Tom Holland and Friends: Imag...

By sadSche

4.5K 68 14

Just some day dreams that I decided to write about. Some of them will have multiple parts to them, but others... More

Tom Holland/Your First Premiere
Tom Holland/Young Lovers
Peter Parker/I have a question
Peter Parker/ Why Her?
Harry Holland/ Meeting the Family?
Peter Parker/ He saved my life, but somehow I saved his
Tom Holland/ Young Lovers Pt. 2
Tom Holland/ Your Best Friends Brother
Tom Holland/Grounded
Peter Parker/Why Her? Pt. 2
Tom Holland and Harrison (AU)/A Sociopath
Tom Holland AU/ A Selection Tale
Tom Holland/ You know whats sad?
Tom Holland AU/ A Selection Tale pt. 2
Peter Parker/ Lemon the Cat
Peter Parker AU/ The Young
Peter Parker AU/ The Young pt.3
๏ฟผ Announcement๏ฟผ
Tom Holland/ i just thought id let you know...

Peter Parker AU: The Young pt.2

33 1 0
By sadSche

Warning: The chapter contains mature content (sexual harassment) if you are uncomfortable with this feel free to skip the through the part. I will have *** at the beginning and end of it of the part that contains it.

You glare at your brother.

"I can't stand Peter anymore, I mean he was cool when I first met him, but he was a douche to Y/b/f/n." Damien whispers, Cam and I nod in agreement.

"I don't know, I think he's alright, but then again I don't really know what went on between him and Y/b/f/n." Sara says, and two of your other members nod in agreement to her statement. Their names being Loretta and Gavin.

"Yeah, and you guys don't go to school with him, so you really don't know what he's like." You state, proceeding to glare at your brother.

Harrison looks at you and sighs, waving you over.

Loretta starts to speak but you cut her off.

"My brothers asking for me, but believe me he's awful." You say, staring at those three who defended Peter.

You jog up to your brother just as he sends Peter away.

"Ok, in my defense, Peter was very persistent. He just wouldn't let up. He was bugging me about it all afternoon." Harrison says, backing away slightly as your gaze gets darker.

"And you're going to deal with it because I am your leader and he is also my second in command, which means he's above you in status. And what I say goes," Harrison states, looking down on you like a child.

"Jerk." You say, punching him in the stomach.

You go to walk away but your brother pulls you backwards and squeezes you into a tight hug.

"Be nice, I don't need my second in command dying, ok?" He asks.

"Fine," you state, worming your way out of the hug and walking over to Y/b/f/n.

"If you came over here to complain, you better turn your butt right back around, cause I'm not putting up with that again." Y/b/f/n says as you walk up.

Y/b/f/n is a techie, so she communicates with my division and the spotters. She was probably happy to find out that she wouldn't be working with him for this run.

"I wasn't...." you say, guilt all of your face. Y/b/f/n laughs.

"Do you want to come over to my house after this, and we can like watch a movie or something. My parents won't care." You ask.

"Sure, but I'm picking the movie."
Y/b/f/n says.

"Ok, but that means you give up your right to pick the snacks." You state, pointing at her in a sort of warning.

Y/b/f/n goes to speak but is interrupted.

"Y/n! Come over here." Cameron yells, and you turn around to see him aggressively waving at you.

"Gotta go, I'll talk to you in a bit." You say, quickly walking over to your division.

"What?" You ask annoyed.

"It nothing urgent, I just don't like being near Peter without someone to stop me from strangling him. I know Damien won't stop me, so I need you." He says quietly, slinging an arm around your shoulders casually. You notice Peter stiffen as he sees Cam do this.

"Ok, everyone let's get going, it's dark enough to move around without anyone noticing us. Please be careful. Communication is key for this to go over safely. Remember, we're only killing one elderly so let's make it quick so we can all get home at a decent hour." Harrison shouts and the attackers and spotters start running to the warehouse exit.

"We can do this!" Damien yells, pumping his fist in the air. Your division laughs.

~45 minutes later~

You check the time on your phone, the clock reads 7:32 pm.

The techies found you a target. His name is Larson. He lives in a small studio apartment on the top level of a big apartment complex.

Larson has no wife but he has 20 or so biological children and around 30 grandchildren. He has no relationship with any of his kids or grandkids, so the techies speculate that he's a pimp or something like that. And according to some of the text messages on his phone, he's expecting a working girl anytime now.

Killing the elderly like this guy makes you feel a little less guilty. People like him deserve whatever's coming to them. They use their power to cause pain for others, so taking him out is only really helping those he's hurting.

"What's the best way into the building?" You ask, speaking into your earpiece.

"The is roof is the best bet. There's a door up there that leads down to the top floor." Harrison says, "and there's a fire escape on the other side of the building that leads all the way to the roof."

"Damn, this is easier than I thought it was gonna be." Damien says confidently.

