My Desire♥

By liannastyles14

609 43 18

Penelope is a goody too shoes.Who never gets in trouble nor doesn't let anyone get to her. She doesn't trust... More

Getting Answers
Trying To Be More
Not knowing what to do
Finding My heart♡
Only one ♥
Losing life
Sibling Talks
War is love
Getting You back
Needing You♥
His Past
I'm Sorry
Drunk and Confused
Be Mine Again
Will You????
The Wedding :)
On The Way
Happily Ever After.

Try to fiqure things out

46 3 1
By liannastyles14

A couple of months later

Penelope's P.O.V

Harry and I were having a blast at the Carnival. Well harry and I have been making our friendship work for those couple of months.As for adam;I haven't decided to tell him that I love harry.I get the fact that he does but I like him as a friend.Even though that's messed up because he was there for me;when harry wasn't.

Meanwhile harry and I were on one of my favorite rides.Which was the carousel. While we were on the ride; harry kept taking pictures of me.Well he decided to bring his camera for memories.

After that ride in the carousel. We both ate hot dogs and drank grape juice.He then decided to get me an oversized teddy bear.He won and gave me the teddy.He's so perfect.

*Sexual content up ahead* ;)

Later that night

Harry decided to crash at my place.

When we both entered my bedroom door; harry and I were cracking up.Well because of the fact that this teenage boy had accidentally spilled his drink on a teenage girl.He said sorry but then turned and slipped on banana.Harry and I were worried but started laughing like crazy.

"Oh my god I still can't believe that hahahhahahahahha" harry said.

"I know right hahahahaha"

He then calmed down and looked at me.

"What?" I said uncomfortable.

"Your just so........beautiful"
"Hahaha very funny styles"
"Im not kidding"

I forgot to say that he was abit buzzed at the time.

"I think you need a nap"

I was prepping up my bed.When harry was behind me and was unbuttoning my plaid shirt.

"Harry what are you doing" I said turning to face him.

"I just.......want to make love to you"
"Umm......why don't you make love to me in youre dreams"
"I want to do that in reality"

He then came closer to me and got my hand in his.I then felt calm.I closed my eyes for abit.Then felt sweet lips on mine.

I then opened my eyes and pushed him away.We stared at eachother. Minutes later; I then grabbed harry and start kissing him.

He then picks me up and was still kissing me.We were both making out on the wall.

Minutes after he takes off my shirt and I do the same for him.He then turns and we both land on the bed.He takes off my pants and I do the same for him.

He then gets a condom out of his pocket and rips it open with his teeth. He then tells me to place it on his dick.I do just that and he starts thrusting into me.He was so fucking hard and slow.He was fast when I told him to go fast.He was so good.This is so wrong but feels so right.

We had sex all through the night.

Next morning

Harry's P.O.V

I woke up abit dizzy.I got up from the bed and headed to the loo.I got out and washed my hands.Then I layed back in the bed.I slowly went back to sleep; then I realize that I have no clothes on.Fuck what happened last night.I put my clothes back on and then Penelope wakes up.

"Good morning" she said happily.

"Morning.Do you want to tell me why I was naked on youre bed" she then looks down.

"Well its a long story"
"Please dont tell me that your also naked"
"Oh my god FUCK"
"harry calm down"
"Harry you wanted to have sex"
"WAIT WHAT!!!!!"
"Harry my family is sleeping"
"harry come here"

I then looked at her.I laid on her stomach. I just.I dont know what to say.Just the fact that I have to calm down.I felt her hands stroking my hair in a slow motion.

I feel so relaxed when im with her.

Adams P.O.V

I feel so bad for sending her those text messages. She won't call me back or text me back.She probably hates me.Or she might have hidden feelings for me.Man adam stop thinking the impossible.

Meanwhile I was at my homies house.He was cooking some food; while I was over thinking things.

He then said."hey adam why are you over thinking?"
"Its that obvious"
"Well I know my best friend"
" that does explain a lot"
"So why are you over thinking? Is something wrong?"
" well when you put it like that"
"What is it"
"Umm.I kind of like this girl"
"Oh my god what is she like? Is she beautiful?  Does she like you back?"
"Ok she is very nice and caring:she is very beautiful; and she doesnt like me"
"Oh no dude"
"I know I thought maybe she likes her friend harry"
"You know what"
"Do you want to win her heart?"
"Yea of course"
"Then we should make her hate harry and make her run to you"
"What! Are you insane? "
"Just trying to help"
"Fine we will try youre dumb plan"
"But how are we going to make her hate harry? "

Penelopes P.O.V

After that awkward moment with harry.I still don't understand why he would get mad if we had sex.

