Total Drama Brutally Honest O...

By Nicguy101

611 25 34

Ships, opinions, thoughts, etc. More

The Seasons.
Brutally Honest Gwen Edition
Gwen and Heather
Courtney and Heather


81 2 2
By Nicguy101

Now just as a disclaimer to all the Gwuncan I'm sorry but this is just my opinion (please feel free to disagree but PLEASE be respectful)

    I strongly dislike Gwuncan. I ship them as best friends way better.
In season 1 they were great friends but argued sometimes.

In season 2 Gwen had a crush on Duncan while she was still with Trent well she liked him in the reunion episode but still. I wish Duncan and Gwen stayed friends but anyways.

In season 3 Duncan cheated on Courtney with Gwen. I would appreciate them more if Duncan broke up with before kissing Gwen but I understand. As much as I dislike Gwuncan I will give them credit it made drama this is a reality show called total drama so Gwuncan being a thing made the show more interesting BUT I wish they stuck with Duncney and Gwent.

  In season 5 they were okay I suppose. I'm sorry but I loved when they broke up but I wish it had build up their break up was random and out of nowhere. Their break up was one of the few things I liked about all stars. I'd take them over Scottney any day.

Overall rating: 4/10

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