Trailer park boys


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-bubbles -Julian -Ricky I don't own any of these characters except (Y/N) (yes I in fact own you now lmao) More

Bubbles- kitties
AN (author note)
Ricky- new
An (author note)
Ricky- new (pt.2)
Ricky-new (pt 3)
Julian- rain on me
The boys- cookin'
Julian- sick
Julian- protective
Ricky- penis colada
Julian- switch (rigger!reader)
Ricky- Valentine's day special
Julian- Valentine's day special
Julian- jealousy
Julian- my dad's hot friend
Julian- my dad's hot friend (pt.2)
Julian- birthday special!
Bubbles-( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)
Julian- sexism, i think not.
Ricky- facetime fucking
The boys- throwbacks (part 1)
Julian- quartantine time
Julian- trailer cookouts
Julian- big juicy
Julian- treat u better
Julian- treat u better (part 2)
Ricky- Baking
Julian- not so innocent kissing
The boys- songs that remind me of them
Black Lives Matter
Another a/n
A/N (important)

Trinity- cool step mom

1K 18 4

  Trinity and I have always had a very close relationship, and anytime she needed advice, she's come to me. The whole reason Ricky and I are together is because she set us up on a little date. She's my little girly and I promised to protect her.

~part one (age 8)

   I took Trinity out to the park for a girls day out. I watched her play on the swings, from the bench. I opened up a book and started reading, occasionally looking up to see where she was. I heard heard a woman yelling so I looked up and found an angry woman yelling at Trin. It was like my soul left my body, I quickly walked over to see what's the commotion.

"You, are you her mother" the angry woman said sticking her finger in my face. "I'm her step mother, but what's the problem here" I said moving Trinity behind me. "That girl is wearing inappropriate clothes" she said waving her finger in my face. "How is a flannel, tank top and jeans inappropriate? Also if you wave your finger in my face one for more fucking time I will bite it off" I said making a biting motion. She gasped "It's boys clothes and watch your profanity" she said stomping her foot. "Listen woman you need to leave my kid and I alone or all call the cops" I said getting ready to leave.

"No cop will listen to you not with your boyfriends reputation" she said folding her arms and smirking. "The FUCK did you just say to me" I said stepping forward. "I know your little boyfriend is nothing but a low life criminal and his spawn will turn out just like him, a degenerate" she said. I slapped her so hard she fell back to the ground. Crying she screamed for help as fellow moms and watchers came to check if she was alright. I took Trinitys hand and we walked back to the trailer park.

~part two (age 12)

I was in the kitchen preparing meat to be cooked for supper when I heard Trinity call for me. I quickly washed my hands and walked over to her room. I knocked on the door but there was no response which worried me. "I'm in the bathroom" I walked in and she was sitting on the edge of the tub crying.

"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked. "I think I started the 'time of the month'" she said wiping her tears. "Oh sweetie, here" I said as I pulled a bag of pads out. I left the restroom as she fixed herself. "Trin have you put on some new clothes?" I asked before she opened the door.

I sat down on the bed beside her. "Listen normally you're mom will give you this talk but since I'm here, I guess I should let you know" I said. "Has your mom ever told you how babies were made?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, when you get to the age 9 through 15 body goes through changes, you will start developing breasts, and hair will start showing up In new places" I explained. "This is called puberty and this is the worst time of your life, but once it's over the outcome is normally really good" I explained.

   "Your period should last 5 to 7 days and if you having any questions don't be afraid to ask. There's many products you can use such as pads, and tampons, I recommend pads just till you feel comfortable enough to try tampons." I said. "Thanks" she said. I got up and walked back to the kitchen.

The guys were all in the kitchen/ dining room. "What?" I asked. "Look whose getting used to being a mom" Julian said laughing. "Shut the fuck up dude" I said laughing too. Ricky came up and gave me hug. "When's Sunday night dinner gonna be ready?" He asked. "I don't know but I'm gonna need all hands on deck" I said as we pulled out all the vegetables, seasonings and herbs for supper. I called Trinity out and we all helped make dinner. Bubbles made a special side dish and we all ate happily together as family

~Part 3 (age 16)

  "(Y/N)!" Trinity called out. "Yes" I said coming into Trinity's room. "I can't do my hair and I'm gonna be late for the dance" she said on the verge of tears. "Mi amor don't cry, I'll do your hair up" I said. I started sectioning her hair. "Straight or curly?" I asked. "Curly" she said. I turned on the curling iron and I rubbed in some heat protectant.

"Who's taking you?" I asked. "A hot linebacker on the high school team" she said. I started curling the first section. "What's his name?" I asked. "Jake" she said. "Oh hunny, be careful. Jakes are the biggest arseholes to exist, the one Jake I slept with 19 years ago sells insurance now" I said. "Yikes" she said. I curled her hair and when I got the the front I started on a victory roll. (The one 50s stereotypical hairstyle) I kept pinning the rolls till they were perfect.

"Sweetie you look so cute" I said. As she admired her hair in the mirror I began taking pictures of her gown, makeup and hair. "It's so pretty" she said hugging me. "I'm so glad you like it" I said hugging her back.

Ricky and I had dropped Trinity off about an two hours ago. Ricky said Julian needed him so I let them run off. I sat at home when I got a phone call.

"Hello?" I asked. "(Y/N) I need you" I heard her cry over the phone. "Sweetie are you ok? I'll be right there" I said as I quickly ran over to Laheys trailer. I know the guys don't like him but we really get along. I knocked on the door. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" He asked. "I'm not sure but I need a ride to Trinity's school?" I asked. "Ok" he said grabbing his keys. We loaded up in the car and set on our way to the school.

Once we got there I saw Trinity sitting on the sidewalk crying. "Sweetie come here" I said as she ran to hug me. We got In the car and Lahey drove us home. "Thank you lahey" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek goodbye. I took Trinity inside.

"What happened?" I asked as I sat Trin on her bed. "He t-touched me" she said sniffling. "Where?" I asked. She pointed to where. "Sweetie come here" I said, she laid her head in my lap as I stroke her hair. "Everything is going to be alright, I'm here and I'll protect you" I said running my hands through her hair. She soon fell asleep in my lap. I took out her pins and I took off her makeup and put her in fresh pajamas.

When Ricky, Julian and Bubbles got back I told them what happened. We took it into our own hands and went the legal route to deal with the situation, we discussed the options with Trin and she decided to not press charges but the boy did get expelled.

Part 4 (age 20)

Trinity and I laid on the couch talking. "Ok promise me you won't get mad" she said. "Hunny you know I never get mad" I said. "I'm dating this guy" she said. "Who's he?" I asked. "Jacob" she said. I awed and embarrassed her. "You know your dads not gonna like that" I said laughing.

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