Creator (book 3) - H.S

By fuxkingharrry

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I think she said I'm having your baby.... and it's none of your business. BOOK THREE TO STYLIST!!! IF YOU HAV... More

Chapter 1: Pan!c
Chapter 3: Memories.
Chapter 4: Beside You.
Chapter 5: What Have I Done?
Chapter 6: Ease My Mind.
Chapter 7: All I Wanted.
Chapter 8: Ghost Of You.
Chapter 9: An Evening I Will Not Forget.
Chapter 10: Sweet Creature.
Chapter 11: Turning Page.
Chapter 12: Stand By You.
Chapter 13: All About Us.
Chapter 14: Let's Stay Home Tonight.
Chapter 15: Never Enough.
Chapter 16: You Are My Sunshine.
Chapter 17: One and Only.
Chapter 18: Bright.
Chapter 19: Something.
Chapter 20: Daisies.

Chapter 2: Home.

33.2K 650 238
By fuxkingharrry

A/N: I'm so excited for this story....
Also a reminder... her baby bump is very small, if you want a better idea go on google and look up "baby bump 6-7 weeks"


I wake up, and instantly turn around, the Harry radar in my mind not sensing him. Where the hell is he? What the fuck... Did he leave to go get drunk at a bar like in those movies when a man finds out he's going to be a dad? Did he change his name and move to reno? Did he- just walk through the door downstairs, and cause Bo to bark like crazy.. I'm insane, I'm mentally insane... I close my eyes as the door opens, and I hear his footsteps along the floor, and I hear them stop in front of me. He's probably crouching down in front of me, but I stay as still as I can, not moving a muscle as I do.
"El, darling are you awake?" He mumbles softly, but I don't reply. "I know you are..." He mumbles, and I open an eye.
"How did you know?" I ask, somewhat pouting.
"Because I'm me, and I've known you long enough to know that the fact that I wasn't in
bed woke you up, but you were afraid I skipped out on you and that's why you didn't call to see where I had been." He mumbles, knowing me so well.
"I didn't necessarily think you skipped o-" I start, and he gives me a look as if he doesn't believe a single thing I'm saying. "Find my first thought was that you got drunk in some bar because you were freaking out, and then I thought you might have changed your name, but I know in the back of my head that you'd never do that... Where were you?" I ask, sitting up as he sits down.
"Don't be upset with me.... I went to Jeffrey last night." He tells me, and my jaw drops, and for some reason my eyes well up. "Wait... wait why are you crying? What did I do?" Harry asks, panic in his face, and I cover my face, completely overwhelmed with emotion all the sudden.
"He's going to hate me because... because I'm ruining your career, and now his career
is ruined too." I cry out, and he pulls my hands down from my face..
"Is this hormones?" He asks, and I throw my hands down, my lips quivering as I do. "Yea... I think that's what this is, come here..." He pulls me close to him, and then lifts me up, my legs around his waist, his hands carrying me around my back.
"EW, put me down, I'm fat now, and I'm going to crush you." I groan out, feeling like I weigh about a thousand more pounds despite the small change in my appearance.
"Hush, you're not fat, and you're being dramatic." He mumbles, and I pull back as we get down the stairs, he sets me down on the ground, but keeps his hand on my back so he can come forward, so he can kiss me, and I feel relief under his kiss, like everything just fell into place. He pulls away, and twirls me around, and I watch him as he walks into the kitchen, pulling things out setting things on the counter. "What are you doing?" He asks as I stand here, watching him.
"Wondering what you're doing..." I mumble, and he opens up the fridge, and holds up two eggs.
"I'm cooking my two favorite people breakfast on this fine morning.." He smiles at me, and I walk into the kitchen, and cover my mouth at his words. "What?" He asks, looking concerned.
"You're being so sweet, I think I'm going to cry again." I warn him, and he puts everything down, coming to me.
"Don't cry again darling... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." His voice sounds somewhat concerned.
"I'm not upset, I'm in love... I was really scared this morning when I woke up, and it made me emotional, and now here we are..." I mumble to my obvious distress.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke up, but Jeffrey, and Glenne are excited for us... That's a good thing, they think this is amazing, and I do too, and...and my mum is going to be so happy, and your-" He starts, and I panic.
"No! No, none of them can know yet... Our family cannot know yet, not until after the first trimester, not until we already know everything we need to know, if you tell any of them I will be mad, angry El, while pregnant... I haven't experienced it yet, but I can promise you it will not be pleasant." I point a finger at him, and he covers it with his hand, bringing my hand up, and placing his lips on it, kissing softly.
"Why not?" He asks, softly, keeping my hand in his.
