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#1 in Hunt 4/9/2020 #1 in sexscenes 6/6/2020 #8 in love 4/2/2020 #9 in new story 4/6/2020 Serenity's on the r... More

A/N ✨
A/N ehhhh
A/ N


7.7K 329 31

Ren pov:
"We'll have the usual pepperoni pizza with ham. No alcohol tho so I'll just take a lemonade." The girls all agreed since she said the usual.
"Well actually I'll just have a salad with extra tomatoes  with ranch ,I'm a vegetarian."

Everyone looked at me oddly as they didn't expect me to speak up.
"Okay one large pizza with pepperoni and ham , salad with extra tomatos ,one lemonade , two waters , and one .....sa ssss um sagrina" mike had a hard time pronouncing it which caused the girls to laugh.

"It's Sangria idiota." Isabella spoke up
"Man what I tell you about coming in here with them complicated ass Drinks."
"Boy it's common sense Maldita estúpida."
"Hey M get ya friend before I throw her ass out again."
"tirar a tu culo gordo mamá."

"What you say about my mama ?" I laughed lowly. It felt good this energy I'm receiving was nice I couldn't wait to tell dad about them.

Twelve minutes into the lunch I learned something about everyone while we were filling our faces. Isabella was twenty four studying finance same as me. She lived alone and owns her own online shop where she sells clothes, and makeup. Also she lived in the rich part of town ,she just enjoys working with makaela and raven.

Raven was my age twenty two , she was getting her 'shit together' in her words. She lived not far from here in a two bed room apartment in the uptown buildings. Which had me thinking how much makaela pay them since they both lived in fancy places. She did hair on the days she didn't work.

Makalea was eighteen, she was also in college she graduated highschool at seventeen. She didn't stay on campus because she felt it wasn't for her so she'd drive home everyday after school and thank god it wasn't far. Her major was interior design and fashion. Isabella and her talked about clothes a lot at the table. It's cute she had a passion for something. She got into herbs when she was young. She said mom had a green house and that's how she got exposed to it.

"Ace , get yo ass down." His voice deep , smooth and filled with lust. My eyes wondered his tattooed neck and how that black shirt squeezed him nicely. I think his name was dominic wasn't it?  He looked different from the office.

His dog I assume is ace was jumping with joy happy about something.
So he's a dog person ?  So was I , Randy had cats and I despised cats , I smiled but quickly stopped I didn't want anyone knowing I was looking at him.

"So what about you Serena?" Raven voice broke me from my train of thought and gaze.

"Me what ?"
"Do you have someone your interested in or perhaps a boyfriend?" Isabella asked

'You think anyone want an ugly black bitch like you?'
'I love you'
'You're only good for dumbing my nut in'
'I love you'
'Here open wide and you better not bite.'
'I love you'

"I-I um .....," clearing my throat.
"No I don't do relationships."
"Damn girl at least when was the last time you got some dick?"
"Umm about two -three months ago." I wouldn't say it was pleasurable.
"Damn, my nana get more then you." Bella added as if I gave a fuck about dick let alone men in general.

"Hey you BITCH."
Our heads snapped to where that came from.
"You think it's okay to tell my sister she was just some fuck , who do you think you are to say that to anyone?"
Everyone eyes  we're on Dominic and the man with a blonde woman standing next to him.

"I mean I wasn't lying she was just a quick fuck." He shrugged taking his cup in hand.
"Bullshit." The unknown man slapped his drink from his hand.

"Oh shit , nigga asking for a beating." Mike cleared his throat
"Can I have everyone slide down closer to this end I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt." The customers slid down as he asked.
"Look I don't have my personal affairs in the place of work." Turing to the blonde woman.
"You seriously told your brother like that shit supposed to scare me." The man swung his fist towards Dominic but he missed it by a long shot.
"You pussy."
"We really doing this?"
"YOU BET YOUR ASS." He charged  at Dominic who hit the bar wall but he only laughed.
Next his fist hit the man face a couple times until he was barely standing.
"Okay okay break it up." Mike went to drag his friend off the unconscious man.

"Sorry folks for the disturbance, next round on the house." People cheering at the show and free promised drinks.

"You know damn well better to bring yo dumb ass up here now get the hell out." Mike yelled at the girl ,she was terrified. She dragged her bleeding brother out the bar and to god knows where.

"Shit That was sexy as fuck,ima need me a dom."
Bella had her eyes glued on him.
"Yea and watch how you get dickmotize and go all white girl cray cray." Makaela added lowly.
"Everyone knows he's a fuck boy." Raven whispered.

My phones started vibrating but I didn't recognize the number so I just let it go.
Then it rung again and again.
"Yo girl you gone get that?"
"Yea I have to use the restroom anyway."

Leaving my seat I walked pass a staring mike. Da hell was he looking at ?

Once I was in the restroom I answered my phone,
No response but I heard someone breathing in the other end it started to creep me out-


My heart dropped at the sound of his voice, instantly I could remember his smell , his touch , the taste of-
"I'm not your damn baby."
"I miss you so much."
I wanted to claw my ears off as if that was possible. I changed my damn number three times already.
"How did you get my number ?"
'Baby you forgetting who owns you , when you walk I'll know where , when you catch a plane I'll be there when it lands. Give it a few more days I'll find you.'

I hung the phone up angry as hell. It's true he'd find me and when he do my punishment won't be so pretty. People are going to get hurt and what's fucked up I liked it here.

Wiping my tears away I tried calming my self down before joining the crew again.

Walking out the lady's room I was bombarded by a dog more like a beast.
"What the fuck."
Ace jumped all over my legs with drool falling from his mouth.
"Ok ok down dog down ."

"ACE!" I looked up to Dominic leaning on the wall just across the hall with his arms folded. Ace stopped his attack and sat next to me but his tail kept wagging and he wanted me to play with him.

"He don't usually like people."
I looked up and for the second time out eyes locked .

   His calm blue eyes that resembled the ocean.

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