Anyway when harry decided to leave; I stood home.I putted on some sweats and a tank top.I went downstairs and ate some pancakes. I layed on the couch watching t.v.

I then thought about last nights actions. It was amazing. Fantastic and inspiring.

I just want to be his.

Harry's P.O.V

I drove to the beach; to cool down abit.I sat on the sand and watched the ocean.I understand of why I got her in bed.Im in love with her and I can't except that.Im such a jerk to her.I still can't believe that she's still my friend. I treat her so bad; yet she still wants to hang out.

I've always wanted to know why.

Then later on ed sheeran calls.

#phone call#
#hey harold#
#so are you busy?#
# no not really#
#can we hang out#
#yea of course#
#ok I will meet you at seven 11#
#ok see ya#
#Phone call ends#

I got up and went to my car.While I was walking towards my car.This teen tried flirting with me.She was pretty but out of my limit.Then I jumped in the front seat and the same chic was staring and flirting on me.I just smiled at her then left.

After what seems like an hour.I finally arrive at seven 11.

I see ed leaning on his car.

I park and meet up with him.

"Hey harry"
"Hi ed"

"Hows it going"
"Its great" I say sarcastically.

"Cool ; so can I get you a drink"

He then go's in the store and buys me a Pepsi. I just stand there and just admired the place.Ed paid and we both left.He then said"why don't we hang out anymore"
"Well im busy"
"All the time"
"Yea pretty much"
"Oh do you want to go and get a tattoo"
"Um sure"

Ed went in his car and I told him that I would follow him.To wherever this tattoo shop is at.

Meanwhile I thought of what had happened last night.Between Penelope and me.

Penelopes P.O.V

While I was laying on the comfy couch.I heard my mom screaming.

I ran upstairs to see why she was screaming. I then saw her disgusted face when she saw me.

"Penny" she said angrily.

"Yes mom"
"Why are there 4 condoms on the side of the bed"
"Oh shit" I said quietly.

"Did you think I was never going to fiqure it out sooner or later"
"Fiqure what out"
" that your a hooker" she then started crying.

"Mom no im not"
"Then explain those" she pointed at the condoms on the floor.

"Well I play with myself"
"I don't understand"
"Well I get one condom and I put it on my finger then I stick it up my vagina"
"Oh are you horny a lot"
"Mom can we not talk about this"
"Yea of course"
"And dont tell anyone"
"Of course"

I then felt relived and abit weirded out about what I said to my mom.I just covered harry and mine ass.That's a good thing.I helped my mom with the chores and decided to find harry.For some reason my heart told me to find him.

Harry's P.O.V

Ed went to a small tattoo shop.We both parked and checked it out.It was quit interesting. Ed suggested that I get a new tattoo. I agreed and sat down on a chair.He said that he would pay for it.

Ed said that it was all on him.He also told the tatoo artists to paint something next to my elbow. I was scared at first.Then felt relived when ed gave me an alcoholic drink.Not going to lie but I thought that was Apple juice.I didn't feel a thing.I then looked at my elbow. Looking at the mysterious tatoo.It was a alcohol bottle saying you booze you lose.What did I get myself into.

Penelopes P.O.V

While I was driving around.My uncle ted called and told me to get him new needles.I got some at big lots.I knew why needed them.You see he's a tattoo artists. He has a small tattoo parlor. I drove as fast as I could.I parked and entered the door.I saw a guy who was a red head.He had many tattoos as well as his fellow friend curly.I couldn't find my uncle though.I then bumped into the red head and I said sorry.Then I heard curly say"oh my god Ed you are so  dead!"
"Haha" he laughed.

When curly said that to his friend ed.His voice reminded me of Harry's voice.I decide to get closer to curly and realize that it is harry.I then look at his new tattoo on his elbow saying you booze you lose.I then felt as if that message was from last nights actions. I suddenly feel a tear developing in my eyes.Harry then turns and recognizes me.He then says"I could explain"
"Fuck you harry"

I then ran to my car and drove off.

Omg what do you guys think.Btw more updates on the way.Leave questions on the comments. Also merry Christmas and a happy new year: )
Should Penelope forgive harry?
Will harry ever know why she ran away?

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