"Because I want to be one hundred and ten percent sure that this is real before either of our moms know." I tell him. "But they have to find out together... We can invite both of them here, and Gemma too, and tell them all at once." I scheme in my head and he kisses my forehead. "I guess you could say.... I'm having your baby.... And it's none of their business..." I raise my eyebrows at him, and he glares at me. "You set yourself up for that one, you really did." I laugh, and he rolls his eyes.
"I did not set myself up for that one first of all...but if that's what you want to do then that's what we'll do... El, won't you be showing a bit more by then? Think it'll be a bit hard to hide it." He pulls out pots and pans, moving things around, and I pull up my shirt, looking down to myself, and turning sideways.
"I'm six weeks... hardly anything at all.. In another six weeks we'll know for sure, and if I wear a sweatshirt they won't be able to see a single thing... Then when we tell them, I can show them." I tell him, still looking at my belly. I look up to him, watching him stare, the warmest, softest smile on his face as his dimple appears. "What?" I ask, and he shakes his head, peeling a banana open as he cooks the eggs.
"This is the best thing.... It's just shocking that it's all real... Come here." He nods his head, and I walk over to him, my feet brushing the floor and my hands hooked underneath the small roundness of my belly. He rolls my tshirt up again, and looks down on me. "It's so cute..." He puts his hands on the sides of the tiny bump, smiling bright towards it.
"It's your fault, so it better be cute." I mumble, and he gives me a side look before lifting me up, and putting me on the counter. I open my legs, him standing between them as he holds my waist.
"I hope it's a her... I don't know why, but I just can't help but imagine a little girl who's just like you, just as strong, and hard headed, but absolutely adorable in every way.. I heard that if you talk to them that they might be able to hear you, even this early on..." He tells me, while the food cooks next to us as I sit on the counter.
"I don't care what it is as long as it's happy and healthy... Why don't you try... try talking to her or him.." I mumble ,and he hasn't taken his eyes from my belly.
"Hi angel... Um... I'm Harry, I'm your dad, and I can't wait to meet you... I know that you're probably having a great time in there right now, but can you try to go easy on your mum a bit? Give her a little break here and there for me... Umm, I hope you like music as well.. I'll play for you, and sing for you when you're finally out here, and I know I haven't met you yet, but you're so loved already... I love you so damn much." He mumbles, and I swat at him, putting my hand over my belly button.
"Watch your mouth, that is my child you are talking to..." I mumble, and he looks at my hand.
"It's mine too for the record, and second of all, did you just cover your belly button as if that's how they heard me? Third of all, even if they can hear me it's not like they understand what I'm saying yet." He asks me, and I nod, keeping my hand over my belly button.
"Yes I did cover my belly button because I don't want our baby to hear your dirty mouth, and come out shouting profanities... This is a family show now..." I smirk, and he thins his eyes at me.
"Our child is not going to come out shouting profanities El... Our child is going to be perfect in every way, and you know that's true." He walks away, and I roll my shirt back down, staying on the counter as he cooks for me.
"And why do you say that?" I ask.
"Because their parents are perfect? Duh?" He fakes a hair flip, and I laugh out, watching him. He works the kitchen, cooking, and making me toast as well, and I have so much admiration for him in these moments, in all of this he's come through and been the best person he can be.
"I have a question..." I mumble as he hands me a plate, keeping my spot on the counter as he leans on the counter opposite of me.
"You said you had a ring..." I mumble, and he nods, keeping his relaxed nature.
"I did say that." He mumbles, chewing his food.
"As dumb as it sounds... I feel like.. I feel like if you were to ask me while I was pregnant that it would feel like you were only asking me because I'm pregnant.." I tell him, speaking my thoughts.
"I've had the ring since before tour even started darling, I've just been.. I've been waiting for the right time to ask, and-" He starts, but I interrupt.
"I know... I know that's not why you're asking... I just.. I want you to wait if it's not too much to ask." I mumble, and he thinks for a second, looking back to me.
"If that's what you want... I don't understand it, but I hardly understand anything you do... El do you know how confusing you are?" He asks, and I shrug, looking at my plate.
"Nope." I pop the word, and he shakes his head. "Why don't you tell me about it?" I ask, and he smiles to himself, that same lazy smile.
"It's like some days I can see right through you, see everything you're feeling, and saying, and other days you're a mystery to me... Keeps me on my toes, kind of keeps me sane." He tells me, and I tilt my head.