"Don't get too cocky Dami, this guys a pimp. He probably has some sort of security. I doubt he's alone up there." Cameron says, and your entire group nods in agreement.

You peer up at the apartment from the small alleyway you're hiding in, squinting you see small figures moving around the studio apartment.

"Yeah, he's definitely not by himself. We're going to have to be careful. I think we should go in waves. Two or three of us go in at first and if they need back up the next wave goes in." Loretta says quietly.

"Y/n, Gavin, and I will go in first, then Loretta and Sara, last resort will be Cameron and Damien. Sound good to everyone?" Peter asks, looking at everyone, and we all nod.

"Ok, let's head up, but we have to make it staggered so we don't look suspicious to pedestrians. One person goes first, and then the rest will go in pairs every couple minutes." Cameron states.

Everyone looks at each other, some have fear in their eyes, the rest look determined.

"Who wants to go all by themself?" Damien asks, and no one says anything.

"Noes goes." Sara whisper shouts and everyone puts a finger on their noes quickly.

You can hear laughing in your earpiece, and your brother mutters "bunch of wimps" under his breath with a slight chuckle.

"Gavin you're first." Sara points, and you can see his entire body shudder.

"Ok." He walks out of the alleyway cautiously, and crosses the street quickly, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Once he's over there you see him slowly start to walk up the fire escape.

You and Damien look at each other, and he signals you to come with him.

As you and Damien exit the alleyway, you grab his hand to make it seem like you're a couple. He looks at you and squeezes your hand gently.

As you walk across the street, you spot Gavin who is already at the top of the building.

You make your way to the fire escape and then walk up the stairs.

As you guys make it to the top, Cameron and Loretta quickly walk across the street. They are making conversation to try and make them blend in with everything around them.

After a little bit, you all make it to the top of the building.

"Ok, Spotters and Techies are we a go?" Peter asks.

"Everything is clear, on our part at least." A Spotter named Laney responded.

"Everything looks good here, you guys should be ok to go." A Tech named Alec says quietly.

Peter signals to you and Gavin to go in.

As soon as we got down to the top floor, Peter knocked on Larson's door.

You heard heavy footsteps approaching the door, Peter and Gavin stepped out of the way leaving you the only one in the doorway.
"What?" An angry voice asks, cracking open the door.

You immediately mute your mic and fake a smile at the obviously drunk guy.

"Well aren't you a lovely girl. Would you like to come in and keep me company?" He asks, and your smile falls.

He opens the door all the way, gesturing for you to come in.

You quickly look at Peter and Gavin who are now hidden behind the door. They nod at you, both looking slightly worried.

"Thank you," you say sweetly as you follow Larson into the apartment. Making sure to leave the door open slightly so the guys can get in without making much noise.

"Would you like anything to drink dear? Or would you like to get straight to business?" He asks you, grabbing onto your waist and whispering into your ear.

You shudder and pull away slightly.

"Um, I'll have a drink." You say quietly, and Larson let's go of you.

You walk over to the small island in the middle of his small kitchen and watch him pour two large glasses of wine. You're silently hoping that Peter and Gavin would be coming in soon before things start escalating.

"Too bad my friends missed you. I'm sure they would have enjoyed you." Larson says casually, and you look down at your hands.

Well, on the bright side, at least he's alone.

"But what fun would that be for me. I don't like sharing beautiful girls like you." He says, handing the glass of wine to you.

Sitting down, he grabs your thigh and rubs it.

"You're awfully quiet. I don't really like quiet girls. Although that might change when you're in bed. I've found that the quiet ones are the loudest in bed." Larson says, and you have to stop yourself from gagging.

"I don't really like talking to my 'clients'." You state, looking around at his apartment.

As you're looking around, Larson seems to be getting even more sloppy as he drinks.

He pulls you closer to him, and starts fondling you.

It takes everything in you to not push him away.

Where the hell are they?!

"So, how much do I have to pay you to keep you here all night?" He asks slyly.
"Your life." Peter says, and a gunshot goes off.

You look over at your entire division, and then at Larson who's head is now lying in your lap. His head is bleeding everywhere, soaking your black pants.

Gavin and Loretta quickly get the body off of you, then Damien and Cameron run up to hug you.

"Y/n Y/l/n don't ever do that again. You could have gotten yourself hurt." Cameron says, grabbing your face and checking your face for any signs of damage.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me." You say pushing away Cameron's hands.

"When we walked in here, Gavin and Cam had to stop me from lunging at the guy. He was all over you. That slimy, disgusting guy was... was..." Damien shakes his head and hugs you.

Peter walks over to your little group.

"I'm never letting you do something like that again. That guy was nasty, and I didn't even see half the shit he must have done to you." Peter says, disgust in his voice.

