The Immortal Pure Blood (Read...

By RavenReads119

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Hello every one Revan here making my first story as all of you know i own nothing in Star Wars i wish i did i... More

About You
The Pro-log
Chapter 1 Korriban (Part 2)
Chapter 2

Chapter 1 Korriban (part 1)

342 2 2
By RavenReads119

A/N Hello everyone Revan here for the first actual chapter of this story the starting planet of the Sith Korriban and ending when you get to the fleet you will be going threw the story with all the classes including another sith inquisitor i will be using my characters for this except for one of the 2 Jedi knight i have a plane for that later you will meet the first two sith from the get go so ill just show them here right now first is the other inquisitor

Darth Jaira will be in the beginning when you start the character she is heavy on force lighting and sith magic she was also a slave but on Ryloth she has a dark sense of humor and is quick to jump into a battle but she does have a heart under all her scars. For her people who she wants to set free and make Ryloth a free planet she will be hard to open up to you but as time goes on she will open up to her fellow ex slave sith also i know i played her light side but she will tier towards the dark for this but will be light at the core.

Neya Cata the Sith warrior i originally just made her for this then i was gonna just not make her but after making her i decided to keep her i will be playing her after my bounty hunter. Neya is a Sith who has come from a long line of proud Sith she is a berserker she loves cutting down anything that cutting down anyone that pisses her off she has a short temper her favorite force ability is force choke she will be pure dark and prideful she will look down at all of you at first till you prove her your power. With nothing else to do that i can think about let the story begin for real.

Y/N pov. As the shuttle touched down and the four of you stepped off as you looked around the landing pad seeing old sith statues as you looked back at Vodia Rorae and Kory who were all mesmerized at the new view you chuckled then you four heard a angry man up ahead realizing you were wasting time you all went forward to see a red hair guy talking at the other acolytes in a angry tone then he looked over to the four of you with his scowl his name was Overseer Harkuun. Well well well look who decided to show up you slaves are late doesn't matter you will all be dead in the first trial there is only one person here who is worthy of the name sith now your task is to go to the tomb of Ajunta Pall there you will meet a old hermit named Spindrall he will give you your task to see if you are worthy to go to the next trial no doubt you will all parish slaves i am betting you first little human as he points at Kory. As she looks away in fear you step in front of her staring him down he looks up to you in rage only the weak protect the weak maybe you will be the first go drop like the trash slave you are get going before i kill you four right now he then walked away you then turned to Kory are you ok don't let that ass get to you he is nothing thank you Y/N don't worry ill become stronger to not hold y'all back we should get going don't wanna get left behind.

As the group made there way to the tombs they came across the local animal population that you were all to familiar as you grew up on Korriban had to kill more then your fair share of them out of defense and a need to eat as you arrived to the tomb you ran into a red Twi'lek killing 3 brutes a once but as she killed them a fourth guy hit her in the back of the head knock her out as he was about to kill her you threw your black saber at him impaling him to his shock as he fell to the ground lifeless. Spindrall looked at you in anger you should not have intervened in the ways of the sith the weak should be left to die your odds don't look so good with that sense of protecting them as she was wakening up to see the fourth guy dead next to her with a hole in his back in anger of letting a weak fool she shocked him to ash she then looked at you hay you did you save me she asked yes i did he had to sneak attack you to win he wouldn't have gotten far if that was his beast you told her well thanks surprised a sith would help me especially one who shares blood with the pure she said no problem and i don't share blood with pure blood i am pure blood one of the last along with my two sisters Vodia and Rorae they and this is my friend Kory they all waved at each other i am Darth Jaira nice to meet sith that are not asses like the rest. Well Jaira you will not not be a Darth anytime soon you have failed your test you are unworthy said Spindrall WHAT!?!? she screamed as she marched up to him how dare you old man i should kill you were you stand how dare you i am more sith then you she yelled at him in rage Kill me and all you will do is seal your faith slave as she was about to shock him you intervened hes not worth it all the sith are like this you did better then fine killing 3 men at once is no small feat she then smiled at you well thank you see old man a pure blood thinks i am worthy she said while never taking her eyes off you making the other three jealous well that means nothing to me hes a slave just like you he will need to prove himself all the same as you you all will.