"What do you mean?" I ask, and he walks to the same side of the counter as me, putting his back on the counter.
"I mean that you make me feel young, you make me feel the same as I did when I first met you even though everything is so different... I love you more though, I think I fall more and more in love with you every single day... It's like all the things I thought I needed in my life are all small memories, and tiny glimmers in my past, they're nothing... I don't need any of them anymore, I don't need anything but you darling, you're my home. I have everything I could ever need within arms reach, and that all came from the big question mark that was El Montgomery." He tells me, and I find myself smiling, looking down. "I see that smile, don't try to hide it." He jokes, and I look up to him, my feet dangling from the counter as I kick my legs, swinging them back and forth. "Do you remember when you told me that I'd never know the real you?" He asks me, and I nod.
"Why don't we just go through all the things I said that ended up not being true.." I joke, and he sets his plate down.
"You'll never be anything but a business partner. I don't care about you, I don't like you, we're not friends... You'll never get to know the real me, you can't fall in love with me because you'll never get through to the real me. We'll never be together. We'll never be more than friends. I'm okay... and so many more, but let's not forget the most recent, and my personal favorite... 'Don't worry bub, I'm only throwing up because of my flare up, i'll be fine.' Ahh good times." He started out counting on his fingers, but ended up letting his fingers fall to his sides as he walked around me.
"Alright so we've established that I am hard headed, and pretend to think I know what's going on, and that I've got everything under control when I really don't... what's your point?" I ask, and he shrugs.
"The point is that there's no more doing that, there's no more pretending we've got it handled when you don't... Especially not now. El, I know you hate the thought of it, but I want to take care of you... I want to be able to do that for you, and I want you to ask me when you need something, I want you to lean on me.." He places his hand on each side of the counter, leaning close to me. "Because I love you..." He tells me, and I smile at him.
"You're all the support I have in this right now... you and Anthony, but he's a million miles away right now... Harry, how the hell are we going to raise a kid?" I ask, speaking my mind.
"Well I think the first step would be naming it, taking it home from the hospital, and then we will go from there. Pretty sure we're going to need a lot of diapers, baby food, and all those toys that we used to play with... School's going to play in that mix sooner or later I'm guessing.. Ummm, money, I feel like you're going to spoil the hell out of him or her, but we'll talk about that later, and of course-" He starts being the smartass that he is, and I push his chest back.
"I'm serious Harry... This is serious." I mumble, trying not to laugh.
"I know I know I'm sorry... I don't know how to answer that... All I know is we're going to fill his or her life with so much love, and do the best to make them kind, and caring, and loyal, and honest, and brave... I don't know how we're going to raise a kid, but we're going to do our best...That's all we can do darling." He looks to the side, and leans over to me, my hand connecting to his jaw and my lips pressing to his.
"I think I want a little boy..." I tell him, and he furrows his brows.
"Really?" He asks, and I nod, putting my plate down, and trying to get off of the counter. He lifts me, setting me on the ground with ease, and I throw my hair up, running my plate under the water, and loading it in the dishwasher, and starting on the other dishes.
"Yea, I can see him now with brown curls, and the softest little dimples on his cheeks, and-" I start going on about it before he cuts me off.
"A carbon copy of me?" He asks, and I smile.
"Exactly that... but a girl would be nice too... She could sit with me while I sew, and I could make her the cutest clothes, and-" I stop, gasping, and turning to him. "Baby clothes! Oh my god, I can make baby clothes, this is the best thing EVER!" All my excitement pours out, and his smile is giant as he looks at me. "But I'm not going to get excited... Not until I know that this is real... I don't want to get my hopes up, and I don't want you to either..." I tell him, and watch his face, but the problem is, I know he's already got his hopes up. He's already thinking about names, and genders, and everything through his head right now. He wants this more than anything and I do too, but we can't lie to ourselves, we can't pretend there aren't underlying factors, and awful things that could come from this.. My only hope is that the two of us, and this relationship is strong enough to last through that if things do go wrong..

