She Was Always There (Eremika...

By OneRealPerson

61.8K 1.3K 562

Taking place after finally seeing the ocean, Eren and Mikasa start to become more of aware of each other. The... More

Chapter 1- The Ocean
Chapter 2- If We Go Beyond The Sea
Chapter 3- Visions
Chapter 4- Memories
Chapter 5-Relations
Chapter 6-High Up
Chapter 7- Flowers and Rain
Chapter 9- Peaceful or So I Thought
Chapter 10- Infected
Just The Beginning
So Much To Say
The One I Do Not Know
Those Grey Eyes
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8- Run

3.3K 75 26
By OneRealPerson

Third POV
Eren stared. The black dead eyes open. Lifeless. The blood still fresh dripping from the open wound. Eren was horrified by what he was witnessing. Then he heard creaking coming from the stairs. Mikasa was about to walk in saying,

"Eren whats taking so long. Are you okay?" She says concerned.

Being pulled out of his trance and quickly reacting he says, "I'm fine, stay up there!" While holding the door shut careful that she doesn't see this sight. He didn't want her to see it. She didn't need to endure the death of an innocent creature. Not again.

*distant howling*

Eren flinched at the noise and was pulled completely into reality. If there's howling it meant.
Fresh blood, rotting corpse.
An animal.
Eren quickly runs up the stairs.
They had to get out of there now!

"Mikasa we have to go, this is where the Wolves feast. Their den is in the basement!" He exclaims with his eyes flaming.

Alarmed and a little nervous, Mikasa quickly gathers everything and shoves it away into her horse pack.
Eren jumps on to his horse and Mikasa does the same.
Mikasa's horse leads the way, speeding out the door not looking back.

*howling getting closer*


Map in hand, Mikasa examined the route needed to take to get back to the walls. She was determined to get them back without the danger of being harmed by the wolves.

Seconds turn to Minutes and time goes by and the wolves' howling echos farther and farther away.
The coast is clear.
Eren finally relaxes after being so tense.

Suddenly, Mikasa stops the horse in its tracks. Jaw dropped slightly, eyes bright with fear.
Eren stops and turns his horse to face her. He tilts his head slightly in question.

"Wh....what's wrong?" He says afraid to ask.
Then she didn't need to say anything. He noticed she didn't have her backpack. That held their gas and food.

Eren's eyes widen and he feels the panic filling back up through his body worse than before.
He walks his horse  closer to her. Rain still pouring  down.

Mikasa looks back at the map she's been holding for some time now.

"We aren't too far. About 20 or 30 minutes. We can probably get in and out." Mikasa explains.

Eren argues. "It's too dangerous. We can survive without it!"

"No Eren. We need the supplies. We don't know how much longer it will take to get back to the walls. We can't risk not having anything if we need it. We're going back" Mikasa says turning her horse around back in the direction of the path behind. Where they escaped.

Eren moves his horse in front of her.
"We aren't going back damnit! There's no point. We'll get killed! You're being delusional!" He says angrily with aggression.

Mikasa sighs. "We know where we left the supplies. We will be in and out before you know it. You don't even have to come in with me if you don't want. I can handle it on my.."
Eren cuts her off.

"What the hell is wrong with you! For one, You don't need to do something that dangerous. And even if we do that, you can't do it alone. You're strong but not invincible. Stop doing things alone! We've been passed this. We will go back. Now swallow your damn pride and let me help you!"

Mikasa flinches slightly. He's right, she realizes. She looks down and at the map. Then she looks up at Eren and hands him the map, giving him permission to take the lead. He takes it from her and watches as she backs her horse away, giving him space to move in front of her.

He nods. And pulls the reins of the horse making it trot to a run.

At this point, Eren and Mikasa are soaked. They slowly and cautiously approach the perimeter of the house.

Eren slowly gets off his horse. He looks at Mikasa and she jumps off, her feet not making noise while hitting the ground. They make eye contact and nod giving each other a signal to be careful and work together.

Eren going first, walks to the porch and creaks the door open.
He squints his eyes a little.

It's gotten darker since they were last here so it was much harder to see than before.
Slowly he walks in, Mikasa following.
She points at the table. There it is. The supplies they left behind.

Mikasa tip toes to the table and takes hold of the bag. She nervously puts it on her back.
For all they know the wolf den isn't empty and any second they could be attacked.

Just before walking out the door.

Just when they were in the clear and could escape, out comes a growling and ferocious beast. Mikasa notices its footing isn't grounded. It's hind legs are a little flexed.
It's going to jump!

Mikasa realizes this and gets in front of Eren.

"Eren run!" Mikasa yells, pushing him forward.
Just then, the slobbering creature leaps onto Mikasa, knocking her down. Mikasa does what she can to block the impact on her face and uses her arm as a shield, cringing as it bites down.

In a flash, the wolf freezes as it's impaled by long and sharp blade. Mikasa looks to see Eren holding his Titan slaying blade. He throws the dead wolf away from the sword and helps Mikasa up and takes her arm gently.

Before he could say or do anything else, they hear more wolves from downstairs. Growling.
They're not busy anymore.

Eren pulls her good arm out the door.
He checks to make sure her pack is in and that nothing else forgotten and helps her on her horse and then smoothly climbs onto his horse.
Eren POV
We speed fast. The wolves don't seem to be following us so we're okay.
It's so quiet.

The only thing heard is the rain slowly stopping and the hooves from the horses making impact with the ground.

But no talking. I know that Mikasa doesn't really feel okay at the moment. She can say she's fine but she could've died. Her silence mixed with her expression of pain makes me realize that she feels guilty. She left the gear behind but what happened wasn't her fault. She did everything perfectly.

Even though I didn't want to go, she was right for us to go back. And that bite mark probably hurts. I'm going to have to clean it soon. It could get infected.
I check the map. We seem to be on the right path. We should get to HQ in the next hour or so.
We're almost home Mikasa. Hold on a little longer.

Chapter 8 done! I'm so sorry that it's taking me longer to post. I put it off a lot and sometimes I can't think of what should come next. I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment feed back!

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