you grew up in Arizona." I smirked, she had an expression like she knew that was coming.

"I spent a lot of time inside?" she tried, even though I knew that was probably not true.

"Uh-huh." I nodded, taking a drink from my glass of water, watching my brother over the lip of the glass as he noisily slurped his noodles.


I said goodbye to Bella shortly after dinner. She waved as she pulled out of my driveway and drove away. I shut and locked the front door, cracking my knuckles and my neck. Time to get to my homework!

I knew my parents were going to be home around 10 pm, well past Max's bedtime by two hours. He hasn't been able to see them lately with work and all, my guess is they're trying to get enough money to get him that christmas present he really wanted last year. It was super expensive too so I wouldn't be surprised if that was the only gift he got this year. I think it was a motorized Dirt Bike... I can't be sure, maybe I'll ask him later. I pulled my bag to the kitchen table, deciding to do my homework here instead of in my room. It was only February, just shy of 6 days till my 18th birthday. I was a Valentine's baby. Wonderful, right?

I snorted and shook my head at how I'm basically talking to myself in my head at this point. I started first on my Trigonometry homework, the trickiest of the bunch but luckily the brain of mine understands it better than I did in my last life, or rather, my dreamself.

It was around midnight by the time I finished my homework and my parents walked in through the front door. I caught eyes with my mother as I was heading up the stairs and she looked drained. Her usually bright blue eyes had dark bags under them andher brown hair was a mess, falling out her her bun and into her face.

I chewed my bottom lip nervously as I turned to look at my dad, his own curly dark brown hair was also a mess as he took off his hat; his usually bright green eyes were dim with exhaustion. His face was pale, making his freckles stand out more.

I noticed quickly after I woke up at the tender age of 12 that Max looks exactly like our dad, from the freckles to the hair and even the eye color. I shook my head. "Good night mom, dad." They looked up, shocked as if they didn't know I was standing there.

I knew they had to be at work at 6 am and they don't sleep much anymore. The least I can do for them is lighten the load that is burdening their shoulders "You should take a day off from work." I said softly. "I'll get a part-time job, if it will help, please don't overwork yourselves." I went over and kissed them both on the cheek before running up the stairs to my room to avoid any further conversation. I dropped my bag off and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Closing my bedroom door behind me, I changed into my comfy, fuzzy purple pajamas and turned off the light. I began my nightly ritual of crawling into bed, snuggling under my warm covers. I had seven hours to sleep before I had to be up and make breakfast and get my brother to school before 8 so I can make it to school on time at 8:30. I almost immediately fell asleep.

At least I had one thing to look forward to. Tomorrow my music club is getting together at lunch time to play music. I felt a surge of excitement go through me, making me grin widely before darkness took over. I can't wait.

What I could wait for is stupid sparkle people invading my dreams and being perfect and sparkly and fast and- damnit, Cullens, get out of my dreams!


I looked in the rearview mirror at my brother in the backseat. He was looking at my guitar case, maroon color and covered in band stickers. He looked a little confused and would give me the occasional glance every minute or so.

"I have a club meeting at lunch," I explained to him with a little chuckle in my tone. He just nodded. I guess he was confused because I haven't played in a while. I shrugged, pulling into his school parking lot. "Have a good day Little Bro." I waved at him as he shut the door to my car, still grinning widely. He rolled his eyes at me but waved back. 10 years old and he has a worse attitude then I did at his age. I snorted and pulled out of the parking lot once he was out of sight. I mean yeah, he is usually very sweet but lately he has been throwing that eye roll around. I drove in near silence to my school, tapping the steering wheel, humming a song I listened to often in my dream life. It's a bit weird, but eh, it was catchy.

Pulling into the school parking lot, I grinned and reached back, pulling my guitar case out of the backseat, patting it joyfully, I was half an hour early, might as well play for a bit, I got out of my car and sat on the bench across from my car. I pulled my glossy dark purple guitar out of its case. I strummed the strings a bit, tuning a few of them to perfection, aimlessly strumming as I tried to think of a song to play.


It was lunch time, I sat with my friends with our instruments in our laps as we talked about what song to play first. We had sat debating for almost 10 minutes when I was struck with an idea.

"What about Jamie O'Neal's Somebody's Hero? It came out recently but I've been listening to it so often I memorized it." I said excitedly. Since no one else had an idea they all just nodded and pulled out their instruments.

I started strumming on my guitar as a natural southern accent slipped from my lips as I began to sing. This song reminded me of my other life, of my young son who I left behind, but it also reminded me of my little brother in this life, who looked up to me in such a way it made me feel important. It reminded me of my mother in this life as well, how she is doing so much for her two children.

(A/N: I can't promise any faster updates despite having 10 chapters in total finished. I am just extremely excited for this story. Twins and Vampires is currently under Hiatus due to my beta mysteriously disappearing. So for now Enjoy this one!!!)

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