"Hey, it could have been worse, his friends could have been here with him." You say, trying to shrug off the entire situation off even though you're thoroughly shaken up.

Everyone stares at you.

"Ok, yes it could have been worse, but what happened to you was pretty bad, so don't you dare act like it was nothing. Loretta, Gavin, and Sara are you guys done with the cleanup?" Cameron asks, looking over at them.

"Yes, everything is good," Sara says, and you all walk out of the apartment.

"Y/n, you're lucky I ordered all of them to mute their mics otherwise Harrison would be going off on you. Speaking of which, I should probably let them know what's going on. I'd imagine they're panicking at this point." Peter says as you guys walk down the fire escape.

"But before we tell them, can everyone promise not to say a word about what happened in there? I'd rather my brother didn't know." You ask, and they all say yes.

"Ok, the kill is done. We've cleaned everything up already, and we're heading back to the warehouse." Peter says into his earpiece.

You put on your earpiece to listen and immediately wish you hadn't.

"What the actual hell happened?!" Harrison yelled into his microphone.

"Nothing, we just swiftly killed the target that's all. It really no big deal." You say, brushing your brothers worries off.

"Um no, it's not nothing. And this is not the time for joking Y/n. We completely lost communication with you guys! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Harrison says, and you immediately feel guilty.

"I'm sorry Harrison, it won't happen again," Cameron says quietly.

"Damn right it won't. I'll be with you guys for the last practice run and the first few kills of the competition." Harrison says angrily and turns off his earpiece.

"Well, that did not go well," Damien says, and you push him.

~skip to the warehouse~

As your division walks into the warehouse, Harrison quickly runs up to you and pulls you aside.

"Do you know how scared I was? I know what this guy has done, and the idea of sending my own sister into that scared the living hell out of me." He yells slightly, and you gently rub his back.

"Hey, I'm ok." You say, hugging him lightly.

He looks at you and sighs.

"That was our fastest kill this year. And it's only like 9:30 pm." You say, trying to get his mind off of what happened.

"I know, and I'm proud of the team. But that still doesn't change the fact that your group deliberately disobeyed me." He states, letting you go.

"Yes, Harrison, I understand that. But we did what needed to be done. And it was best that you didn't hear what went down. If you did, you would have screwed up the entire operation." You state, walking away,

"Wait just a damn minute, what aren't you telling me?" Harrison yells, but you ignore him, and head over to your locker.

You take out your spare set of clothes and change into them.

After about 10 minutes you're ready to leave.

"Hey Harrison, Y/b/f/n is coming over to watch a movie, and she'll probably sleepover. So like can we stop and get some snacks?" You ask your voice sickly sweet.

"Are mom and dad ok with that?" He asks as you guys walk to your car.

"Yes, and Y/b/f/n will be there at like 10:30, so that gives us an hour to stop for snacks."

"Fine, but I'm also having some friends from the spree over. And yes I already verified with mom and dad. So you're going to have to deal with that." He says, and you guys pull into the closest gas station to your house.

"And by they way, don't you dare think I forgot about what you said earlier. I will find out what happened today, I do not care what I have to do to get it out of you, because I am determined to know."

~1 hour later~

*ding dong*

"That's Y/b/f/n, I'll get it!" You yell, running down the stairs and grabbing the door.

"Damn it's freezing." You yell, and
Y/b/f/n laughs, walking in.

"Ok, what movie are we watching?" You ask, as you guys walk up to your room.

"Tangled," she says, promptly jumping onto your bed and grabbing the remote to your small tv.

"Ok, sounds good." You say, pulling the covers over you.

"What snacks did you get," she asks, peeking into the bag of goodies.

"Oooo." Y/b/f/n says, pulling out a bag of Reese's, as well as a bag of Carmel and Cheddar mixed popcorn.

"I know. I'm the best," you say, grabbing the bag of popcorn.

About halfway through the movie, you hear the doorbell.

"That's probably Harrison's friends." You say, ignoring your friend's look of curiosity.

She gets up and opens the door.

"Y/b/f/n, what are you doing!?" You whisper shout, following her as she leaves your room.

"I wanna know who's all here," she says. Peering down the stairs.

"Its Peter, Alec, Cameron, and Damien. I'm not really surprised about Peter and Alec being her, but I'm definitely surprised that Dami and Cam are here." Y/b/f/n whispers to you.

You quickly pull Y/b/f/n into your room before they notice you guys snooping.

"I wouldn't say I'm too surprised. Cam and Dami were in the spree from the very beginning. So Harrison is really close with them now. Peter used to be close to them, but after everything that happened, he's not so close to them." You state.

"Yeah I guess." Y/b/f/n says, turning Tangled back on.

Not even 10 minutes later, you hear a knock on your door.

"Hey Y/n and Y/b/f/n, would you guys like to play a game with us?" Harrison asks, looking into your room.

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