"God fucking dammit!" I groan out, and continue walking around the room, my hands on my hips, fingers pressing to my lower back. It's only been a week, and it feels like it's been eighty seven years of this.
"Hey, what happened to watching your mouth in front of our kid?" Harry mumbles from the couch, and I whip my head around, glaring at him.
"Shut your mouth, and don't open it again or I will do it for you.... Screw my language it feels like someone is squeezing all of the muscles in my back all at once" I speak with a pointed tone, another tight pain in my lower back shooting up. "UFGFGYGGGHHHH" I groan out again, throwing my head back.
"Can you please tell me why you're walking around the living room groaning like you're dying?" He asks, clicking the TV off.
"CRAMPS!" I scream out, and start walking around the island in the kitchen.
"Why don't you sit down love? Let me help you..." He comes up to me, and I continue walking.
"Don't touch me!" I groan out, letting my words grow longer, and I bend over.
"You're so temperamental." He mumbles, crouching down in front of me as I bend over in the middle of the kitchen, my legs straight, and my back flat.
"No, I'm not tempremental, I'm pregnant and I think you impregnated me with the spawn of Satan, why the fuck am I having cramps!" I scream out, and he smirks at me.
"You're so adorable.." He holds his hands in front of him, letting his arms rest on his legs.
"Oh shut up." I thin my eyes at him, and he keeps the same smirk.
"Not a chance... Come here baby let me take care of you." He reaches for me, and I stand up straight, groaning out.
"UGGGHHHH." I raise my voice.
"UGGGHHHH." He mimics, making fun of me as he walks with me back to the couch.
"Shut the fuck up." I groan, annoyed at him.
"That's not very kind." He furrows his brows at me, and I put my hands on my knees, breathing out.
"Neither was cumming inside of me, and knocking me up, but you don't see me complaining." I mumble, and he still manages to laugh, and I squeeze my eyes shut.
"That was very vulgar first of all, and second of all you are complaining, that's all you've done the past ten minutes..." He laughs, and I sigh.
"I'm sorry, this just really hurts." I mumble, the pain in my back growing.
"What can I do baby? How can I help? A heating pad?" He asks, and I nod silently, thinking about his choice of words.
"Are you... are you calling me baby now?" I ask, hearing the words in his voice.
"It kind of just slips out darling... How about I make you some tea, and rub your back, or your feet, or your shoulders, and then I'll make you whatever you want for dinner, or I can pick something up, whatever you want..." He mumbles to me, and really is the sweetest thing in the world, especially in these moments, especially since he found out about all of this.
"I don't even want to think about food right now, just please bring me you and a heating pad." I mumble, and he comes back in the room, plugging in the heating pad, and lifting himself, putting the pad on his lap, and laying me across it as well. "This sucks... baby is kicking my ass." I mumble, knowing it can only get worse from here.
"So you're referring to him or her as baby now?" He asks, and I nod my head, taking a deep breath. "This is normal right? We don't need to go to the hospital?" He asks, and I shake my head.
"The cramps are worse right now because my body is trying to get used to this, and it needs to stretch out so the baby can fit.. It's normal, there's no- UGHG... Nothing to worry about." I groan as I shift myself to lye flat on my back, the heat from the heating pad feeling more than amazing on my body right now. I have done so much research throughout the past week, and I sit up, pulling the sweatshirt off of my body, putting it at the end of the couch.
"Why are you... You know what, I'm not even going to ask." He mumbles, and I can feel his eyes on me as I lay there in a sports bra, and leggings now, my skin bare along with my bloated stomach.
"Heating pads are okay as long as they don't raise my body temperature too high, and I can't stay on it for too long, but it's healthier and safer than taking medication.. I just didn't want to get too hot." I tell him truthfully, reciting what I read online. I put and arms behind my head, resting on my hands, and stretching out my back as his hand travels. He rests it on my bare stomach, his ring danced fingers drawing circles over my stomach causing me to smile. It's the small things. The detail he puts in, just this gesture, the little finger swirls he makes along my stomach show me that this child is going to be so loved by his or her father... They're going to be his world...
"I'll turn it off in ten minutes, let you rest without it, and I'll turn it back on after some time... We'll sit here all day and alternate back and forth if we have too.. I just want you to feel comfortable." He tells me, and I look up to him, my eyes training on his lips as he speaks, looking down to me. "Want to know something?" He asks, and I nod, trying to distract myself from the throb of my back. "I remember imagining how you would look pregnant.. I thought about it from time to time." He tells me, and I furrow my brows.
"Really?" I ask, and he nods.
"I knew you'd be breathtaking as usual, I just know they say that women glow when they're pregnant, and I didn't think it was possible for you to glow anymore than you already did." He tells me, and I tilt my head. "I was wrong..." He tells me, and I feel my lips curl as I look at him, watching his green eyes watch me so helplessly. I can always see the love in his eyes, I can always look to him and feel undeniably loved, even when I'm fat, and pregnant, and moody, and hard to deal with... he loves me through that. It's been good. Neither of us have really been working, neither of us have had anything to do but enjoy this together... All we can do now is hope that the next few weeks will be smooth sailing for baby, and the two of us.


Song: Home by Bruno Major.

I ship El and Harry so hard like I never expected to love these two so much...

Also I feel like this really will be Harry dealing with his pregnant wife one day when she's all hormonal and irritated and he'll just be soft and cuddly and trying to be sweet IM EMOTIONAL.

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