As you got ready to face the old manes goons you pulled out you sabers and activated all your blades sucking the light out of the room with the main saber only producing light out of you white saber Jaira looked in awe as she never saw a saber that was not the basic single blade and red or having one for that matter looking at her training saber in disappointment as Spindrall sent 10 of his goons to fight you as you prepared your self you ran lightning threw your sabers not waiting you shocked the first 3 like while they were being fried you threw your white saber at another then you jumped at the other 4 as you caught your white saber and started to attack them as they tried to defend them selves to no avail you cut them all down in seconds seeing all your work you put your sabers away pleased with your work. Well done slave Spindrall said pissing you off maybe you could make it after all who is next Vodia stepped up you stopped her before she went foreword good luck show him what the L/N are made of she smiled and bowed her head thank you Y/N her heart fluttering in joy of your compliment she readied her purple double bladed saber once again Jaira looked in awe at the two beautiful purple blades as the next 10 goons came out Vodia did not even wait not wanting to stay any longer she went in with her saber like maul and started to cut them all down like it was a joke not even breaking a sweat they all laid on the ground in scorched bits well done slave Spindrall said. Next Rorae was the next to go you told her the same as you did Vodia she said thank you i a shy way making her face tern even more red then the natural red she was already she went up as Vodia came back to the group how was that she asked perfect i expect nothing less from you she hugged you and kissed you on the cheek before watching Rorae who saw her kiss you i will prove myself she said to her self as the next set of goons came out she activated her magenta cross saber once again Jaira was in awe for the third time how do you all have such beautiful sabers all the ones i see are basic and red nothing like you three we made them before our parents were killed in the great sith Massacre except for Rorae i helped her make hers while we were in slavery wow maybe you can help me make my saber after she said maybe as you all looked at Rorae she used her force lightning to blind the goons by melting their eyes she then went in and majestically around them as they tried to hit her to no avail she cut them all down like they were butter to a well a light saber as they all laid dead on the ground with pained looks on there faces and no eyes well done slave Spindrall said pissing everyone in the room off at the title he kept using now for the last one. How did i do Rorae asked in hopes of praise perfect a little dark for your taste guess that is me Kory said in mass nervous fit you turned to her and put your hand on her head do not worry Kory you will do fine just remember what i showed you ill try but i cant do what you guys can she said in fear of not going further and being killed then do you no one person fights the same you have your own form we built together just use it in confident and you will do perfect you said with a smile lost in your crimson eyes her face turned as red as yours now go and show him you are more then just a slave she went foreword determined to prove her self not to Spindrall but to you in hopes she could become your apprentices and lover as she was about to pull out her training saber you tossed your white one to her use just one blade it should be enough just be careful on not cutting your self would hurt more then even the force lightning you were hit with the other day. Right she said activating the single blade you started to do a battle meditation to help her threw the battle as the last batch of goons came out she readied her self getting into a deference stance as they came at her she steeled her self as the first one went in she blocked it followed by a swift counter one by one they they all tried to over power her to no avail as before she knew it they were all dead on the ground i am surprised i was certain you were gonna die well done right before he could say that word again you ran up to him with force speed and grabbed him by the neck say it again and ill break your neck he went silent. When you let go he went on well all of you have passed except for you Jaira she was about to kill him where he stood till you beat her to it what ever old man if you do not see her power like i do then ill take her on as my apprentices then she will show you wrong you said to her shock of joy you can not do that you are not a Sith yet i have more sith running threw my veins then all your years of teaching we are leaving as you turned around and saw Kory still surprised by what she did so well you walked up to her grabbing her hand see i told you would do great thank you Y/N i never would have done this without your help as she hugged you before handing back your saber.

As you five made your way to the sith temple you were all in awe of the ancient temple made by your ancestors thousands of years ago well shall we go in as yall made your way up to the entrance you came across a female Chiss talking to a half blood sith about where to learn more about the force till she said maybe a filthy alien like you can learn a thing or two abut the force. HOW DEAR YOU DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY FAMILY!?!? we have been a long line sith going back thousands of years we have been on the top since before the great Massacre you will show me respect no alien could ever win my respect only those of sith blood could as her blue skin started to turn purple from rage you came up taking both of there attentions ah one of the blood what do you say about these aliens will they ever be real sith you looked at the Chiss and could feel her raw power radiate off her i can sense from here she is more powerful then even you making the Chiss laugh while the half blood looked at you in anger who do you think you are she said in rage i am F/N L/N one of the last pure blooded sith alive along with my two sisters now half blood we will be going you said as you all went on with the Chiss catching up to you while still laughing while the half blood was left in rage. Hey Y/N was it i am Neya Cata that was to perfect thank you for saying that good to know not all sith are as prideful as that bitch are you in your trails to become sith she asked yes all of us are we just got done with that old fool Spindrall well i did not have to go threw him but since we are all going threw our trails at the same time why not team up to get it threw anyone who can see my power and respects it deserves to fight beside me well what do you say sounds like fun always wanted to fight along a a beautiful Chiss you said making her cheeks turn a very slight purple then its settled a team we are i did not get your other companions names well this is my sisters Vodia&Rorae my first friend besides my sisters Kory and the sexy red Twi'lek is Jaira Darth she said Darth Jaira you fixed your self to her joy well i look forward to working with you all ill catch up after i talk to my current master may the force be your ally she said in a happy dominant tone may the force be your ally.

A/N well thats were im gonna end this i was gonna make this all in one but its much more then i thought is was gonna be so there will be a part 2 to Korriban before going to Dromund Kaas well yall till next time may the force be with you always.

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